Esempio n. 1
def CreateContainer(self, display_name, container_type, child_types):
    upload_id = self.next_upload_id
    self.next_upload_id += 1

    path = "{0}/up{1:03}".format(self.__dbus_object_path__, upload_id)
    upload = {
        'ChildCount': dbus.UInt32(0),
        'DisplayName': display_name,
        'Parent': self.__dbus_object_path__,
        'Path': path,
        'Type': 'container',
        'TypeEx': container_type,

    self.AddObject(path, 'org.gnome.UPnP.MediaObject2', {}, [])
    obj = get_object(path)
    obj.items = self.items
                    filter_properties(upload, MEDIA_OBJECT2_PROPERTIES))
                    filter_properties(upload, MEDIA_CONTAINER2_PROPERTIES))

    device = get_object(
        find_root(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)['Path'])
    device.queue_change({'ChangeType': CHANGE_TYPES['Add'], 'Path': path})

    return (path)
def RemoveWifiConnection(self, dev_path, connection_path):
    '''Remove the specified WiFi connection.

    You have to specify the device to remove the connection from, and the
    path of the Connection.

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)

    connections = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections')
    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()

    if connection_path not in connections and connection_path not in main_connections:

    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections', connections)

    settings_obj.Set(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'Connections', main_connections)

    settings_obj.EmitSignal(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'ConnectionRemoved', 'o', [connection_path])

    connection_obj = dbusmock.get_object(connection_path)
    connection_obj.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Removed', '', [])

def RemoveWifiConnection(self, dev_path, connection_path):
    '''Remove the specified WiFi connection.

    You have to specify the device to remove the connection from, and the
    path of the Connection.

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)

    connections = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections')
    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()

    if connection_path not in connections and connection_path not in main_connections:

    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections', connections)

    settings_obj.Set(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'Connections', main_connections)

    settings_obj.EmitSignal(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'ConnectionRemoved', 'o',

    connection_obj = dbusmock.get_object(connection_path)
    connection_obj.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Removed', '', [])

Esempio n. 4
def Upload(self, display_name, filename):
    upload_id = self.next_upload_id
    self.next_upload_id += 1

    path = "{0}/up{1:03}".format(self.__dbus_object_path__, upload_id)
    size = os.stat(filename).st_size
    upload = {
        'DisplayName': display_name,
        'Parent': self.__dbus_object_path__,
        'Path': path,
        'UploadFilename': filename,
        'UploadId': upload_id,
        'UploadSize': size,

    self.AddObject(path, 'org.gnome.UPnP.MediaObject2', {}, [])
    obj = get_object(path)
    obj.items = self.items
                    filter_properties(upload, MEDIA_OBJECT2_PROPERTIES))

    device = get_object(
        find_root(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)['Path'])

    def upload_completed():
        device.EmitSignal(MEDIA_DEVICE_IFACE, 'UploadUpdate', 'ustt',
                          (upload_id, 'COMPLETED', size, size))
        device.queue_change({'ChangeType': CHANGE_TYPES['Add'], 'Path': path})


    item = find_item(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)
    item['ChildCount'] += 1
    return (upload_id, path)
Esempio n. 5
def ConnectionDelete(self):
    '''Deletes a connection.

    This also
        * removes the deleted connection from any device,
        * removes any active connection(s) it might be associated with,
        * removes it from the Settings interface,
        * as well as deletes the object from the mock.

    Note: If this was the only active connection, we change the global
    connection state.
    connection_path = self.connection_path

    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)

    # Find the associated active connection(s).
    active_connections = NM.Get(MAIN_IFACE, 'ActiveConnections')
    associated_active_connections = []
    for ac in active_connections:
        ac_obj = dbusmock.get_object(ac)
        ac_con = ac_obj.Get(ACTIVE_CONNECTION_IFACE, 'Connection')
        if ac_con == connection_path:

    # We found that the connection we are deleting are associated to all
    # active connections and subsequently set the global state to
    # disconnected.
    if len(active_connections) == len(associated_active_connections):

    # Remove the connection from all associated devices.
    # We also remove all associated active connections.
    for dev_path in NM.GetDevices():
        dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)
        connections = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections')

        for ac in associated_active_connections:
            NM.RemoveActiveConnection(dev_path, ac)

        if connection_path not in connections:

        dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections', connections)

    # Remove the connection from the settings interface
    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()
    if connection_path not in main_connections:
    settings_obj.Set(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'Connections', main_connections)
    settings_obj.EmitSignal(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'ConnectionRemoved', 'o',

    # Remove the connection from the mock
    connection_obj = dbusmock.get_object(connection_path)
    connection_obj.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Removed', '', [])
Esempio n. 6
def AddPartitionDevice(self, device_name):
    """ Just a testing method """
    # add a disk
    path = "/org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/" + device_name
    block_properties = {
            'Device': dbus.ByteArray("/dev/" + device_name + "\000"),
            'Id': "by-id-scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_drive-scsi0-0-0-0",
    self.AddObject(path, BLOCK_IFACE, block_properties, [])
    obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)

    partition_properties = {
            'Test': 'hello world ' + device_name,
    obj.AddProperties(PARTITION_IFACE, partition_properties)

    manager = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    manager.EmitSignal(OBJECT_MANAGER_IFACE, 'InterfacesAdded',
                       'oa{sa{sv}}', [
                                   BLOCK_IFACE: block_properties}
#                                   PARTITION_IFACE: partition_properties,
#                           },
    print >> sys.stderr, "sending event on", path
    return path
Esempio n. 7
def UploadToAnyContainer(self, display_name, filename):
    upload_id = self.next_upload_id
    self.next_upload_id += 1

    path = '{0}/any{1:03}'.format(self.__dbus_object_path__, upload_id)
    size = os.stat(filename).st_size
    upload = {
        'DisplayName': display_name,
        'Parent': self.__dbus_object_path__,
        'Path': path,
        'Type': 'item.unclassified',
        'UploadFilename': filename,
        'UploadId': upload_id,
        'UploadSize': size,

    self.AddObject(path, 'org.gnome.UPnP.MediaObject2', {}, [])
    obj = get_object(path)
    obj.items = self.items
    obj.AddTemplate('', filter_properties(upload, MEDIA_OBJECT2_PROPERTIES))

    device = get_object(find_root(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)['Path'])

    def upload_completed():
        device.EmitSignal(MAIN_IFACE, 'UploadUpdate', 'ustt', (upload_id, 'COMPLETED', size, size))
        self.queue_change ({
            'ChangeType': CHANGE_TYPES['Add'],
            'Path': path

    return (upload_id, path)
def CreateContainer(self, display_name, container_type, child_types):
    upload_id = self.next_upload_id
    self.next_upload_id += 1

    path = "{0}/up{1:03}".format(self.__dbus_object_path__, upload_id)
    upload = {
        'ChildCount': dbus.UInt32(0),
        'DisplayName': display_name,
        'Parent': self.__dbus_object_path__,
        'Path': path,
        'Type': 'container',
        'TypeEx': container_type,

    self.AddObject(path, 'org.gnome.UPnP.MediaObject2', {}, [])
    obj = get_object(path)
    obj.items = self.items
    obj.AddTemplate("", filter_properties(upload, MEDIA_OBJECT2_PROPERTIES))
    obj.AddTemplate("", filter_properties(upload, MEDIA_CONTAINER2_PROPERTIES))

    device = get_object(find_root(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)['Path'])
    device.queue_change ({
        'ChangeType': CHANGE_TYPES['Add'],
        'Path': path

    return (path)
def ConnectionDelete(self):
    '''Deletes a connection.

