def connect_vpn(conn, vpn): sql = "SELECT account, pwd, server, ip from vpn where account='%s'" % vpn results = read_all_sql(conn, sql) if results: for row in results: vpn = row['account'] vpn_pwd = row['pwd'] vpn_ip = row['ip'] vpn_server = row['server'].replace('', '') with open("D:\\work\\pin_login_system\\boot\\vpn.txt", "w", encoding='utf-8') as fp: print(vpn_server + "," + vpn + "," + vpn_pwd) fp.write(vpn_server + "," + vpn + "," + vpn_pwd) else: print( 'No corresponding VPN account has been detected and the system is being shut down...') time.sleep(600) os.system('Shutdown -s -t 0') print('Disconnect the original VPN connection') rasphone_vpn() write_txt_time() print('Handling new VPN...') check_vpn_num = check_vpn() net_ip = get_out_ip() write_txt_time() while True: if net_ip == vpn_ip: print('VPN connection IP is correct!') break else: check_vpn_num = check_vpn() write_txt_time() time.sleep(10) net_ip = get_out_ip()
def get_account(self): lock_computer = self.hostname[:6] sql = 'SELECT count(1) from account where action_time="%s" and belong="%s"' % ( self.current_time, lock_computer) operated_account = read_one_sql(self.conn, sql)['count(1)'] sql = 'SELECT count(1) from account where state=1 and action_time<"%s" and belong="%s"' % ( self.current_time, lock_computer) inactive_account = read_one_sql(self.conn, sql)['count(1)'] print('Operated account: ', operated_account, ';' 'Inactive account: ', inactive_account) sql = 'SELECT * from account where priority>0 and belong="%s"' % lock_computer self.priority_result = read_all_sql(self.conn, sql) if self.priority_result: sql = 'SELECT * from account where priority=1 and action_computer="%s"' % self.hostname else: sql = "SELECT * from account where action_computer='%s' and action_time<'%s' and state=1 and login_times<4 order by action_time asc limit 1" % ( self.hostname, self.current_time) result = read_one_sql(self.conn, sql) if result: self.account_id = result["id"] = result["email"] self.pwd = result["pw"] self.vpn = result['vpn'] self.cookie = result['cookie'] self.domain = result['domain'] self.agent = result['agent'] if not self.agent: sql = 'SELECT * from user_agent where terminal="computer" and read_time<4 order by RAND() limit 1' agent_in_sql = read_one_sql(self.conn, sql) if agent_in_sql: self.agent = agent_in_sql['user_agent'] agent_id = agent_in_sql['Id'] sql = 'UPDATE account set agent="%s" where id=%s' % ( self.agent, self.account_id) write_sql(self.conn, sql) sql = 'UPDATE user_agent set read_time=read_time+1 where id=%s' % agent_id write_sql(self.conn, sql) print("Start account processing:", "ID:", self.account_id, "Email:",, "password", self.pwd) else: print('Not Data!') time.sleep(3)
def follow(self): print('Turn on the follow function, count:', self.follow_num) sql = '''SELECT * from follow_url order by RAND() limit %s''' % self.follow_num results = read_all_sql(self.conn, sql) if results: for res in results: home_url = res['home_url'] try: self.driver.get(home_url) except: pass time.sleep(5) try: follow_state = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//div[@class="fixedHeader"]//div[3]//div[2]/button/div' ).text if follow_state == 'Follow': self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//div[@class="fixedHeader"]//div[3]//div[2]/button' ).click() time.sleep(1) self.driver.execute_script('window.scrollTo(1, 4000)') time.sleep(3) except: pass try: follow_state = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//div[@class="CreatorFollowButton step0"]//div[2]/div' ).text if follow_state == 'Follow': self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//div[@class="CreatorFollowButton step0"]/div/div/div/div' ).click() time.sleep(1) self.driver.execute_script('window.scrollTo(1, 4000)') time.sleep(3) except: pass write_txt_time()
