Esempio n. 1
	def testProfileHash(self):
		# Clear out and reset own profile
		myTorId = "ABC123DEF456GH78"
		myprofile = {"name" : "Constantin Taylor", "keyid" : "someKeyId", "displayName" : "Me",
					"status" : "self", "ownprofile" : True, "description":"Some fairly descriptive text",
					"birthday":None, "interests":"chocolate pudding with fudge"}
		DbClient.updateContact(myTorId, myprofile)
		firstHash = DbClient.calculateHash(DbClient.getProfile())
		self.assertEqual(firstHash, "12ae5c8dc8e1c2186b4ed4918040bb16", "First hash not what I was expecting")
		# Now change interests and check that hash changes
		DbClient.updateContact(myTorId, {"interests":"roasted vegetables and hummus"})
		secondHash = DbClient.calculateHash(DbClient.getProfile())
		self.assertNotEqual(firstHash, secondHash, "Profile hash should have changed")
Esempio n. 2
	def generateListPage(self, doEdit=False, userid=None, extraParams=None):
		self.requirePageResources(['avatar-none.jpg', 'status-self.png', 'status-requested.png', 'status-untrusted.png', 'status-trusted.png'])
		# List of contacts, and show details for the selected one (or self if userid=None)
		selectedprofile = DbClient.getProfile(userid)
		if selectedprofile is None:
			selectedprofile = DbClient.getProfile()
		userid = selectedprofile['torid']
		ownPage = userid == DbClient.getOwnTorId()

		# Build list of contacts
		userboxes = []
		for p in DbClient.getContactList():
			box = Bean()
			box.dispName = p['displayName']
			box.torid = p['torid']
			box.tilestyle = "contacttile" + ("selected" if p['torid'] == userid else "")
			box.status = p['status']
			box.isonline = Contacts.isOnline(box.torid)
		# expand templates using current details
		lefttext = self.listtemplate.getHtml({'webcachedir' : Config.getWebCacheDir(), 'contacts' : userboxes})
		pageProps = {"webcachedir" : Config.getWebCacheDir(), 'person':selectedprofile}
		# Add extra parameters if necessary
		if extraParams:

		# See which contacts we have in common with this person
		(sharedContactIds, possIdsForThem, possIdsForMe, nameMap) = ContactMaker.getSharedAndPossibleContacts(userid)
		sharedContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(sharedContactIds, nameMap)
		pageProps.update({"sharedcontacts" : sharedContacts})
		possibleContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(possIdsForThem, nameMap)
		pageProps.update({"possiblecontactsforthem" : possibleContacts})
		possibleContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(possIdsForMe, nameMap)
		pageProps.update({"possiblecontactsforme" : possibleContacts})

		# Which template to use depends on whether we're just showing or also editing
		if doEdit:
			# Use two different details templates, one for self and one for others
			detailstemplate = self.editowndetailstemplate if ownPage else self.editdetailstemplate
			righttext = detailstemplate.getHtml(pageProps)
			detailstemplate = self.detailstemplate  # just show
			righttext = detailstemplate.getHtml(pageProps)

		contents = self.buildTwoColumnPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("contacts.title"),
			'leftColumn' : lefttext,
			'rightColumn' : righttext,
			'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"})
		return contents
Esempio n. 3
	def generateFingerprintsPage(self, userid):
		'''Build the page for checking the fingerprints of the selected user'''
		# First, get the name of the user
		person = DbClient.getProfile(userid, False)
		dispName = person.get('displayName', '')
		fullName = person.get('name', '')
		if not dispName: dispName = fullName
		if dispName != fullName:
			fullName = dispName + " (" + fullName + ")"
		fc = self._makeFingerprintChecker(userid)
		# check it's ok to generate
		status = person.get('status', '')
		if not fc.valid \
		  or status not in ['untrusted', 'trusted']:
			print("Not generating fingerprints page because status is", status)
			return None

