Esempio n. 1
def add_user():
    j = request.get_json()
    c = DatabaseConnection()

    username = j.get("username", "")
    if not username:
        return {"err": "Username must not be empty"}, 400

    password = j.get("password", "")
    if not password:
        return {"err": "Password must not be empty"}, 400

    if not c.add_user(username, password, False):
        return {"err": "User already exists"}, 409

    return {"msg": "successfully created user"}, 201
Esempio n. 2
async def on_member_join(member: discord.Member):

    db = DatabaseConnection()

    user = db.find_user(
    if not user:
        user = db.add_user(,

        await member.send("""
    Welcome to the cult """ + + """
**Here's some stuff you should know**

- A shiba inu is a type of dog, but you can call it by several different names, including shibe, shober, doge, shobe, shib, etc. To see a random pic of a shibe, you can do !shibe. 

- A baby shibe is known as a potat. Why? Because they look like little potatoes!

- There are several different drinks that shibes drink (it's sort of a meme, don't question our ways). All you need to know is that Bepis is the best drink, and Conk is the worst. There is a video in #important explaining the drinks. Bepis is also the currency of the server. :bepisbot: 

- Common "server slang/purposeful misspellings": mlem (lick), fren (friend), and happ (happy). If a word ends in the "ck" sound, we make it end in "cc" sometimes, like "thicc", "licc", and "drincc". I know it may seem cringey but thats the way things are.

- For a list of roles, rules, bot commands, and some other cool stuff read #important. To know more about a channel, read that channel's topic. If you have any questions, feel free to ask anyone.

Now GET OUT THERE and have fun! 
    channel = bot.get_channel(484129483335663620)
    await channel.send("Welcome to the Shibe Cult " +
    invites = member.guild.members
    invites2 = await member.guild.invites()
    from test import invite_dict

    for test in invites2:
        for value, key in invite_dict.items():

            if (test.code == key.code and test.uses > key.uses):
                user2 = db.find_user(int(value))
                db.change_bepis(user2['user_id'], user2['bepis'] + 30)
                db.change_bepis(user['user_id'], user['bepis'] + 20)
                await channel.send( +
                                   " Has earned 20 bepis for using " +
                                   user2['username'] + "'s Refferal Link")