def need_ingredients(self): i = 0 #get the types from the database for val in db.get_all_recipes(): while i < len(db.get_all_recipes().values()): print "Liqour values", db.get_all_recipes().values()[i][3] types = db.get_Type(db.get_all_recipes().values()[i][0][0]) #print "Types of liquor", types amt = db.get_liquor_amount(types[0], types[1]) print amt[0] recipe_Amounts = db.get_all_recipes().values()[i][0][1].split(' ') print recipe_Amounts conversion = db.convert_ml(int(recipe_Amounts[0]), recipe_Amounts[1]) print "The conversion is ", conversion if float(amt[0]) < conversion: req = conversion - amt[0] req_type = db.get_all_recipes().values()[i][0][0], req replenish.append(req_type) repl[db.get_all_recipes().keys()[i]] = "Yes" else: msg = "we enough of that type" repl[db.get_all_recipes().keys()[i]] = "No" i = i + 1 return repl
def rpc_recipes_names(self): recp = [] recipes = db.get_all_recipes() for k in recipes: recp.append( return recp
def rpc_get_recipe_names(self): recipeList = db.get_all_recipes() nameList = list() for recipe in recipeList: nameList.append(recipe._recipeName) return nameList
def recipes(self, environ, start_response): content_type = 'text/html' data = """ <table border=\"1\" cellpadding =\"5\"> <tr><th>Name</th><th>Ingredients</th><th>Are we missing anything?</tr> """ for recipe in db.get_all_recipes(): data = data + "<tr><td> "+ +"</td><td><table cellpadding =\"5\">" for item in recipe.ingredients: data = data + "<tr><td>"+ item[0] +"</td><td> " + item[1] +" </td></tr>" data = data + "</table></td><td>" missing = recipe.need_ingredients() if(missing): data = data + "we're missing some stuff, call Mikey" else: data = data + "nope, we're good to go, call Mikey" print data + "</td></tr>" data = data + "</table>" menu = printMenu() #data = data + menu data = self.buildHtmlPage("Recipes","",data) start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) return [data]
def recipes(): #this sets up jinja2 loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader('../drinkz/templates') env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader) #pick filename to render filename = "jinja_recipes.html" recipeList = [] for recipe in db.get_all_recipes(): if len(recipe.need_ingredients()) > 0: result = "No :(" else: result = "Yup :D" recipeList.append(list([recipe.get_name(), result])) vars = dict(title = 'Recipes Here!', title2 = 'Recipes', addtitle = "Submit Recipe", form = """ <form action='recv_recipe_add'> Recipe to add? (Format: recipeName,ingrName::ingrAmt ml,ingrName2::ingrAmt2 gallon)<br><input type='text' name='recipe' size'20'> <input type='submit'> </form> """, names = recipeList, bodyFormat = bodyText) #Since Nosetests will fail since it isn't run in the drinkz directory, but in the home dir :( try: template = env.get_template(filename) except: loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader('./drinkz/templates') env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader) template = env.get_template(filename) result = template.render(vars).encode('ascii','ignore') return result
def rpc_GetRecipes(self): recipes = list(db.get_all_recipes()); recipeNames = list() for r in recipes: recipeNames.append(r._name) return recipeNames
def recipes(self, environ, start_response): start_response("200 OK", list(html_headers)) title = "recipes" recipes = [ r for r in db.get_all_recipes() ] template = env.get_template("recipes.html") return str(template.render(locals()))
def recipes_list(): tcontent = [] for r in db.get_all_recipes(): tup = (r.Name,r.Ingredients,r.need_ingredients()) tcontent.append(tup) vars = dict(title = 'Recipe Inventory', theaders=["Recipe Name","Ingredients","Missing Ingredients"],tcontent = tcontent) return JinjaLoader('bottle_type_pages.html', vars)