		# Get one set of words for us and three sets for them
		printsAlreadyChecked = (person.get('status', '') == "trusted")
		bodytext = self.fingerprintstemplate.getHtml(
			{"mywords":fc.getCodeWords(True, 0, "en"), "theirwords0":fc.getCodeWords(False, 0, "en"),
			 "theirwords1":fc.getCodeWords(False, 1, "en"), "theirwords2":fc.getCodeWords(False, 2, "en"),
			 "fullname":fullName, "shortname":dispName, "userid":userid, "alreadychecked":printsAlreadyChecked})
		return self.buildPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("contacts.title"),
			'pageBody' : bodytext,
			'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"})
Esempio n. 4
	def getPublicKey(self, torid):
		'''Use the keyid stored in mongo, and get the corresponding public key from the Crypto module'''
		profile = DbClient.getProfile(torid)
		if profile is not None:
			keyid = profile.get('keyid', None)
			if keyid is not None:
				return CryptoClient.getPublicKey(keyid)
	def dealWithUnencryptedMessage(message):
		'''Decide what to do with the given unencrypted message'''
		if message.messageType == Message.TYPE_CONTACT_REQUEST:
			print("Received a contact request from", message.senderId)
			# Check config to see whether we accept these or not
			if Config.getProperty(Config.KEY_ALLOW_FRIEND_REQUESTS) \
			  and MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, [None, 'requested', 'untrusted', 'trusted']):
				# Call DbClient to store new message in inbox
				rowToStore = {"messageType":"contactrequest", "fromId":message.senderId,
					"fromName":message.senderName, "messageBody":message.message,
					"publicKey":message.publicKey, "timestamp":message.timestamp,
					"messageRead":False, "messageReplied":False}
		elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_CONTACT_RESPONSE:
			print("It's an unencrypted contact response, so it must be a refusal")
			sender = DbClient.getProfile(message.senderId, False)
			if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['requested']):
				senderName = sender.get("displayName") if sender else ""
				# Call DbClient to store new message in inbox
				rowToStore = {"messageType":"contactresponse", "fromId":message.senderId,
					"fromName":senderName, "messageBody":"", "accepted":False,
					"messageRead":False, "messageReplied":False, "timestamp":message.timestamp,
			print("Hä?  It's unencrypted but the message type is", message.messageType)
	def dealWithMessage(message):
		'''Examine the received message and decide what to do with it'''
		print("Hmm, the MessageShuffler has been given some kind of message")
		# We must be online if we've received a message

		if message.senderMustBeTrusted:
			sender = DbClient.getProfile(message.senderId, False)
			if not sender or sender['status'] != "trusted":
				return # throw message away

		if not message.isComplete():
			print("A message of type", message.encryptionType, "was received but it's not complete - throwing away")
			return # throw message away

		# if it's not encrypted, it's for us -> save in inbox
		if message.encryptionType == Message.ENCTYPE_NONE:

		elif message.encryptionType == Message.ENCTYPE_SYMM:
			# if it's symmetric, forget it for now

		elif message.encryptionType == Message.ENCTYPE_ASYM:

			print("Hä?  What kind of encryption type is that? ", message.encryptionType)

		# Log receipt of message (do we want to know about relays at all?)
		if message.encryptionType in [Message.ENCTYPE_NONE, Message.ENCTYPE_ASYM]:
			logMessage = "Message of type: %s received from %s" % (message.getMessageTypeKey(), message.senderId)
Esempio n. 7
	def _createSubpayload(self):
		'''Use the stored fields to pack the payload contents together'''
		if self.profileHash is None or self.profileHash == "":
			self.profileHash = DbClient.calculateHash(DbClient.getProfile())
		return self.packBytesTogether([
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(1 if else 0, 1),
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(1 if else 0, 1),
Esempio n. 8
 def testProfileResponse(self):
     m = message.InfoResponseMessage(message.InfoRequestMessage.INFO_PROFILE)
     output = m.createUnencryptedOutput()
     bac = message.Message.MessageFromReceivedData(output, False)
     self.assertIsNotNone(bac, "couldn't decode the data")
     self.assertEqual(message.InfoRequestMessage.INFO_PROFILE, bac.infoType)
     mydescription = DbClient.getProfile()["description"]
     bacProfile = bac.profile
     self.assertEqual(mydescription, bacProfile["description"])
Esempio n. 9
	def testGetProfile(self):
		# Delete whole profiles table
		self.assertEqual(DbClient._getProfileTable().count(), 0, "Profiles table should be empty")
		# Add own profile
		myTorId = "ABC123DEF456GH78"
		myprofile = {"name" : "Constantin Taylor", "keyid" : "someKeyId", "displayName" : "Me",
					"status" : "self", "ownprofile" : True}
		DbClient.updateContact(myTorId, myprofile)
		self.assertEqual(DbClient._getProfileTable().count(), 1, "Profiles table should have my profile in it")

