## Main program

# Make sure we know where we are
location = os.environ.get( 'DRAWS_LOCATION' )
if location == None:
    raise RuntimeError( "DRAWS_LOCATION env variable is not defined" )

# Make sure we know where the local replicated cache directory is
lcache = os.environ.get( 'DRAWS_LOCAL_CACHE' )
if lcache == None:
    raise RuntimeError( "DRAWS_LOCAL_CACHE env variable is not defined" )

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Replicated cache' )
parser.add_argument( "--eacache",    "-eac",  dest="eacache",  help="Absolute pathname or rsync location of the EA cache dir" )
parser.add_argument( "--nacache",    "-nac",  dest="nacache",  help="Absolute pathname or rsync location of the NA cache dir" )
parser.add_argument( "--eucache",    "-euc",  dest="eucache",  help="Absolute pathname or rsync location of the EU cache dir" )
parser.add_argument( "--port",       "-p",    dest="port",     help="Port number of the embedded Web server, default is 8000", default=8000 )

listen_to = "cached." + location
port = int(args.port)
mq = MqConnection( 'localhost', 'msgq', listen_to )
ngas = NgasConnection()
dbdrwutils.bgRunHttpServer( port, lcache )
print(' [*] Waiting for messages matching %s' % (listen_to) )
mq.listen( callback )

class ProductIngestor():
    def __init__(self, localCache):
        self.baseUrl = "http://localhost:5984"  # CouchDB
        self.ngascon = NgasConnection()
        self.xtss = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss')
        self.select = "ingest.JAO"
        self.mq = MqConnection('localhost', 'msgq', self.select)
        self.localCache = localCache

    def start(self):
        print(' [*] Waiting for messages matching', self.select)

    def encode(self, entityID):
        return entityID.replace(":", "_").replace("/", "_")

    def setSubstate(self, ousUID, substate):
        dbdrwutils.setSubstate(self.xtss, ousUID, substate)

    def writeMetadata(self, progID, ousUID, timestamp, dataProduct):
        # No error checking!
        dbcon = DbConnection(self.baseUrl)
        dbName = "products-metadata"
        metadata = {}
        metadata['progID'] = progID
        metadata['ousUID'] = ousUID
        metadata['timestamp'] = timestamp
        retcode, retmsg = dbcon.save(dbName, dataProduct, metadata)
        if retcode != 201:
            raise RuntimeError("setSubstate: error %d, %s" % (retcode, retmsg))

    def writeDeliveryStatus(self,
        # No error checking!
        dbcon = DbConnection(self.baseUrl)
        dbName = "delivery-status"
        delStatus = {}
        delStatus['progID'] = progID
        delStatus['timestamp'] = timestamp
        delStatus['dataProducts'] = sorted(dataProducts)
        delStatus['complete'] = complete
        delStatus['ousUID'] = ousUID
        retcode, retmsg = dbcon.save(dbName, ousUID, delStatus)
        if retcode != 201:
            raise RuntimeError("setSubstate: error %d, %s" % (retcode, retmsg))

    def callback(self, message):
        Message is a JSON object:
            ousUID is the UID of the OUS
             timestamp is the Pipeline run's timestamp
            productsDir is the name of the products directory for that Pipeline run
        For instance
                "ousUID" : "uid://X1/X1/Xc1", 
                "timestamp" : "2018-07-23T09:44:13.604", 
                "productsDir" : "2015.1.00657.S_2018_07_23T09_44_13.604"

        print(">>> message:", message)
        ousUID = message["ousUID"]
        timestamp = message["timestamp"]
        productsDir = message["productsDir"]

        self.setSubstate(ousUID, 'IngestionTriggered')

        # Locate the data products in the replicated cache dir
        dataProductsDir = os.path.join(self.localCache, productsDir, "SOUS",
                                       "GOUS", self.encode(ousUID), "products")
        dataProdNames = os.listdir(dataProductsDir)
        time.sleep(5)  # pretend this actually takes time

        self.setSubstate(ousUID, 'AnalyzingProducts')
        time.sleep(3)  # pretend this actually takes time

        self.setSubstate(ousUID, 'IngestingProducts')
        progID = productsDir.split('_')[0]
        ingestedDataProds = []
        for dataProdName in sorted(dataProdNames):
            if dataProdName.startswith("product") and dataProdName.endswith(
                dataProdPathname = os.path.join(dataProductsDir, dataProdName)
                print(">>> Ingesting:", dataProdPathname)
                self.writeMetadata(progID, ousUID, timestamp, dataProdName)
                self.writeDeliveryStatus(progID, ousUID, timestamp,
                time.sleep(2)  # pretend this actually takes time

        # Now populate the ASA metadata and delivery status tables

        self.setSubstate(ousUID, 'ProductsIngested')