def getCurrentHighTag(bl): ''' returns current high tag value for current beamline input: beamline output: hightag value ''' return dbpy.read_hightagnumber(bl, getNewestRun(bl))
def getHighTag(bl, run): ''' returns high tag value for particular beamline and run number input: beamline and runnumber as integers output: high tag value as integer ''' return dbpy.read_hightagnumber(bl, run)
def run(opts): assert opts.runid is not None assert is not None # Beamline specific constants if == 2: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_2_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_2_shutter_1_open_valid/status" elif == 3: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_3_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_3_shutter_1_open_valid/status" else: error_status("BadBeamline") return -1 # Get run info try: run_info = dbpy.read_runinfo(, opts.runid) except: error_status("BadRunID") return -1 high_tag = dbpy.read_hightagnumber(, opts.runid) start_tag = run_info['start_tagnumber'] end_tag = run_info['end_tagnumber'] tag_list = numpy.array(dbpy.read_taglist_byrun(, opts.runid)) print "# Run %d: HighTag %d, Tags %d (inclusive) to %d (exclusive), thus %d tags" % (opts.runid, high_tag, start_tag, end_tag, len(tag_list)) comment = dbpy.read_comment(, opts.runid) print "# Comment: %s" % comment # Get shutter status and find images try: shutter = numpy.array(map(str2float, dbpy.read_syncdatalist(sensor_shutter, high_tag, tuple(tag_list)))) except: print traceback.format_exc() error_status("NoShutterStatus") return -1 # XXX valid_tags = tag_list[shutter==1] # [tag for tag, is_open in zip(tag_list, shutter) if is_open == 1] if 0: tag_offset = 3 tag_list = tag_list[tag_offset:] valid_tags = tag_list[numpy.arange(1, len(tag_list)+1)%6==0] if valid_tags.size == 0: error_status("NoValidTags") return -1 # Get PD values pd1_values, pd2_values, pd3_values = map(lambda y: map(lambda x: float("nan"), xrange(len(valid_tags))), xrange(3)) if opts.pd1_sensor_name: pd1_values = numpy.array(map(str2float, dbpy.read_syncdatalist(opts.pd1_sensor_name, high_tag, tuple(valid_tags)))) if opts.pd2_sensor_name: pd2_values = numpy.array(map(str2float, dbpy.read_syncdatalist(opts.pd2_sensor_name, high_tag, tuple(valid_tags)))) if opts.pd3_sensor_name: pd3_values = numpy.array(map(str2float, dbpy.read_syncdatalist(opts.pd3_sensor_name, high_tag, tuple(valid_tags)))) print "tag pd1 pd2 pd3" for tag, pd1, pd2, pd3 in zip(valid_tags, pd1_values, pd2_values, pd3_values): print tag, pd1, pd2, pd3 for i in xrange(len(valid_tags)): bad = [] if (opts.pd1_threshold != 0 and not (opts.pd1_threshold > 0 and opts.pd1_threshold <= pd1_values[i]) and not (opts.pd1_threshold < 0 and -opts.pd1_threshold > pd1_values[i])): bad.append(1) if (opts.pd2_threshold != 0 and not (opts.pd2_threshold > 0 and opts.pd2_threshold <= pd2_values[i]) and not (opts.pd2_threshold < 0 and -opts.pd2_threshold > pd2_values[i])): bad.append(2) if (opts.pd3_threshold != 0 and not (opts.pd3_threshold > 0 and opts.pd3_threshold <= pd3_values[i]) and not (opts.pd3_threshold < 0 and -opts.pd3_threshold > pd3_values[i])): bad.append(3) if bad: print "# Bad tag=%d BadPD=%s" %(valid_tags[i], bad)