		profileFromDb = DbClient.getProfile(None)
		self.assertIsNotNone(profileFromDb, "Couldn't retrieve own profile")
		profileFromDb = DbClient.getProfile(myTorId)
		self.assertIsNotNone(profileFromDb, "Couldn't retrieve profile using own id")

		# Initiate contact with a new person
		otherTorId = "PQR123STU456VWX78"
		otherName = "Olivia Barnacles"
		DbClient.updateContact(otherTorId, {"status" : "untrusted", "keyid" : "donotknow", "name" : otherName})
		self.assertEqual(DbClient._getProfileTable().count(), 2, "Profiles table should have 2 profiles")
		self.assertEqual(DbClient.getMessageableContacts().count(), 1, "Profiles table should have 1 messageable")
		self.assertEqual(DbClient.getTrustedContacts().count(), 0, "Profiles table should have 0 trusted")
		profileFromDb = DbClient.getProfile(otherTorId)
		self.assertIsNotNone(profileFromDb, "Couldn't retrieve profile using other id")
		self.assertEqual(profileFromDb.get("name", None), otherName, "Profile name doesn't match what was stored")
		self.assertEqual(profileFromDb.get("status", None), "untrusted", "Profile status doesn't match what was stored")

		# Update existing record, change status
		DbClient.updateContact(otherTorId, {"status" : "trusted"})
		self.assertEqual(DbClient._getProfileTable().count(), 2, "Profiles table should still have 2 profiles")
		profileFromDb = DbClient.getProfile(otherTorId)
		self.assertIsNotNone(profileFromDb, "Couldn't retrieve profile using other id")
		self.assertEqual(profileFromDb.get("status", None), "trusted", "Profile status should have been updated")
		self.assertEqual(DbClient.getMessageableContacts().count(), 1, "Profiles table should have 1 messageable")
		self.assertEqual(DbClient.getTrustedContacts().count(), 1, "Profiles table should have 1 trusted")

