def processPendingContacts(torId): print("Process pending contact accept responses from:", torId) foundReq = False for resp in DbI.getPendingContactMessages(torId): name = resp.get("fromName", None) if not name: profile = DbI.getProfile(torId) name = profile["displayName"] print("Found pending contact accept request from: ", name) # Check signature using keyring _, signatureKey = CryptoClient.decryptAndCheckSignature( resp.get("encryptedMsg", None)) if signatureKey: foundReq = True # Insert new message into inbox with message contents rowToStore = { "messageType": "contactresponse", "fromId": resp.get("fromId", None), "fromName": name, "accepted": True, "messageBody": resp.get("messageBody", ""), "timestamp": resp.get("timestamp", None), "messageRead": True, "messageReplied": True, "recipients": DbI.getOwnTorid() } DbI.addToInbox(rowToStore) if foundReq: DbI.updateProfile(torId, {"status": "untrusted"}) # Delete all pending contact responses from this torId DbI.deletePendingContactMessages(torId)
def _createUnencryptedPayload(self): if self.senderId is None: self.senderId = DbI.getOwnTorid() return self.packBytesTogether([ self.encodeNumberToBytes(self.messageType, 1), self.senderId, self._createSubpayload() ])
def testBasics(self): '''Testing the basics of the interface with a super-simple db''' # Create new, empty database without file-storage db = supersimpledb.MurmeliDb() DbI.setDb(db) # Lists should be empty self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getMessageableProfiles()), 0, "Should be 0 messageables") self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()), 0, "Should be 0 trusted") self.assertFalse(DbI.hasFriends(), "Shouldn't have any friends") # Store some profiles DbI.updateProfile("abc123", {"keyid":"ZYXW987", "status":"self", "name":"That's me"}) DbI.updateProfile("def123", {"keyid":"JKLM987", "status":"trusted", "name":"Jimmy"}) DbI.updateProfile("ghi123", {"keyid":"TUVWX987", "status":"untrusted", "name":"Dave"}) # Get my ids self.assertEqual(DbI.getOwnTorid(), "abc123", "Should find correct tor id") self.assertEqual(DbI.getOwnKeyid(), "ZYXW987", "Should find correct key id") # Get all profiles self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getProfiles()), 3, "Should be three profiles in total") self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getMessageableProfiles()), 2, "Should be two messageables") self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()), 1, "Should be one trusted") self.assertEqual(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()[0]['displayName'], "Jimmy", "Jimmy should be trusted") self.assertTrue(DbI.hasFriends(), "Should have friends") # Update an existing profile DbI.updateProfile("def123", {"displayName":"Slippin' Jimmy"}) self.assertEqual(len(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()), 1, "Should still be one trusted") self.assertEqual(DbI.getTrustedProfiles()[0]['displayName'], "Slippin' Jimmy", "Slippin' Jimmy should be trusted") # Finished DbI.releaseDb()
def sendReferRequestMessage(sendToId, requestedId, intro): '''Send a message to sendToId, to ask that they recommend you to requestedId''' sendToProfile = DbI.getProfile(sendToId) if sendToProfile and sendToProfile.get("status", "nostatus") == "trusted" \ and requestedId != DbI.getOwnTorid(): print("Send message to", sendToId, "requesting referral of", requestedId) notify = ContactReferRequestMessage(friendId=requestedId, introMessage=intro) notify.recipients = [sendToId] DbI.addToOutbox(notify)
def generateAddPage(self): '''Build the form page for adding a new user, using the template''' bodytext = self.addtemplate.getHtml({"owntorid": DbI.getOwnTorid()}) return self.buildPage({ 'pageTitle': I18nManager.getText("contacts.title"), 'pageBody': bodytext, 'pageFooter': "<p>Footer</p>" })
def handleInitiate(torId, displayName): '''We have requested contact with another id, so we can set up this new contact's name with a status of "requested"''' # TODO: If row already exists then get status (and name/displayname) and error with it # Add new row in db with id, name and "requested" if torId and torId != DbI.getOwnTorid(): DbI.updateProfile( torId, { 'displayName': displayName, 'name': displayName, 'status': 'requested' })