    This also
        * removes the deleted connection from any device,
        * removes any active connection(s) it might be associated with,
        * removes it from the Settings interface,
        * as well as deletes the object from the mock.

    Note: If this was the only active connection, we change the global
    connection state.
    connection_path = self.connection_path

    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)

    # Find the associated active connection(s).
    active_connections = NM.Get(MAIN_IFACE, 'ActiveConnections')
    associated_active_connections = []
    for ac in active_connections:
        ac_obj = dbusmock.get_object(ac)
        ac_con = ac_obj.Get(ACTIVE_CONNECTION_IFACE, 'Connection')
        if ac_con == connection_path:

    # We found that the connection we are deleting are associated to all
    # active connections and subsequently set the global state to
    # disconnected.
    if len(active_connections) == len(associated_active_connections):

    # Remove the connection from all associated devices.
    # We also remove all associated active connections.
    for dev_path in NM.GetDevices():
        dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)
        connections = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections')

        for ac in associated_active_connections:
            NM.RemoveActiveConnection(dev_path, ac)

        if connection_path not in connections:

        dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections', connections)

    # Remove the connection from the settings interface
    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()
    if connection_path not in main_connections:
    settings_obj.Set(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'Connections', main_connections)
    settings_obj.EmitSignal(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'ConnectionRemoved', 'o', [connection_path])

    # Remove the connection from the mock
    connection_obj = dbusmock.get_object(connection_path)
    connection_obj.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Removed', '', [])
Esempio n. 10
def AddWiFiDevice(self, device_name, iface_name, state):
    '''Add a WiFi Device.

    You have to specify device_name, device interface name (e. g.  wlan0) and
    state. You can use the predefined DeviceState values (e. g.
    DeviceState.ACTIVATED) or supply a numeric value. For valid state values,
    please visit

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.

    path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/' + device_name
                       'HwAddress': dbus.String('11:22:33:44:55:66'),
                       'PermHwAddress': dbus.String('11:22:33:44:55:66'),
                       'Bitrate': dbus.UInt32(5400),
                       'Mode': dbus.UInt32(2),
                       'WirelessCapabilities': dbus.UInt32(255),
                       'AccessPoints': dbus.Array([], signature='o'),
                       ('GetAccessPoints', '', 'ao',
                        'ret = self.access_points'),
                       ('GetAllAccessPoints', '', 'ao',
                        'ret = self.access_points'),
                       ('RequestScan', 'a{sv}', '', ''),

    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
    dev_obj.access_points = []
                              'ActiveConnection': dbus.ObjectPath('/'),
                              'AvailableConnections': dbus.Array([], signature='o'),
                              'AutoConnect': False,
                              'Managed': True,
                              'Driver': 'dbusmock',
                              'DeviceType': dbus.UInt32(2),
                              'State': dbus.UInt32(state),
                              'StateReason': (dbus.UInt32(state), dbus.UInt32(0)),
                              'Interface': iface_name,
                              'IpInterface': iface_name,


    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MANAGER_OBJ)
    devices = NM.Get(MANAGER_IFACE, 'Devices')
    NM.Set(MANAGER_IFACE, 'Devices', devices)
    NM.EmitSignal('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager', 'DeviceAdded', 'o', [path])

    return path
Esempio n. 11
def get_device_by_ip_iface(_self, iface):
    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MANAGER_OBJ)
    for dev_path in NM.GetDevices():
        dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)
        interface = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'Interface')
        if interface == iface:
            return dev_path

    return None
def ConnectionUpdate(self, connection_path, settings):
    '''Update settings on a connection.

    settings is a String String Variant Map Map. See
    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)
    conn_obj = dbusmock.get_object(connection_path)

    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()

    if connection_path not in main_connections:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            'Connection %s does not exist' % connection_path,
            name=MAIN_IFACE + '.DoesNotExist',

    conn_settings = conn_obj.Get(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Settings')
    changed_settings = {}
    for key, value in settings.items():
        for k, v in value.items():
            changed_settings[k] = v

            if key not in conn_settings:
                conn_settings[key] = dbus.Dictionary({}, signature='sv')

            conn_settings[key][k] = v

    conn_obj.Set(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Settings', conn_settings)

    settings_obj.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'PropertiesChanged', 'a{sv}',
    settings_obj.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Updated', '', [])

    auto_connect = False
    if 'autoconnect' in settings['connection']:
        auto_connect = settings['connection']['autoconnect']

    if auto_connect:
        dev = None
        devices = NM.GetDevices()

        # Grab the first device.
        if len(devices) > 0:
            dev = devices[0]

        if dev:
            activate_connection(NM, connection_path, dev, connection_path)

    return connection_path
def ConnectionUpdate(self, connection_path, settings):
    '''Update settings on a connection.

    settings is a String String Variant Map Map. See
    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)
    conn_obj = dbusmock.get_object(connection_path)

    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()

    if connection_path not in main_connections:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            'Connection %s does not exist' % connection_path,
            name=MAIN_IFACE + '.DoesNotExist',)

    conn_settings = conn_obj.Get(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Settings')
    changed_settings = {}
    for key, value in settings.items():
        for k, v in value.items():
            changed_settings[k] = v

            if key not in conn_settings:
                conn_settings[key] = dbus.Dictionary({}, signature='sv')

            conn_settings[key][k] = v

    conn_obj.Set(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Settings', conn_settings)

    settings_obj.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'PropertiesChanged', 'a{sv}', [changed_settings])
    settings_obj.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Updated', '', [])

    auto_connect = False
    if 'autoconnect' in settings['connection']:
        auto_connect = settings['connection']['autoconnect']

    if auto_connect:
        dev = None
        devices = NM.GetDevices()

        # Grab the first device.
        if len(devices) > 0:
            dev = devices[0]

        if dev:
            activate_connection(NM, connection_path, dev, connection_path)

    return connection_path
Esempio n. 14
def AddActiveConnection(self, devices, connection_device, specific_object, name, state):
    '''Add an active connection to an existing WiFi device.

