def update_database(vid_fname, thumb_fname, object_id, object_qos): """ Update the client group's database. """ conn = db.connect() vfurl = settings.ARCHIVE_FEED_URLS + vid_fname ssfurl = 'NULL' if thumb_fname is not None: ssfurl = settings.ARCHIVE_FEED_URLS + thumb_fname db.addArchiveFootage(conn, vfurl, object_id, object_qos, ssfurl) db.close(conn)
def updateInital(self,conn): """ -update the SQL database, with the current information -using there stored procedure """ self.get_ArchiveFeeds() try: db.deleteTable(conn,'archives') for x in range(len(self.filenames)): # Archive is not there need to update database db.addArchiveFootage(conn,settings.ARCHIVE_FEED_URLS+self.filenames[x], self.objects[x],self.qos[x], settings.ARCHIVE_FEED_URLS+self.thumb[x]+'.jpg') log('Updated the Client database with Archived Videos') except MySQLdb.Error as e: log("Error %d: %s" % (e.args[0], e.args[1]))