Esempio n. 1
def _deployment_list(app_id, json_):
    :param app_id: the application id
    :type app_id: str
    :param json_: output json if True
    :type json_: bool
    :returns: process return code
    :rtype: int

    client = marathon.create_client()

    deployments = client.get_deployments(app_id)

    if not deployments and not json_:
        msg = "There are no deployments"
        if app_id:
            msg += " for '{}'".format(app_id)
        raise DCOSException(msg)

    emitting.publish_table(emitter, deployments, tables.deployment_table,
    return 0
Esempio n. 2
def _update_job(job_file):
    :param job_file: filename for the application resource
    :type job_file: str
    :returns: process return code
    :rtype: int
    # only updates the job (does NOT update schedules)
    full_json = _get_resource(job_file)
    if full_json is None:
        raise DCOSException("No JSON provided.")

    job_id = full_json['id']

    if 'schedules' in full_json:
        del full_json['schedules']

        _put_job(job_id, full_json)
    except DCOSHTTPException as e:
        emitter.publish("Error updating job: '{}'".format(job_id))

    return 0
Esempio n. 3
def _search(json_, query):
    """Search for matching packages.

    :param json_: output json if True
    :type json_: bool
    :param query: The search term
    :type query: str
    :returns: Process status
    :rtype: int

    if not query:
        query = ''

    package_manager = get_package_manager()
    results = package_manager.search_sources(query)

    if json_ or results['packages']:
        emitting.publish_table(emitter, results, tables.package_search_table,
        raise DCOSException('No packages found.')
    return 0
Esempio n. 4
def render_mustache_json(template, data):
    """Render the supplied mustache template and data as a JSON value

    :param template: the mustache template to render
    :type template: str
    :param data: the data to use as a rendering context
    :type data: dict
    :returns: the rendered template
    :rtype: dict | list | str | int | float | bool

        r = CustomJsonRenderer()
        rendered = r.render(template, data)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.exception('Error rendering mustache template [%r] [%r]',
                         template, data)

        raise DCOSException(e)

    logger.debug('Rendered mustache template: %s', rendered)

    return load_jsons(rendered)
Esempio n. 5
def _list(json_flag=False):
    :returns: process return code
    :rtype: int
    response = None
    url = _get_api_url('v1/jobs' + METRONOME_EMBEDDED)
        response = _do_request(url, 'GET')
    except DCOSException as e:
        raise DCOSException(e)

    json_list = _read_http_response_body(response)

    if json_flag:
        table = tables.job_table(json_list)
        output = six.text_type(table)
        if output:

    return 0
Esempio n. 6
def configure_logger(log_level):
    """Configure the program's logger.

    :param log_level: Log level for configuring logging
    :type log_level: str
    :rtype: None

    if log_level is None:
        return None

    if log_level in constants.VALID_LOG_LEVEL_VALUES:
        logging.basicConfig(format=('%(asctime)s '
                                    '%(pathname)s:%(funcName)s:%(lineno)d - '
        return None

    msg = 'Log level set to an unknown value {!r}. Valid values are {!r}'
    raise DCOSException(msg.format(log_level,
Esempio n. 7
def _get_unit_type(unit_name):
    """ Get the full unit name including the type postfix
        or default to service.

    :param unit_name: unit name with or without type
    :type unit_name: str
    :return: unit name with type
    :rtype: str
    if not unit_name:
        raise DCOSException('Empty systemd unit parameter')

    unit_types = [
        'service', 'socket', 'device', 'mount', 'automount', 'swap', 'target',
        'path', 'timer', 'slice', 'scope'

    for unit_type in unit_types:
        if unit_name.endswith('.{}'.format(unit_type)):
            return unit_name

    return '{}.service'.format(unit_name)
Esempio n. 8
def _bundle_create(nodes):
    Create a diagnostics bundle.

    :param nodes: a list of nodes to collect the logs from.
    :type nodes: list
    :returns: process return code
    :rtype: int

    url = urllib.parse.urljoin(DIAGNOSTICS_BASE_URL, 'create')
    response = _do_diagnostics_request(url, 'POST', json={'nodes': nodes})

    if ('status' not in response or 'extra' not in response
            or 'bundle_name' not in response['extra']):
        raise DCOSException(
            'Request to create a diagnostics bundle {} returned an '
            'unexpected response {}'.format(url, response))

    emitter.publish('\n{}, available bundle: {}'.format(
        response['status'], response['extra']['bundle_name']))
    return 0
Esempio n. 9
def _get_bundle_list():
    Get a list of tuples (bundle_file_name, file_size), ..