    You have to a list of the involved WiFi devices, the connection path,
    the access point path, ActiveConnection object name and connection

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.

    conn_obj = dbusmock.get_object(connection_device)
    settings = conn_obj.settings
    conn_uuid = settings['connection']['uuid']
    conn_type = settings['connection']['type']
    conn_id = settings['connection']['id']

    device_objects = [dbus.ObjectPath(dev) for dev in devices]

    active_connection_path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/' + name
                       'Devices': dbus.Array(device_objects, signature='o'),
                       'Default6': False,
                       'Default': True,
                       'Type': conn_type,
                       'Vpn': (conn_type == 'vpn'),
                       'Connection': dbus.ObjectPath(connection_device),
                       'Master': dbus.ObjectPath('/'),
                       'SpecificObject': dbus.ObjectPath(specific_object),
                       'Uuid': conn_uuid,
                       'State': dbus.UInt32(state),
                       'Id': conn_id,

    for dev_path in devices:
        self.SetDeviceActive(dev_path, active_connection_path)


    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MANAGER_OBJ)
    active_connections = NM.Get(MANAGER_IFACE, 'ActiveConnections')
    NM.SetProperty(MANAGER_OBJ, MANAGER_IFACE, 'ActiveConnections', active_connections)

    return active_connection_path
Esempio n. 15
def AddServer(self):
    root = '/com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/%d' % (self.next_server_id,)

    # Pre-process the items tree anchoring paths to the new root object
    items = copy.deepcopy(ITEMS)
    for item in items:
        item['Path'] = dbus.ObjectPath(item['Path'].replace('{root}', root))
        item['Parent'] = dbus.ObjectPath(item['Parent'].replace('{root}', root))

    for item in items:
        path = item['Path']
        self.AddObject(path, 'org.gnome.UPnP.MediaObject2', {}, [])
        obj = get_object(path)
        obj.items = items

        if path == root:
            item['FriendlyName'] = 'Mock Server <#{0}>'.format(self.next_server_id)
            item['UDN'] = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.UUID('9123ef5c-f083-11e2-8000-000000000000'), str(self.next_server_id)))
            obj.AddTemplate("", filter_properties (item, MEDIA_DEVICE_PROPERTIES))
        obj.AddTemplate("", filter_properties(item, MEDIA_OBJECT2_PROPERTIES))
        obj.AddTemplate("", filter_properties(item, MEDIA_CONTAINER2_PROPERTIES))

    self.EmitSignal(MAIN_IFACE, 'FoundServer', 'o', [root])

    self.next_server_id += 1
    return path
Esempio n. 16
def SetModemOffline(_self, index):
    '''Convenience method to change a modem's state from online to offline.
    index: the modem to update
    Calling this methof will trigger the modem's PropertiesChanged signal.

    modem = dbusmock.get_object(
    properties = {
        'Sim': dbus.ObjectPath('/'),
        'UnlockRequired': dbus.UInt32(0),
        'UnlockRetries': dbus.Dictionary({}, signature='uu'),
        'State': dbus.Int32(-1),
        'StateFailedReason': dbus.UInt32(2),
        'AccessTechnologies': dbus.UInt32(0),
        'SignalQuality': (dbus.UInt32(0), True),
        'OwnNumbers': dbus.Array([], signature='s'),
        'CurrentModes': (dbus.UInt32(4294967295), dbus.UInt32(0)),
        'CurrentBands': dbus.Array([0], signature='u'),

    for name, value in properties.items():
        modem._set_property(MODEM_IFACE, name, value)

    modem.EmitSignal(dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE, 'PropertiesChanged', 'sa{sv}as',
                     [MODEM_IFACE, properties, []])
def AddEthernetDevice(self, device_name, iface_name, state):
    '''Add an ethernet device.

    You have to specify device_name, device interface name (e. g. eth0), and
    state. You can use the predefined DeviceState values (e. g.
    DeviceState.ACTIVATED) or supply a numeric value. For valid state values
    please visit

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.
    path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/' + device_name
    wired_props = {'Carrier': dbus.Boolean(0, variant_level=1),
                   'HwAddress': dbus.String("78:DD:08:D2:3D:43", variant_level=1),
                   'PermHwAddress': dbus.String("78:DD:08:D2:3D:43", variant_level=1),
                   'Speed': dbus.UInt32(0, variant_level=1)}

    props = {'DeviceType': dbus.UInt32(1, variant_level=1),
             'State': dbus.UInt32(state, variant_level=1),
             'Interface': dbus.String(iface_name, variant_level=1),
             'IpInterface': dbus.String('', variant_level=1)}

    obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
    obj.AddProperties('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device', props)
    return path
Esempio n. 18
def SetDeviceActive(self, device_path, active_connection_path):
    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(device_path)
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'ActiveConnection', dbus.ObjectPath(active_connection_path))
    old_state = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State')
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State', dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.ACTIVATED))

    dev_obj.EmitSignal(DEVICE_IFACE, 'StateChanged', 'uuu', [dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.ACTIVATED), old_state, dbus.UInt32(1)])
def SetDeviceDisconnected(self, device_path):
    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(device_path)
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'ActiveConnection', dbus.ObjectPath('/'))
    old_state = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State')
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State', dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.DISCONNECTED))

    dev_obj.EmitSignal(DEVICE_IFACE, 'StateChanged', 'uuu', [dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.DISCONNECTED), old_state, dbus.UInt32(1)])
Esempio n. 20
def SetDeviceDisconnected(self, device_path):
    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(device_path)
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'ActiveConnection', dbus.ObjectPath('/'))
    old_state = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State')
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State', dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.DISCONNECTED))

    dev_obj.EmitSignal(DEVICE_IFACE, 'StateChanged', 'uuu', [dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.DISCONNECTED), old_state, dbus.UInt32(1)])
def SetDeviceActive(self, device_path, active_connection_path):
    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(device_path)
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'ActiveConnection', dbus.ObjectPath(active_connection_path))
    old_state = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State')
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State', dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.ACTIVATED))

    dev_obj.EmitSignal(DEVICE_IFACE, 'StateChanged', 'uuu', [dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.ACTIVATED), old_state, dbus.UInt32(1)])
def SettingsAddConnection(self, connection_settings):
    '''Add a connection.

    connection_settings is a String String Variant Map Map. See

    If you omit connection uuid or timestamp, this method adds one for you.
    Note that this automatically associates the connection settings object
    with the first device that was created.

    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    devices = NM.GetDevices()

    dev = None

    auto_connect = False
    if 'autoconnect' in connection_settings['connection']:
        auto_connect = connection_settings['connection']['autoconnect']

    # Grab the first device if we are to auto-connect
    if auto_connect and len(devices) > 0:
        dev = devices[0]

    connection_path = self.AddDeviceConnection(dev, connection_settings)

    if auto_connect and dev:
        activate_connection(NM, connection_path, dev, connection_path)

    return connection_path
Esempio n. 23
def SetDeviceActive(self,
    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(device_path)
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'ActiveConnection',
    old_state = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State')
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State', dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.ACTIVATED))

        DEVICE_IFACE, 'StateChanged', 'uuu',
        [dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.ACTIVATED), old_state,

    ip4_config_path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/IP4Config/0'
        ip4_config_path, IP4_CONFIG_IFACE, {
                'address': dbus.String(ip_address),
                'prefix': dbus.UInt32(24)
        }, [])

    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'Ip4Config', dbus.ObjectPath(ip4_config_path))
Esempio n. 24
def AddServer(self):
    root = '/com/intel/dLeynaServer/server/%d' % (self.next_server_id, )