def run(opts): eltime_from = time.time() print("#\n#Configurations:") print("# runNumber (-r/--run): %d" % opts.runid) print("# output H5 file (-o/--output): %s (default = run######.h5)" % opts.outputH5) print("# beamline (--bl): %d (default = 3)" % print("# img root (--rayonix-root): %s" % opts.rayonix_root) print("# distance (--clen): %s" % opts.clen) print("# beam center (--beam-x/y): %s,%s" % (opts.beam_x, opts.beam_y)) print("# Cheetah settings") print("# --dmin, --dmax: %s,%s" % (opts.d_min, opts.d_max)) print("# --adc-threshold: %s" % opts.ADCthresh) print("# --min-snr: %s" % opts.MinSNR) print("# --min/max-pixcount: %s,%s" % (opts.MinPixCount, opts.MaxPixCount)) print("# --local-bgradius: %s" % opts.LocalBGRadius) print("# --min-peaksep: %s" % opts.MinPeakSeparation) print("# --min-spots: %s" % opts.min_spots) print("# --algorithm: %s" % opts.algorithm) print("# PD1 threshold (--pd1_thresh): %.3f (default = 0; ignore.)" % opts.pd1_threshold) print("# PD2 threshold (--pd2_thresh): %.3f (default = 0; ignore.)" % opts.pd2_threshold) print("# PD3 threshold (--pd3_thresh): %.3f (default = 0; ignore.)" % opts.pd3_threshold) print("# PD1 sensor name (--pd1_name): %s)" % opts.pd1_sensor_name) print("# PD2 sensor name (--pd2_name): %s)" % opts.pd2_sensor_name) print("# PD3 sensor name (--pd3_name): %s)" % opts.pd3_sensor_name) print( "# nFrame after light: %d (default = -1; accept all image. -2; accept all dark images)" % opts.light_dark) print( "# parallel_block: %d (default = -1; no parallelization)" % opts.parallel_block) print("# nproc: %d (default = 1)" % opts.nproc) print("") assert opts.algorithm in (6, 8) assert opts.runid is not None assert is not None # Beamline specific constants if == 2: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_2_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_2_shutter_1_open_valid/status" elif == 3: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_3_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_3_shutter_1_open_valid/status" else: error_status("BadBeamline") return -1 # Get run info try: run_info = dbpy.read_runinfo(, opts.runid) except: error_status("BadRunID") return -1 high_tag = dbpy.read_hightagnumber(, opts.runid) start_tag = run_info['start_tagnumber'] end_tag = run_info['end_tagnumber'] tag_list = numpy.array(dbpy.read_taglist_byrun(, opts.runid)) print "# Run %d: HighTag %d, Tags %d (inclusive) to %d (exclusive), thus %d tags" % ( opts.runid, high_tag, start_tag, end_tag, len(tag_list)) comment = dbpy.read_comment(, opts.runid) print "# Comment: %s" % comment print # Get shutter status and find images try: shutter = numpy.array( map( str2float, dbpy.read_syncdatalist(sensor_shutter, high_tag, tuple(tag_list)))) except: print traceback.format_exc() error_status("NoShutterStatus") return -1 # XXX valid_tags = tag_list[ shutter == 1] # [tag for tag, is_open in zip(tag_list, shutter) if is_open == 1] print "# DEBUG:: shutter=", shutter print "# DEBUG:: valid_tags=", valid_tags if 0: tag_offset = 3 tag_list = tag_list[tag_offset:] valid_tags = tag_list[numpy.arange(1, len(tag_list) + 1) % 6 == 0] if valid_tags.size == 0: error_status("NoValidTags") return -1 # Find images img_files = sorted( glob.glob( os.path.join(opts.rayonix_root, str(opts.runid), "data_*.img"))) print "# DEBUG:: img_files=%d valid_tags=%d" % (len(img_files), len(valid_tags)) if len(img_files) + 1 != len(valid_tags): # last valid tag is not saved. print "# WARNING!! img_files and valid_tag number mismatch" img_numbers = map(lambda x: int(x[x.rindex("_") + 1:-4]), img_files) dropped_frames = sorted( set(range(1, len(valid_tags))).difference(img_numbers)) print "# Unsaved frame numbers =", tuple(dropped_frames) print "# DEBUG::", len(img_files) - len(dropped_frames) + 1, len( valid_tags) if