def run(): """Main RHEAS routine.""" config_filename, dbname, db_update, verbose, logfile = parseArgs() if verbose: log_level = logging.DEBUG else: log_level = logging.INFO if logfile is None: logging.basicConfig(level=log_level, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') else: logging.basicConfig(filename=logfile, level=log_level, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s') log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if dbname is None: dbname = "rheas" dbio.connect(dbname) # check if database update is requested if db_update:"Updating database!") update(dbname, config_filename) else: options = config.loadFromFile(config_filename) # check what simulations have been requested if "nowcast" in options: nowcast.execute(dbname, options) if "forecast" in options: forecast.execute(dbname, options)
def calcSMDI(model): """Calculate Soil Moisture Deficit Index (Narasimhan & Srinivasan, 2005).""" db = dbio.connect(model.dbname) cur = db.cursor() sql = "select fdate,(ST_DumpValues(rast)).valarray from {0}.soil_moist where layer=2 order by fdate".format( cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() data = np.array([np.array(r[1]).ravel() for r in results]) i = np.where(np.not_equal(data[0, :], None))[0] clim = pandas.DataFrame(data[:, i], index=np.array([r[0] for r in results], dtype='datetime64'), columns=range(len(i))) st = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(model.startyear, model.startmonth, model.startday) et = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(model.endyear, model.endmonth, model.endday) p = clim[st:et] smdi = np.zeros(p.shape) for j in clim.columns: MSW = clim[j].median() maxSW = clim[j].max() minSW = clim[j].min() SW = p[j].rolling('7D').median().values[7:] SD = (SW - MSW) / (maxSW - MSW) * 100.0 SD[SD == 0.0] = (SW[SD == 0.0] - MSW) / (MSW - minSW) * 100.0 smdi[:7, j] = SD[:7] / 50.0 smdi[7:, j] = 0.5 * smdi[6:-1, j] + SD / 50.0 cur.close() db.close() smdi = np.clip(smdi, -4.0, 4.0) return smdi
def calcDrySpells(model, droughtfun=np.mean, duration=14, recovduration=2): """Calculate maps of number of dry spells during simulation period.""" # FIXME: Currently only uses precipitation to identify dry spells. Need to change it to also use soil moisture and runoff db = dbio.connect(model.dbname) cur = db.cursor() sql = "select fdate,(ST_DumpValues(rast)).valarray from {0}.rainf where fdate>=date'{1}-{2}-{3}' and fdate<=date'{4}-{5}-{6}' order by fdate".format(, model.startyear, model.startmonth, model.startday, model.endyear, model.endmonth, model.endday) cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() data = np.array([np.array(r[1]).ravel() for r in results]) i = np.where(np.not_equal(data[0, :], None))[0] p = pandas.DataFrame(data[:, i], index=np.array([r[0] for r in results], dtype='datetime64'), columns=range(len(i))) cur.close() db.close() ndroughts = np.zeros(p.values.shape) for pi in p.columns: drought_thresh = droughtfun(p[pi]) days = 0 for i in range(recovduration-1, len(p[pi])): if p.values[i, pi] <= drought_thresh: days += 1 elif all(p.values[i-j, pi] > drought_thresh for j in range(recovduration)): days = 0 else: days += 1 if days == duration: ndroughts[i, pi] = 1 return np.cumsum(ndroughts, axis=0)
def calcSPI(duration, model): """Calculate Standardized Precipitation Index for specified month *duration*.""" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) startdate = date(model.startyear + model.skipyear, model.startmonth, model.startday) enddate = date(model.endyear, model.endmonth, model.endday) nt = (enddate - startdate).days + 1 ndays = ((startdate + relativedelta(months=duration)) - startdate).days + 1 # tablename = "precip."+model.precip if duration < 1 or ndays > nt: log.warning("Cannot calculate SPI with {0} months duration.".format(duration)) spi = None else: db = dbio.connect(model.dbname) cur = db.cursor() sql = "select fdate,(ST_DumpValues(rast)).valarray from {0}.rainf where fdate>=date'{1}-{2}-{3}' and fdate<=date'{4}-{5}-{6}' order by fdate".format(, model.startyear, model.startmonth, model.startday, model.endyear, model.endmonth, model.endday) cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() data = np.array([np.array(r[1]).ravel() for r in results]) i = np.where(np.not_equal(data[0, :], None))[0] p = pandas.DataFrame(data[:, i], index=np.array([r[0] for r in results], dtype='datetime64'), columns=range(len(i))) pm = p.rolling(duration*30).mean() # assume each month is 30 days g = [[j][duration*30:]) for j in pm.columns] cdf = np.array([stats.gamma.cdf(pm[j],*g[j]) for j in pm.columns]).T spi = np.zeros(cdf.shape) spi[duration*30:, :] = stats.norm.ppf(cdf[duration*30:, :]) spi = _clipToValidRange(spi) cur.close() db.close() return spi
def createDatabase(dbname):["{0}/createdb".format(rpath.bins), dbname]) db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("create extension postgis; create extension postgis_topology;") cur.execute("create schema vic; create schema dssat; create schema crops;") db.commit() cur.execute( "create table vic.input (resolution double precision,snowbandfile text,vegparam text,veglib text,soilfile text,rootzones integer,basefile text)" ) db.commit() cur.execute( "insert into vic.input values (0.25, 'vic/global_snowbands_0.25deg.txt', 'vic/global_lai_0.25deg.txt', 'vic/vic_veglib.txt', 'vic/global_soil_0.25deg.txt', 2, 'vic/dssat.inp.base')" ) cur.execute( "create schema precip; create schema tmax; create schema tmin; create schema wind; create schema lai" ) cur.execute( "create table dssat.cultivars (gid serial primary key, ensemble int, geom geometry, p1 numeric, p2 numeric, p5 numeric, g2 numeric, g3 numeric, phint numeric)" ) db.commit()[ "{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/vic_soils.sql".format( ]) cur.close() db.close()
