Esempio n. 1
  print ""
  tiers = [ "Digi", "Hit" ]
  print "Provenance for: %s (dataTiers: %s)" % (otherDatasetPath, tiers)
  for parent in api.getDatasetProvenance(otherDatasetPath, tiers):
    print "  %s" % parent

  # Get dataset contents, returning a list of blocks with event collections
  print ""
  print "Dataset contents for: %s" % otherDatasetPath
  for block in api.getDatasetContents(otherDatasetPath):
    print "  File block name/id: %s/%d, %d event collections}" % \
      (block.getBlockName(), block.getObjectId(), len(block.getEventCollectionList()))

  # Get dataset contents as a list of blocks with files
  print ""
  # print "Dataset files for: %s" % datasets[0]
  # for block in api.getDatasetFileBlocks (datasets[0]):
  print "Dataset files for: %s" % datasetPath
  for block in api.getDatasetFileBlocks (datasetPath):
    print "  File block name/id: %s/%d, %d files}" % \
      (block.getBlockName(), block.getObjectId(), len(block.getFileList()))

except InvalidDataTier, ex:
  print "Caught InvalidDataTier API exception: %s" % (ex.getErrorMessage())
except DbsApiException, ex:
  print "Caught API exception %s: %s" % (ex.getClassName(), ex.getErrorMessage())
except DbsException, ex:
  print "Caught exception %s: %s" % (ex.getClassName(), ex.getErrorMessage())

print "Done"
Esempio n. 2
     print block.get('blockName')
     #print block['guid']
     #print "  File block name/id: %s/%d, %d event collections}" % \
     #  (block.get('blockName'), block.get('objectId'), len(block.get('eventCollectionList')) )
     #for ev in block.get('eventCollectionList') :
     #  print "evc ", ev
  except DbsCgiDatabaseError,e:
   print e
  #otherDatasetPath = "/PreProdR2Pion10GeV/SIM/GEN-SIM-DIGI"
  #otherDatasetPath = "/test_primary_anzar/DST/test_process_anzar"
   # Get dataset contents as a list of blocks with files
   print ""
   #print "Dataset files for: %s" % datasets[0]
   for block in api.getDatasetFileBlocks (otherDatasetPath):
     print "  File block name/id: %s/%d, %d files}" % \
       (block.get('blockName'), block.get('objectId'), len(block.get('fileList')) )
     print "Status is ", block.get('blockStatus')
     for ev in block.get('eventCollectionList') :
       print "evc ", ev
  except DbsCgiDatabaseError,e:
   print e
except InvalidDataTier, ex:
  print "Caught InvalidDataTier API exception: %s" % (ex.getErrorMessage())
except DbsApiException, ex:
  print "Caught API exception %s: %s" % (ex.getClassName(), ex.getErrorMessage())
except DbsException, ex:
  print "Caught exception %s: %s" % (ex.getClassName(), ex.getErrorMessage())