def change_hardware(self): lock_computer = self.hostname[:6] sql = 'SELECT * from account where priority>0 and belong="%s"' % lock_computer self.priority_result = read_all_sql(self.conn, sql) if self.priority_result: sql = 'SELECT * from account where priority=1 and computer_state=0 and belong="%s" order by id limit 1' % lock_computer else: sql = "SELECT * from account where computer_state=0 and belong='%s' and action_time<'%s' and state=1 and login_times<4 order by action_time asc limit 1" % ( lock_computer, self.current_time) next_account = read_one_sql(self.conn, sql) if next_account: account_id = next_account["id"] email = next_account["email"] pwd = next_account["pw"] vpn = next_account['vpn'] cookie = next_account['cookie'] print("Next account processing:", "ID:", account_id, "Email:", email) self.mac_adress = next_account['mac_adress'] sql_hostname = next_account['action_computer'] if self.mac_adress: with open('D:\\work\\pin_login_system\\nameandmac.txt', 'w') as fp: fp.write(sql_hostname + ',' + self.mac_adress) sql = 'UPDATE account set computer_state=1 where id=%s' % account_id write_sql(self.conn, sql) time.sleep(6) p = subprocess.Popen( 'D:\\work\\pin_login_system\\editor_mac_computername.bat', shell=False) p.wait() print('Is about to restart') time.sleep(10) os.system('shutdown -r -t 0') time.sleep(100) else: print('Not useable data!') time.sleep(3)
def click_specific_pin(self): print('Start searching for our company images') sql = "SELECT web_url from follow_url" results = read_all_sql(self.conn, sql) http_in_sql_list = [] for res in results: http_in_sql = res['web_url'] http_in_sql_list.append(http_in_sql) sql = "SELECT * from search_words where us=1 order by RAND() limit %s" % self.search_words_count key_wrods = read_all_sql(self.conn, sql) if key_wrods: pin_count = 0 for key_wrod in key_wrods: search_key_words = key_wrod['word'] board_name = key_wrod['boards'] # belong = result['us'] try: self.driver.find_element_by_name('q').click() time.sleep(1) self.driver.find_element_by_name('q').clear() time.sleep(1) self.driver.find_element_by_name('q').send_keys( search_key_words) time.sleep(1) win32api.keybd_event(13, 0, 0, 0) win32api.keybd_event(13, 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) except: pass try: self.driver.find_element_by_name("searchBoxInput").click() time.sleep(1) self.driver.find_element_by_name("searchBoxInput").clear() time.sleep(1) self.driver.find_element_by_name( "searchBoxInput").send_keys(search_key_words) time.sleep(1) win32api.keybd_event(13, 0, 0, 0) win32api.keybd_event(13, 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) except: pass time.sleep(8) for _ in range(self.scroll_num): try: web_pin_arr = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//div[@data-grid-item='true']") # print(len(web_pin_arr)) except: time.sleep(3) web_pin_arr = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath( "//div[@data-grid-item='true']") for web_pin_one in web_pin_arr: try: ActionChains(self.driver).move_to_element( web_pin_one).perform() time.sleep(3) except: pass try: web_pin = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( "//a[@class='navigateLink']//div[2]/div") time.sleep(2) web_pin_url = web_pin.text # print(web_pin_url) if web_pin_url in http_in_sql_list: time.sleep(1) specific_pin_url = web_pin_one.find_element_by_xpath( './/div[@class="pinWrapper"]/div/a' ).get_attribute('href') time.sleep(1) specific_pin_pic_url = web_pin_one.find_element_by_xpath( './/div[@class="pinWrapper"]//img' ).get_attribute('src') self.save_pic( board_name=board_name, belong=1, specific_pin_url=specific_pin_url, specific_pin_pic_url=specific_pin_pic_url) pin_count += 1 except Exception as e: pass if pin_count == self.pin_self_count: break if pin_count == self.pin_self_count: break else: win32api.keybd_event(35, 0, 0, 0) win32api.keybd_event(35, 0, win32con.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) time.sleep(5) write_txt_time() if pin_count == self.pin_self_count: break