def ingestSoils(dbname="rheas"): """Ingest soil information from downloaded files.""" filenames = glob.glob("SoilGrids-for-DSSAT-10km v1.0 (by country)/*.SOL") db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() if dbio.tableExists(dbname, "dssat", "soils"): print("Overwriting existing DSSAT soils table in database!") cur.execute("drop table dssat.soils") db.commit() cur.execute( "create table dssat.soils (rid serial primary key, geom geometry(Point, 4326), props text)" ) db.commit() for filename in filenames: try: profiles = parseSolFile(filename) for latlon in profiles: lat, lon = latlon sql = "insert into dssat.soils (geom, props) values (st_geomfromtext('POINT({0} {1})', 4326), '{2}')".format( lon, lat, profiles[latlon]) cur.execute(sql) except: print("Cannot process file {0}".format(filename)) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def ingest(dbname, filename, dt, lt, cname, stname): """Imports Geotif *filename* into database *db*.""" db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() schemaname, tablename = stname.split(".") cur.execute( "select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='{0}' and table_name='{1}'" .format(schemaname, tablename)) if not bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute( "create table {0}.{1} (rid serial not null primary key, fdate date, tercile text, leadtime int, rast raster)" .format(schemaname, tablename)) db.commit() cur.execute( "select * from {0} where fdate='{1}' and tercile = '{2}' and leadtime = {3}" .format(stname, dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), cname, lt)) if bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute( "delete from {0} where fdate='{1}' and tercile = '{2}' and leadtime = {3}" .format(stname, dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), cname, lt)) db.commit() dbio.ingest(dbname, filename, dt, stname, False, False) sql = "update {0} set tercile = '{1}' where tercile is null".format( stname, cname) cur.execute(sql) sql = "update {0} set leadtime = '{1}' where leadtime is null".format( stname, lt) cur.execute(sql) db.commit() cur.close()
def _getForcings(e, dbname, ptable, rtables, name, dt0, dt1): """Extract meteorological forcings for ensemble member.""" db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() data = {} for v in ['precip', 'tmax', 'tmin', 'wind']: temptable = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(8)) sql = "create table {7} as (with f as (select gid,st_worldtorastercoordx(rast,geom) as xf,st_worldtorastercoordy(rast,geom) as yf,rid as ftile from {6}.{0},{1}.basin where fdate=date'{2}-{3}-{4}' and st_intersects(rast,geom)) select c.gid,xf,yf,x,y,ftile as tile from f inner join precip.{5}_iri_xy as c on c.gid=f.gid)".format( rtables[v], name, dt0.year, dt0.month,, ptable, v, temptable) cur.execute(sql) db.commit() cur.execute("create index {0}_r on {0}(tile)".format(temptable)) db.commit() sql = "select gid,fdate,st_value(rast,xf,yf) from {6}.{0},{7} as xy inner join iri_years as i on xy.x=i.x and xy.y=i.y where ens={2} and rid=tile and fdate>=date(concat_ws('-',yr,'{3}-{4}')) and fdate<=(date(concat_ws('-',yr,'{3}-{4}'))+interval'{5} days') order by gid,fdate".format( rtables[v], ptable, e + 1, dt0.month,, (dt1 - dt0).days, v, temptable) cur.execute(sql) data[v] = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("drop table {0}".format(temptable)) db.commit() cur.close() db.close() return data
def testTable(self): db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "select * from information_schema.tables where table_name='chirps' and table_schema='precip'" ) assert bool(cur.rowcount) is True
def generate(options, models): """Generate meteorological forecast forcings from downscaled NMME data.""" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) options['vic']['tmax'] = options['vic']['temperature'] options['vic']['tmin'] = options['vic']['temperature'] db = dbio.connect(models.dbname) cur = db.cursor() dt0 = datetime(models.startyear, models.startmonth, models.startday) dt1 = datetime(models.endyear, models.endmonth, models.endday) # check if forecast period exists in NMME data sql = "select count(distinct(fdate)) from precip.nmme where fdate>=date'{0}' and fdate<=date'{1}'".format(dt0.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), dt1.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) cur.execute(sql) ndata = cur.fetchone()[0] if ndata == (dt1 - dt0).days + 1: prec, tmax, tmin, wind = _getForcings(options, models, models.res) if tmax is None or tmin is None or wind is None: log.error("No data found to generate VIC forcings for NMME forecast. Exiting...") sys.exit() else: for e in range(len(models)): models[e].writeForcings(prec[e], tmax[e], tmin[e], wind) else: log.error("Not enough data found for requested forecast period! Exiting...") sys.exit() cur.close() db.close()