def getSharedAndPossibleContacts(torid): '''Check which contacts we share with the given torid and which ones we could recommend to each other''' nameMap = {} ourContactIds = set() trustedContactIds = set() theirContactIds = set() # Get our id so we can exclude it from the sets myTorId = DbI.getOwnTorid() if torid == myTorId: return (None, None, None, None) # Find the contacts of the specified person selectedProfile = DbI.getProfile(torid) selectedContacts = selectedProfile.get( 'contactlist', None) if selectedProfile else None if selectedContacts: for s in selectedContacts.split(","): if s and len(s) >= 16: foundid = s[0:16] if foundid != myTorId: foundName = s[16:] theirContactIds.add(foundid) nameMap[foundid] = foundName foundTheirContacts = len(theirContactIds) > 0 # Now get information about our contacts for c in DbI.getMessageableProfiles(): foundid = c['torid'] ourContactIds.add(foundid) if c['status'] == 'trusted' and foundid != torid: trustedContactIds.add(foundid) nameMap[foundid] = c['displayName'] # Should we check the contact information too? if not foundTheirContacts: foundContacts = c.get('contactlist', None) if foundContacts: for s in foundContacts.split(","): if s[0:16] == torid: theirContactIds.add(foundid) # Now we have three sets of torids: our contacts, our trusted contacts, and their contacts. sharedContactIds = ourContactIds.intersection( theirContactIds) # might be empty suggestionsForThem = trustedContactIds.difference(theirContactIds) possibleForMe = theirContactIds.difference(ourContactIds) # TODO: Maybe subtract requested contacts from the "possibleForMe" set? # Some or all of these sets may be empty, but we still return the map so we can look up names return (sharedContactIds, suggestionsForThem, possibleForMe, nameMap)
def _createSubpayload(self): '''Use the stored fields to pack the payload contents together''' if self.senderKey is None: self.senderKey = self.getOwnPublicKey() # Get own torid and name if not self.senderId: self.senderId = DbI.getOwnTorid() if not self.senderName: self.senderName = DbI.getProfile().get('name', self.senderId) if not self.introMessage: self.introMessage = "" nameAsBytes = self.senderName.encode('utf-8') messageAsBytes = self.introMessage.encode('utf-8') print("Packing contact request with senderId", self.senderId) return self.packBytesTogether([ self.senderId, self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(nameAsBytes), 4), nameAsBytes, self.encodeNumberToBytes(len(messageAsBytes), 4), messageAsBytes, self.senderKey ])
def dealWithUnencryptedMessage(message): '''Decide what to do with the given unencrypted message''' if message.messageType == Message.TYPE_CONTACT_REQUEST: print("Received a contact request from", message.senderId) # Check config to see whether we accept these or not if Config.getProperty(Config.KEY_ALLOW_FRIEND_REQUESTS) \ and MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, [None, 'requested', 'untrusted', 'trusted']): # Store new message in inbox rowToStore = { "messageType": "contactrequest", "fromId": message.senderId, "fromName": message.senderName, "messageBody": message.message, "publicKey": message.publicKey, "timestamp": message.timestamp, "messageRead": False, "messageReplied": False } DbI.addToInbox(rowToStore) elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_CONTACT_RESPONSE: print( "It's an unencrypted contact response, so it must be a refusal" ) sender = DbI.getProfile(message.senderId) if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['requested']): senderName = sender.get("displayName") if sender else "" ContactMaker.handleReceiveDeny(message.senderId) # Store new message in inbox rowToStore = { "messageType": "contactresponse", "fromId": message.senderId, "fromName": senderName, "messageBody": "", "accepted": False, "messageRead": False, "messageReplied": False, "timestamp": message.timestamp, "recipients": DbI.getOwnTorid() } DbI.addToInbox(rowToStore) else: print("Hä? It's unencrypted but the message type is", message.messageType)