def recipes(self, environ, start_response): if self.get_name(environ) != False: namenow = self.get_name(environ) allrecipes = db.get_all_recipes() canmake = "" addin="" for recipe in allrecipes: if(recipe.need_ingredients() == []): lacking = "Yes, drink!" canmake = canmake + " " + str(recipe.recipename) else: lacking = "Needs more:" temp = recipe.need_ingredients() lacking += str(temp[0]) + " " addin += "<li><div class=\"ui-grid-c\"><div class=\"ui-block-a\" style=\"width:25%\">" + recipe.recipename + "</div><div class=\"ui-block-b\" style=\"width:25%\">" + lacking +"</div>" addin += "<div class=\"ui-block-c\" style=\"width:25%\">" + str(db.get_recipe_rating(recipe)) + "</div>" addin += "<div class=\"ui-block-d\" style=\"width:25%\">" addin += "<button onclick=\"upvote('" addin += recipe.recipename addin += "');\">" addin += "Like</button></div></div></li>" addin += """\ <script> function upvote(recipe_name){ $.ajax({ url: '/rpc', data: JSON.stringify ({method:'upvote_recipe', params:[recipe_name,], id:"0"} ), type: "POST", dataType: "json", success: function (data) { success(data)}, error: function (err) { erroring(err) } }); } function success(data){ alert('Thanks for your vote!'); location.reload(); } function erroring(err){ alert("Something went wrong server side, try again."); } </script> """ vars = dict(title="Recipes",name=namenow, recipess=addin, canmakee = canmake) template = env.get_template("recipes.html") data = template.render(vars) content_type = 'text/html' start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) print str(data) return [str(data)] else: headers = list(html_headers) headers.append(('Location', '/login')) start_response('302 Found', headers) return ["Redirect to /login..."]
def test_get_all_recipes(): db._reset_db() r = recipes.Recipe('vodka martini', [('vodka', '6 oz'), ('vermouth', '1 oz')]) db.add_recipe(r) r2 = recipes.Recipe('screwdriver', [('orange juice', '6 oz'), ('vodka', '1 oz')]) db.add_recipe(r2) x = db.get_all_recipes() assert len(x) == 2 for rec in x: print, rec.ingredients
def rpc_get_recipe_names(self): basepath = os.path.dirname(__file__) filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(basepath, "..","db.txt")) db.load_dumped_db(filepath) recipes = "" for r in db.get_all_recipes(): recipes += r.Name recipes += "\n" return recipes
def rpc_add_recipe(self, name, Ingredients): r = recipes.Recipe(name, Ingredients) db.add_recipe(r) recipeSet = db.get_all_recipes() for rec in recipeSet: if == name: return True return False
def recipes(): html = "" for r in db.get_all_recipes(): html += '<li>%s<ul>' % for name, amount in r.ingredients: html+= '<li>%s'% name html+= ' - %s'% amount html+= '</ul>' html += """</ul>""" recipes = env.get_template('recipes.html') return recipes.render(recipes=html).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
def recipe(self,environ, start_response): data = direction lack = db.get_all_recipes() recipes = "<ol>" for r in lack: if(db.need_ingredients(r) ==[]): lacks = "Yes" else: lacks = "No" recipes += "<li>" + +": " + lacks+"</li>\n" data = css_html.cssgen('green','30','Recipe')+data + recipes + css_html.htmlgen() start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) return [data]
def CheckRecipesAvailable(): # Check all of the recipes and return which ones we can make with the inventory # recipes.Recipe('vodka martini', [('unflavored vodka', '6 oz'), ('vermouth', '1.5 oz')]) global _recipe_db, _inventory_db recipes = list(db.get_all_recipes()) recipesAvailable = set() for recipe in recipes: ingredientsNeeded = recipe.need_ingredients(); if(len(ingredientsNeeded) == 0): recipesAvailable.add(recipe._name) return recipesAvailable;
def Recipes(): fp = """<table border="1"><tr><th>Cocktail</th><th>Can We Make It?</th></tr>""" for r in db.get_all_recipes(): a = r.need_ingredients() if( a != [] ): fp += "<tr><td>%s</td><td align=center>✗</td></tr>" % (,) else: fp += "<tr><td>%s</td><td align=center>✓</td></tr>" % (,) fp += "</table>" fp += """<p><a href='/'>Index</a></p><p><a href='inventory'>Inventory</a></p><p><a href='liquor_types'>Liquor Types</a></p>""" return fp