def ingest(dbname, varname, filename, dt, ens): """Imports Geotif *filename* into database *dbname*.""" schema = {'Precipitation': 'precip', 'Temperature': 'tmax'} db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='{0}' and table_name='nmme'".format(schema[varname])) if not bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute("create table {0}.nmme (rid serial not null primary key, fdate date, ensemble int, rast raster)".format( schema[varname])) db.commit() cur.execute("select * from {0}.nmme where fdate='{1}' and ensemble = {2}".format(schema[varname], dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), ens)) if bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute("delete from {0}.nmme where fdate='{1}' and ensemble = {2}".format(schema[varname], dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), ens)) db.commit() dbio.ingest(dbname, filename, dt, "{0}.nmme".format(schema[varname]), False, False) sql = "update {0}.nmme set ensemble = {1} where ensemble is null".format(schema[varname], ens) cur.execute(sql) db.commit() cur.execute("select * from raster_resampled where sname='{0}' and tname like 'nmme_%'".format(schema[varname])) tables = [r[1] for r in cur.fetchall()] for table in tables: cur.execute("select * from {0}.{1} where fdate='{2}' and ensemble = {3}".format(schema[varname], table, dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), ens)) if bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute("delete from {0}.{1} where fdate='{2}' and ensemble = {3}".format(schema[varname], table, dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), ens)) db.commit() tilesize = (10, 10) dbio.createResampledTables(dbname, schema[varname], "nmme", dt, tilesize, False, "and ensemble={0}".format(ens)) _setEnsemble(dbname, schema[varname], ens) cur.close() db.close()
def tearDown(self): db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("drop schema {0} cascade".format(self.options['forecast']['name'])) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def writeLAI(self, modelpath, gid, viclai=None, tablename="lai.modis"): """Writes LAI file for DSSAT.""" fout = open("{0}/LAI.txt".format(modelpath), 'w') db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select * from information_schema.tables where table_name=%s and table_schema='lai'", (tablename.split(".")[1],)) if bool(cur.rowcount) and not self.lai == "vic": sql = "select fdate,avg((st_summarystats(st_clip(rast,geom))).mean) from {0},{1}.agareas where st_intersects(rast,geom) and fdate>=date '{2}-{3}-{4}' and fdate<=date '{5}-{6}-{7}' and gid={8} group by fdate".format( tablename,, self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday, gid) cur.execute(sql) if bool(cur.rowcount): results = cur.fetchall() lai = {} for r in results: if r[1] is None: lai[r[0]] = -9999.0 else: lai[r[0]] = r[1] / 10.0 else: lai = {} else: lai = viclai enddate = date(self.endyear, 12, 31) startdate = date(self.startyear, 1, 1) for t in range((enddate - startdate).days + 1): dt = startdate + timedelta(t) if lai is not None and dt in lai: fout.write("{0:.1f}\n".format(lai[dt])) else: fout.write("-9999.0\n") fout.close() cur.close() db.close()
def ingestTables(dbname):["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/precip_chirps.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/precip_trmm.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/tmax_ncep.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/tmin_ncep.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/wind_ncep.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/precip_chirps_4.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/precip_trmm_4.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/tmax_ncep_4.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/tmin_ncep_4.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/wind_ncep_4.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/cropland.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/plantstart.sql".format(])["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/dssat_soils.sql".format(]) db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() sql = """create or replace function resampled(_s text, _t text, out result double precision) as $func$ begin execute format('select st_scalex(rast) from %s.%s limit 1',quote_ident(_s),quote_ident(_t)) into result; end $func$ language plpgsql;""" cur.execute(sql) cur.execute("create or replace view raster_resampled as (select r_table_schema as sname,r_table_name as tname,resampled(r_table_schema,r_table_name) as resolution from raster_columns)") cur.execute("create schema soilmoist") db.commit()["{0}/psql".format(rpath.bins), "-d", dbname, "-f", "{0}/tests/soilmoist_smos.sql".format(])
def _saveTimeSeriesFromShapefile(filepath, name, varname, startdate, enddate, dbname): """Extract geophysical variable *varname* from *dbname*, averaging for each date between *startdate* and *enddate* over polygons derived from *filepath* shapefile.""" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') log = logging.getLogger(__name__) tablename = _importShapefile(filepath, dbname) db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select distinct(gid) from {0}".format(tablename)) results = cur.fetchall() npolygons = len(results) sql = "select gid,fdate,(st_summarystats(rast)).mean as mean from {0}.{1},{2} where st_intersects(rast,geom)".format(name, varname, tablename) try: sdt = datetime.strptime(startdate, "%Y-%m-%d") edt = datetime.strptime(enddate, "%Y-%m-%d") sql += " and fdate>=date'{0}' and fdate<=date'{1} group by gid,fdate,rast order by gid,fdate".format(sdt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), edt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) except ValueError: sql += " group by gid,fdate,rast order by fdate,gid" log.warning("Start and/or end dates were invalid. Ignoring...") cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() csvfile = filepath.replace(".shp", ".csv") with open(csvfile, 'w') as fout: fout.write("date,{0}".format(",".join(["p{0}".format(i+1) for i in range(npolygons)]))) for res in results: if res[0] == 1: fout.write("\n{0},{1:f}".format(res[1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), res[2])) else: fout.write(",{0:f}".format(res[2])) cur.close() db.close()