		# Delete other contact
		DbClient.updateContact(otherTorId, {"status" : "deleted"})
		self.assertEqual(DbClient.getMessageableContacts().count(), 0, "Profiles table should have 0 messageable")
		self.assertEqual(DbClient.getTrustedContacts().count(), 0, "Profiles table should have 0 trusted")
		self.assertFalse(DbClient.hasFriends(), "Shouldn't have any friends any more")
Esempio n. 10
	def keyFingerprintChecked(torId):
		'''The fingerprint of this contact's public key has been checked (over a separate channel)'''
		# Check that userid exists and that status is currently "untrusted" (trusted also doesn't hurt)
		profile = DbClient.getProfile(torId, False)
		if profile and profile.get("status", "nostatus") in ["untrusted", "trusted"]:
			# Update the user's status to trusted
			DbClient.updateContact(torId, {"status" : "trusted"})
			# Trigger a StatusNotify to tell them we're online
			notify = StatusNotifyMessage(online=True, ping=True, profileHash=None)
			notify.recipients = [torId]
Esempio n. 11
	def _createSubpayload(self):
		'''Use the stored fields to pack the payload contents together'''
		if self.infoType is None:
			self.infoType = InfoRequestMessage.INFO_PROFILE
		if self.profileString is None:
			self.profileString = dbutils.getOwnProfileAsString()
		self.profileHash = DbClient.calculateHash(DbClient.getProfile())
		return self.packBytesTogether([
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(self.profileString), 4),
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(self.profileHash), 4),
Esempio n. 12
	def servePage(self, view, url, params):
		if url == "/send":
			print("send message of type '%(messageType)s' to id '%(sendTo)s'" % params)
		elif url.startswith("/delete/"):
			DbClient.deleteMessageFromInbox(params.get("msgId", ""))
		# Make dictionary to convert ids to names
		contactNames = {c['torid']:c['displayName'] for c in DbClient.getContactList()}
		unknownSender = I18nManager.getText("messages.sender.unknown")
		unknownRecpt = I18nManager.getText("messages.recpt.unknown")
		# Get contact requests, responses and mails from inbox
		conreqs = []
		conresps = []
		mails = []
		for m in DbClient.getInboxMessages():
			m['msgId'] = str(m.get("_id", ""))
			if m['messageType'] == "contactrequest":
			elif m['messageType'] == "contactrefer":
				senderId = m.get('fromId', None)
				m['senderName'] = contactNames.get(senderId, unknownSender)
			elif m['messageType'] == "contactresponse":
				if not m.get('accepted', False):
					m['messageBody'] = I18nManager.getText("messages.contactrequest.refused")
					m['fromName'] = DbClient.getProfile(m['fromId'], True).get("displayName")
				elif not m.get('messageBody', False):
					m['messageBody'] = I18nManager.getText("messages.contactrequest.accepted")
				senderId = m.get('fromId', None)
				if not senderId and m.get('signatureKeyId', None):
					senderId = DbClient.findUserIdFromKeyId(m['signatureKeyId'])
				m['senderName'] = contactNames.get(senderId, unknownSender)
				m['sentTimeStr'] = self.makeLocalTimeString(m['timestamp'])
				# Split m['recipients'] by commas, and look up each id with contactNames
				recpts = m.get('recipients', '')
				if recpts:
					m['recipients'] = ", ".join([contactNames.get(i, unknownRecpt) for i in recpts.split(",")])
					m['recipients'] = unknownRecpt
		bodytext = self.messagestemplate.getHtml({"contactrequests":conreqs, "contactresponses":conresps,
			"mails":mails, "nummessages":len(conreqs)+len(conresps)+len(mails),
			"webcachedir" : Config.getWebCacheDir()})
		contents = self.buildPage({'pageTitle' : I18nManager.getText("messages.title"),
			'pageBody' : bodytext,
			'pageFooter' : "<p>Footer</p>"})
Esempio n. 13
	def _createSubpayload(self):
		'''Pack the specific fields into the subpayload'''
		# Get own name
		if self.senderName is None:
			self.senderName = DbClient.getProfile(None).get('name', self.senderId)
		# Get own public key (first get identifier from DbClient, then use that id to ask crypto module)
		myPublicKey = self.getOwnPublicKey()
		messageAsBytes = self.message.encode('utf-8')
		nameAsBytes = self.senderName.encode('utf-8')
		subpayload = Message.packBytesTogether([
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(nameAsBytes), 4),
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(messageAsBytes), 4),
			messageAsBytes, myPublicKey])
		return subpayload
Esempio n. 14
	def _createSubpayload(self):
		'''Pack the specific fields into the subpayload'''
		# Get own name
		if self.friendName is None:
			self.friendName = DbClient.getProfile(self.friendId).get('name', self.friendId)
		publicKey = self.getPublicKey(torid=self.friendId)
		# TODO: Complain if publicKey is empty
		messageAsBytes = self.message.encode('utf-8')
		nameAsBytes = self.friendName.encode('utf-8')
		subpayload = Message.packBytesTogether([
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(nameAsBytes), 4),
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(messageAsBytes), 4),
			messageAsBytes, publicKey])
		return subpayload
Esempio n. 15
	def _createSubpayload(self):
		'''Use the stored fields to pack the payload contents together'''
		if self.senderKey is None: self.senderKey = self.getOwnPublicKey()
		# Get own torid and name
		if not self.senderId: self.senderId = DbClient.getOwnTorId()
		if not self.senderName:
			self.senderName = DbClient.getProfile(None).get('name', self.senderId)
		if not self.introMessage: self.introMessage = ""
		nameAsBytes = self.senderName.encode('utf-8')
		messageAsBytes = self.introMessage.encode('utf-8')
		print("Packing contact request with senderId", self.senderId)
		return self.packBytesTogether([
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(nameAsBytes), 4),
			self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(messageAsBytes), 4),
Esempio n. 16
	def getSharedAndPossibleContacts(torid):
		'''Check which contacts we share with the given torid and which ones we could recommend to each other'''
		nameMap = {}
		ourContactIds = set()
		trustedContactIds = set()
		theirContactIds = set()
		# Get our id so we can exclude it from the sets
		myTorId = DbClient.getOwnTorId()
		if torid == myTorId:
			return (None, None, None, None)
		# Find the contacts of the specified person
		selectedProfile = DbClient.getProfile(torid, False)
		selectedContacts = selectedProfile.get('contactlist', None) if selectedProfile else None
		if selectedContacts:
			for s in selectedContacts.split(","):
				if s and len(s) >= 16:
					foundid = s[0:16]
					if foundid != myTorId:
						foundName = s[16:]
						nameMap[foundid] = foundName
		foundTheirContacts = len(theirContactIds) > 0
		# Now get information about our contacts
		for c in DbClient.getMessageableContacts():
			foundid = c['torid']
			if c['status'] == 'trusted' and foundid != torid:
			nameMap[foundid] = c.get('displayName', c.get('name', None))
			# Should we check the contact information too?
			if not foundTheirContacts:
				foundContacts = c.get('contactlist', None)
				if foundContacts:
					for s in foundContacts.split(","):
						if s[0:16] == torid:
		# Now we have three sets of torids: our contacts, our trusted contacts, and their contacts.
		sharedContactIds = ourContactIds.intersection(theirContactIds) # might be empty
		suggestionsForThem = trustedContactIds.difference(theirContactIds)
		possibleForMe = theirContactIds.difference(ourContactIds)