def recipes(self, environ, start_response): content_type = 'text/html' data = """\ <html> <head> <title>Recipes</title> <style type='text/css'> h1 {color:red;} hody { font-size: 14px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>Recipes:</h1> <table> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td>Ingredients Needed(ml):</td> </tr> """ recipe_list = list(db.get_all_recipes()) for r in recipe_list: data += '<tr>' strhtml = '<td>''</td>' data += strhtml ing = r.need_ingredients() if len(ing) == 0: strhtml = '<td>HAVE ALL INGREDIENTS</td>' else: strhtml = '<td>missing: ' for i in ing: strhtml += str(i) strhtml += '</td>' data += strhtml data += '</tr>' data += """\ </table> <a href='./'>Back To Index</a> </body> </html> """ start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) return [data]
def show_can_make(self, environ, start_response): can_make = [] for rec in db.get_all_recipes(): missing = rec.need_ingredients() if len(missing) == 0: can_make.append(rec) recipes = [] for rec in can_make: ingredients = [] for liquor, amount in rec.ingredients: ingredients.append("%s %s" % (amount, liquor)) ingredients = ', '.join(ingredients) recipes.append((, ingredients)) vars = {'recipes': recipes} data = self._render('canmake.html', 'Recipes you can make', vars) start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) return [data]
def recipes(self, environ, start_response): title = "recipes" content = """<table border='1' margin='50px'> <tr> <td><strong>Recipes</strong></td> <td><strong>Available?</strong></td> </tr> """ recipes = db.get_all_recipes() for r in recipes: content += "<tr><td>%s</td><td> "%( if (r.need_ingredients): content += "no" else: content += "ya" content += "</td></tr>" content += "</table>" data = begining % (title,title) + content + end start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) return [data]
def recipes(self, environ, start_response): content_type = 'text/html' text = """ <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Recipe List</title> <style type='text/css'> h1 {text-decoration:underline; text-align:center; color:red;} body { font-size:14px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>List of Recipes</h1> <ul> <li><a href='/'>Home</a></li> <li><a href='/recipes'>List Recipes</a></li> <li><a href='/inventory'>List Inventory</a></li> <li><a href='/liquor_types'>List Liquor Types</a></li> </ul> <hr /> <ul> """ recipes = list(db.get_all_recipes()) for r in recipes: missing_ingredients = r.need_ingredients() if len(missing_ingredients) == 0: haveIngredients = "Yes" else: haveIngredients = "No" text += "\t<li>" + r._name + " - " + haveIngredients + "</li>\n" text += '</ul>' text += '</body></html>' data = text start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) return [data]
def recipes(self, environ, start_response): content_type = 'text/html' data = """ <table border=\"1\" cellpadding =\"5\"> <tr><th>Name</th><th>Ingredients</th><th>Check Those Ingredients!</tr> """ for recipe in db.get_all_recipes(): data = data + "<tr><td> "+ +"</td><td><table cellpadding =\"5\">" for item in recipe.ingredients: data = data + "<tr><td>"+ item[0] +"</td><td> " + item[1] +" </td></tr>" data = data + "</table></td><td>" missing = recipe.need_ingredients() if(missing): data = data + "Hell Nah, You are missing: <br>" else: data = data + "Hell Yeah, We Can Do That!" for tup in missing: data = data + tup[0] + ' ' + str(tup[1]) + ' ml' + '<br>' data = data + "</table>" data = data + """</br> </br> <h2> Menu </h2> <a href='/'>Home</a></br> <a href='recipes'>Recipes</a></br> <a href='inventory'>Inventory</a></br> <a href='liquor_types'>Liquor Types</a></br> <a href='convert_to_ml'>Convert Amount</a></br> <a href='recipe_input'>Add Recipe</a></br> <a href='type_form'>Add Bottle Type</a></br> <a href='inv_form'>Add to Inventory</a></br> """ data = self.buildHtmlPage("Recipes","",data) start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) return [data]