    :return: list of diagnostic bundles
    :rtype: list of tuples

    available_bundles = []
    for _, bundle_files in _get_bundles_json().items():
        if bundle_files is None:
        for bundle_file_obj in bundle_files:
            if ('file_name' not in bundle_file_obj
                    or 'file_size' not in bundle_file_obj):
                raise DCOSException(
                    'Request to get a list of available diagnostic bundles '
                    'returned unexpected response {}'.format(bundle_file_obj))

    return available_bundles
Esempio n. 10
def uninstall(package_name, remove_all, app_id, cli, app):
    """Uninstalls a package.

    :param package_name: The package to uninstall
    :type package_name: str
    :param remove_all: Whether to remove all instances of the named app
    :type remove_all: boolean
    :param app_id: App ID of the app instance to uninstall
    :type app_id: str
    :param init_client: The program to use to run the app
    :type init_client: object
    :rtype: None

    if cli is False and app is False:
        cli = app = True

    uninstalled = False
    if cli:
        if subcommand.uninstall(package_name):
            uninstalled = True

    if app:
        num_apps = uninstall_app(package_name, remove_all, app_id,
                                 marathon.create_client(), mesos.DCOSClient())

        if num_apps > 0:
            uninstalled = True

    if uninstalled:
        return None
        msg = 'Package [{}]'.format(package_name)
        if app_id is not None:
            msg += " with id [{}]".format(app_id)
        msg += " is not installed."
        raise DCOSException(msg)
Esempio n. 11
def _ls(task, path, long_):
    """ List files in a task's sandbox.

    :param task: task pattern to match
    :type task: str
    :param path: file path to read
    :type path: str
    :param long_: whether to use a long listing format
    :type long_: bool
    :returns: process return code
    :rtype: int

    if path is None:
        path = '.'
    if path.startswith('/'):
        path = path[1:]

    dcos_client = mesos.DCOSClient()
    task_obj = mesos.get_master(dcos_client).task(task)
    dir_ = posixpath.join(, path)

        files = dcos_client.browse(task_obj.slave(), dir_)
    except DCOSHTTPException as e:
        if e.response.status_code == 404:
            raise DCOSException(
                'Cannot access [{}]: No such file or directory'.format(path))

    if files:
        if long_:
            emitter.publish('  '.join(
                posixpath.basename(file_['path']) for file_ in files))
Esempio n. 12
def _dcos_log_v2(follow, tasks, lines, file_):
    """ a client to dcos-log v2

    :param follow: same as unix tail's -f
    :type follow: bool
    :param tasks: tasks pattern to match
    :type tasks: list of str
    :param lines: number of lines to print
    :type lines: int
    :param file_: file path to read
    :type file_: str

    if len(tasks) != 1:
        raise DCOSException(
            "found more than one task with the same name: {}. Please provide "
            "a unique task name.".format([task['id'] for task in tasks]))

    task = tasks[0]
    endpoint = '/system/v1/logs/v2/task/{}/file/{}'.format(task['id'], file_)
    dcos_url = config.get_config_val('core.dcos_url').rstrip('/')
    if not dcos_url:
        raise config.missing_config_exception(['core.dcos_url'])

    if lines:
        # according to dcos-log v2 API the skip parameter must be negative
        # integer. dcos-cli uses positive int to limit the number of last lines
        # use "lines * -1" to make it negative.
        if lines > 0:
            lines *= -1

        endpoint += '?cursor=END&skip={}'.format(lines)

    url = dcos_url + endpoint
    if follow:
        return log.follow_logs(url)
    return log.print_logs_range(url)
Esempio n. 13
def _list_repos(is_json):
    """List configured package repositories.

