def gMap(band,cntfile=False,coadd=False,detsize=1.25,intfile=False, rrfile=False,skypos=None,maxgap=1500.,memlight=100.,minexp=1., overwrite=False,retries=20,skyrange=None,stepsz=0.,trange=None, verbose=0,cntcoaddfile=False,intcoaddfile=False): """Use a mix of strings (if we want to make an output file) and Booleans (False if we do not). I don't think this is the best way (I'd rather have separate variables for the True/False to create an image, and a string with the name of the output image), but for now this is kept since this is how the code was originally written. """ # FIXME: Maybe? write_cnt = cntfile if (cntfile) else False write_int = intfile if (intfile) else False write_rr = rrfile if (rrfile) else False write_cnt_coadd = cntcoaddfile if cntcoaddfile else False write_int_coadd = intcoaddfile if intcoaddfile else False # If gMap is called via an import, and no trange is specified, then use a database # call to get the appropriate time range. if trange is None: trange=dbt.fGetTimeRanges(band, skypos, trange=[6.E8,11.E8], maxgap=maxgap, minexp=minexp, detsize=detsize, retries=retries) write_images(band,skypos,trange,skyrange,width=False,height=False, write_cnt=write_cnt,write_int=write_int,write_rr=write_rr, framesz=stepsz,clobber=overwrite,verbose=verbose, memlight=memlight,coadd=coadd,retries=retries, write_cnt_coadd=write_cnt_coadd, write_int_coadd=write_int_coadd)
def getcurve(band, ra0, dec0, radius, annulus=None, stepsz=None, lcurve={}, trange=None, tranges=None, verbose=0, coadd=False, minexp=1., maxgap=1., maskdepth=20, maskradius=1.5, photonfile=None, detsize=1.1): skyrange = [np.array(annulus).max().tolist() if annulus else radius, np.array(annulus).max().tolist() if annulus else radius,] if verbose: mc.print_inline("Getting exposure ranges.") if tranges is None: tranges = dbt.fGetTimeRanges(band, [ra0, dec0], trange=trange, maxgap=maxgap, minexp=minexp, verbose=verbose, detsize=detsize) elif not np.array(tranges).shape: print "No exposure time at this location: [{ra},{dec}]".format( ra=ra0,dec=dec0) # FIXME: Everything goes to hell if no exposure time is available... # TODO: Add an ability to specify or exclude specific time ranges if verbose: mc.print_inline("Moving to photon level operations.") # FIXME: This error handling is hideous. try: lcurve = quickmag(band, ra0, dec0, tranges, radius, annulus=annulus, stepsz=stepsz, verbose=verbose, coadd=coadd, maskdepth=maskdepth, maskradius=maskradius,photonfile=photonfile) lcurve['cps'] = lcurve['sources']/lcurve['exptime'] lcurve['cps_bgsub'] = (lcurve['sources']- lcurve['bg']['simple'])/lcurve['exptime'] lcurve['cps_bgsub_cheese'] = (lcurve['sources']- lcurve['bg']['cheese'])/lcurve['exptime'] lcurve['mag'] = gxt.counts2mag(lcurve['cps'],band) lcurve['mag_bgsub'] = gxt.counts2mag(lcurve['cps_bgsub'],band) lcurve['mag_bgsub_cheese'] = gxt.counts2mag( lcurve['cps_bgsub_cheese'],band) lcurve['flux'] = gxt.counts2flux(lcurve['cps'],band) lcurve['flux_bgsub'] = gxt.counts2flux(lcurve['cps_bgsub'],band) lcurve['flux_bgsub_cheese'] = gxt.counts2flux( lcurve['cps_bgsub_cheese'],band) lcurve['detrad'] = mc.distance(lcurve['detxs'],lcurve['detys'],400,400) except ValueError: lcurve['cps']=[] lcurve['cps_bgsub']=[] lcurve['cps_bgsub_cheese']=[] lcurve['mag']=[] lcurve['mag_bgsub']=[] lcurve['mag_bgsub_cheese']=[] lcurve['flux']=[] lcurve['flux_bgsub']=[] lcurve['flux_bgsub_cheese']=[] lcurve['detrad']=[] if verbose: mc.print_inline("Done.") mc.print_inline("") return lcurve
def gFind(band='both', detsize=1.25, exponly=False, gaper=False, maxgap=1.0, minexp=1.0, quiet=False, retries=20, skypos=None, trange=None, verbose=0): """Primary program in the module. Prints time ranges to the screen and returns the total exposure time as a float. """ # Determine if we have to loop over both bands or just one. if band.upper() == 'BOTH': output = {'NUV':None,'FUV':None} elif band.upper() in ['NUV','FUV']: output = {band.upper():None} else: raise SystemExit('Invalid band: {b}'.format(b=band)) all_expt = [] for this_band in output.keys(): ## Get valid time ranges. ranges = dbt.fGetTimeRanges(this_band,skypos,maxgap=maxgap, minexp=minexp,trange=trange,verbose=verbose, detsize=detsize,retries=retries) if not len(ranges): if not quiet: print 'No {band} exposure time in database.'.format( band=this_band) else: expt = (ranges[:,1]-ranges[:,0]).sum() if not quiet: print "{band}: {expt}s (raw) in {n} exposures.".format( band=this_band,expt=expt,n=len(ranges)) if not exponly: if gaper: f = '[' for r in ranges: f+='[%.3f' % r[0] + ', %.3f' % r[1] + '],' if not quiet: print f[:-1]+']' else: for r in ranges: if not quiet: print ' [ %.3f' % r[0] + ', %.3f' % r[1] + ' ], %.3f' % (r[1]-r[0]) + ' seconds' output[this_band]={'expt':expt,'t0':ranges[:,0],'t1':ranges[:,1]} # all_expt.append(expt) return output #{this_band:{'t0':ranges[:,0],'t1':ranges[:,1],'expt':all_expt}}
