def hello(): conn = db_wrapper() DIRECTORY = "../yilun/static/Portrait/" nameList = [] visitList = [] pathList = [] for f in os.listdir(DIRECTORY): if os.path.splitext(f)[1].lower() in ('.jpg', '.jpeg'): nameList.append(f.split(".")[0]) # countList.append(conn.name_count(f.split(".")[0])) visitList.append(f.split(".")[0]) pathList.append('/static/' + f.split(".")[0] + '.jpg') totalNum = conn.total_count() ageAve = conn.age_average() genRto = conn.gender_ratio() glsRto = conn.glass_ratio() maxVisit = conn.max_visit() # print(nameList) # print(ageAve) return render_template('index1.html', name_List=nameList, visit_List=visitList, var2=pathList, total_count=totalNum, age_Ave=ageAve, gen_Rto=genRto, gls_Rto=glsRto, max_visit=maxVisit, max_visitor=maxVisit[0], max_time=maxVisit[4])
def initialize_db(dbname='icheckmovies.db'): db = db_wrapper.db_wrapper(dbname) db.init_table("lists", create_lists) db.init_table("list_tags", create_list_tags) db.init_table("list_progress", create_list_progress) db.init_table("films", create_films) db.init_table("film_tags", create_film_tags) db.init_table("film_progress", create_film_progress) db.init_table("list_items", create_list_items)
def import_all(db_file): db = db_wrapper.db_wrapper(name=db_file) db.set_update_sql("films", "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {0} VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)") db.set_update_sql("film_tags", "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {0} VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)") db.set_update_sql("film_progress", "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {0} VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)") db.set_update_sql("list_items", "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {0} VALUES(NULL, ?, ?, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)") # import_one_list(db, BASE_URL, "/lists/top+250/") # import_one_list(db, BASE_URL "/lists/the+criterion+collection/") # quit() for item in db.get_cursor().execute("SELECT * FROM lists").fetchall(): import_one_list(db, BASE_URL item[1]) time.sleep(1) db.close_db()
import wx from db_wrapper import db_wrapper from window import window db_wrap = db_wrapper() #print("TABLE NAMES") #[print(x) for x in db_wrap.table_names] #print("\nMATERIAL_NAMES") #[print(x) for x in db_wrap.material_names] test_data = db_wrap.get_table_data_raw('Steel_Thermal_Conductivity') app = wx.App() window(None, 'Material Properties GUI', db_wrap) app.MainLoop()
# Description does not always exist if len(description_tag.contents) > 0: # TODO: Better strategy for handling problematic characters description = description_tag.contents[0].encode('utf-8', 'ignore') else: description = None tags = [] for tag in item.find_all('a', attrs={'class': 'tagNamespaceCategory'}): tags.append(tag.contents[0]) user = item.find('a', attrs={'class': 'tagNamespaceUser'}).contents[0] db.update_db("lists", [href, name, None, favs_dislikes[0], favs_dislikes[1], str(description), user]) # Purge the old tags and include the active list of tags db.get_cursor().execute("DELETE FROM list_tags WHERE list_link=?", (href,)) for tag in tags: db.update_db("list_tags", [href, tag]) next_link = soup.find('li', attrs={'class': 'next'}).find('a') if next_link is not None: fetch_list_and_add(db, base_path + next_link['href']) #db.print_db("lists") #db.print_db("list_tags") db = db_wrapper.db_wrapper(name="icheckmovies.db") fetch_list_and_add(db, base_path=BASE_URL + LIST_PATH, start_url=BASE_URL + LIST_PATH + "?tags=user:icheckmovies")
ins = twitter_collect_data() ins.setup_credential() inserted_users_list = [] r = ins.api.request('statuses/user_timeline', { 'user_id': '@{0}'.format(702243), 'counts': '{0}'.format(200) }) ans = json.loads(r.text) print(len(ans)) users_list = [] start = time.time() db = db_wrapper() #db.create_messagesEn() #get-user_ids users_list = db.retrieve_users() #check if you have inserted ay of them before already_inserted = db.already_inserted() print('already inserted: ', len(already_inserted)) print('type users_list: ', type(users_list[0]), ' type al_ins', type(already_inserted[0])) need_to_be_inserted = [ user for user in users_list if str(user) not in already_inserted ] print(len(need_to_be_inserted)) # Start inserting the remaining. print 'users_list size: ', len(users_list)
def __init__(self): self.video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0) self.db = db_wrapper.db_wrapper()