    :param is_json: output json if True
    :type is_json: bool
    :returns: Process status
    :rtype: int

    package_manager = get_package_manager()
    repos = package_manager.get_repos()

    if is_json:
        return emitter.publish(repos)
    elif repos.get("repositories"):
        repos = ["{}: {}".format(repo.get("name"), repo.get("uri"))
                 for repo in repos.get("repositories")]
        msg = ("There are currently no repos configured. "
               "Please use `dcos package repo add` to add a repo")
        raise DCOSException(msg)

    return 0
Esempio n. 14
def run_dcos_command(command, raise_on_error=False, print_output=True):
    """ Run `dcos {command}` via DC/OS CLI

        :param command: the command to execute
        :type command: str
        :param raise_on_error: whether to raise a DCOSException if the return code is nonzero
        :type raise_on_error: bool
        :param print_output: whether to print the resulting stdout/stderr from running the command
        :type print_output: bool

        :return: (stdout, stderr, return_code)
        :rtype: tuple

    call = shlex.split(command)
    call.insert(0, 'dcos')

    print("\n{}{}\n".format(shakedown.fchr('>>'), ' '.join(call)))

    proc = subprocess.Popen(call,
    output, error = proc.communicate()
    return_code = proc.wait()
    stdout = output.decode('utf-8')
    stderr = error.decode('utf-8')

    if print_output:
        print(stdout, stderr, return_code)

    if return_code != 0 and raise_on_error:
        raise DCOSException(
            'Got error code {} when running command "dcos {}":\nstdout: "{}"\nstderr: "{}"'
            .format(return_code, command, stdout, stderr))

    return stdout, stderr, return_code
Esempio n. 15
    def package_add_local(self, dcos_package):
         Adds a locally stored DC/OS package to DC/OS

        :param dcos_package: path to the DC/OS package
        :type dcos_package: None | str
        :return: Response to the package add request
        :rtype: requests.Response
            with util.open_file(dcos_package, 'rb') as pkg:
                extra_headers = {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.dcos.'
                    'X-Dcos-Content-MD5': util.md5_hash_file(pkg)
                return self._post('add', headers=extra_headers, data=pkg)
        except DCOSHTTPException as e:
            if e.status() == 404:
                message = 'Your version of DC/OS ' \
                          'does not support this operation'
                raise DCOSException(message)
                raise e
Esempio n. 16
    def __call__(self, value):
        :param value: String to try and parse
        :type value: str
        :returns: The parse value
        :rtype: str | int | float | bool | list | dict

        value = clean_value(value)

        if self.schema['type'] == 'string':
            return _parse_string(value)
        elif self.schema['type'] == 'object':
            return _parse_object(value)
        elif self.schema['type'] == 'number':
            return _parse_number(value)
        elif self.schema['type'] == 'integer':
            return _parse_integer(value)
        elif self.schema['type'] == 'boolean':
            return _parse_boolean(value)
        elif self.schema['type'] == 'array':
            return _parse_array(value)
            raise DCOSException('Unknown type {!r}'.format(self._value_type))
Esempio n. 17
def execute(cmds, args):
    """Executes one of the commands based on the arguments passed.

    :param cmds: commands to try to execute; the order determines the order of
    :type cmds: list of Command
    :param args: command line arguments
    :type args: dict
    :returns: the process status
    :rtype: int

    for hierarchy, arg_keys, function in cmds:
        # Let's find if the function matches the command
        match = True
        for positional in hierarchy:
            if not args[positional]:
                match = False

        if match:
            params = [args[name] for name in arg_keys]
            return function(*params)

    raise DCOSException('Could not find a command with the passed arguments')
Esempio n. 18
def _search(json_, query):
    """Search for matching packages.

    :param json_: output json if True
    :type json_: bool
    :param query: The search term
    :type query: str
    :returns: Process status
    :rtype: int
    if not query:
        query = ''

    config = util.get_config()
    results = [
        index_entry.as_dict() for index_entry in, config)

    if any(result['packages'] for result in results) or json_:
        emitting.publish_table(emitter, results, tables.package_search_table,
        raise DCOSException('No packages found.')
    return 0
Esempio n. 19
def _install_env(pkg, revision, options):
    """ Install subcommand virtual env.