len(img_files) + len(dropped_frames) + 1 == len(valid_tags): print "# %d unsaved img files found, which explains number mismatch" % len( dropped_frames) valid_tags = numpy.delete(valid_tags, numpy.array(dropped_frames) - 1) assert len(img_files) + 1 == len(valid_tags) else: print "# Assuming last %d img files are generated after stopping run.." % ( len(img_files) - len(valid_tags) + 1) img_files = img_files[:len(valid_tags) - 1] assert len(img_files) + 1 == len(valid_tags) # Get photon energies photon_energies_in_keV = numpy.array([ str2float(s) for s in dbpy.read_syncdatalist(sensor_spec, high_tag, tuple(valid_tags)) ]) mean_photon_energy = numpy.mean(photon_energies_in_keV[ photon_energies_in_keV == photon_energies_in_keV]) # XXX if no valid data? print "# Photon energies obtained: %d valid numbers, %d invalid, average=%f sd=%f" % ( len(photon_energies_in_keV), sum(photon_energies_in_keV != photon_energies_in_keV), mean_photon_energy, numpy.std(photon_energies_in_keV[photon_energies_in_keV == photon_energies_in_keV])) photon_energies_in_keV[ photon_energies_in_keV != photon_energies_in_keV] = mean_photon_energy # Get PD values pd1_values, pd2_values, pd3_values = [], [], [] if opts.pd1_threshold != 0: pd1_values = numpy.array( map( str2float, dbpy.read_syncdatalist(opts.pd1_sensor_name, high_tag, tuple(valid_tags)))) if opts.pd2_threshold != 0: pd2_values = numpy.array( map( str2float, dbpy.read_syncdatalist(opts.pd2_sensor_name, high_tag, tuple(valid_tags)))) if opts.pd3_threshold != 0: pd3_values = numpy.array( map( str2float, dbpy.read_syncdatalist(opts.pd3_sensor_name, high_tag, tuple(valid_tags)))) # Identify bad tags # XXX not tested!! this feature must not be used. tags with bad PDs must be detected after experiment. frame_after_light = 9999 bad_tag_idxes = [] for i in xrange(len(valid_tags)): light = True if (opts.pd1_threshold != 0 and not (opts.pd1_threshold > 0 and opts.pd1_threshold <= pd1_values[i]) and not (opts.pd1_threshold < 0 and -opts.pd1_threshold > pd1_values[i])): light = False if (opts.pd2_threshold != 0 and not (opts.pd2_threshold > 0 and opts.pd2_threshold <= pd2_values[i]) and not (opts.pd2_threshold < 0 and -opts.pd2_threshold > pd2_values[i])): light = False if (opts.pd3_threshold != 0 and not (opts.pd3_threshold > 0 and opts.pd3_threshold <= pd3_values[i]) and not (opts.pd3_threshold < 0 and -opts.pd3_threshold > pd3_values[i])): light = False if light: frame_after_light = 0 else: frame_after_light += 1 if ((opts.light_dark >= 0 and frame_after_light != opts.light_dark) or (opts.light_dark == PD_DARK_ANY and frame_after_light == 0)): print "# PD check: %d is bad tag!" % valid_tags[i] bad_tag_idxes.append(i) if bad_tag_idxes: valid_tags = numpy.delete(valid_tags, numpy.array(bad_tag_idxes)) for i in reversed(bad_tag_idxes): del img_files[i] # Debug code; this takes too much time! try: if 0 and opts.parallel_block == 0: tag_timestamp = map( lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( dbpy.read_timestamp_fromtag(high_tag, x, sensor_shutter)). strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'), valid_tags) img_timestamp = map( lambda x: marccd.MarCCD(x).acquire_time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'), img_files) ofs = open("tag_file_time.dat", "w") ofs.write("run tag file tag.time file.time\n") for i in xrange(len(img_files)): ofs.write('%d %d %s "%s" "%s"\n' % (opts.runid, valid_tags[i], img_files[i], tag_timestamp[i], img_timestamp[i])) ofs.close() except: pass # block spliting # TODO db query may be slow, which may need to be done only once? if opts.parallel_block >= 0: width = len(valid_tags) // parallel_size i_start = opts.parallel_block * width i_end = (opts.parallel_block + 1 ) * width if opts.parallel_block < parallel_size - 1 else None valid_tags = valid_tags[i_start:i_end] photon_energies_in_keV = photon_energies_in_keV[i_start:i_end] img_files = img_files[i_start:i_end] print "# parallel_block=%d: %d tags will be processed (%d..