		# Some or all of these sets may be empty, but we still return the map so we can look up names
		return (sharedContactIds, suggestionsForThem, possibleForMe, nameMap)
Esempio n. 17
	def sendMessage(self, message, whoto):
		# Check status of recipient in profile
		profile = DbClient.getProfile(whoto, False)
		status = profile['status'] if profile else "deleted"
		if status in ['deleted', 'blocked']:
			return self.RC_MESSAGE_IGNORED
		print("Trying to send message to '%s'" % whoto)
		if whoto is not None and len(whoto) == 16:
				s = socks.socksocket()
				s.setproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4, "localhost", 11109)
				s.connect((whoto + ".onion", 11009))
				numsent = s.send(message)
				if numsent != len(message):
					print("Oops - num bytes sent:", numsent, "but message has length:", len(message))
					# For really long messages, maybe need to chunk into 4k blocks or something?
					return self.RC_MESSAGE_SENT
			except Exception as e:
				print("Woah, that threw something:", e)
		print("Bailed from the send attempt, returning failure")
		return self.RC_MESSAGE_FAILED   # it didn't work
Esempio n. 18
		print("Please stop this mongod service before running Murmeli.")
	print("No password is saved, so we can't use Auth on the db: go to startupwizard")
	canStartMurmeli = False

if canStartMurmeli:
	print("I think I can start Murmeli, checking database status")
	if dbStatus == DbClient.NOT_RUNNING:
		canStartMurmeli = DbClient.startDatabase(useAuth=True)