    :param pkg: the package to install
    :type pkg: Package
    :param revision: the package revision to install
    :type revision: str
    :param options: package parameters
    :type options: dict
    :rtype: None

    pkg_dir = package_dir(

    install_operation = pkg.command_json(revision, options)

    env_dir = os.path.join(pkg_dir,

    if 'pip' in install_operation:
        _install_with_pip(, env_dir, install_operation['pip'])
        raise DCOSException("Installation methods '{}' not supported".format(
Esempio n. 20
def _dcos_log(follow, tasks, lines, file_, completed):
    """ a client to dcos-log

    :param follow: same as unix tail's -f
    :type follow: bool
    :param task: task pattern to match
    :type task: str
    :param lines: number of lines to print
    :type lines: int
    :param file_: file path to read
    :type file_: str
    :param completed: whether to include completed tasks
    :type completed: bool

    # only stdout and stderr is supported
    if file_ not in ('stdout', 'stderr'):
        raise DCOSException('Expect file stdout or stderr. '
                            'Got {}'.format(file_))
    # state json may container tasks and completed_tasks fields. Based on
    # user request we should traverse the appropriate field.
    tasks_field = 'tasks'
    if completed:
        tasks_field = 'completed_tasks'

    for task in tasks:
        executor_info = task.executor()
        if not executor_info:
        if (tasks_field not in executor_info and
                not isinstance(executor_info[tasks_field], list)):
            logger.debug('Executor info: {}'.format(executor_info))
            raise DCOSException('Invalid executor info. '
                                'Missing field {}'.format(tasks_field))

        for t in executor_info[tasks_field]:
            container_id = get_nested_container_id(t)
            if not container_id:
                logger.debug('Executor info: {}'.format(executor_info))
                raise DCOSException(
                    'Invalid executor info. Missing container id')

            # get slave_id field
            slave_id = t.get('slave_id')
            if not slave_id:
                logger.debug('Executor info: {}'.format(executor_info))
                raise DCOSException(
                    'Invalid executor info. Missing field `slave_id`')

            framework_id = t.get('framework_id')
            if not framework_id:
                logger.debug('Executor info: {}'.format(executor_info))
                raise DCOSException(
                    'Invalid executor info. Missing field `framework_id`')

            # try `executor_id` first.
            executor_id = t.get('executor_id')
            if not executor_id:
                # if `executor_id` is an empty string, default to `id`.
                executor_id = t.get('id')
            if not executor_id:
                logger.debug('Executor info: {}'.format(executor_info))
                raise DCOSException(
                    'Invalid executor info. Missing executor id')

            dcos_url = config.get_config_val('core.dcos_url').rstrip('/')
            if not dcos_url:
                raise config.missing_config_exception(['core.dcos_url'])

            # dcos-log provides 2 base endpoints /range/ and /stream/
            # for range and streaming requests.
            endpoint_type = 'range'
            if follow:
                endpoint_type = 'stream'

            endpoint = ('/system/v1/agent/{}/logs/v1/{}/framework/{}'
            # append request parameters.
            # `skip_prev` will move the cursor to -n lines.
            # `filter=STREAM:{STDOUT,STDERR}` will filter logs by label.
            url = (dcos_url + endpoint +

            if follow:
                return log.follow_logs(url)
            return log.print_logs_range(url)
Esempio n. 21
def get_nested_container_id(task):
    """ Get the nested container id from mesos state.

    :param task: task definition
    :type task: dict
    :return: comma separated string of nested containers
    :rtype: string

    # get current task state
    task_state = task.get('state')
    if not task_state:
        logger.debug('Full task state: {}'.format(task))
        raise DCOSException('Invalid executor info. '
                            'Missing field `state`')

    container_ids = []
    statuses = task.get('statuses')
    if not statuses:
        logger.debug('Full task state: {}'.format(task))
        raise DCOSException('Invalid executor info. Missing field `statuses`')

    for status in statuses:
        if 'state' not in status:
            logger.debug('Full task state: {}'.format(task))
            raise DCOSException('Invalid executor info. Missing field `state`')

        if status['state'] != task_state:

        container_status = status.get('container_status')
        if not container_status:
            logger.debug('Full task state: {}'.format(task))

            # if task status is TASK_FAILED and no container_id
            # available then the executor has never started and no
            # logs available for this task.
            if status.get('state') == 'TASK_FAILED':
                raise DCOSException('No available logs found. '
                                    'Please check your executor status')
            raise DCOSException('Invalid executor info. '
                                'Missing field `container_status`')

        container_id = container_status.get('container_id')
        if not container_id:
            logger.debug('Full task state: {}'.format(task))
            raise DCOSException('Invalid executor info. '
                                'Missing field `container_id`')