    # Pre-process the items tree anchoring paths to the new root object
    items = copy.deepcopy(ITEMS)
    for item in items:
        item['Path'] = dbus.ObjectPath(item['Path'].replace('{root}', root))
        item['Parent'] = dbus.ObjectPath(item['Parent'].replace(
            '{root}', root))

    for item in items:
        path = item['Path']
        self.AddObject(path, 'org.gnome.UPnP.MediaObject2', {}, [])
        obj = get_object(path)
        obj.items = items

        if path == root:
            item['FriendlyName'] = 'Mock Server <#{0}>'.format(
            item['UDN'] = str(
                            filter_properties(item, MEDIA_DEVICE_PROPERTIES))
                        filter_properties(item, MEDIA_OBJECT2_PROPERTIES))
                        filter_properties(item, MEDIA_CONTAINER2_PROPERTIES))

    self.EmitSignal(MAIN_IFACE, 'FoundServer', 'o', [root])

    self.next_server_id += 1
    return path
Esempio n. 25
def set_hotspot_enabled(self, value):
    self.SetProperty(NETS_OBJ, NETS_IFACE, 'HotspotEnabled', value)

    # Set HotspotStored = True if not stored and we're enabling it.
    stored = dbusmock.get_object(NETS_OBJ).Get(NETS_IFACE, 'HotspotStored')
    if value and not bool(stored):
        self.SetProperty(NETS_OBJ, NETS_IFACE, 'HotspotStored', True)
Esempio n. 26
def AddEthernetDevice(self, device_name, iface_name, state):
    '''Add an ethernet device.

    You have to specify device_name, device interface name (e. g. eth0), and
    state. You can use the predefined DeviceState values (e. g.
    DeviceState.ACTIVATED) or supply a numeric value. For valid state values
    please visit

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.
    path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/' + device_name
    wired_props = {
        'Carrier': False,
        'HwAddress': dbus.String('78:DD:08:D2:3D:43'),
        'PermHwAddress': dbus.String('78:DD:08:D2:3D:43'),
        'Speed': dbus.UInt32(0)
    self.AddObject(path, 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Device.Wired',
                   wired_props, [])

    props = {
        'DeviceType': dbus.UInt32(1),
        'State': dbus.UInt32(state),
        'Interface': iface_name,
        'ActiveConnection': dbus.ObjectPath('/'),
        'AvailableConnections': dbus.Array([], signature='o'),
        'AutoConnect': False,
        'Managed': True,
        'Driver': 'dbusmock',
        'IpInterface': ''

    obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
    obj.AddProperties(DEVICE_IFACE, props)


    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MANAGER_OBJ)
    devices = NM.Get(MANAGER_IFACE, 'Devices')
    NM.Set(MANAGER_IFACE, 'Devices', devices)
    NM.EmitSignal('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager', 'DeviceAdded', 'o', [path])

    return path
Esempio n. 27
def SettingsGetConnectionByUuid(self, conn_uuid):
    conns = self.ListConnections()
    for o in conns:
        self.conn = dbusmock.get_object(o)
        settings = self.conn.GetSettings()
        if settings['connection']['uuid'] == conn_uuid:
            return o
    raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException("There was no connection with uuid %s" % conn_uuid)
Esempio n. 28
def ConnectionUpdate(self, settings):
    '''Update settings on a connection.

    settings is a String String Variant Map Map. See
    connection_path = self.connection_path

    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MANAGER_OBJ)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)

    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()

    if connection_path not in main_connections:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            'Connection %s does not exist' % connection_path,
            name=MANAGER_IFACE + '.DoesNotExist',

    # Take care not to overwrite the secrets
    for setting_name in settings:
        setting = settings[setting_name]
        for k in setting:
            if setting_name not in self.settings:
                self.settings[setting_name] = {}
            self.settings[setting_name][k] = setting[k]

    self.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Updated', '', [])

    auto_connect = False
    if 'autoconnect' in settings['connection']:
        auto_connect = settings['connection']['autoconnect']

    if auto_connect:
        dev = None
        devices = NM.GetDevices()

        # Grab the first device.
        if len(devices) > 0:
            dev = devices[0]

        if dev:
            activate_connection(NM, connection_path, dev, connection_path)

    return connection_path
Esempio n. 29
def ConnectionUpdate(self, settings):
    '''Update settings on a connection.

    settings is a String String Variant Map Map. See
    connection_path = self.connection_path

    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)

    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()

    if connection_path not in main_connections:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            'Connection %s does not exist' % connection_path,
            name=MAIN_IFACE + '.DoesNotExist',)

    # Take care not to overwrite the secrets
    for setting_name in settings:
        setting = settings[setting_name]
        for k in setting:
            if setting_name not in self.settings:
                self.settings[setting_name] = {}
            self.settings[setting_name][k] = setting[k]

    self.EmitSignal(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Updated', '', [])

    auto_connect = False
    if 'autoconnect' in settings['connection']:
        auto_connect = settings['connection']['autoconnect']

    if auto_connect:
        dev = None
        devices = NM.GetDevices()

        # Grab the first device.
        if len(devices) > 0:
            dev = devices[0]

        if dev:
            activate_connection(NM, connection_path, dev, connection_path)

    return connection_path
Esempio n. 30
def Logout(self, logout_type):
    # only Normal logout is supported in this mock
    assert logout_type == 0

    for path in dbusmock.get_objects():
        if 'MockClientPrivate/' in path:
            obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
            obj.EmitSignal(CLIENT_PRIVATE_IFACE, 'EndSession', 'u', [0])
            obj.EmitSignal(CLIENT_PRIVATE_IFACE, 'Stop', '', [])
def AddWiFiDevice(self, device_name, iface_name, state):
    '''Add a WiFi Device.

    You have to specify device_name, device interface name (e. g.  wlan0) and
    state. You can use the predefined DeviceState values (e. g.
    DeviceState.ACTIVATED) or supply a numeric value. For valid state values,
    please visit

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.

    path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/' + device_name
                       'HwAddress': dbus.String('11:22:33:44:55:66'),
                       'PermHwAddress': dbus.String('11:22:33:44:55:66'),
                       'Bitrate': dbus.UInt32(5400),
                       'Mode': dbus.UInt32(2),
                       'WirelessCapabilities': dbus.UInt32(255),
                       'AccessPoints': dbus.Array([], signature='o'),
                       ('GetAccessPoints', '', 'ao',
                        'ret = self.access_points'),
                       ('GetAllAccessPoints', '', 'ao',
                        'ret = self.access_points'),
                       ('RequestScan', 'a{sv}', '', ''),