%d)" % ( opts.parallel_block, len(valid_tags), valid_tags[0], valid_tags[-1]) make_geom(img_files[0], opts.output_geom, beam_x=opts.beam_x, beam_y=opts.beam_y, clen=opts.clen) # Hit-finding results = process_images(img_files, mean_photon_energy, opts) file_tag_ene = [] for frame, tag, ene in zip(sorted(results), valid_tags, photon_energies_in_keV): if len(results[frame]["spots"]) < opts.min_spots: continue file_tag_ene.append((frame, tag, ene)) # TODO on-the-fly status updating open("status.txt", "w").write("""\ # Cheetah status Update time: %(ctime)s Elapsed time: %(eltime)f sec Status: Total=%(ntotal)d,Processed=%(ntotal)d,LLFpassed=%(ntotal)d,Hits=%(nhits)d,Status=WritingH5 Frames processed: %(ntotal)d Number of hits: %(nhits)d """ % dict(ctime=time.ctime(), eltime=time.time() - eltime_from, ntotal=len(img_files), nhits=len(file_tag_ene))) # Save h5 # TODO implement on-the-fly h5 file writing in hit-finding to avoid reading img file twice. make_h5(out=opts.outputH5, file_tag_ene=file_tag_ene, comment=comment) open("status.txt", "w").write("""\ # Cheetah status Update time: %(ctime)s Elapsed time: %(eltime)f sec Status: Total=%(ntotal)d,Processed=%(ntotal)d,LLFpassed=%(ntotal)d,Hits=%(nhits)d,Status=Finished Frames processed: %(ntotal)d Number of hits: %(nhits)d """ % dict(ctime=time.ctime(), eltime=time.time() - eltime_from, ntotal=len(img_files), nhits=len(file_tag_ene))) ofs = open("cheetah.dat", "w") ofs.write("file tag nspots total_snr\n") for frame, tag in zip(sorted(results), valid_tags): ret = results[frame] n_spots = len(ret["spots"]) total_snr = sum(map(lambda x: x[2], ret["spots"])) ofs.write("%s %d %6d %.3e\n" % (frame, tag, n_spots, total_snr)) ofs.close() if opts.gen_adx: for frame in sorted(results): ret = results[frame] adx_out = open(os.path.basename(frame) + ".adx", "w") for x, y, snr, d in ret["spots"]: adx_out.write("%6d %6d %.2e\n" % (x, y, snr)) adx_out.close()
def run(runid, bl=3, clen=50.0): # Beamline specific constants if bl == 2: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_2_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_2_shutter_1_open_valid/status" elif bl == 3: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_3_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_3_shutter_1_open_valid/status" else: log_error("BadBeamline") sys.exit(-1) # Get Run info try: run_info = dbpy.read_runinfo(bl, runid) except: log_error("BadRunID") sys.exit(-1) high_tag = dbpy.read_hightagnumber(bl, runid) start_tag = run_info['start_tagnumber'] end_tag = run_info['end_tagnumber'] tag_list = dbpy.read_taglist_byrun(bl, runid) tag = tag_list[0] print "Run %d: HighTag %d, Tags %d (inclusive) to %d (exclusive), thus %d images" % ( runid, high_tag, start_tag, end_tag, len(tag_list)) comment = dbpy.read_comment(bl, runid) print "Comment: %s" % comment print # Find detectors det_IDs = dbpy.read_detidlist(bl, runid) print "Detector IDs: " + " ".join(det_IDs) det_IDs = sorted([x for x in det_IDs if re.match("^MPCCD-8.