Esempio n. 1
def next_repo( queue, local=False ):
    """Gets next collection_path or time til next ready to be updated
    @param queue: 
    @param local: Boolean Use local per-collection locks or global lock.
    @returns: collection_path or (msg,timedelta)
    collection_path = None
    message = None
    next_available = None
    # sorts collections in ascending order by timestamp
    collections = sorted(queue['collections'])
    # now choose
    if local:
        # choose first collection that is not locked
        for timestamp,cid in collections:
            if > timestamp:
                ci = Identifier(id=cid)
                if not Collection.from_identifier(ci).locked():
                    return ci.path_abs()
            if (not next_available) or (timestamp < next_available):
                next_available = timestamp
        # global lock - just take the first collection
        for timestamp,cid in collections:
            if > timestamp:
                ci = Identifier(id=cid)
                return ci.path_abs()
            if (not next_available) or (timestamp < next_available):
                next_available = timestamp
    return ('notready',next_available)
Esempio n. 2
def sync_status( collection_path, git_status, timestamp, cache_set=False, force=False ):
    """Cache collection repo sync status info for collections list page.
    Used in both .collections() and .sync_status_ajax().
    TODO do we need to cache this any more? we're writing this to REPO/.gitstatus
    @param collection: 
    @param cache_set: Run git-status if data is not cached
    # IMPORTANT: DO NOT call collection.gitstatus() it will loop
    cidentifier = Identifier(collection_path)
    collection_id =
    key = COLLECTION_SYNC_STATUS_CACHE_KEY % collection_id
    data = cache.get(key)
    if force or (not data and cache_set):
        # we're just getting this so we can call Collection.locked
        disposable_collection = Collection.from_identifier(cidentifier)
        # now:
        status = 'unknown'
        if   dvcs.synced(git_status): status = 'synced'
        elif dvcs.ahead(git_status): status = 'ahead'
        elif dvcs.behind(git_status): status = 'behind'
        elif dvcs.conflicted(git_status): status = 'conflicted'
        elif disposable_collection.locked(): status = 'locked'
        if isinstance(timestamp, datetime):
            timestamp = timestamp.strftime(settings.TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
        data = {
            'timestamp': timestamp,
            'status': status,
            'color': SYNC_STATUS_BOOTSTRAP_COLOR[status],
            'row': '#%s' % collection_id,
            'cell': '#%s td.status' % collection_id,
        cache.set(key, data, COLLECTION_STATUS_TIMEOUT)
    return data