    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
    dev_obj.access_points = []
                              'ActiveConnection': dbus.ObjectPath('/'),
                              'AvailableConnections': dbus.Array([], signature='o'),
                              'AutoConnect': False,
                              'Managed': True,
                              'Driver': 'dbusmock',
                              'DeviceType': dbus.UInt32(2),
                              'State': dbus.UInt32(state),
                              'Interface': iface_name,
                              'IpInterface': iface_name,

    devices = self.Get(MAIN_IFACE, 'Devices')
    self.Set(MAIN_IFACE, 'Devices', devices)

    self.EmitSignal('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager', 'DeviceAdded', 'o', [path])

    return path
Esempio n. 32
def auth_session_process(self, params, method):
    auth_service = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    if self.identity in auth_service.auth_replies:
        return auth_service.auth_replies[self.identity]

    if 'errorName' in params:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException('Authentication error',
    if 'delay' in params:
    return params
Esempio n. 33
def Update(self, to_add_update, to_delete):
    item = find_item(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)
    for prop in to_delete:
        del item[prop]
    for prop, val in to_add_update.items():
        item[prop] = val

    device = get_object(find_root(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)['Path'])
    device.queue_change ({
        'ChangeType': CHANGE_TYPES['Mod'],
        'Path': self.__dbus_object_path__
Esempio n. 34
def Delete(self):
    device = get_object(find_root(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)['Path'])
    device.queue_change ({
        'ChangeType': CHANGE_TYPES['Del'],
        'Path': self.__dbus_object_path__

    item = find_item(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)

    parent = find_item(self.items, item['Parent'])
    parent['ChildCount'] -= 1
Esempio n. 35
def get_identity(self, identity):
    if identity not in self.identities:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException('Identity not found',
    path = '/Identity%s' % identity
    if not path in dbusmock.get_objects():
        self.AddObject(path, IDENTITY_IFACE, {},
                       [('getInfo', '', 'a{sv}',
                         'ret = self.parent.identities[%s]' % identity)])
    identity_obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
    identity_obj.parent = self
    return (path, self.identities[identity])
Esempio n. 36
def load(mock, parameters):
    manager_props = {'ActiveConnections': dbus.Array([], signature='o'),
                     'Devices': dbus.Array([], signature='o'),
                     'NetworkingEnabled': parameters.get('NetworkingEnabled', True),
                     'Connectivity': parameters.get('Connectivity', dbus.UInt32(NMConnectivityState.NM_CONNECTIVITY_FULL)),
                     'State': parameters.get('State', dbus.UInt32(NMState.NM_STATE_CONNECTED_GLOBAL)),
                     'Startup': False,
                     'Version': parameters.get('Version', ''),
                     'WimaxEnabled': parameters.get('WimaxEnabled', True),
                     'WimaxHardwareEnabled': parameters.get('WimaxHardwareEnabled', True),
                     'WirelessEnabled': parameters.get('WirelessEnabled', True),
                     'WirelessHardwareEnabled': parameters.get('WirelessHardwareEnabled', True),
                     'WwanEnabled': parameters.get('WwanEnabled', False),
                     'WwanHardwareEnabled': parameters.get('WwanHardwareEnabled', True)}
    manager_methods = [('GetDevices', '', 'ao', 'ret = [k for k in objects.keys() if "/Devices" in k]'),
                       ('GetPermissions', '', 'a{ss}', 'ret = {}'),
                       ('state', '', 'u', "ret = self.Get('%s', 'State')" % MANAGER_IFACE),
                       ('CheckConnectivity', '', 'u', "ret = self.Get('%s', 'Connectivity')" % MANAGER_IFACE),
                       ('ActivateConnection', 'ooo', 'o', "ret = self.activate_connection(self, args[0], args[1], args[2])"),
                       ('DeactivateConnection', 'o', '', "self.deactivate_connection(self, args[0])"),
                       ('AddAndActivateConnection', 'a{sa{sv}}oo', 'oo',
                        'ret = self.add_and_activate_connection(self, args[0], args[1], args[2])'),
                       ('GetDeviceByIpIface', 's', 'o', 'ret = self.get_device_by_ip_iface(self, args[0])'),
                       ('Reload', 'u', '', ''),
                       ('Enable', 'b', '', 'self.set_networking_enabled(self, args[0])')]


    obj = dbusmock.get_object(MANAGER_OBJ)
    obj.activate_connection = activate_connection
    obj.deactivate_connection = deactivate_connection
    obj.add_and_activate_connection = add_and_activate_connection
    obj.get_device_by_ip_iface = get_device_by_ip_iface
    obj.set_networking_enabled = set_networking_enabled

    settings_props = {'Hostname': 'hostname',
                      'CanModify': True,
                      'Connections': dbus.Array([], signature='o')}
    settings_methods = [('ListConnections', '', 'ao', "ret = self.Get('%s', 'Connections')" % SETTINGS_IFACE),
                        ('GetConnectionByUuid', 's', 'o', 'ret = self.SettingsGetConnectionByUuid(args[0])'),
                        ('AddConnection', 'a{sa{sv}}', 'o', 'ret = self.SettingsAddConnection(args[0])'),
                        ('AddConnectionUnsaved', 'a{sa{sv}}', 'o', 'ret = self.SettingsAddConnection(args[0])'),
                        ('SaveHostname', 's', '', '')]
Esempio n. 37
def SetDeviceProperties(_self, object_path, properties):
    '''Convenience method to Set a device's properties.

    object_path: the device to update
    properties: dictionary of keys to dbus variants.

    Changing this property will trigger the device's PropertiesChanged signal.
    device = dbusmock.get_object(object_path)

    # set the properties
    for key, value in properties.items():
        device.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, key, value)
Esempio n. 38
def Update(self, to_add_update, to_delete):
    item = find_item(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)
    for prop in to_delete:
        del item[prop]
    for prop, val in to_add_update.items():
        item[prop] = val

    device = get_object(
        find_root(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)['Path'])
        'ChangeType': CHANGE_TYPES['Mod'],
        'Path': self.__dbus_object_path__
Esempio n. 39
def Delete(self):
    device = get_object(
        find_root(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)['Path'])
        'ChangeType': CHANGE_TYPES['Del'],
        'Path': self.__dbus_object_path__

    item = find_item(self.items, self.__dbus_object_path__)

    parent = find_item(self.items, item['Parent'])
    parent['ChildCount'] -= 1
Esempio n. 40
def add_and_activate_connection(self, conn_conf, dev, ap):
    name = ap.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
    RemoveWifiConnection(self, dev, '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/' + name)

        raw_ssid = ''.join([chr(byte) for byte in conn_conf["802-11-wireless"]["ssid"]])
    except KeyError:
        raw_ssid = dbusmock.get_object(ap).props['org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.AccessPoint']['Ssid'].decode()
    wifi_conn = dbus.ObjectPath(AddWiFiConnection(self, dev, name, raw_ssid, ""))

    active_conn = activate_connection(self, wifi_conn, dev, ap)

    return (wifi_conn, active_conn)
Esempio n. 41
def AddAccessPoint(self, dev_path, ap_name, ssid, hw_address,
                   mode, frequency, rate, strength, security):
    '''Add an access point to an existing WiFi device.