def _ESP(self, options): """Generate meteorological forcings using the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction method.""" ndays = (date(self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday) - date(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday)).days db = dbio.connect(self.models[0].dbname) cur = db.cursor() sql = "select distinct (date_part('year', fdate)) as year from precip.{0}".format( options['vic']['precip']) cur.execute(sql) years = map(lambda y: int(y[0]), cur.fetchall()) random.shuffle(years) if self.startyear in years: years.remove(self.startyear) # will need to check whether enough days exist in sampled year before # removing years.remove(max(years)) for e in range(self.nens): model = self.models[e] model.startyear = years[e] t = date(model.startyear, model.startmonth, model.startday) + timedelta(ndays) model.endyear, model.endmonth, model.endday = t.year, t.month, prec, tmax, tmin, wind = model.getForcings(options['vic']) model.writeForcings(prec, tmax, tmin, wind) cur.close() db.close()
def tearDown(self): db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("drop table dssat.cultivars") db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def mean(dbname, name): """Calculate ensemble average from raster.""" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) schemaname, tablename = name.split(".") db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() if _columnExists(cur, name, "ensemble"): cur.execute("select max(ensemble) from {0}".format(name)) nens = cur.fetchone()[0] ssql = "select fdate,st_union(rast,'MEAN') as rast from {0} group by fdate".format( name) sql = "select * from information_schema.columns where table_schema='{0}' and table_name='{1}_mean'".format( schemaname, tablename) cur.execute(sql) if bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute("drop table {0}_mean".format(name)) sql = "create table {0}.{1}_mean as ({2})".format( schemaname, tablename, ssql) cur.execute(sql) else: log.warning( "Cannot calculate ensemble average maps, no ensemble exists.") db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def _resampleClimatology(dbname, ptable, name, dt0): """Resample finer scale climatology to IRI spatial resolution.""" tilesize = 10 res = 2.5 db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "select * from pg_catalog.pg_class c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on c.relnamespace=n.oid where n.nspname='precip' and c.relname='{0}_iri'".format(ptable)) if not bool(cur.rowcount): sql = "create table precip.{1}_iri as (with f as (select fdate,st_tile(st_rescale(rast,{0},'average'),{2},{2}) as rast from precip.{1}) select fdate,rast,dense_rank() over (order by st_upperleftx(rast),st_upperlefty(rast)) as rid from f)".format( res, ptable, tilesize) cur.execute(sql) cur.execute( "create index {0}_iri_r on precip.{0}_iri(rid)".format(ptable)) cur.execute( "create index {0}_iri_t on precip.{0}_iri(fdate)".format(ptable)) db.commit() _deleteTableIfExists(dbname, 'precip', "{0}_iri_xy".format(ptable)) sql = "create table precip.{0}_iri_xy as (select gid,st_worldtorastercoordx(rast,geom) as x,st_worldtorastercoordy(rast,geom) as y,rid as tile from precip.{0}_iri,{1}.basin where fdate=date'{2}-{3}-{4}' and st_intersects(rast,geom))".format( ptable, name, dt0.year, dt0.month, cur.execute(sql) db.commit() cur.execute( "create index {0}_iri_xy_r on precip.{0}_iri_xy(tile)".format(ptable)) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def _getForcings(options, models, res): """Retrieve meteorological forcings for ensemble.""" nens = len(models) db = dbio.connect(models.dbname) cur = db.cursor() rtables = dbio.getResampledTables(models.dbname, options, res) rsmp = rtables['precip'].split("_")[1] prec = [None] * nens tmax = [None] * nens tmin = [None] * nens temp = [None] * nens for e in range(nens): prec[e] = _queryDataset(models.dbname, "precip.nmme_{0}".format(rsmp),, models.startyear, models.startmonth, models.startday, models.endyear, models.endmonth, models.endday, e+1) temp[e] = _queryDataset(models.dbname, "tmax.nmme_{0}".format(rsmp),, models.startyear, models.startmonth, models.startday, models.endyear, models.endmonth, models.endday, e+1) sql = "select distinct(date_part('year',fdate)) from tmax.{0}".format(rtables['tmax']) cur.execute(sql) years = [r[0] for r in cur.fetchall()] years.remove(min(years)) years.remove(max(years)) if len(years) > 0: ndays = (datetime(models.endyear, models.endmonth, models.endday) - datetime(models.startyear, models.startmonth, models.startday)).days yr = int(np.random.choice(years)) t0 = datetime(yr, models.startmonth, models.startday) t1 = t0 + timedelta(ndays) vtmax = _queryDataset(models.dbname, "tmax.{0}".format(rtables['tmax']),, t0.year, t0.month,, t1.year, t1.month, vtmin = _queryDataset(models.dbname, "tmin.{0}".format(rtables['tmin']),, t0.year, t0.month,, t1.year, t1.month, wind = _queryDataset(models.dbname, "wind.{0}".format(rtables['wind']),, t0.year, t0.month,, t1.year, t1.month, for e in range(nens): tmax[e] = [(vtmax[i][0], vtmax[i][1], temp[e][i][2] + 0.5 * (vtmax[i][2] - vtmin[i][2])) for i in range(len(vtmax))] tmin[e] = [(vtmin[i][0], vtmin[i][1], temp[e][i][2] - 0.5 * (vtmax[i][2] - vtmin[i][2])) for i in range(len(vtmin))] else: prec = tmax = tmin = wind = None return prec, tmax, tmin, wind