        # traverse nested container_id field
        while True:
            value = container_id.get('value')
            if not value:
                logger.debug('Full task state: {}'.format(task))
                raise DCOSException('Invalid executor info. Missing field'
                                    '`value` for nested container ids')


            if 'parent' not in container_id:

            container_id = container_id['parent']

    return '.'.join(reversed(container_ids))
Esempio n. 22
def _log(all_, follow, completed, lines, task, file_):
    """ Tail a file in the task's sandbox.

    :param all_: If True, include all tasks
    :type all_: bool
    :param follow: same as unix tail's -f
    :type follow: bool
    :param completed: whether to include completed tasks
    :type completed: bool
    :param lines: number of lines to print
    :type lines: int
    :param task: task pattern to match
    :type task: str
    :param file_: file path to read
    :type file_: str
    :returns: process return code
    :rtype: int

    fltr = task

    if file_ is None:
        file_ = 'stdout'

    if lines is None:
        lines = 10
    lines = util.parse_int(lines)

    # get tasks
    client = mesos.DCOSClient()
    master = mesos.Master(client.get_master_state())
    tasks = master.tasks(fltr=fltr, completed=completed, all_=all_)

    if not tasks:
        if not fltr:
            raise DCOSException("No tasks found. Exiting.")
        elif not completed:
            completed_tasks = master.tasks(completed=True, fltr=fltr)
            if completed_tasks:
                msg = 'No running tasks match ID [{}]; however, there '.format(
                if len(completed_tasks) > 1:
                    msg += 'are {} matching completed tasks. '.format(
                    msg += 'is 1 matching completed task. '
                msg += 'Run with --completed to see these logs.'
                raise DCOSException(msg)
        raise DCOSException('No matching tasks. Exiting.')

    # if journald logging is disabled, read files API and exit.
    if not log.dcos_log_enabled():
        mesos_files = _mesos_files(tasks, file_, client)
        if not mesos_files:
            if fltr is None:
                msg = "No tasks found. Exiting."
                msg = "No matching tasks. Exiting."
            raise DCOSException(msg)

        log.log_files(mesos_files, follow, lines)
        return 0

    # otherwise
    if file_ in ('stdout', 'stderr'):
        _dcos_log(follow, tasks, lines, file_, completed)
        return 0

    raise DCOSException('Invalid file {}. dcos-log only '
                        'supports stdout/stderr'.format(file_))
    return 1
Esempio n. 23
def _install_with_pip(
    :param package_name: the name of the package
    :type package_name: str
    :param env_directory: the path to the directory in which to install the
                          package's virtual env
    :type env_directory: str
    :param requirements: the list of pip requirements
    :type requirements: list of str
    :rtype: None

    bin_directory = util.dcos_bin_path()
    new_package_dir = not os.path.exists(env_directory)

    pip_path = os.path.join(env_directory, BIN_DIRECTORY, 'pip')
    if not os.path.exists(pip_path):
        virtualenv_path = _find_virtualenv(bin_directory)

        virtualenv_version = _execute_command(
            [virtualenv_path, '--version'])[0].strip().decode('utf-8')
        if LooseVersion("12") > LooseVersion(virtualenv_version):
            msg = ("Unable to install CLI subcommand. "
                   "Required program 'virtualenv' must be version 12+, "
                   "currently version {}\n"
                   "Please see installation instructions: "
            raise DCOSException(msg)

        cmd = [_find_virtualenv(bin_directory), env_directory]

        if _execute_command(cmd)[2] != 0:
            raise _generic_error(package_name)

    # Do not replace util.temptext NamedTemporaryFile
    # otherwise bad things will happen on Windows
    with util.temptext() as text_file:
        fd, requirement_path = text_file

