Esempio n. 1
def get_content_list(per_page=20):
    Create a query over ``Content`` objects using query string parameters.

    :param per_page:    number of items to return per page
    :returns:           ``QueryResult`` object
    search = request.params.getunicode('q', '').strip()
    status = request.params.get('status')
    license = request.params.get('license')
    votes = request.params.get('votes')
    page = int(request.params.get('p', '1'))

    q = Content.query()
    if search:
        keywords = Content.get_keywords(search)
        if len(keywords) > 1:
            q = q.filter(ndb.AND(*[Content.keywords == kw for kw in keywords]))
        if len(keywords) == 1:
            q = q.filter(Content.keywords == keywords[0])
    if status:
        q = q.filter(Content.status == status)
    if license == 'free':
        q = q.filter(Content.is_free == True)
    elif license == 'nonfree':
        q = q.filter(Content.is_free == False)
    elif license == 'unknown':
        q = q.filter(Content.license == None)
    if votes == 'asc':
        q = q.order(+Content.votes)
    elif votes == 'desc':
        q = q.order(-Content.votes)
    q = q.order(-Content.updated)

    count = q.count()

    if not count:
        return QueryResult([], count, 1, 1)

    npages = int(math.ceil(count / per_page))

    if page * per_page > count:
        page = npages

    offset = int(per_page * (page - 1))
    return QueryResult(q.fetch(per_page, offset=offset), count, page, npages)
Esempio n. 2
def get_content_list(per_page=20):
    Create a query over ``Content`` objects using query string parameters.

    :param per_page:    number of items to return per page
    :returns:           ``QueryResult`` object
    search = request.params.getunicode('q', '').strip()
    status = request.params.get('status')
    license = request.params.get('license')
    votes = request.params.get('votes')
    page = int(request.params.get('p', '1'))

    q = Content.query()
    if search:
        keywords = Content.get_keywords(search)
        if len(keywords) > 1:
            q = q.filter(ndb.AND(*[Content.keywords == kw for kw in keywords]))
        if len(keywords) == 1:
            q = q.filter(Content.keywords == keywords[0])
    if status:
        q = q.filter(Content.status == status)
    if license == 'free':
        q = q.filter(Content.is_free == True)
    elif license == 'nonfree':
        q = q.filter(Content.is_free == False)
    elif license == 'unknown':
        q = q.filter(Content.license == None)
    if votes == 'asc':
        q = q.order(+Content.votes)
    elif votes == 'desc':
        q = q.order(-Content.votes)
    q = q.order(-Content.updated)

    count = q.count()

    if not count:
        return QueryResult([], count, 1, 1)

    npages = int(math.ceil(count / per_page))

    if page * per_page > count:
        page = npages

    offset = int(per_page * (page - 1))
    return QueryResult(q.fetch(per_page, offset=offset), count, page, npages)
Esempio n. 3
def create_post():
        post = Content(title=request.form['title'],
        return jsonify({'success': 1, 'post_id': str(post._id)})
    except ValidationError as e:
        logger.warning('Failed to create new post. Exception: {}'.format(
        return jsonify({
            '{} : {}'.format(error_msg.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT,
        }), 400
Esempio n. 4
def get_content_or_404(id):
    Return content entity or abort with HTTP 404 if none is found.

    :param id:  id of the content
    :returns:   ``Content`` object
    content = Content.get_cached(id)
    if not content:
    return content
Esempio n. 5
def get_content_or_404(id):
    Return content entity or abort with HTTP 404 if none is found.

    :param id:  id of the content
    :returns:   ``Content`` object
    content = Content.get_cached(id)
    if not content:
    return content
Esempio n. 6
def get_common_context(extra_context={}):
    Return base context for handlers in this module
    sel = request.params.get('select', '0') == '1'
    ctx = dict(per_page=PER_PAGE_CHOICES,
    return ctx
Esempio n. 7
def handle_manual_add():
    url = request.params.get('url', '').strip()
    title = request.params.getunicode('title', '').strip()
    license = request.params.get('license') or None
    archive = request.params.get('archive') or None

    errors = {}
    if not url:
        # Translators, used as error message on failure to submit content
        errors['url'] = _('Please type in a valid URL')

    if not errors:
            content = Content.create(url=url,
  "Created content for '%s' (real url: '%s')", url,
            response.flash(_('Content has been added'))
            redirect(i18n_path(PREFIX + '/'))
        except Content.InvalidURLError as err:
            logging.debug("URL error while parsing '%s': %s", url, err)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('This URL is invalid')
        except Content.FetchError as err:
            logging.debug("Fetch error while parsing '%s': %s (%s)", url, err,
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('The page at specified URL does not exist')
        except Content.NotAllowedError as err:
            logging.debug("Access error while parsing '%s': %s", url, err)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('The page must be accessible to robots')
        except Content.ContentError as err:
            logging.debug("Content error while parsing '%s': %s (%s)", url,
                          err, err.error)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('The content on the page could not be '
                              'understood, please provide and URL to a valid '
                              'web page')
        except Content.BotError as err:
            logging.exception("Error while fetching '%s':  %s", url, err)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('There was an unknown error with the URL')

    return get_common_context(dict(vals=request.forms, errors=errors))
Esempio n. 8
def bulk_create(rows, check=False):
    content = []'Enqueued bulk import with %s rows', len(rows))
    for url, title, license, archive, partner, timestamp, replaces, notes in rows:
        ts = datetime.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')
                    license=license or None,
                    archive=archive or None,
                    replaces=replaces or None,
                    notes=notes or None,
                    partner=partner or None,
                    is_partner=partner != '',
                    check_url=check and not url.startswith('outernet://'),
        except Exception as err:
            logging.exception("Error while adding content with URL '%s'", url)
    logging.debug('Successfully importent following:\n\n%s',
                  '\n'.join([ for c in content]))
Esempio n. 9
def get_content_list():
    Create a query over ``Content`` objects using query string parameters.