    You have to specify WiFi Device path, Access Point object name,
    ssid, hw_address, mode, frequency, rate, strength and security.
    For valid access point property values, please visit

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.
    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)
    ap_path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/' + ap_name
    if ap_path in dev_obj.access_points:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            'Access point %s on device %s already exists' % (ap_name,
            name=MAIN_IFACE + '.AlreadyExists')

    flags = NM80211ApFlags.NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS_PRIVACY
    if security == NM80211ApSecurityFlags.NM_802_11_AP_SEC_NONE:
        flags = NM80211ApFlags.NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS_NONE

                   {'Ssid': dbus.ByteArray(ssid.encode('UTF-8')),
                    'HwAddress': dbus.String(hw_address),
                    'Flags': dbus.UInt32(flags),
                    'LastSeen': dbus.Int32(1),
                    'Frequency': dbus.UInt32(frequency),
                    'MaxBitrate': dbus.UInt32(rate),
                    'Mode': dbus.UInt32(mode),
                    'RsnFlags': dbus.UInt32(security),
                    'WpaFlags': dbus.UInt32(security),
                    'Strength': dbus.Byte(strength)},


    aps = dev_obj.Get(WIRELESS_DEVICE_IFACE, 'AccessPoints')
    dev_obj.Set(WIRELESS_DEVICE_IFACE, 'AccessPoints', aps)

        WIRELESS_DEVICE_IFACE, 'AccessPointAdded', 'o', [ap_path]

    return ap_path
Esempio n. 42
def activate_connection(self, conn, dev, ap):
    # find a new name
    count = 0
    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev)
    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'State', dbus.UInt32(DeviceState.ACTIVATED))
    active_connections = dbusmock.get_object(MANAGER_OBJ).Get(
        MANAGER_IFACE, 'ActiveConnections')
    while True:
        path = dbus.ObjectPath(
            '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/' + str(count))
        if path not in active_connections:
        count += 1

    state = dbus.UInt32(
    devices = []
    if str(dev) != '/':
    active_conn = dbus.ObjectPath(
        AddActiveConnection(self, devices, conn, ap, str(count), state))

    return active_conn
Esempio n. 43
def AddUdevObject(self, path, interfaces):
    first = True
    for iface in interfaces:
        (name, propcode, methcode) = iface
        props = eval(propcode)
        methods = eval(methcode)

        if first:
            first = False
            self.AddObject(path, name, props, methods)
            obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
            obj.AddProperties(name, props)
            obj.AddMethods(name, methods)
Esempio n. 44
def add_openvpn_object(mock, path):
    obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
            'connectionType': dbus.UInt32(0),
            'remote': dbus.String(),
            'ca': dbus.String(),
            'cert': dbus.String(),
            'certPass': dbus.String(),
            'key': dbus.String(),
            'username': dbus.String(),
            'password': dbus.String(),
            'localIp': dbus.String(),
            'remoteIp': dbus.String(),
            'staticKey': dbus.String(),
            'staticKeyDirection': dbus.UInt32(0),
            'portSet': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'port': dbus.UInt32(1194),
            'renegSecondsSet': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'renegSeconds': dbus.UInt32(0),
            'compLzo': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'protoTcp': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'devTypeSet': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'devType': dbus.UInt32(0),
            'dev': dbus.String(),
            'tunnelMtuSet': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'tunnelMtu': dbus.UInt32(1500),
            'fragmentSizeSet': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'fragmentSize': dbus.UInt32(1300),
            'mssFix': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'remoteRandom': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'cipher': dbus.UInt32(0),
            'keysizeSet': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'keysize': dbus.UInt32(128),
            'auth': dbus.UInt32(0),
            'tlsRemote': dbus.String(),
            'remoteCertTlsSet': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'remoteCertTls': dbus.UInt32(0),
            'taSet': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'ta': dbus.String(),
            'taDir': dbus.UInt32(0),
            'proxyType': dbus.UInt32(),
            'proxyServer': dbus.String(),
            'proxyPort': dbus.UInt32(80),
            'proxyRetry': dbus.Boolean(False),
            'proxyUsername': dbus.String(),
            'proxyPassword': dbus.String(),
def get_auth_session_object_path(self, identity, method):
    if identity != 0 and (identity not in self.identities):
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException('Identity not found',
    path = '/AuthSession%s' % self.sessions_counter
    self.sessions_counter += 1
    self.AddObject(path, AUTH_SESSION_IFACE, {}, [
        ('process', 'a{sv}s', 'a{sv}', 'ret = self.auth_session_process(self.identity, args[0], args[1])'),

    auth_session = dbusmock.get_object(path)
    auth_session.auth_session_process = auth_session_process
    auth_session.identity = identity
    auth_session.method = method

    return path
Esempio n. 46
def block(self, index, should_block):
    should_block = bool(should_block)
    if index not in type2objectname:
        return False
    objname = type2objectname[index]
    if should_block:
        new_block_state = 1
        new_block_state = 0
    if self.internal_states[objname] != new_block_state:
        path = '/org/freedesktop/URfkill/' + objname
        obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
        self.internal_states[objname] = new_block_state
        obj.Set('org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch', 'state', new_block_state)
        obj.EmitSignal('org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch', 'StateChanged', '', [])
    return True
def AddAccessPoint(self, dev_path, ap_name, ssid, hw_address,
                   mode, frequency, rate, strength, security):
    '''Add an access point to an existing WiFi device.

    You have to specify WiFi Device path, Access Point object name,
    ssid, hw_address, mode, frequency, rate, strength and security.
    For valid access point property values, please visit

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.
    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)
    ap_path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/' + ap_name
    if ap_path in dev_obj.access_points:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            'Access point %s on device %s already exists' % (ap_name, dev_path),
            name=MAIN_IFACE + '.AlreadyExists')

    flags = NM80211ApFlags.NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS_PRIVACY
    if security == NM80211ApSecurityFlags.NM_802_11_AP_SEC_NONE:
        flags = NM80211ApFlags.NM_802_11_AP_FLAGS_NONE

                   {'Ssid': dbus.ByteArray(ssid.encode('UTF-8')),
                    'HwAddress': dbus.String(hw_address),
                    'Flags': dbus.UInt32(flags),
                    'LastSeen': dbus.Int32(1),
                    'Frequency': dbus.UInt32(frequency),
                    'MaxBitrate': dbus.UInt32(rate),
                    'Mode': dbus.UInt32(mode),
                    'RsnFlags': dbus.UInt32(security),
                    'WpaFlags': dbus.UInt32(security),
                    'Strength': dbus.Byte(strength)},


    aps = dev_obj.Get(WIRELESS_DEVICE_IFACE, 'AccessPoints')
    dev_obj.Set(WIRELESS_DEVICE_IFACE, 'AccessPoints', aps)

    dev_obj.EmitSignal(WIRELESS_DEVICE_IFACE, 'AccessPointAdded', 'o', [ap_path])

    return ap_path
Esempio n. 48
def activate_connection(self, conn, dev, ap):
    # find a new name
    count = 0
    active_connections = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ).Get(MAIN_IFACE, 'ActiveConnections')
    while True:
        path = dbus.ObjectPath('/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/' + str(count))
        if path not in active_connections:
        count += 1

    state = dbus.UInt32(NMActiveConnectionState.NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_STATE_ACTIVATED)
    devices = []
    if str(dev) != '/':
    active_conn = dbus.ObjectPath(AddActiveConnection(self, devices, conn, ap, str(count), state))

    return active_conn
def AddActiveConnection(self, devices, connection_device, specific_object, name, state):
    '''Add an active connection to an existing WiFi device.