def __init__(self, dbname, name, resolution, startyear, startmonth, startday, endyear, endmonth, endday, nens, vicopts, shapefile=None, assimilate="Y"): self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=".") self.startyear = startyear self.startmonth = startmonth self.startday = startday self.endyear = endyear self.endmonth = endmonth self.endday = endday = [] self.lon = [] self.elev = [] self.depths = [] self.dbname = dbname = name self.res = resolution self.nens = nens self.shapefile = shapefile self.assimilate = assimilate try: self.grid_decimal = - \ (decimal.Decimal(self.res).as_tuple().exponent - 1) except: self.grid_decimal = - \ (decimal.Decimal(str(self.res)).as_tuple().exponent - 1) db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() if 'lai' in vicopts or ('save' in vicopts and vicopts['save'].find("lai") >= 0): self.lai = "vic" else: self.lai = None if 'save to' in vicopts: self.datafrom = vicopts['save to'] else: self.datafrom = "db" cur.execute( "select * from information_schema.tables where table_name='basin' and table_schema=%s", (name, )) if not bool(cur.rowcount): print "ERROR! No simulation named {0} exists in database. You might have to run VIC.".format( name) sys.exit() cur.execute('select basefile from vic.input where resolution=%f;' % self.res) self.basefile = "{0}/{1}".format(, cur.fetchone()[0]) cur.close() db.close()
def _ESP(self, options): """Generate meteorological forcings using the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction method.""" ndays = (date(self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday) - date(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday)).days db = dbio.connect(self.models[0].dbname) cur = db.cursor() if self.startmonth < self.endmonth: sql = "select distinct (date_part('year', fdate)) as year from precip.{0} where date_part('month', fdate) >= {1} and date_part('month', fdate) <= {2}".format(options['vic']['precip'], self.startmonth, self.endmonth) else: sql = "select distinct (date_part('year', fdate)) as year from precip.{0} where date_part('month', fdate) >= {1} or date_part('month', fdate) <= {2}".format(options['vic']['precip'], self.startmonth, self.endmonth) cur.execute(sql) years = map(lambda y: int(y[0]), cur.fetchall()) random.shuffle(years) while len(years) < self.nens: years += years for e in range(self.nens): model = self.models[e] model.startyear = years[e] t = date(model.startyear, model.startmonth, model.startday) + timedelta(ndays) model.endyear, model.endmonth, model.endday = t.year, t.month, prec, tmax, tmin, wind = model.getForcings(options['vic']) model.writeForcings(prec, tmax, tmin, wind) cur.close() db.close()
def writeLAI(self, modelpath, gid, viclai=None, tablename="lai.modis"): """Writes LAI file for DSSAT.""" fout = open("{0}/LAI.txt".format(modelpath), 'w') db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select * from information_schema.tables where table_name=%s and table_schema='lai'", (tablename.split(".")[1],)) if bool(cur.rowcount) and not self.lai == "vic": sql = "select fdate,avg((st_summarystats(st_clip(rast,geom))).mean) from {0},{1}.agareas where st_intersects(rast,geom) and fdate>=date '{2}-{3}-{4}' and fdate<=date '{5}-{6}-{7}' and gid={8} group by fdate".format( tablename,, self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday, gid) cur.execute(sql) if bool(cur.rowcount): results = cur.fetchall() lai = {} for r in results: if r[1] is None: lai[r[0]] = -9999.0 else: lai[r[0]] = r[1] / 10.0 else: lai = {} else: lai = viclai enddate = date(self.endyear, 12, 31) startdate = date(self.startyear, 1, 1) for t in range((enddate - startdate).days + 1): dt = startdate + timedelta(t) if dt in lai: fout.write("{0:.1f}\n".format(lai[dt])) else: fout.write("-9999.0\n") fout.close() cur.close() db.close()
def _saveRasters(filepath, name, varname, startdate, enddate, dbname): """"Save geophysical variable from *dbname* database, between *startdate* and *enddate* dates into Geotif files inside *filepath* directory.""" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if dbio.tableExists(dbname, name, varname): db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() sql = "select fdate,st_astiff(st_union(rast)) as tif from {0}.{1}".format( name, varname) try: sdt = datetime.strptime(startdate, "%Y-%m-%d") edt = datetime.strptime(enddate, "%Y-%m-%d") sql += " where fdate>=date'{0}' and fdate<=date'{1} group by fdate".format( sdt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), edt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) except ValueError: sql += " group by fdate" log.warning("Start and/or end dates were invalid. Ignoring...") cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() for res in results: with open( "{0}/{1}_{2}.tif".format(filepath, varname, res[0].strftime("%Y%m%d")), 'wb') as fout: fout.write(res[1]) else: log.error("Variable {0} does not exist in schema {1}.".format( varname, name))