        # Write the requirements to the file
        with os.fdopen(fd, 'w') as requirements_file:
            for line in requirements:
                print(line, file=requirements_file)

        cmd = [
            os.path.join(env_directory, BIN_DIRECTORY, 'pip'),

        if _execute_command(cmd)[2] != 0:
            # We should remove the directory that we just created
            if new_package_dir:

            raise _generic_error(package_name)
    return None
Esempio n. 24
def _install_with_binary(
    :param package_name: the name of the package
    :type package_name: str
    :param env_directory: the path to the directory in which to install the
                          package's binary_cli
    :type env_directory: str
    :param binary_cli: binary cli to install
    :type binary_cli: str
    :rtype: None

    binary_url, kind = binary_cli.get("url"), binary_cli.get("kind")

    binary_url = _rewrite_binary_url(

        env_bin_dir = os.path.join(env_directory, BIN_DIRECTORY)

        if kind in ["executable", "zip"]:
            with util.temptext() as file_tmp:
                _, binary_tmp = file_tmp
                _download_and_store(binary_url, binary_tmp)
                _check_hash(binary_tmp, binary_cli.get("contentHash"))

                if kind == "executable":
                    binary_name = "dcos-{}".format(package_name)
                    if util.is_windows_platform():
                        binary_name += '.exe'
                    binary_file = os.path.join(env_bin_dir, binary_name)

                    # copy to avoid windows error of moving open file
                    # binary_tmp will be removed by context manager
                    shutil.copy(binary_tmp, binary_file)
                    # kind == "zip"
                    with zipfile.ZipFile(binary_tmp) as zf:

            # check contents for package_name/env/bin folder structure
            if not os.path.exists(env_bin_dir):
                msg = (
                    "CLI subcommand for [{}] has an unexpected format. "
                    "Please contact the package maintainer".format(
                raise DCOSException(msg)
            msg = ("CLI subcommand for [{}] is an unsupported type: {}"
                   "Please contact the package maintainer".format(
                       package_name, kind))
            raise DCOSException(msg)

        # make binar(ies) executable
        for f in os.listdir(env_bin_dir):
            binary = os.path.join(env_bin_dir, f)
            if (f.startswith(constants.DCOS_COMMAND_PREFIX)):
                st = os.stat(binary)
                os.chmod(binary, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
    except DCOSException:
    except Exception as e:
        raise _generic_error(package_name, e.message)

    return None
Esempio n. 25
def _request(method,
    """Sends an HTTP request.

    :param method: method for the new Request object
    :type method: str
    :param url: URL for the new Request object
    :type url: str
    :param is_success: Defines successful status codes for the request
    :type is_success: Function from int to bool
    :param timeout: request timeout
    :type timeout: int
    :param auth: authentication
    :type auth: AuthBase
    :param verify: whether to verify SSL certs or path to cert(s)
    :type verify: bool | str
    :param kwargs: Additional arguments to requests.request
    :type kwargs: dict
    :rtype: Response

    if 'headers' not in kwargs:
        kwargs['headers'] = {'Accept': 'application/json'}

    verify = _verify_ssl(verify)

    # Silence 'Unverified HTTPS request' and 'SecurityWarning' for bad certs
    if verify is not None:
        silence_requests_warnings()'Sending HTTP [%r] to [%r]: %r', method, url,

        response = requests.request(method=method,
    except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e:
        logger.exception("HTTP SSL Error")
        msg = ("An SSL error occurred. To configure your SSL settings, "
               "please run: `dcos config set core.ssl_verify <value>`")
        description = config.get_property_description("core", "ssl_verify")
        if description is not None:
            msg += "\n<value>: {}".format(description)
        raise DCOSException(msg)
    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
        logger.exception("HTTP Connection Error")
        raise DCOSException('URL [{0}] is unreachable: {1}'.format(url, e))
    except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
        logger.exception("HTTP Timeout")
        raise DCOSException('Request to URL [{0}] timed out.'.format(url))
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
        logger.exception("HTTP Exception")
        raise DCOSException('HTTP Exception: {}'.format(e))'Received HTTP response [%r]: %r', response.status_code,

    return response
Esempio n. 26
def _mock_exception(contents='exception'):
    return MagicMock(side_effect=DCOSException(contents))
Esempio n. 27
def _ssh(leader, slave, option, config_file, user, master_proxy, proxy_ip,
    """SSH into a DC/OS node using the IP addresses found in master's