    You have to a list of the involved WiFi devices, the connection path,
    the access point path, ActiveConnection object name and connection

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.

    conn_obj = dbusmock.get_object(connection_device)
    settings = conn_obj.Get(CSETTINGS_IFACE, 'Settings')
    conn_uuid = settings['connection']['uuid']
    conn_type = settings['connection']['type']

    device_objects = [dbus.ObjectPath(dev) for dev in devices]

    active_connection_path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/' + name
                       'Devices': device_objects,
                       'Default6': False,
                       'Default': True,
                       'Type': conn_type,
                       'Vpn': (conn_type == 'vpn'),
                       'Connection': dbus.ObjectPath(connection_device),
                       'Master': dbus.ObjectPath('/'),
                       'SpecificObject': dbus.ObjectPath(specific_object),
                       'Uuid': conn_uuid,
                       'State': state,

    for dev_path in devices:
        self.SetDeviceActive(dev_path, active_connection_path)

    active_connections = self.Get(MAIN_IFACE, 'ActiveConnections')
    self.SetProperty(MAIN_OBJ, MAIN_IFACE, 'ActiveConnections', active_connections)

    return active_connection_path
Esempio n. 50
def toggle_flight_mode(self, new_block_state):
    new_block_state = bool(new_block_state)
    if self.flight_mode == new_block_state:
        return True
    self.flight_mode = new_block_state
    for i in individual_objects:
        old_value = self.internal_states[i]
        if old_value == 1:
            continue  # It was already blocked so we don't need to do anything
        path = '/org/freedesktop/URfkill/' + i
        obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
        if new_block_state:
            obj.Set('org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch', 'state', 1)
            obj.EmitSignal('org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch', 'StateChanged', '', [])
            obj.Set('org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch', 'state', 0)
            obj.EmitSignal('org.freedesktop.URfkill.Killswitch', 'StateChanged', '', [])
    self.EmitSignal(MAIN_IFACE, 'FlightModeChanged', 'b', [self.flight_mode])
    return True
Esempio n. 51
def SetDeviceProperties(self, object_path, properties):
    """Convenience method to Set a device's properties.

    object_path: the device to update
    properties: dictionary of keys to dbus variants.

    If the 1.0 API is being mocked, changing this property will trigger
    the device's PropertiesChanged signal; otherwise, the older
    org.freedesktop.UPower DeviceChanged signal will be emitted.
    device = dbusmock.get_object(object_path)

    # set the properties
    for key, value in properties.items():
        device.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, key, value)

    # notify the listeners
    if not self.api1:
        self.EmitSignal(MAIN_IFACE, "DeviceChanged", "s", [object_path])
def AddEthernetDevice(self, device_name, iface_name, state):
    '''Add an ethernet device.

    You have to specify device_name, device interface name (e. g. eth0), and
    state. You can use the predefined DeviceState values (e. g.
    DeviceState.ACTIVATED) or supply a numeric value. For valid state values
    please visit

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.
    path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/' + device_name
    wired_props = {'Carrier': False,
                   'HwAddress': dbus.String('78:DD:08:D2:3D:43'),
                   'PermHwAddress': dbus.String('78:DD:08:D2:3D:43'),
                   'Speed': dbus.UInt32(0)}

    props = {'DeviceType': dbus.UInt32(1),
             'State': dbus.UInt32(state),
             'Interface': iface_name,
             'ActiveConnection': dbus.ObjectPath('/'),
             'AvailableConnections': dbus.Array([], signature='o'),
             'AutoConnect': False,
             'Managed': True,
             'Driver': 'dbusmock',
             'IpInterface': ''}

    obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
    obj.AddProperties(DEVICE_IFACE, props)

    devices = self.Get(MAIN_IFACE, 'Devices')
    self.Set(MAIN_IFACE, 'Devices', devices)

    self.EmitSignal('org.freedesktop.NetworkManager', 'DeviceAdded', 'o', [path])

    return path
def RemoveAccessPoint(self, dev_path, ap_path):
    '''Remove the specified access point.

    You have to specify the device to remove the access point from, and the
    path of the access point.

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)

    aps = dev_obj.Get(WIRELESS_DEVICE_IFACE, 'AccessPoints')
    dev_obj.Set(WIRELESS_DEVICE_IFACE, 'AccessPoints', aps)


    dev_obj.EmitSignal(WIRELESS_DEVICE_IFACE, 'AccessPointRemoved', 'o', [ap_path])

def AddWiFiDevice(self, device_name, iface_name, state):
    '''Add a WiFi Device.

    You have to specify device_name, device interface name (e. g.  wlan0) and
    state. You can use the predefined DeviceState values (e. g.
    DeviceState.ACTIVATED) or supply a numeric value. For valid state values,
    please visit

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.

    path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/' + device_name
                       'HwAddress': dbus.String('11:22:33:44:55:66', variant_level=1),
                       'PermHwAddress': dbus.String('11:22:33:44:55:66', variant_level=1),
                       'Bitrate': dbus.UInt32(5400, variant_level=1),
                       'Mode': dbus.UInt32(2, variant_level=1),
                       'WirelessCapabilities': dbus.UInt32(255, variant_level=1)
                       ('GetAccessPoints', '', 'ao',
                        'ret = self.access_points'),

    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
    dev_obj.access_points = []
                              'DeviceType': dbus.UInt32(2, variant_level=1),
                              'State': dbus.UInt32(state, variant_level=1),
                              'Interface': dbus.String(iface_name, variant_level=1),
                              'IpInterface': dbus.String(iface_name, variant_level=1)
    return path
def AddAccessPoint(self, dev_path, ap_name, ssid, hw_address,
                   mode, frequency, rate, strength, security):
    '''Add an access point to an existing WiFi device.

    You have to specify WiFi Device path, Access Point object name,
    ssid, hw_address, mode, frequency, rate, strength and security.
    For valid access point property values, please visit

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.
    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)
    ap_path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/AccessPoint/' + ap_name
    if ap_path in dev_obj.access_points:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            MAIN_IFACE + '.AlreadyExists',
            'Access point %s on device %s already exists' % (ap_name, dev_path))
                       'Ssid': dbus.ByteArray(ssid.encode('UTF-8'), variant_level=1),
                       'HwAddress': dbus.String(hw_address.encode('UTF-8'), variant_level=1),
                       'Flags': dbus.UInt32(1, variant_level=1),
                       'Frequency': dbus.UInt32(frequency, variant_level=1),
                       'MaxBitrate': dbus.UInt32(rate, variant_level=1),
                       'Mode': dbus.UInt32(mode, variant_level=1),
                       'RsnFlags': dbus.UInt32(324, variant_level=1),
                       'WpaFlags': dbus.UInt32(security, variant_level=1),
                       'Strength': dbus.Byte(strength, variant_level=1),

    return ap_path
Esempio n. 56
def SettingsAddConnection(self, connection_settings):
    '''Add a connection.

    connection_settings is a String String Variant Map Map. See

    If you omit uuid, this method adds one for you.

    if 'uuid' not in connection_settings['connection']:
        connection_settings['connection']['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())

    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)
    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()