def _stateToDb(self, statefilepath): """Add path to state file into database.""" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "select schema_name from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='{0}'" .format( if not bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute("create schema {0}".format( db.commit() cur.execute( "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='{0}' and table_name='state'" .format( if not bool(cur.rowcount): sql = "create table {0}.state (filename text, fdate date)".format( cur.execute(sql) db.commit() statefile = "{0}/vic.state_{1:04d}{2:02d}{3:02d}".format( statefilepath, self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday) statedate = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday) cur.execute("select * from {0}.state where fdate=date '{1}'".format(, statedate)) if bool(cur.rowcount): sql = "update {0}.state set filename='{1}' where fdate=date '{2}'".format(, statefile, statedate) else: sql = "insert into {0}.state values ('{1}', date '{2}')".format(, statefile, statedate) cur.execute(sql) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def _stateToDb(self, statefilepath): """Add path to state file into database.""" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "select schema_name from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='{0}'".format( if not bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute("create schema {0}".format( db.commit() cur.execute( "select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema='{0}' and table_name='state'".format( if not bool(cur.rowcount): sql = "create table {0}.state (filename text, fdate date)".format( cur.execute(sql) db.commit() statefile = "{0}/vic.state_{1:04d}{2:02d}{3:02d}".format( statefilepath, self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday) statedate = "{0}-{1}-{2}".format(self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday) cur.execute( "select * from {0}.state where fdate=date '{1}'".format(, statedate)) if bool(cur.rowcount): sql = "update {0}.state set filename='{1}' where fdate=date '{2}'".format(, statefile, statedate) else: sql = "insert into {0}.state values ('{1}', date '{2}')".format(, statefile, statedate) cur.execute(sql) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def cultivar(self, ens, gid): """Retrieve Cultivar parameters for pixel and ensemble member.""" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() if dbio.columnExists(self.dbname, "dssat", "cultivars", "name"): name_query = "," else: name_query = "" sql = "select p1,p2,p5,g2,g3,phint{3} from dssat.cultivars as c,{0}.agareas as a where crop='maize' and ensemble={1} and st_intersects(c.geom,a.geom) and a.gid={2}".format(, ens + 1, gid, name_query) cur.execute(sql) if not bool(cur.rowcount): sql = "select p1,p2,p5,g2,g3,phint{3} from dssat.cultivars as c,{0}.agareas as a where crop='maize' and ensemble={1} and a.gid={2} order by st_centroid(c.geom) <-> st_centroid(a.geom)".format(, ens + 1, gid, name_query) cur.execute(sql) if name_query: p1, p2, p5, g2, g3, phint, cname = cur.fetchone() else: p1, p2, p5, g2, g3, phint = cur.fetchone() cname = "" # FIXME: Should the name of the cultivar be reflected in the line below? cultivar = "990002 MEDIUM SEASON IB0001 {0:.1f} {1:.3f} {2:.1f} {3:.1f} {4:.2f} {5:.2f}".format( p1, p2, p5, g2, g3, phint) cur.close() db.close() self.cultivars[gid].append(cname) return cultivar
def planting(self, lat, lon, fromShapefile=False): """Retrieve planting dates for pixel.""" if self.crop is None: self.crop = "maize" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() sql = "select st_value(rast,st_geomfromtext('POINT({0} {1})',4326)) as doy from crops.plantstart where type like '{2}' and st_intersects(rast,st_geomfromtext('POINT({0} {1})',4326)) order by doy".format( lon, lat, self.crop) cur.execute(sql) results = cur.fetchall() plantdates = [ date(self.startyear, 1, 1) + timedelta(r[0] - 1) for r in results if r[0] is not None ] cur.close() db.close() startdt = date(self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday) planting = [ p for p in plantdates if p >= startdt and p <= date(self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday) ] if planting is []: planting = [ plantdates[np.argmax([(t - startdt).days for t in plantdates if (t - startdt).days < 0])] ] return planting
def calcSeverity(model, cid, varname="soil_moist"): """Calculate drought severity from *climatology* table stored in database.""" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) outvars = model.getOutputStruct(model.model_path + "/global.txt") col = outvars[varname][1] if varname in ["soil_moist"]: p = np.loadtxt("{0}/{1}_{2:.{4}f}_{3:.{4}f}".format(model.model_path, outvars['runoff'][0], model.gid[cid][0], model.gid[cid][1], model.grid_decimal))[:, col:col+model.nlayers] p = pandas.Series(np.sum(p, axis=1), [datetime(model.startyear, model.startmonth, model.startday) + timedelta(t) for t in range(len(p))]) else: p = np.loadtxt("{0}/{1}_{2:.{4}f}_{3:.{4}f}".format(model.model_path, outvars['runoff'][0], model.gid[cid][0], model.gid[cid][1], model.grid_decimal))[:, col] p = pandas.Series(p, [datetime(model.startyear, model.startmonth, model.startday) + timedelta(t) for t in range(len(p))]) db = dbio.connect(model.dbname) cur = db.cursor() if dbio.tableExists(model.dbname,, varname): if varname in ["soil_moist"]: lvar = ",layer" else: lvar = "" if dbio.columnExists(model.dbname,, varname, "ensemble"): fsql = "with f as (select fdate{3},avg(st_value(rast,st_geomfromtext('POINT({0} {1})',4326))) as vals from {2}.