def cmd_serial(self, cmd_str): self.cmd_str = cmd_str try: if self.conn is None: raise dcsim.DCSimError('Communications port to power supply not open') self.conn.flushInput() self.conn.write(cmd_str) except Exception, e: raise dcsim.DCSimError(str(e))
def cmd(self, cmd_str): self.cmd_str = cmd_str # self.ts.log_debug('cmd_str = %s' % cmd_str) try: self._cmd(cmd_str) resp = self._query('SYSTem:ERRor?\n') #\r #self.ts.log_debug('error resp = %s' % resp) if len(resp) > 0: if resp[0] != '0': raise dcsim.DCSimError(resp + ' ' + self.cmd_str) except Exception, e: raise dcsim.DCSimError(str(e))
def cmd_usb(self, cmd_str): try: if self.conn is None: self.ts.log('USB device = %s' % self.usb_name) rm = visa.ResourceManager() self.conn = rm.open_resource(self.usb_name) #self.conn.write('*RST\n') self.conn.write('*CLS\n') self.conn.write(cmd_str) except Exception, e: raise dcsim.DCSimError(str(e))
def open(self): """ Open the communications resources associated with the grid simulator. """ try: self.conn = serial.Serial(port=self.serial_port, baudrate=self.baudrate, bytesize=8, stopbits=1, xonxoff=0, timeout=self.timeout, writeTimeout=self.write_timeout) time.sleep(2) #self.cmd('CONFigure:REMote ON\n') except Exception, e: raise dcsim.DCSimError(str(e))
def query_usb(self, cmd_str): # setup connection if not already established. try: if self.conn is None: self.ts.log('USB device = %s' % self.usb_name) rm = visa.ResourceManager() self.conn = rm.open_resource(self.usb_name) resp = self.conn.query(cmd_str) #self.ts.log_debug('cmd_str = %s, resp = %s' % (cmd_str, resp)) except Exception, e: raise dcsim.DCSimError('Timeout waiting for response')
def cmd_tcp(self, cmd_str): try: if self.conn is None: self.ts.log('ipaddr = %s ipport = %s' % (self.ipaddr, self.ipport)) self.conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.conn.settimeout(self.timeout) self.conn.connect((self.ipaddr, self.ipport)) # print 'cmd> %s' % (cmd_str) self.conn.send(cmd_str) except Exception, e: raise dcsim.DCSimError(str(e))
def query_serial(self, cmd_str): resp = '' more_data = True self.cmd_serial(cmd_str) while more_data: try: count = self.conn.inWaiting() if count < 1: count = 1 data = if len(data) > 0: for d in data: resp += d if d == '\n': more_data = False break else: raise dcsim.DCSimError('Timeout waiting for response') except dcsim.DCSimError: raise except Exception, e: raise dcsim.DCSimError('Timeout waiting for response - More data problem')
def query_tcp(self, cmd_str): resp = '' more_data = True self._cmd(cmd_str) while more_data: try: data = self.conn.recv(self.buffer_size) if len(data) > 0: for d in data: resp += d if d == '\n': #\r more_data = False break except Exception, e: raise dcsim.DCSimError('Timeout waiting for response')
def query(self, cmd_str): # self.ts.log_debug('query cmd_str = %s' % cmd_str) try: resp = self._query(cmd_str).strip() except Exception, e: raise dcsim.DCSimError(str(e))