    # Mimic how NM names connections
    count = 0
    while True:
        connection_obj_path = dbus.ObjectPath(SETTINGS_OBJ + '/' + str(count))
        if connection_obj_path not in main_connections:
        count += 1
    connection_path = str(connection_obj_path)

                       'Unsaved': False
                       ('Delete', '', '', 'self.ConnectionDelete(self)'),
                       ('GetSettings', '', 'a{sa{sv}}', 'ret = self.ConnectionGetSettings(self)'),
                       ('GetSecrets', 's', 'a{sa{sv}}', 'ret = self.ConnectionGetSecrets(self, args[0])'),
                       ('Update', 'a{sa{sv}}', '', 'self.ConnectionUpdate(self, args[0])'),

    connection_obj = dbusmock.get_object(connection_path)
    connection_obj.settings = connection_settings
    connection_obj.connection_path = connection_path
    connection_obj.ConnectionDelete = ConnectionDelete
    connection_obj.ConnectionGetSettings = ConnectionGetSettings
    connection_obj.ConnectionGetSecrets = ConnectionGetSecrets
    connection_obj.ConnectionUpdate = ConnectionUpdate

    settings_obj.Set(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'Connections', main_connections)

    settings_obj.EmitSignal(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'NewConnection', 'o', [connection_path])

    auto_connect = False
    if 'autoconnect' in connection_settings['connection']:
        auto_connect = connection_settings['connection']['autoconnect']

    if auto_connect:
        dev = None
        devices = NM.GetDevices()

        # Grab the first device.
        if len(devices) > 0:
            dev = devices[0]

        if dev:
            activate_connection(NM, connection_path, dev, connection_path)

    return connection_path
def AddWiFiConnection(self, dev_path, connection_name, ssid_name, key_mgmt):
    '''Add an available connection to an existing WiFi device and access point.

    You have to specify WiFi Device path, Connection object name,
    SSID and key management.

    The SSID must match one of the previously created access points.

    Please note that this does not set any global properties.

    Returns the new object path.

    dev_obj = dbusmock.get_object(dev_path)
    connection_path = '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/' + connection_name
    connections = dev_obj.Get(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections')

    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)
    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()

    ssid = ssid_name.encode('UTF-8')

    # Find the access point by ssid
    access_point = None
    access_points = dev_obj.access_points
    for ap_path in access_points:
        ap = dbusmock.get_object(ap_path)
        if ap.Get(ACCESS_POINT_IFACE, 'Ssid') == ssid:
            access_point = ap

    if not access_point:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            'Access point with SSID [%s] could not be found' % (ssid_name),
            name=MAIN_IFACE + '.DoesNotExist')

    hw_address = access_point.Get(ACCESS_POINT_IFACE, 'HwAddress')
    mode = access_point.Get(ACCESS_POINT_IFACE, 'Mode')
    security = access_point.Get(ACCESS_POINT_IFACE, 'WpaFlags')

    if connection_path in connections or connection_path in main_connections:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            'Connection %s on device %s already exists' % (connection_name, dev_path),
            name=MAIN_IFACE + '.AlreadyExists')

    # Parse mac address string into byte array
    mac_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(hw_address.replace(':', ''))

    settings = {
        '802-11-wireless': {
            'seen-bssids': [hw_address],
            'ssid': dbus.ByteArray(ssid),
            'mac-address': dbus.ByteArray(mac_bytes),
            'mode': InfrastructureMode.NAME_MAP[mode]
        'connection': {
            'timestamp': dbus.UInt64(1374828522),
            'type': '802-11-wireless',
            'id': ssid_name,
            'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4())

    if security != NM80211ApSecurityFlags.NM_802_11_AP_SEC_NONE:
        settings['802-11-wireless']['security'] = '802-11-wireless-security'
        settings['802-11-wireless-security'] = NM80211ApSecurityFlags.NAME_MAP[security]

                       'Settings': dbus.Dictionary(settings, signature='sa{sv}'),
                       'Secrets': dbus.Dictionary({}, signature='sa{sv}'),
                       ('Delete', '', '', 'self.ConnectionDelete("%s")' % connection_path),
                       ('GetSettings', '', 'a{sa{sv}}', "ret = self.Get('%s', 'Settings')" % CSETTINGS_IFACE),
                       ('GetSecrets', 's', 'a{sa{sv}}', "ret = self.Get('%s', 'Secrets')" % CSETTINGS_IFACE),
                           'Update', 'a{sa{sv}}', '',
                           'self.ConnectionUpdate("%s", args[0])' % connection_path),

    dev_obj.Set(DEVICE_IFACE, 'AvailableConnections', connections)

    settings_obj.Set(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'Connections', main_connections)

    settings_obj.EmitSignal(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'NewConnection', 'o', [ap_path])

    return connection_path
def SettingsAddConnection(self, connection_settings):
    '''Add a connection.

    connection_settings is a String String Variant Map Map. See

    If you omit uuid, this method adds one for you.

    if 'uuid' not in connection_settings['connection']:
        connection_settings['connection']['uuid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())

    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)
    settings_obj = dbusmock.get_object(SETTINGS_OBJ)
    main_connections = settings_obj.ListConnections()

    # Mimic how NM names connections
    connection_name = str(len(main_connections))

    connection_path = SETTINGS_OBJ + '/' + connection_name

    if connection_path in main_connections:
        raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException(
            'Connection %s already exists' % connection_path,
            name=MAIN_IFACE + '.AlreadyExists',)

                       'Settings': dbus.Dictionary(connection_settings, signature='sa{sv}'),
                       'Secrets': dbus.Dictionary({}, signature='sa{sv}'),
                       ('Delete', '', '', 'self.ConnectionDelete("%s")' % connection_path),
                           'GetSettings', '', 'a{sa{sv}}',
                           "ret = self.Get('%s', 'Settings')" % CSETTINGS_IFACE),
                           'GetSecrets', 's', 'a{sa{sv}}',
                           "ret = self.Get('%s', 'Secrets')" % CSETTINGS_IFACE),
                           'Update', 'a{sa{sv}}', '',
                           'self.ConnectionUpdate("%s", args[0])' % connection_path),

    settings_obj.Set(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'Connections', main_connections)

    settings_obj.EmitSignal(SETTINGS_IFACE, 'NewConnection', 'o', [connection_path])

    auto_connect = False
    if 'autoconnect' in connection_settings['connection']:
        auto_connect = connection_settings['connection']['autoconnect']

    if auto_connect:
        dev = None
        devices = NM.GetDevices()

        # Grab the first device.
        if len(devices) > 0:
            dev = devices[0]

        if dev:
            activate_connection(NM, connection_path, dev, connection_path)

    return connection_path
def deactivate_connection(self, active_conn_path):
    NM = dbusmock.get_object(MAIN_OBJ)

    for dev_path in NM.GetDevices():
        RemoveActiveConnection(self, dev_path, active_conn_path)
def SetProperty(self, path, iface, name, value):
    obj = dbusmock.get_object(path)
    obj.Set(iface, name, value)
    obj.EmitSignal(iface, 'PropertiesChanged', 'a{sv}', [{name: value}])