{4} where st_intersects(rast,st_geomfromtext('POINT({0} {1})',4326)) group by fdate{3})".format(model.gid[cid][1], model.gid[cid][0],, lvar, varname) else: fsql = "with f as (select fdate{3},st_value(rast,st_geomfromtext('POINT({0} {1})',4326)) as vals from {2}.{4} where st_intersects(rast,st_geomfromtext('POINT({0} {1})',4326)))".format(model.gid[cid][1], model.gid[cid][0],, lvar, varname) sql = "{0} select fdate,sum(vals) from f group by fdate".format(fsql) cur.execute(sql) if bool(cur.rowcount): results = cur.fetchall() clim = pandas.Series([r[1] for r in results], [r[0] for r in results]) else: clim = p else: log.warning("Climatology table does not exist. Severity calculation will be inaccurate!") clim = p s = 100.0 - np.array(map(lambda v: stats.percentileofscore(clim, v), p)) return s
def run(): """Main RHEAS routine.""" config_filename, dbname, db_update = parseArgs() if dbname is None: dbname = "rheas" dbio.connect(dbname) # check if database update is requested if db_update: print "Updating database!" update(dbname, config_filename) else: options = config.loadFromFile(config_filename) # check what simulations have been requested if "nowcast" in options: nowcast.execute(dbname, options) if "forecast" in options: forecast.execute(dbname, options)
def _dropIndexTable(self, sname): """Deletes index table.""" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("drop table {0}_xy".format(sname)) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def testDeterministicVIC(self): nowcast.execute(self.dbname, self.options) db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select * from information_schema.tables where table_name='runoff' and table_schema='basin'") assert bool(cur.rowcount) is True cur.close() db.close()
def tearDown(self): """Clean up data generated after each unit test.""" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("drop schema {0} cascade".format(self.options['forecast']['name'])) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def tearDown(self): db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("drop schema {0} cascade".format( self.options['forecast']['name'])) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def __call__(self, t): db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() var = self.rtable.split(".")[0] sql = "select gid,fdate,st_nearestvalue(rast,x,y) from {0},{1}_xy where rid=tile and tile={8} and fdate>=date'{2}-{3}-{4}' and fdate<=date'{5}-{6}-{7}' order by gid,fdate".format( self.rtable, var, self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday, t) cur.execute(sql) data = cur.fetchall() return data
def addCultivar(dbname, shapefile, params, nens=40, crop="maize"): """Add cultivar parameters to the database *dbname* corresponding to the area defined in the *shapefile*. The *params* is a list of dictionaries, where the keys of each dictionary correspond to parameters, and each object in the list corresponds to a cultivar variant. The *nens* parameters is the size of the ensemble to be created.""" temptable = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(8)) if os.path.exists(shapefile): "{0}/shp2pgsql -d -s 4326 -g geom {1} {2} | {0}/psql -d {3}". format(rpath.bins, shapefile, temptable, dbname), shell=True) db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() e = 0 while e < nens: for c in range(len(params)): if crop == "maize" and all( p in params[c] for p in ['p1', 'p2', 'p5', 'g2', 'g3', 'phint']): if e < nens: sql = "insert into dssat.cultivars (geom) (select geom from {0})".format( temptable) cur.execute(sql) sql = "update dssat.cultivars set crop='maize',ensemble={0},{1} where ensemble is null".format( e + 1, ",".join([ "{0}={1}".format(k, params[c][k]) for k in params[c] ])) cur.execute(sql) e += 1 elif crop == "rice" and all( p in params[c] for p in ['p1', 'p2r', 'p5', 'p2o', 'g1', 'g2', 'g3', 'g4']): if e < nens: sql = "insert into dssat.cultivars (geom) (select geom from {0})".format( temptable) cur.execute(sql) sql = "update dssat.cultivars set crop='rice',ensemble={0},{1} where ensemble is null".format( e + 1, ",".join([ "{0}={1}".format(k, params[c][k]) for k in params[c] ])) cur.execute(sql) e += 1 else: print("Missing parameters for {0} crop".format(crop)) params.pop(c) # remove element with missing parameters break cur.execute("drop table {0}".format(temptable)) db.commit() cur.close() db.close() else: print("Shapefile {0} cannot be found. Not adding cultivars!".format( shapefile))
def _getTiles(self, itable): """Get raster tile IDs for the domain.""" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("select distinct(tile) from {0}".format(itable)) tiles = [int(r[0]) for r in cur.fetchall()] cur.close() db.close() return tiles