*-[1-8]$", x)]) if len(det_IDs) != 8: log_error("NoSupportedDetectorFound") sys.exit(-1) print "MPCCD Octal IDs to use: " + " ".join(det_IDs) print # Get shutter status and find dark images try: shutter = [ str2float(s) for s in dbpy.read_syncdatalist(sensor_shutter, high_tag, tag_list) ] except: log_error("NoShutterStatus") sys.exit(-1) dark_tags = [ tag for tag, is_open in zip(tag_list, shutter) if is_open == 0 ] if bl == 2 and runid >= 32348: # and runid <= 33416: # 2018 Feb: Unreliable shutter status. Should use PD and take darks only at the beginning of a run print "The shutter status was unreliable for runs in 2018 Feb." print "The number of tags with shutter closed:", len(dark_tags) print "Since the above value is not reliable, we use X-ray PD values instead." xray_pd = "xfel_bl_2_st_3_bm_1_pd/charge" pd_values = [ str2float(s) for s in dbpy.read_syncdatalist(xray_pd, high_tag, tag_list) ] dark_tags = [] is_head = True for tag, pd in zip(tag_list, pd_values): if pd == None and is_head: dark_tags.append(tag) else: is_head = False print "Number of tags without X-ray:", len( [1 for pd_val in pd_values if pd_val is None]) print "But we use only tags at the beginning of a run." if len(dark_tags) == 0: log_error("NoDarkImage") sys.exit(-1) print "Number of dark images to average: %d" % len(dark_tags) print # Setup buffer readers try: readers = [ stpy.StorageReader(det_id, bl, (runid, )) for det_id in det_IDs ] except: log_error("FailedOn_create_streader") sys.exit(-1) try: buffers = [stpy.StorageBuffer(reader) for reader in readers] except: log_error("FailedOn_create_stbuf") sys.exit(-1) # Read first image to get detector info det_infos = [] for reader, buf in zip(readers, buffers): try: reader.collect(buf, dark_tags[0]) except: log_error("FailedOn_collect_data") sys.exit(-1) det_infos = [buf.read_det_info(0) for buf in buffers] for i, det_info in enumerate(det_infos): det_info['id'] = det_IDs[i] # Collect pulse energies config_photon_energy = 1000.0 * dbpy.read_config_photonenergy(bl, runid) config_photon_energy_sensible = True if config_photon_energy < 5000 or config_photon_energy > 14000: print "WARNING: dbpy.read_config_photonenergy returned %f eV, which is absurd!" % config_photon_energy print " Report this to SACLA DAQ team." print " This is not problematic unless the inline spectrometer is also broken." config_photon_energy_sensible = False pulse_energies_in_keV = [ str2float(s) for s in dbpy.read_syncdatalist(sensor_spec, high_tag, tuple(dark_tags)) ] pulse_energies = [] for tag, energy in zip(dark_tags, pulse_energies_in_keV): if energy is not None and energy > 0: pulse_energies.append(energy * 1000.0) else: print "WARNING: The wavelength from the inline spectrometer does not look sensible for tag %d." % tag if config_photon_energy_sensible: pulse_energies.append(config_photon_energy) print " Used the accelerator config value instead." else: pulse_energies.append(7000.0) print " The accelerator config value is also broken; assumed 7 keV as a last resort!" print mean_energy = np.mean(pulse_energies) print "Mean photon energy: %f eV" % mean_energy print "Configured photon energy: %f eV" % config_photon_energy print # Create geometry files write_crystfel_geom("%d.geom" % runid, det_infos, mean_energy, clen) write_cheetah_geom("%d-geom.h5" % runid, det_infos) # Write metadata write_metadata("%d.h5" % runid, det_infos, clen, comment) # Create dark average print print "Calculating a dark average:" num_added = 0 sum_buffer = np.zeros((YSIZE * NPANELS, XSIZE), dtype=np.float64) gains = [det_info['mp_absgain'] for det_info in det_infos] for j, tag_id in enumerate(dark_tags): print "Processing tag %d (%2.1f%% done)" % (tag_id, 100.0 * (j + 1) / len(dark_tags)) if (j % 5 == 0): with open("status.txt", "w") as status: status.write( "Status: Total=%d,Processed=%d,Status=DarkAveraging\n" % (len(dark_tags), j + 1)) num_added += add_image(sum_buffer, readers, buffers, gains, tag_id, pulse_energies[j]) print "\nDone. Averaged %d frames." % num_added if (num_added < 1): return -1 sum_buffer /= num_added ushort_max = np.iinfo(np.uint16).max print " #neg (< 0) %d, #overflow (> %d) %d" % (np.sum( sum_buffer < 0), ushort_max, np.sum(sum_buffer > ushort_max)) sum_buffer[sum_buffer < 0] = 0 sum_buffer[sum_buffer > ushort_max] = ushort_max averaged = sum_buffer.astype(np.uint16) # In the Phase 3 detector, some pixels average to negative values. # Most are around -0.1 and all those below -1 are at panel edges that will be masked. # So we don't have to worry about them. f = h5py.File("%d-dark.h5" % runid, "w") f.create_dataset("/data/data", data=averaged, compression="gzip", shuffle=True) # f.create_dataset("/data/raw", data=sum_buffer, compression="gzip", shuffle=True) f.close() print "Dark average was written to %s" % ("%d-dark.h5" % runid)
def run(runid, bl=3, clen=50.0, dry_run=False): # Beamline specific constants if bl == 2: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_2_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_2_shutter_1_open_valid/status" elif bl == 3: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_3_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_3_shutter_1_open_valid/status" else: log_error("BadBeamline") sys.exit(-1) # Get Run info try: run_info = dbpy.read_runinfo(bl, runid) except: log_error("BadRunID") sys.exit(-1) high_tag = dbpy.read_hightagnumber(bl, runid) start_tag = run_info['start_tagnumber'] end_tag = run_info['end_tagnumber'] tag_list = dbpy.read_taglist_byrun(bl, runid) tag = tag_list[0] print "Run %d: HighTag %d, Tags %d (inclusive) to %d (exclusive), thus %d images" % (runid, high_tag, start_tag, end_tag, len(tag_list)) comment = dbpy.read_comment(bl, runid) print "Comment: %s" % comment print # Find detectors det_IDs = dbpy.read_detidlist(bl, runid) print "Detector IDs: " + " ".join(det_IDs) det_IDs = sorted([x for x in det_IDs if re.match("^MPCCD-8.*-[1-8]$", x)]) if len(det_IDs) != 8: log_error("NoSupportedDetectorFound") sys.exit(-1) print "MPCCD Octal IDs to use: " + " ".join(det_IDs) print # Get shutter status and find dark images try: shutter = [str2float(s) for s in dbpy.read_syncdatalist(sensor_shutter, high_tag, tag_list)] except: log_error("NoShutterStatus") sys.exit(-1) dark_tags = [tag for tag, is_open in zip(tag_list, shutter) if is_open == 0] if bl == 2 and runid >= 32348: # and runid <= 33416: # 2018 Feb: Unreliable shutter status. We should use BM1 PD and take darks only at the beginning of a run print "The shutter status was unreliable for runs since 2018 Feb." print "The number of tags with shutter closed:", len(dark_tags) print "Since the above value is not reliable, we use X-ray PD values instead." xray_pd = "xfel_bl_2_st_3_bm_1_pd/charge" pd_values = [str2float(s) for s in dbpy.read_syncdatalist(xray_pd, high_tag, tag_list)] dark_tags = [] is_head = True for tag, pd in zip(tag_list, pd_values): if math.isnan(pd) and is_head: dark_tags.append(tag) else: is_head = False print "Number of tags without X-ray:", len([1 for pd_val in pd_values if math.isnan(pd_val)]) print "But we use only tags at the beginning of a run." if len(dark_tags) == 0: log_error("NoDarkImage") sys.exit(-1) print "Number of dark images to average: %d" % len(dark_tags) print # Setup buffer readers try: readers = [stpy.StorageReader(det_id, bl, (runid,)) for det_id in det_IDs] except: log_error("FailedOn_create_streader") sys.exit(-1) try: buffers = [stpy.StorageBuffer(reader) for reader in readers] except: log_error("FailedOn_create_stbuf") sys.exit(-1) # Read first image to get detector info det_infos = [] for reader, buf in zip(readers, buffers): try: reader.collect(buf, dark_tags[0]) except: log_error("FailedOn_collect_data") sys.exit(-1) det_infos = [buf.read_det_info(0) for buf in buffers] for i, det_info in enumerate(det_infos): det_info['id'] = det_IDs[i] # Collect pulse energies config_photon_energy = 1000.0 * dbpy.read_config_photonenergy(bl, runid) config_photon_energy_sensible = True if config_photon_energy < 5000 or config_photon_energy > 14000: print "WARNING: dbpy.read_config_photonenergy returned %f eV, which is absurd!" % config_photon_energy print " Report this to SACLA DAQ team." print " This is not problematic unless the inline spectrometer is also broken." config_photon_energy_sensible = False pulse_energies_in_keV = [str2float(s) for s in dbpy.read_syncdatalist(sensor_spec, high_tag, tuple(dark_tags))] pulse_energies = [] for tag, energy in zip(dark_tags, pulse_energies_in_keV): if energy is not None and energy > 0: pulse_energies.append(energy * 1000.0) else: print "WARNING: The wavelength from the inline spectrometer does not look sensible for tag %d." % tag if config_photon_energy_sensible: pulse_energies.append(config_photon_energy) print " Used the accelerator config value instead." else: pulse_energies.append(7000.0) print " The accelerator config value is also broken; assumed 7 keV as a last resort!" print mean_energy = np.mean(pulse_energies) print "Mean photon energy: %f eV" % mean_energy print "Configured photon energy: %f eV" % config_photon_energy print # Create geometry files write_crystfel_geom("%d.geom" % runid, det_infos, mean_energy, clen) write_cheetah_geom("%d-geom.h5" % runid, det_infos) # Write metadata write_metadata("%d.h5" % runid, det_infos, clen, comment) if (dry_run): return # Create dark average print print "Calculating a dark average:" num_added = 0 sum_buffer = np.zeros((YSIZE * NPANELS, XSIZE), dtype=np.float64) gains = [det_info['mp_absgain'] for det_info in det_infos] for j, tag_id in enumerate(dark_tags): print "Processing tag %d (%2.1f%% done)" % (tag_id, 100.0 * (j + 1) / len(dark_tags)) if (j % 5 == 0): with open("status.txt", "w") as status: status.write("Status: Total=%d,Processed=%d,Status=DarkAveraging\n" % (len(dark_tags), j + 1)) num_added += add_image(sum_buffer, readers, buffers, gains, tag_id, pulse_energies[j]) print "\nDone. Averaged %d frames." % num_added if (num_added < 1): return -1 sum_buffer /= num_added ushort_max = np.iinfo(np.uint16).max print " #neg (< 0) %d, #overflow (> %d) %d" % (np.sum(sum_buffer < 0), ushort_max, np.sum(sum_buffer > ushort_max)) sum_buffer[sum_buffer < 0] = 0 sum_buffer[sum_buffer > ushort_max] = ushort_max averaged = sum_buffer.astype(np.uint16) # In the Phase 3 detector, some pixels average to negative values. # Most are around -0.1 and all those below -1 are at panel edges that will be masked. # So we don't have to worry about them. f = h5py.File("%d-dark.h5" % runid, "w") f.create_dataset("/data/data", data=averaged, compression="gzip", shuffle=True) # f.create_dataset("/data/raw", data=sum_buffer, compression="gzip", shuffle=True) f.close() print "Dark average was written to %s" % ("%d-dark.h5" % runid)
