def deletePost(): if request.method == 'DELETE': cur = get_userdb().cursor() executionState: bool = False post_id = request.args.get('post_id') try: uid = request.authorization["username"] pwd = request.authorization["password"] cur.execute("select * from post where post_id=:post_id", (post_id, )) res = cur.fetchall() if len(res) > 0: cur.execute( "UPDATE post set is_active_article=0 where post_id= :post_id and user_name= :user_name AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM post WHERE user_name=:user_name AND is_active_article=1)", { "post_id": post_id, "user_name": uid }) row = cur.fetchall() if cur.rowcount >= 1: executionState = True get_userdb().commit() except: get_userdb().rollback() print("Error") finally: if executionState: return jsonify(message="Deleted Article SucessFully"), 200 else: return jsonify(message="Failed to delete Article"), 409
def InsertUser(): if request.method == 'POST': executionState: bool = False cur = get_userdb().cursor() data = request.get_json(force=True) try: date_created = is_active = 1 hashed_password = pwd_context.hash(data['hashed_password']) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO users (user_name, hashed_password, full_name, email_id, date_created, is_active ) VALUES (:user_name, :hashed_password, :full_name, :email_id, :date_created, :is_active)", { "user_name": data['user_name'], "hashed_password": hashed_password, "full_name": data['full_name'], "email_id": data['email_id'], "date_created": date_created, "is_active": is_active }) if (cur.rowcount >= 1): executionState = True get_userdb().commit() except: get_userdb().rollback() print("Error") finally: if executionState: return jsonify(message="Data Instersted Sucessfully"), 201 else: return jsonify(message="Failed to insert data"), 409
def retriveNPost(): if request.method == 'GET': limit = request.args.get('limit') post_id = request.args.get('post_id') community = request.args.get('community') executionState: bool = True cur = get_userdb().cursor() try: if limit is not None: # retrive n most recent post from any community cur.execute( "Select * from post where is_active_article = 1 order by date_created desc limit :limit", {"limit": limit}) row = cur.fetchall() if list(row) == []: return "No such value exists\n", 204 return jsonify(row), 200 if limit is None and community is None: #retrive post_id cur.execute("select * from post where post_id=:post_id", (post_id, )) row = cur.fetchall() if list(row) == []: return "No such value exists\n", 204 return jsonify(row), 200 if limit is not None and community is not None: #retrive n most recent post from a particular community cur.execute( "Select * from post where is_active_article = 1 order by date_created desc limit:limit where community:community", { "limit": limit, "community": community }) row = cur.fetchall() if list(row) == []: return "No such value exists\n", 204 return jsonify(row), 200 except: get_userdb().rollback() executionState = False finally: if executionState == False: return jsonify(message="Fail to retrive from db"), 409 else: return jsonify(row), 200
def check_auth(username, password): #print("inside check_auth") cur = get_userdb().cursor().execute( "SELECT user_name, hashed_password from users WHERE user_name=?", (username, )) row = cur.fetchall() if row[0][0] == username and pwd_context.verify(password, row[0][1]): return True else: return False
def insertPost(): if request.method == 'POST': data = request.get_json(force=True) executionState: bool = False try: cur = get_userdb().cursor() current_time = is_active_article = 1 uid = request.authorization["username"] pwd = request.authorization["password"] print(pwd) cur.execute( "INSERT INTO post(user_name,title,content,is_active_article,date_created,date_modified,url,community, UpVote, DownVote) VALUES (:user_name, :title, :content, :is_active_article, :date_created, :date_modified, :url, :community, :UpVote, :DownVote)", { "user_name": uid, "title": data['title'], "content": data['content'], "is_active_article": is_active_article, "date_created": current_time, "date_modified": current_time, "url": 'NULL', "community": data['community'], "UpVote": 0, "DownVote": 0 }) last_inserted_row = cur.lastrowid url_post = ("" + str(last_inserted_row) + "") cur.execute("UPDATE post set url=:url where post_id=:post_id", (url_post, last_inserted_row)) if (cur.rowcount >= 1): executionState = True get_userdb().commit() except: get_userdb().rollback() print("Error") finally: if executionState: return jsonify(message="Data Inserted Sucessfully"), 201 else: return jsonify(message="Failed to insert data"), 409
def updatePost(): if request.method == 'PUT': executionState: bool = False cur = get_userdb().cursor() try: data = request.get_json(force=True) tmod = uid = request.authorization["username"] pwd = request.authorization["password"] cur.execute("select * from post where post_id=:post_id", (data['post_id'], )) res = cur.fetchall() print(res) if len(res) > 0: cur.execute( "UPDATE post set title=:title, content=:content, date_modified=:date_modified, url=:url, community=:community where post_id=:post_id and user_name =:user_name", { "title": data['title'], "content": data['content'], "date_modified": tmod, "url": data['url'], "community": data['community'], "post_id": data['post_id'], "user_name": uid }) print('check') if (cur.rowcount >= 1): executionState = True get_userdb().commit() else: return jsonify(message="Post does not exist"), 409 except: get_userdb().rollback() print("Error in update") finally: if executionState: return jsonify(message="Updated Post SucessFully"), 201 else: return jsonify(message="Failed to update Post"), 409
def DeleteUser(): if request.method == "DELETE": executionState: bool = False cur = get_userdb().cursor() try: uid = request.authorization["username"] pwd = request.authorization["password"] cur.execute("DELETE FROM users where user_name= :user_name ", {"user_name": uid}) if cur.rowcount >= 1: executionState = True get_userdb().commit() except sqlite3.Error as er: print(er) get_userdb().rollback() #save finally: if executionState: return jsonify(message="Data SucessFully deleted"), 200 else: return jsonify(message="Failed to delete data"), 409
def UpdateUser(): if request.method == 'PATCH': executionState: bool = False cur = get_userdb().cursor() try: data = request.get_json(force=True) uid = request.authorization["username"] pwd = request.authorization["password"] hash_password = pwd_context.hash(data['hashed_password']) cur.execute( "UPDATE users SET hashed_password= :hashed_password WHERE user_name= :user_name AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users WHERE user_name=:user_name AND is_active=1)", (hash_password, uid, uid)) if (cur.rowcount >= 1): executionState = True get_userdb().commit() except: get_userdb().rollback() print("Error") finally: if executionState: return jsonify(message="Updated SucessFully"), 201 else: return jsonify(message="Failed to update the data"), 409