    :param leader: True if the user has opted to SSH into the leading
    :type leader: bool | None
    :param slave: The slave ID if the user has opted to SSH into a slave
    :type slave: str | None
    :param option: SSH option
    :type option: [str]
    :param config_file: SSH config file
    :type config_file: str | None
    :param user: SSH user
    :type user: str | None
    :param master_proxy: If True, SSH-hop from a master
    :type master_proxy: bool | None
    :param proxy_ip: If set, SSH-hop from this IP address
    :type proxy_ip: str | None
    :param command: Command to run on the node
    :type command: str | None
    :rtype: int
    :returns: process return code

    ssh_options = util.get_ssh_options(config_file, option)
    dcos_client = mesos.DCOSClient()

    if leader:
        host = mesos.MesosDNSClient().hosts('leader.mesos.')[0]['ip']
        summary = dcos_client.get_state_summary()
        slave_obj = next((slave_ for slave_ in summary['slaves']
                          if slave_['id'] == slave),
        if slave_obj:
            host = mesos.parse_pid(slave_obj['pid'])[1]
            raise DCOSException('No slave found with ID [{}]'.format(slave))

    if command is None:
        command = ''

    master_public_ip = dcos_client.metadata().get('PUBLIC_IPV4')

    if master_proxy:
        if not master_public_ip:
            raise DCOSException(("Cannot use --master-proxy.  Failed to find "
                                 "'PUBLIC_IPV4' at {}").format(
        proxy_ip = master_public_ip

    if proxy_ip:
        if not os.environ.get('SSH_AUTH_SOCK'):
            raise DCOSException(
                "There is no SSH_AUTH_SOCK env variable, which likely means "
                "you aren't running `ssh-agent`.  `dcos node ssh "
                "--master-proxy/--proxy-ip` depends on `ssh-agent` to safely "
                "use your private key to hop between nodes in your cluster.  "
                "Please run `ssh-agent`, then add your private key with "
        cmd = "ssh -A -t {0}{1}@{2} ssh -A -t {0}{1}@{3} {4}".format(
        cmd = "ssh -t {0}{1}@{2} {3}".format(

    emitter.publish(DefaultError("Running `{}`".format(cmd)))
    if (not master_proxy and not proxy_ip) and master_public_ip:
            DefaultError("If you are running this command from a separate "
                         "network than DC/OS, consider using "
                         "`--master-proxy` or `--proxy-ip`"))

    return subprocess.Subproc().call(cmd, shell=True)
Esempio n. 28
def uninstall(pkg, package_name, remove_all, app_id, cli, app):
    """Uninstalls a package.

    :param pkg: package manager to uninstall with
    :type pkg: PackageManager
    :param package_name: The package to uninstall
    :type package_name: str
    :param remove_all: Whether to remove all instances of the named app
    :type remove_all: boolean
    :param app_id: App ID of the app instance to uninstall
    :type app_id: str
    :param cli: Whether to remove the CLI only
    :type cli: boolean
    :param app: Whether to remove app only
    :type app: boolean
    :rtype: None

    installed = installed_packages(pkg, None, package_name, cli_only=False)
    installed_pkg = next(iter(installed), None)

    if installed_pkg:
        installed_cli = installed_pkg.get("command")
        installed_app = installed_pkg.get("apps") or []
        msg = 'Package [{}]'.format(package_name)
        if app_id is not None:
            app_id = util.normalize_marathon_id_path(app_id)
            msg += " with id [{}]".format(app_id)
        msg += " is not installed"
        raise DCOSException(msg)

    # Having `app == True` means that the user supplied an explicit `--app`
    # flag on the command line. Having `cli == True` means that the user
    # supplied an explicit `--cli` flag on the command line. If either of these
    # is `True`, run the following.
    if app or cli:
        # This forces an unconditional uninstall of the app associated with the
        # supplied package (with different semantics depending on the values of
        # `remove_all` and `app_id` as described in the docstring for this
        # function).
        if app and installed_app:
            if not pkg.uninstall_app(package_name, remove_all, app_id):
                raise DCOSException("Couldn't uninstall package")

        # This forces an unconditional uninstall of the CLI associated with the
        # supplied package.
        if cli and installed_cli:
            if not subcommand.uninstall(package_name):
                raise DCOSException("Couldn't uninstall subcommand")


