async def warn(ctx,member:discord.Member,*,reason="None"): setting = "moderation" status = str(dbhandler.settingcheck(ctx,setting)) status = status.replace("[","") status = status.replace("]","") status = status.replace("'","") status = status.replace("(","") status = status.replace(")","") status = status.replace(",","") if status == "on": if == True: dbhandler.addwarning(ctx,member) status=str(dbhandler.warnings(ctx,member)) status = status.replace("'","") status = status.replace("(","") status = status.replace(")","") status = status.replace(",","") if status == "None": embed=discord.Embed(title="⛔️ Database Error ⛔️","\nIt appears that the person you are trying to warn is not in the database, this means they have not talked in the server! This is required to warn someone!",colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed) else: if int(status) >= 5: await bot.kick(member) embed=discord.Embed(title="⚒️ AUTO-KICK ⚒️",description=member.display_name+" has been kicked for exceeding the warn limit on this server, they had `"+status+"` warnings!",colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed) else: embed=discord.Embed(title="❗️ WARNING ❗️",description=member.display_name+" you have been warned by ""\nReason : `"+str(reason)+"`\nYou now have `"+status+"` warnings!",colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed) else: embed=discord.Embed(title="⛔️ Permission Error ⛔️","\nIt appears that you do not have the permission to manage messages, which is required to warn someone!",colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed) else: embed=discord.Embed(title="⛔️ SETTINGS ERROR ⛔️",description="It appears your server does not have the `moderation` setting turned on!",colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed)
async def ban(ctx, member: discord.Member, *, reason="None"): setting = "moderation" status = str(dbhandler.settingcheck(ctx, setting)) status = status.replace("[", "") status = status.replace("]", "") status = status.replace("'", "") status = status.replace("(", "") status = status.replace(")", "") status = status.replace(",", "") if status == "on": if == True: await bot.ban(member) embed = discord.Embed( title="⚒️ BANNED ⚒️", description=member.display_name + " has been banned by " + + "\nReason : `" + str(reason) + "`", colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed) else: embed = discord.Embed( title="⛔️ Permission Error ⛔️", + "\nIt appears that you do not have the permission to ban Members, which is required to ban someone!", colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed) else: embed = discord.Embed( title="⛔️ SETTINGS ERROR ⛔️", description= "It appears your server does not have the `moderation` setting turned on!", colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed)
async def mute(ctx,member:discord.Member,*,reason="None"): setting = "moderation" status = str(dbhandler.settingcheck(ctx,setting)) status = status.replace("[","") status = status.replace("]","") status = status.replace("'","") status = status.replace("(","") status = status.replace(")","") status = status.replace(",","") if status == "on": if == True: if "Muted" in [ for y in ctx.message.server.roles]: embed=discord.Embed(title="🤐 Mute 🤐",description='{}, you have been muted. \nReason : `'.format(member.display_name)+reason+'`',colour=0xFFC600) await asyncio.sleep(1) await bot.add_roles(member,discord.utils.get(ctx.message.server.roles, name="Muted")) await bot.say(embed=embed) else: await bot.create_role(server=ctx.message.server,name="Muted",permissions=discord.PermissionOverwrite.send_messages(allow)) embed=discord.Embed(title="Success",description="I have created a new role called `Muted` which will allow you to mute people.",colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed) embed1=discord.Embed(title="🤐 Mute 🤐",description='{}, you have been muted. \nReason : `'.format(member.display_name)+reason+'`',colour=0xFFC600) await asyncio.sleep(1) await bot.add_roles(member,discord.utils.get(ctx.message.server.roles, name="Muted")) await bot.say(embed=embed1) else: embed=discord.Embed(title="⛔️ Permission Error ⛔️","\nIt appears that you do not have the permission to Manage Messages, which is required to mute someone!",colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed) else: embed=discord.Embed(title="⛔️ SETTINGS ERROR ⛔️",description="It appears your server does not have the `moderation` setting turned on!",colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed)
async def purge(ctx, num: int): setting = "moderation" status = str(dbhandler.settingcheck(ctx, setting)) status = status.replace("[", "") status = status.replace("]", "") status = status.replace("'", "") status = status.replace("(", "") status = status.replace(")", "") status = status.replace(",", "") if status == "on": if == True: await bot.purge_from(, limit=num + 1) embed = discord.Embed(title="🗑️ PURGE 🗑️", description=str(num) + " message(s) deleted from " +, colour=0xFFC600) embed.set_footer(text="Deleted by : " + + " - Message will be deleted in 5 seconds", message = await bot.say(embed=embed) await asyncio.sleep(5) await bot.delete_message(message) else: embed = discord.Embed( title="⛔️ Permission Error ⛔️", + "\nIt appears that you do not have the permission to Manage Messages, which is required to purge messages!", colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed) else: embed = discord.Embed( title="⛔️ SETTINGS ERROR ⛔️", description= "It appears your server does not have the `moderation` setting turned on!", colour=0xFFC600) await bot.say(embed=embed)