    :param per_page:    number of items to return per page
    :returns:           ``QueryResult`` object
    search = request.params.getunicode('q', '').strip()
    archive = request.params.get('archives')
    license = request.params.get('license')
    votes = request.params.get('votes')
    notes = request.params.get('notes')
        page = int(request.params.get('p', '1'))
    except ValueError:
        page = 1
        per_page = int(request.params.get('pp', '20'))
    except ValueError:
        per_page = 10
    if per_page not in ALLOWED_PER_PAGE:
        per_page = 10

    q = Content.query()
    if search:
        keywords = Content.get_keywords(search)
        q = q.filter(ndb.AND(*[Content.keywords == kw for kw in keywords]))
    if archive:
        q = q.filter(Content.archive == archive)
    if license:
        if license == 'NONE':
            q = q.filter(Content.license == None)
        elif license == 'FREE':
            q = q.filter(Content.license.IN(Content.FREE_LICENSES))
        elif license == 'NONFREE':
            q = q.filter(Content.license.IN(Content.NONFREE_LICENSES))
            q = q.filter(Content.license == license)
    if votes == 'asc':
        q = q.order(+Content.votes)
    elif votes == 'desc':
        q = q.order(-Content.votes)
    elif votes == 'cont':
        q = q.filter(
            ndb.AND(Content.votes_ratio <= 1.2, Content.votes_ratio >= 0.8))
        q = q.order(-Content.votes_ratio)
    if notes == '1':
        q = q.filter(Content.has_notes == True)
    elif notes == '0':
        q = q.filter(Content.has_notes == False)
    q = q.order(-Content.updated)

    count = q.count()

    if not count:
        return QueryResult([], count, 1, 1)

    npages = int(math.ceil(count / per_page))

    if page * per_page > count:
        page = npages

    offset = int(per_page * (page - 1))
    items = q.fetch(per_page, offset=offset)
    return QueryResult(items, count, per_page, page)
Esempio n. 10
def get_content_or_404(urlid):
    content = Content.get_cached(urlid)
    if not content:
    return content
Esempio n. 11
def add_content_suggestion():
    Handle a content suggestion request.
    # TODO: Handle Unicode URLs
    url = Content.validate_url(request.forms.get('url', ''))
    license = request.forms.get('license') or None

    errors = {}

    if not url:
        # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
        errors['url'] = _('This URL is invalid')

    if license:
        license = license.strip().upper()
        if license not in Content.LICENSE_CHOICES:
            # Translators, used as error message on failure to submit
            # suggestion
            errors['license'] = _('Please select a license from provided '

    if not url:
        # Translators, used as error message on failure to submit suggestion
        errors['url'] = _('Please type in a valid URL')

    if not errors:
            content = Content.create(url=url, license=license)
  "Created content for '%s' (real url: '%s')", url,
            response.flash(_('Your suggestion has been added'))
        except Content.InvalidURLError as err:
            logging.debug("URL error while parsing '%s': %s", url, err)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('This URL is invalid')
        except Content.FetchError as err:
            logging.debug("Fetch error while parsing '%s': %s (%s)", url, err,
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('The page at specified URL does not exist or '
                              'the domain cannot be reached.')
        except Content.NotAllowedError as err:
            logging.debug("Access error while parsing '%s': %s", url, err)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('The page must be accessible to robots')
        except Content.ContentError as err:
            logging.debug("Content error while parsing '%s': %s (%s)", url,
                          err, err.error)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('The content on the page could not be '
                              'understood, please provide and URL to a valid '
                              'web page')
        except Exception as err:
            logging.debug("Unknown error fetching '%s': %s", url, err)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('There was an unknown error with the URL')

    return dict(vals=request.forms,
Esempio n. 12
def add_content_suggestion():
    Handle a content suggestion request.
    # TODO: Handle Unicode URLs
    url = Content.validate_url(request.forms.get('url', ''))
    license = request.forms.get('license') or None

    errors = {}

    if not url:
        # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
        errors['url'] = _('This URL is invalid')

    if license:
        license = license.strip().upper()
        if license not in Content.LICENSE_CHOICES:
            # Translators, used as error message on failure to submit
            # suggestion
            errors['license'] = _('Please select a license from provided '

    if not url:
        # Translators, used as error message on failure to submit suggestion
        errors['url'] = _('Please type in a valid URL')

    if not errors:
            content = Content.create(url=url, license=license)
  "Created content for '%s' (real url: '%s')", url,
            response.flash(_('Your suggestion has been added'))
        except Content.InvalidURLError as err:
            logging.debug("URL error while parsing '%s': %s", url, err)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('This URL is invalid')
        except Content.FetchError as err:
            logging.debug("Fetch error while parsing '%s': %s (%s)",
                          url, err, err.error)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('The page at specified URL does not exist or '
                              'the domain cannot be reached.')
        except Content.NotAllowedError as err:
            logging.debug("Access error while parsing '%s': %s", url, err)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('The page must be accessible to robots')
        except Content.ContentError as err:
            logging.debug("Content error while parsing '%s': %s (%s)", url,
                          err, err.error)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('The content on the page could not be '
                              'understood, please provide and URL to a valid '
                              'web page')
        except Exception as err:
            logging.debug("Unknown error fetching '%s': %s", url, err)
            # Translators, used as error message on failure submit suggestion
            errors['url'] = _('There was an unknown error with the URL')

    return dict(vals=request.forms, errors=errors, Content=Content,