def generate_recipes_html(): data = """ <html> <head> <title>Recipes</title> <style type ="text/css"> h1{color:red;} </style> </head> <body><h1> Recipes</h1>""" x = list(db.get_all_recipes()) for recipe in x: data += "<h2>%s</h2>" % (recipe.getName()) data += "<ul>" for ing in recipe.getIngredients(): data += "<li>%s -- %s</li>" % (ing[0], ing[1]) data += "</ul>" data += generate_menu() data += """</body> </html> """ return data
def show_recipes(self, environ, start_response): vars = {} recipes = [] if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'].endswith('POST'): vars['error'] = self.do_add_recipe(environ) for rec in db.get_all_recipes(): ingredients = [] for liquor, amount in rec.ingredients: ingredients.append("%s %s" % (amount, liquor)) ingredients = ', '.join(ingredients) missing_ingredients = [] for liquor, amount in rec.need_ingredients(): missing_ingredients.append("%.2fml %s" % (amount, liquor)) missing_ingredients = ', '.join(missing_ingredients) recipes.append((, ingredients, missing_ingredients)) vars['recipes'] = recipes data = self._render('recipes.html', 'Show Recipes', vars) start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) return [data]
def recipesList(): # this sets up jinja2 to load templates from the 'templates' directory loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader("../drinkz/templates") env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader) # pick up a filename to render filename = "pages.html" # recipe nonsense recipeList = db.get_all_recipes() recipeNameList = list() for recipe in recipeList: if recipe.need_ingredients(): val = "no" else: val = "yes" recipeNameList.append(recipe._recipeName + " " + val) # variables for the template rendering engine vars = dict( title="Recipe List", addtitle="Add Recipe", form="""<form action='addRecipe'> Name<input type='text' name='name' size'20'><p> Ingredients (eg.'vodka,5 oz,grape juice,10 oz')<input type='text' name='ing' size'20'><p> <input type='submit'> </form>""", names=recipeNameList, ) try: template = env.get_template(filename) except Exception: # for nosetests loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader("./drinkz/templates") env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader) template = env.get_template(filename) x = template.render(vars).encode("ascii", "ignore") return x
def recipes(self, environ, start_response): content_type = 'text/html' data = """\ <html><head><title>Recipes - Drinkz - Alex Lockwood</title> <style type="text/css"> h1 {color:red;} p {color:black;} </style></head><body> <h1>Recipe List</h1> <a href='/'>Return to Index</a><p> """ for recipe in db.get_all_recipes(): data += "<li> %s: " % if not recipe.need_ingredients(): data += "AVAILABLE" else: data += "NEED " for (l, a) in recipe.need_ingredients(): data += "%s - %sml, " % (l, a) data += "</p></body></html>" start_response('200 OK', list(html_headers)) return [data]
def rpc_get_recipe_names(self): return [ for r in db.get_all_recipes() ]
def getRecipeData(): conn, cur = connect() recipes = get_all_recipes(conn) disconnect(conn, cur) return json.loads((json.dumps(recipes, indent=2)))
def rpc_get_recipe_names(self): recipe_list = [] for r in db.get_all_recipes(): recipe_list.append( return recipe_list
def rpc_get_recipe_names(self): lack = db.get_all_recipes() recipe = [] for r in db.get_all_recipes(): recipe.append( return recipe
def rpc_getrecipenames(self): return db.get_all_recipes()
def rpc_get_recipe_names(self): names = [] for r in db.get_all_recipes(): names.append( return names