def getCurrentHighTag(bl): return dbpy.read_hightagnumber(bl, getNewestRun(bl))
def getHighTag(bl, run): return dbpy.read_hightagnumber(bl, run)
def run(opts): eltime_from = time.time() assert opts.runid is not None assert is not None # Beamline specific constants if == 2: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_2_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_2_shutter_1_open_valid/status" elif == 3: sensor_spec = "xfel_bl_3_tc_spec_1/energy" sensor_shutter = "xfel_bl_3_shutter_1_open_valid/status" else: error_status("BadBeamline") return -1 # Get run info try: run_info = dbpy.read_runinfo(, opts.runid) except: error_status("BadRunID") return -1 high_tag = dbpy.read_hightagnumber(, opts.runid) start_tag = run_info['start_tagnumber'] end_tag = run_info['end_tagnumber'] tag_list = numpy.array(dbpy.read_taglist_byrun(, opts.runid)) print "# Run %d: HighTag %d, Tags %d (inclusive) to %d (exclusive), thus %d images" % (opts.runid, high_tag, start_tag, end_tag, len(tag_list)) comment = dbpy.read_comment(, opts.runid) print "# Comment: %s" % comment print # Get shutter status and find images try: shutter = numpy.array(map(str2float, dbpy.read_syncdatalist(sensor_shutter, high_tag, tuple(tag_list)))) except: print traceback.format_exc() error_status("NoShutterStatus") return -1 # XXX valid_tags = tag_list[shutter==1] # [tag for tag, is_open in zip(tag_list, shutter) if is_open == 1] print "DEBUG:: shutter=", shutter print "DEBUG:: valid_tags=", valid_tags if 0: tag_offset = 3 tag_list = tag_list[tag_offset:] valid_tags = tag_list[numpy.arange(1, len(tag_list)+1)%6==0] if valid_tags.size == 0: error_status("NoValidTags") return -1 # Find images img_files = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(opts.rayonix_root, str(opts.runid), "data_*.img"))) print "# DEBUG:: img_files=%d valid_tags=%d" % (len(img_files), len(valid_tags)) if len(img_files)+1 != len(valid_tags): # last valid tag is not saved. print "# WARNING!! img_files and valid_tag number mismatch" img_numbers = map(lambda x: int(x[x.rindex("_")+1:-4]), img_files) dropped_frames = sorted(set(range(1, len(valid_tags))).difference(img_numbers)) print "# Unsaved frame numbers =", tuple(dropped_frames) print "# DEBUG::", len(img_files)-len(dropped_frames)+1, len(valid_tags) if len(img_files)+len(dropped_frames)+1 == len(valid_tags): print "# %d unsaved img files found, which explains number mismatch" % len(dropped_frames) valid_tags = numpy.delete(valid_tags, numpy.array(dropped_frames)-1) assert len(img_files)+1 == len(valid_tags) else: print "# Assuming last %d img files are generated after stopping run.." % (len(img_files)-len(valid_tags)+1) img_files = img_files[:len(valid_tags)-1] assert len(img_files)+1 == len(valid_tags) tag_timestamp = map(lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dbpy.read_timestamp_fromtag(high_tag, x, sensor_shutter)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'), valid_tags) img_timestamp = map(lambda x: marccd.MarCCD(x).acquire_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'), img_files) ofs = open("tag_file_time.dat", "w") ofs.write("run tag file tag.time file.time\n") for i in xrange(len(img_files)): ofs.write('%d %d %s "%s" "%s"\n'%(opts.runid, valid_tags[i], img_files[i], tag_timestamp[i], img_timestamp[i])) ofs.close()