def __init__(self, path, dbname, resolution, startyear, startmonth, startday, endyear, endmonth, endday, name="", savestate="", nlayer=3): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.model_path = path self.nodata = -9999. if bool(name): = name else: = None self.startyear = startyear self.startmonth = startmonth self.startday = startday self.startdate = datetime(startyear, startmonth, startday) self.endyear = endyear self.endmonth = endmonth self.endday = endday self.enddate = datetime(endyear, endmonth, endday) self.nlayers = nlayer self.dbname = dbname db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "select resolution from vic.input order by abs(resolution - {0})". format(resolution)) if not bool(cur.rowcount): log.error( "No appropriate VIC input files found in the database. Exiting!" ) sys.exit() self.res = cur.fetchone()[0] cur.close() try: self.grid_decimal = - \ (decimal.Decimal(self.res).as_tuple().exponent - 1) except: self.grid_decimal = - \ (decimal.Decimal(str(self.res)).as_tuple().exponent - 1) = [] self.lon = [] self.gid = OrderedDict() self.lgid = OrderedDict() self.depths = OrderedDict() self.skipyear = 0 self.elev = OrderedDict() self.statefile = ""
def tearDown(self): db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() for table in ["precip.chirps", "precip.trmm", "tmax.ncep", "tmin.ncep", "wind.ncep"]: cur.execute("drop table {0}".format(table)) cur.execute("drop table {0}_4".format(table)) cur.execute("drop schema soilmoist cascade") db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def _getTileData(self, rtable, t): """Retrieve data from *rtable* for specific tile *t*.""" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() var = rtable.split(".")[0] sql = "select gid,fdate,st_value(rast,x,y) from {0},{1}_xy where rid=tile and tile={8} and fdate>=date'{2}-{3}-{4}' and fdate<=date'{5}-{6}-{7}' order by gid,fdate".format( rtable, var, self.startyear, self.startmonth, self.startday, self.endyear, self.endmonth, self.endday, t) cur.execute(sql) data = cur.fetchall() return data
def yieldTable(self): """Create table for crop yield statistics and crop type.""" super(Model, self).yieldTable() db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() sql = "update {0}.yield set crop='rice' where crop is null".format( cur.execute(sql) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def writeSoilFile(self, shapefile): """Write soil parameter file for current simulation based on basin shapefile.""" ds = ogr.Open(shapefile) lyr = ds.GetLayer() db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "select * from information_schema.tables where table_name='basin' and table_schema=%s", (,)) if not bool(cur.rowcount): temptable = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice( string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(8)) cur.execute( "create table {0}(gid serial primary key, geom geometry)".format(temptable)) for i in range(lyr.GetFeatureCount()): f = lyr.GetNextFeature() g = f.GetGeometryRef() cur.execute("insert into {0}(geom) values(st_geomfromtext('{1}',4326))".format( temptable, g.ExportToWkt())) sql = "select updategeometrysrid('{0}','geom',4326)".format( temptable) db.commit() cur.execute( "create index {0}_s on {0} using gist(geom)".format(temptable)) ds = None cur.execute( "select schema_name from information_schema.schemata where schema_name='{0}'".format( if not bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute("create schema {0}".format( sql = "create table {0}.basin (gid integer, elev real, depths real[], geom geometry(Point, 4326), line text, constraint {0}_gidkey primary key(gid), CONSTRAINT enforce_dims_geom CHECK (st_ndims(geom) = 2), CONSTRAINT enforce_geotype_geom CHECK (geometrytype(geom) = 'POINT'::text OR geom IS NULL))".format( cur.execute(sql) sql = "insert into {0}.basin (gid, elev, depths, geom, line) select,v.elev,v.depths,v.geom,v.line from vic.soils as v,{1} as t where st_intersects(v.geom,t.geom) and resolution={2}".format(, temptable, self.res) cur.execute(sql) cur.execute("drop table {0}".format(temptable)) db.commit() cur.execute( "create index basin_s on {0}.basin using gist(geom)".format( db.commit() sql = "select line,gid,st_y(geom),st_x(geom),elev,depths from {0}.basin order by gid".format( cur.execute(sql) lines = cur.fetchall() with open(self.model_path + '/soil.txt', 'w') as fout: for line in lines: gid, lat, lon, elev, depths = line[1:] fout.write("{0}\n".format(line[0])) self.lon.append(lon) self.gid[gid] = (lat, lon) self.lgid[(lat, lon)] = gid self.depths[gid] = depths self.elev[gid] = elev cur.execute("alter table {0}.basin drop column line".format( cur.close() db.close()
def _deleteTableIfExists(dbname, sname, tname): """Check if table exists and delete it.""" db = dbio.connect(dbname) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute( "select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='{0}' and table_name='{1}'".format(sname, tname)) if bool(cur.rowcount): cur.execute("drop table {0}.{1}".format(sname, tname)) db.commit() cur.close() db.close()
def _calcCroplandFract(self): """Calculate fraction of cropland for specific pixel.""" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() sql = "select gid,avg((st_summarystats(st_clip(rast,geom))).mean) from dssat.cropland,{0}.agareas where st_intersects(rast,geom) group by gid order by gid".format( cur.execute(sql) fract = dict((r[0], r[1]) for r in cur.fetchall()) cur.close() db.close() return fract
def paramFromDB(self): """Retrieve file parameters from database.""" db = dbio.connect(self.dbname) cur = db.cursor() # cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute( 'select veglib,vegparam,snowbandfile from vic.input where resolution=%f;' % self.res) veglib, vegparam, snowbands = cur.fetchone() cur.close() db.close() return veglib, vegparam, snowbands