Esempio n. 1
  def get_calls_from_db(self, min, max):
    """ Retrieves calls from the database. """

    cursor = db.get_db_cursor()
    sql = '''select callee,'''+db.datetime('datetime')+''' datetime,
             duration, cost, call_category from calls where
             '''+db.datetime('datetime')+''' >= ?
             and '''+db.datetime('datetime')+''' < ?'''
    sql = db.normalize_sql(sql)
    cursor.execute(sql, (str(min),str(max)))
    rows = [row for row in cursor]
    return rows
Esempio n. 2
 def get_data_for_top(top,top_condition):
   params = (min,max)
   sql = '''select '''+db.datetime_start_of('datetime',unit)+''' as day,
            sum(cost) from calls where call_category '''+top_condition+'''
            and '''+db.datetime('datetime')+''' >= ? and '''
   sql +=   db.datetime('datetime')+''' <= ? group by day order by day'''
   sql = db.normalize_sql(sql)
   cursor.execute(sql, params)
   return {
     'data':[[1000*int(row[0]),float(row[1])] for row in cursor],
Esempio n. 3
  def gettops(self,min=None,max=None):
    Returns the top 4 most expensive call groups for a specified period of time.

    cursor = db.get_db_cursor()
    params = (min,max)

    cursor.execute(db.normalize_sql('''select call_category from calls where '''+
                      db.datetime('datetime')+'''>= ? and '''+
                      db.datetime('datetime')+''' <= ? group by call_category order
                      by sum(cost) desc limit 4'''), params)
    tops = [row[0] for row in cursor]
    return json.dumps(tops)
Esempio n. 4
  def getcalls(self,min,max):
    Returns a detailed listing of the calls made between the specified

    cursor = db.get_db_cursor()
    params = (min,max)
    sql = '''select callee,round(sum(cost),2),call_category,`desc` from calls left
             outer join telbook on callee=number where '''
    sql +=   db.datetime('datetime')+'''>= ? and '''+db.datetime('datetime')
    sql +=   ''' <= ? group by callee order by sum(cost) desc'''
    cursor.execute(db.normalize_sql(sql), params)
    data = [[row[0],
             row[3]] for row in cursor]
    return json.dumps(data)
Esempio n. 5
def add_task():
    '''Adds a new task with a task name, and the corresponding deadline.
    Deadline should be in YYYY-MM-DD format
    new_task = input('Enter task\n')
    deadline = input('Enter deadline\n')
    deadline = [int(x) for x in deadline.split('-')]
    deadline = db.datetime(deadline[0], deadline[1], deadline[2])

    new_task = db.Task(task=new_task, deadline=deadline)