    # Having both `app == False` and `cli == False` means that the user didn't
    # supply either `--app` or `--cli` on the command line. In this situation
    # we uninstall the app associated with the supplied package (if it exists)
    # just as if the user had explicitly passed `--app` on the command line.
    # However, we only uninstall the CLI associated with the package if the app
    # being uninstalled is the last one remaining on the system.  Otherwise, we
    # leave the CLI in place so other instances of the app can continue to
    # interact with it.
    if installed_app:
        if not pkg.uninstall_app(package_name, remove_all, app_id):
            raise DCOSException("Couldn't uninstall package")

    if installed_cli and (remove_all or len(installed_app) <= 1):
        if not subcommand.uninstall(package_name):
            raise DCOSException("Couldn't uninstall subcommand")
Esempio n. 29
def _build(output_json, build_definition, output_directory):
    """ Creates a DC/OS Package from a DC/OS Package Build Definition

    :param output_json: whether to output json
    :type output_json: None | bool
    :param build_definition: The path to a DC/OS Package Build Definition
    :type build_definition: str
    :param output_directory: The directory where the DC/OS Package
    will be stored
    :type output_directory: str
    :returns: The process status
    :rtype: int
    # get the path of the build definition
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    build_definition_path = build_definition
    if not os.path.isabs(build_definition_path):
        build_definition_path = os.path.join(cwd, build_definition_path)

    build_definition_directory = os.path.dirname(build_definition_path)

    if not os.path.exists(build_definition_path):
        raise DCOSException(
            "The file [{}] does not exist".format(build_definition_path))

    # get the path to the output directory
    if output_directory is None:
        output_directory = cwd

    if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
        raise DCOSException("The output directory [{}]"
                            " does not exist".format(output_directory))

    logger.debug("Using [%s] as output directory", output_directory)

    # load raw build definition
    with util.open_file(build_definition_path) as bd:
        build_definition_raw = util.load_json(bd, keep_order=True)

    # validate DC/OS Package Build Definition with local references
    build_definition_schema_path = "data/schemas/build-definition-schema.json"
    build_definition_schema = util.load_jsons(

    errs = util.validate_json(build_definition_raw, build_definition_schema)

    if errs:
        logger.debug("Failed before resolution: \n"
                     "\tbuild definition: {}"
        raise DCOSException(_validation_error(build_definition_path))

    # resolve local references in build definition
    _resolve_local_references(build_definition_raw, build_definition_schema,

    # at this point all the local references have been resolved
    build_definition_resolved = build_definition_raw

    # validate resolved build definition
    metadata_schema_path = "data/schemas/metadata-schema.json"
    metadata_schema = util.load_jsons(

    errs = util.validate_json(build_definition_resolved, metadata_schema)

    if errs:
        logger.debug("Failed after resolution: \n"
                     "\tbuild definition: {}"
        raise DCOSException('Error validating package: '
                            'there was a problem resolving '
                            'the local references in '

    # create the manifest
    manifest_json = {'built-by': "dcoscli.version={}".format(dcoscli.version)}

    # create the metadata
    metadata_json = build_definition_resolved

    # create zip file
    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as temp_file:
        with zipfile.ZipFile(temp_file.file,
                             allowZip64=True) as zip_file:
            metadata = json.dumps(metadata_json, indent=2).encode()
            zip_file.writestr("metadata.json", metadata)

            manifest = json.dumps(manifest_json, indent=2).encode()
            zip_file.writestr("manifest.json", manifest)

        # name the package appropriately
        dcos_package_name = '{}-{}-{}.dcos'.format(
            metadata_json['name'], metadata_json['version'],

        # get the dcos package path
        dcos_package_path = os.path.join(output_directory, dcos_package_name)

        if os.path.exists(dcos_package_path):
            raise DCOSException(
                'Output file [{}] already exists'.format(dcos_package_path))

        # create a new file to contain the package
        with util.open_file(dcos_package_path, 'w+b') as dcos_package:
            shutil.copyfileobj(temp_file.file, dcos_package)

    if output_json:
        message = {'package_path': dcos_package_path}
        message = 'Created DC/OS Universe Package [{}]'.format(

    return 0
Esempio n. 30
def _no_file_exception():
    return DCOSException('No files exist. Exiting.')