	# Either the database was already running with auth, or we've just started it with auth
	if canStartMurmeli:
		# if we can't connect, or if we haven't got our own keypair stored, then we need the startupwizard
		print("Database is now running, now checking for profile")
			ownprofile = DbClient.getProfile()
			if ownprofile is None or ownprofile.get("keyid", None) is None:
				print("I didn't get a profile or didn't get a key, so I can't start Murmeli")
				canStartMurmeli = False
				print("I think I got a profile and a keyid: '", ownprofile.get("keyid", ""), "' so I'm going to start Murmeli")
		except Exception:
			canStartMurmeli = False # maybe authentication failed?

if not canStartMurmeli:
	# Ask DbClient to stop mongo again

# Get ready to launch a Qt GUI
Esempio n. 19
	def _isProfileStatusOk(torId, allowedStatuses):
		profile = DbClient.getProfile(torId, False)
		status = profile.get("status", None) if profile else None
		return status in allowedStatuses
Esempio n. 20
	def _makeFingerprintChecker(self, userid):
		'''Use the given userid to make a FingerprintChecker between me and them'''
		person = DbClient.getProfile(userid, False)
		ownFingerprint = CryptoClient.getFingerprint(DbClient.getOwnKeyId())
		usrFingerprint = CryptoClient.getFingerprint(person['keyid'])
		return FingerprintChecker(ownFingerprint, usrFingerprint)
Esempio n. 21
	def dealWithAsymmetricMessage(message):
		'''Decide what to do with the given asymmetric message'''
		if message.senderId == MessageShuffler.getOwnTorId():
			print("*** Shouldn't receive a message from myself!")
		# Sort message according to type
		if message.messageType == Message.TYPE_CONTACT_RESPONSE:
			print("Received a contact accept from", message.senderId, "name", message.senderName)
			if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['pending', 'requested', 'untrusted']):
				print(message.senderName, "'s public key is", message.senderKey)
				ContactMaker.handleReceiveAccept(message.senderId, message.senderName, message.senderKey)
				# Call DbClient to store new message in inbox
				rowToStore = {"messageType":"contactresponse", "fromId":message.senderId,
					"fromName":message.senderName, "messageBody":message.introMessage, "accepted":True,
					"messageRead":False, "messageReplied":False, "timestamp":message.timestamp,
			elif MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, [None, 'blocked']):
				print("Received a contact response but I didn't send them a request!")
				print("Encrypted contents are:", message.encryptedContents)
				rowToStore = {"messageType":"contactresponse", "fromId":message.senderId,
					"fromName":message.senderName, "messageBody":message.introMessage, "accepted":True,
					"timestamp":message.timestamp, "encryptedMsg":message.encryptedContents}
		elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_STATUS_NOTIFY:
				print("One of our contacts has just come online- ", message.senderId,
					"and hash is", message.profileHash)
				prof = DbClient.getProfile(userid=message.senderId, extend=False)
				if prof:
					storedHash = prof.get("profileHash", "empty")
					if message.profileHash != storedHash:
						reply = InfoRequestMessage(infoType=InfoRequestMessage.INFO_PROFILE)
						reply.recipients = [message.senderId]
						print("Now sending back a pong, too")
						reply = StatusNotifyMessage(online=True, ping=False, profileHash=None)
						reply.recipients = [message.senderId]
						print("It's already a pong so I won't reply")
				print("One of our contacts is going offline -", message.senderId)
		elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_INFO_REQUEST:
			print("I've received an info request message for type", message.infoType)
			if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['trusted']):
				reply = InfoResponseMessage(message.messageType)
				reply.recipients = [message.senderId]
		elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_INFO_RESPONSE:
			if message.profile and MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['trusted', 'untrusted']):
				if message.profileHash:
					message.profile['profileHash'] = message.profileHash
				DbClient.updateContact(message.senderId, message.profile)
		elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_ASYM_MESSAGE:
			print("It's a general kind of message, this should go in the Inbox, right?")
			if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['trusted', 'untrusted']):
			# It's another asymmetric message type
			print("Hä?  What kind of asymmetric message type is that? ", message.messageType)