def dealWithMessage(message): '''Examine the received message and decide what to do with it''' print("Hmm, the MessageShuffler has been given some kind of message") # We must be online if we've received a message Contacts.instance().comeOnline(DbI.getOwnTorid()) if message.senderMustBeTrusted: sender = DbI.getProfile(message.senderId) if not sender or sender['status'] != "trusted": return # throw message away if not message.isComplete(): print("A message of type", message.encryptionType, "was received but it's not complete - throwing away") return # throw message away # if it's not encrypted, it's for us -> save in inbox if message.encryptionType == Message.ENCTYPE_NONE: MessageShuffler.dealWithUnencryptedMessage(message) elif message.encryptionType == Message.ENCTYPE_SYMM: # if it's symmetric, forget it for now pass elif message.encryptionType == Message.ENCTYPE_ASYM: MessageShuffler.dealWithAsymmetricMessage(message) elif message.encryptionType == Message.ENCTYPE_RELAY: # Get received bytes of message, and add to Outbox, send to everybody EXCEPT the sender bytesToSend = message.createOutput(None) if bytesToSend: # add to outbox, but don't send it back to message.senderId DbI.addRelayMessageToOutbox(bytesToSend, message.senderId) else: print("Hä? What kind of encryption type is that? ", message.encryptionType) # Log receipt of message (do we want to know about relays at all?) if message.encryptionType in [ Message.ENCTYPE_NONE, Message.ENCTYPE_ASYM ]: logMessage = "Message of type: %s received from %s" % ( message.getMessageTypeKey(), message.senderId) MessageShuffler.getTannoy().shout(logMessage)
def handleDeleteContact(torId): '''For whatever reason, we don't trust this contact any more, so status is set to "deleted"''' if torId and torId != DbI.getOwnTorid(): DbI.updateProfile(torId, {"status": "deleted"})
def handleReceiveDeny(torId): '''We have requested contact with another id, but this has been denied. So we need to update their status accordingly''' if torId and torId != DbI.getOwnTorid(): DbI.updateProfile(torId, {"status": "deleted"})
def dealWithAsymmetricMessage(message): '''Decide what to do with the given asymmetric message''' if message.senderId == DbI.getOwnTorid(): print("*** Shouldn't receive a message from myself!") return # Sort message according to type if message.messageType == Message.TYPE_CONTACT_RESPONSE: print("Received a contact accept from", message.senderId, "name", message.senderName) if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk( message.senderId, ['pending', 'requested', 'untrusted']): print(message.senderName, "'s public key is", message.senderKey) ContactMaker.handleReceiveAccept(message.senderId, message.senderName, message.senderKey) # Store new message in inbox rowToStore = { "messageType": "contactresponse", "fromId": message.senderId, "fromName": message.senderName, "messageBody": message.introMessage, "accepted": True, "messageRead": False, "messageReplied": False, "timestamp": message.timestamp, "recipients": DbI.getOwnTorid() } DbI.addToInbox(rowToStore) elif MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, [None, 'blocked']): print( "Received a contact response but I didn't send them a request!" ) print("Encrypted contents are:", message.encryptedContents) rowToStore = { "messageType": "contactresponse", "fromId": message.senderId, "fromName": message.senderName, "messageBody": message.introMessage, "accepted": True, "timestamp": message.timestamp, "encryptedMsg": message.encryptedContents } DbI.addMessageToPendingContacts(rowToStore) elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_STATUS_NOTIFY: if print("One of our contacts has just come online- ", message.senderId, "and hash is", message.profileHash) prof = DbI.getProfile(message.senderId) if prof: storedHash = prof.get("profileHash", "empty") if message.profileHash != storedHash: reply = InfoRequestMessage( infoType=InfoRequestMessage.INFO_PROFILE) reply.recipients = [message.senderId] DbI.addToOutbox(reply) if print("Now sending back a pong, too") reply = StatusNotifyMessage(online=True, ping=False, profileHash=None) reply.recipients = [message.senderId] DbI.addToOutbox(reply) else: print("It's already a pong so I won't reply") Contacts.instance().comeOnline(message.senderId) else: print("One of our contacts is going offline -", message.senderId) Contacts.instance().goneOffline(message.senderId) elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_INFO_REQUEST: print("I've received an info request message for type", message.infoType) if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['trusted']): reply = InfoResponseMessage(message.messageType) reply.recipients = [message.senderId] DbI.addToOutbox(reply) elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_INFO_RESPONSE: if message.profile and MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk( message.senderId, ['trusted', 'untrusted']): if message.profileHash: message.profile['profileHash'] = message.profileHash DbI.updateProfile(message.senderId, message.profile, Config.getWebCacheDir()) elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_FRIEND_REFERRAL: print("I've received a friend referral message from:", message.senderId, "for:", message.friendName) if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['trusted']): # Store new referral message in inbox rowToStore = { "messageType": "contactrefer", "fromId": message.senderId, "friendId": message.friendId, "friendName": message.friendName, "messageBody": message.message, "publicKey": message.publicKey, "timestamp": message.timestamp, "messageRead": False, "messageReplied": False } DbI.addToInbox(rowToStore) elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_FRIENDREFER_REQUEST: print("I've received a friend referral request from:", message.senderId, "who wants me to refer:", message.friendId) if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['trusted']): # Store message in the inbox rowToStore = { "messageType": "referrequest", "fromId": message.senderId, "friendId": message.friendId, "friendName": message.friendName, "messageBody": message.message, "publicKey": message.publicKey, "timestamp": message.timestamp, "messageRead": False, "messageReplied": False } DbI.addToInbox(rowToStore) elif message.messageType == Message.TYPE_ASYM_MESSAGE: print( "It's a general kind of message, this should go in the Inbox, right?" ) if MessageShuffler._isProfileStatusOk(message.senderId, ['trusted', 'untrusted']): rowToStore = { "messageType": "normal", "fromId": message.senderId, "messageBody": message.messageBody, "timestamp": message.timestamp, "messageRead": False, "messageReplied": False, "recipients": message.sendTo, "parentHash": message.replyToHash } DbI.addToInbox(rowToStore) Contacts.instance().comeOnline(message.senderId) else: # It's another asymmetric message type print("Hä? What kind of asymmetric message type is that? ", message.messageType)
def servePage(self, view, url, params): print("Compose: %s, params %s" % (url, repr(params))) if url == "/start": self.requirePageResources(['default.css', 'jquery-3.1.1.js']) DbI.exportAllAvatars(Config.getWebCacheDir()) parentHash = params.get("reply", None) recpts = params.get("sendto", None) # Build list of contacts to whom we can send userboxes = [] for p in DbI.getMessageableProfiles(): box = Bean() box.dispName = p['displayName'] box.torid = p['torid'] userboxes.append(box) pageParams = { "contactlist": userboxes, "parenthash": parentHash if parentHash else "", "webcachedir": Config.getWebCacheDir(), "recipientids": recpts } contents = self.buildPage({ 'pageTitle': I18nManager.getText("composemessage.title"), 'pageBody': self.composetemplate.getHtml(pageParams), 'pageFooter': "<p>Footer</p>" }) view.setHtml(contents) # If we've got no friends, then warn, can't send to anyone if not DbI.hasFriends(): "window.alert('No friends :(');") elif url == "/send": print("Submit new message with params:", params) msgBody = params[ 'messagebody'] # TODO: check body isn't empty, throw an exception? parentHash = params.get("parenthash", None) recpts = params['sendto'] # Make a corresponding message object and pass it on msg = message.RegularMessage(sendTo=recpts, messageBody=msgBody, replyToHash=parentHash) msg.recipients = recpts.split(",") DbI.addToOutbox(msg) # Save a copy of the sent message sentMessage = { "messageType": "normal", "fromId": DbI.getOwnTorid(), "messageBody": msgBody, "timestamp": msg.timestamp, "messageRead": True, "messageReplied": False, "recipients": recpts, "parentHash": parentHash } DbI.addToInbox(sentMessage) # Close window after successful send contents = self.buildPage({ 'pageTitle': I18nManager.getText("messages.title"), 'pageBody': self.closingtemplate.getHtml(), 'pageFooter': "<p>Footer</p>" }) view.setHtml(contents)
