def index(): """Homepage.""" #if there's a user_id in our Flask session, use that to open the app to the user. Otherwise, send the user to a signup page if session.get('user_id', False): #show the user their upcoming chores #get the current user (email) user = dbwrangler.get_current_user() user_id = user.user_id #return a dictionary of one user's chores for a month, grouped by day chores = helpers.chores_by_date(user_id) print len(chores) #mark the current datetime, assign to now now = datetime.utcnow() #define a delta of 4 weeks until = now + timedelta(weeks=4) #generate a list of datetimes for each day in the next month month_of_days_dt = rrule(freq=DAILY, dtstart=now, until=until) #cast list of datetimes into human-friendly string format month_of_days = [ day.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y") for day in month_of_days_dt ] #feed the template a month of days, and all chores for the logged in user. Jinja will display chores by day. return render_template("dashboard.html", user=user, chores=chores, month=month_of_days) else: return render_template("homepage.html")
def claimchore(): """Display a list of available chores and the days on which they occur, for the user to select and claim""" user = dbwrangler.get_current_user() userchores = Userchore.query.filter_by(address_id=user.address, commitment='INIT').all() #Below: chores that this belong to this user's address address_chores = [ Chore.query.filter_by(chore_id=userchore.chore_id).first() for userchore in userchores ] chores = [] for chore in address_chores: #gather userchore entries for this chore userchores = Userchore.query.filter_by(chore_id=chore.chore_id).all() #isolate the item from ^ that is the clean (first) member of that chore inside userchores(table) base_userchore = [ userchore for userchore in userchores if userchore.commitment == 'INIT' ] #get the rest of the chore data associated with that chore days_left = chore.days_weekly.split("|") days_left = helpers.find_days_left(chore, userchores, days_left) if len(days_left) != 0: chores.append(chore) for chore in chores: #recast the occurance dates for these as lists chore.days_weekly = chore.days_weekly.split("|") if chore.date_monthly: chore.date_monthly = inflect.engine().ordinal(chore.date_monthly) return render_template("takeachore.html", chores=chores, userchores=userchores, user=user)
def new_address(): """Present new address form""" user = dbwrangler.get_current_user() if user: return render_template("new_user_more.html") else: return redirect("/")
def user_profile(): """Show user profile""" #get info for logged in user user = dbwrangler.get_current_user() #get housemates who live with this user all_housemates = User.query.filter_by(address=user.address).all() #get address info from DB address = Address.query.filter_by(address_id=user.address).first() #feed this data to the user page template for the user to review return render_template("user.html", user=user, address=address, all_housemates=all_housemates)
def claimchore(): """Display a list of available chores and the days on which they occur, for the user to select and claim""" user = dbwrangler.get_current_user() userchores = Userchore.query.filter_by(address_id=user.address, commitment='INIT').all() chores = [Chore.query.filter_by(chore_id=userchore.chore_id).first() for userchore in userchores] for chore in chores: chore.days_weekly = chore.days_weekly.split("|") return render_template("takeachore.html", chores=chores, userchores=userchores, user=user)
def index(): """Homepage.""" if session.get('user_id', False): user = dbwrangler.get_current_user() user_id = user.user_id #return all chores at this address chores = helpers.chores_by_date(user_id) now = datetime.utcnow() until = now + relativedelta(months=+1) month_of_days_dt = rrule(DAILY,dtstart=now,until=until) month_of_days = [day.strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y") for day in month_of_days_dt] print month_of_days pprint.pprint(chores) return render_template("dashboard.html", user=user, chores=chores, month=month_of_days) else: return render_template("homepage.html")
def user_contributions_chart(): """Return a chart of data about household contributions.""" #get current user according to Flask session user = dbwrangler.get_current_user() #get all users from the user table sharing their address (so, their housemates) all_housemates = User.query.filter_by(address=user.address).all() #calculate total minutes of labor wach month for the user and their housemates total_household_labor = dbwrangler.total_houehold_labor(user) #build a data dictionary to feed jsonify. First entry in the labels list is unclaied labor... total household labor from which we will subtract housemate contributions dd_labels = ["Unclaimed"] #dd_data will be the minutes per user. Instantiate as an empty list. dd_data = [] #each user gets a unique color dd_bgcolors = helpers.color_picker(len(all_housemates) + 1) #Chart.js lets you select bgcolor for each wedge as one hovers over the chart dd_hoverbg = ["#a6a6a6", "#a6a6a6", "#a6a6a6", "#a6a6a6"] leftover_labor = total_household_labor #build lists in each field of our data dictionary, with each member of the household at their own index for housemate in all_housemates: dd_labels.append( individual_labor = dbwrangler.individual_labor(housemate.user_id) dd_data.append(individual_labor) leftover_labor -= individual_labor #zeroth index is the unclaimed labor (this from 21 lines above) dd_data = [leftover_labor] + dd_data data_dict = { "labels": dd_labels, "datasets": [{ "data": dd_data, "backgroundColor": dd_bgcolors, "hoverBackgroundColor": dd_hoverbg }] } return jsonify(data_dict)
def user_profile(): """Show user profile""" user = dbwrangler.get_current_user() address = Address.query.filter_by(address_id=user.address).first() return render_template("user.html", user=user, address=address)