def check_common_args(args,function_name, valid_functions=['gaperture','gmap','gfind'], allow_no_coords=False): """Checks validity of some command line arguments used in gFind, gAperture, gMap, etc. Returns the appropriate arguments as variables back to the calling procedure. """ try: function_name = function_name.strip().lower() except AttributeError: raise gPhotonArgsError("Invalid function: {f}".format(f=function_name)) if not function_name in valid_functions: raise gPhotonArgsError("Invalid function: {f}".format(f=function_name)) try: = except AttributeError: raise SystemExit("Invalid band: {b}".format( """ This will ensure calpath has a trailing '/'. """ if function_name in ['gaperture','gmap']: args.calpath = os.path.join(args.calpath,'') #FIXME: This is breaking nosetests, but it's not a bad idea... #if not os.path.isdir(args.calpath): # raise SystemExit("Calibration path not found: " + args.calpath) if (not (args.ra and args.dec) and not args.skypos and not allow_no_coords): raise SystemExit("Must specify either both RA/DEC or SKYPOS.") elif (args.ra and args.dec) and args.skypos: if not (args.ra==args.skypos[0] and args.dec==args.skypos[1]): raise SystemExit("Must specify either RA/DEC or SKYPOS, not both.") elif (args.ra and args.dec) and not args.skypos: args.skypos = [args.ra,args.dec] elif not (args.ra and args.dec) and args.skypos: args.ra, args.dec = args.skypos if args.suggest and function_name in ['gfind','gaperture']: (args.ra, args.dec, args.radius, args.annulus1, args.annulus2) = dbt.suggest_parameters(, args.skypos, retries=args.retries, verbose=0) args.skypos = [args.ra, args.dec] if args.verbose: print "Recentering on ["+str(args.ra)+", "+str(args.dec)+"]" print "Setting radius to "+str(args.radius) print "Setting annulus to ["+str(args.annulus1)+", "+str(args.annulus2)+"]" if args.skypos: if np.array(args.skypos).shape != (2,): raise gPhotonArgsError( "Skypos (--skypos) must be a 2-element array.") args.ra, args.dec = args.skypos if args.ra and not (0. <= args.ra <= 360.): raise SystemExit( "RA of {ra} does not satisfy 0 <= RA <= 360".format(ra=args.ra)) if args.dec and not (-90 <= args.dec <= 90): raise SystemExit( "Dec of {dec} does not satisfy -90 <= DEC <= 90".format( dec=args.dec)) if args.detsize and args.detsize <= 0.: raise SystemExit( "Effective field diameter (--detsize) must be > 0") if args.maxgap and args.maxgap <= 0.: raise SystemExit( "Maximum gap length (--maxgap) must be > 0 seconds.") if args.minexp and args.minexp <= 0.: raise SystemExit( "Minimum valid exposure depth (--minexp) must be > 0 seconds.") if args.retries and args.retries <= 0.: raise SystemExit("Number of retries (--retries) must be > 0.") # tmin / tmax must be defined and reasonable if not args.tmin or args.tmin <= 0.: raise SystemExit("T0 (--t0) must be > 0.") if not args.tmax or args.tmax <= 0.: raise SystemExit("T1 (--t1) must be > 0.") if args.tmin >= args.tmax: raise SystemExit( "Minimum time (--t0) must be < maximum time (--t1).") if args.trange: if np.array(args.trange).shape==(2,): args.trange=[args.trange] if not (len(np.array(args.trange).shape)==2 and np.array(args.trange).shape[1]==2): raise SystemExit( "trange (--trange) must be a pairwise list.") # Individually check the entries for sanity for t in args.trange: if t[0]<=0 or t[1]<=0: raise SystemExit('Times must be positive: {t}'.format(t=t)) if t[1]<=t[0]: raise SystemExit('Start time ({t0}) must preceed end time ({t1})'.format(t0=t[0],t1=t[1])) elif not allow_no_coords and function_name in ['gmap','gaperture']: args.trange=dbt.fGetTimeRanges(,args.skypos, trange=[args.tmin,args.tmax], maxgap=args.maxgap,minexp=args.minexp, detsize=args.detsize, retries=args.retries) else: """ If no coordinates specified then use a huge time range for now. """ args.trange = [args.tmin, args.tmax] return args