def servePage(self, view, url, params): print("Special function:", url) if url == "/selectprofilepic": # Get home directory for file dialog homedir = os.path.expanduser("~/") fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( view, I18nManager.getText("gui.dialogtitle.openimage"), homedir, I18nManager.getText("gui.fileselection.filetypes.jpg")) if fname: "updateProfilePic('" + fname + "');") elif url == "/friendstorm": if not DbI.hasFriends(): "window.alert('No friends :(');") return # Launch a storm = Brainstorm(I18nManager.getText("contacts.storm.title")) storm = Storm() # Build up Nodes and Edges using our contact list and if possible our friends' contact lists myTorId = DbI.getOwnTorid() friends = {} friendsOfFriends = {} for c in DbI.getMessageableProfiles(): # print("Contact: id:'%s' name:'%s'" % (c['torid'], c['displayName'])) nodeid = storm.getUnusedNodeId() torid = c['torid'] friends[torid] = nodeid storm.addNode(Node(None, nodeid, c['displayName'])) friendsOfFriends[torid] = c.get('contactlist', "") # Also add ourselves c = DbI.getProfile() nodeid = storm.getUnusedNodeId() friends[c['torid']] = nodeid storm.addNode(Node(None, nodeid, c['displayName'])) # Add edges for torid in friends: if torid != myTorId: storm.addEdge(friends[torid], friends[myTorId]) for torid in friendsOfFriends: if torid != myTorId: ffList = friendsOfFriends[torid] if ffList: for ff in ffList.split(","): if ff and len(ff) > 16: ffTorid = ff[:16] ffName = ff[16:] if ffTorid != myTorId: if not friends.get(ffTorid, None): # Friend's friend is not in the list yet - add it nodeid = storm.getUnusedNodeId() friends[ffTorid] = nodeid storm.addNode( Node(None, nodeid, ffName)) # Add edge from torid to ffTorid storm.addEdge(friends[torid], friends[ffTorid])
def generateListPage(self, doEdit=False, userid=None, extraParams=None): self.requirePageResources([ 'avatar-none.jpg', 'status-self.png', 'status-requested.png', 'status-untrusted.png', 'status-trusted.png', 'status-pending.png' ]) # List of contacts, and show details for the selected one (or self if userid=None) selectedprofile = DbI.getProfile(userid) if not selectedprofile: selectedprofile = DbI.getProfile() userid = selectedprofile['torid'] ownPage = userid == DbI.getOwnTorid() # Build list of contacts userboxes = [] currTime = for p in DbI.getProfiles(): box = Bean() box.dispName = p['displayName'] box.torid = p['torid'] box.tilestyle = "contacttile" + ("selected" if p['torid'] == userid else "") box.status = p['status'] isonline = Contacts.instance().isOnline(box.torid) lastSeen = Contacts.instance().lastSeen(box.torid) lastSeenTime = str(lastSeen.timetz())[:5] if lastSeen and ( currTime - lastSeen).total_seconds() < 18000 else None if lastSeenTime: box.lastSeen = I18nManager.getText( "contacts.onlinesince" if isonline else "contacts.offlinesince") % lastSeenTime elif isonline: box.lastSeen = I18nManager.getText("") else: box.lastSeen = None userboxes.append(box) # expand templates using current details lefttext = self.listtemplate.getHtml({ 'webcachedir': Config.getWebCacheDir(), 'contacts': userboxes }) pageProps = { "webcachedir": Config.getWebCacheDir(), 'person': selectedprofile } # Add extra parameters if necessary if extraParams: pageProps.update(extraParams) # See which contacts we have in common with this person (sharedContactIds, possIdsForThem, possIdsForMe, nameMap) = ContactMaker.getSharedAndPossibleContacts(userid) sharedContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(sharedContactIds, nameMap) pageProps.update({"sharedcontacts": sharedContacts}) possibleContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(possIdsForThem, nameMap) pageProps.update({"possiblecontactsforthem": possibleContacts}) possibleContacts = self._makeIdAndNameBeanList(possIdsForMe, nameMap) pageProps.update({"possiblecontactsforme": possibleContacts}) # Which template to use depends on whether we're just showing or also editing if doEdit: # Use two different details templates, one for self and one for others detailstemplate = self.editowndetailstemplate if ownPage else self.editdetailstemplate righttext = detailstemplate.getHtml(pageProps) else: detailstemplate = self.detailstemplate # just show righttext = detailstemplate.getHtml(pageProps) contents = self.buildTwoColumnPage({ 'pageTitle': I18nManager.getText("contacts.title"), 'leftColumn': lefttext, 'rightColumn': righttext, 'pageFooter': "<p>Footer</p>" }) return contents