Esempio n. 1
    def testDDStructureDelta(self):
        # Construct type DD structures, and test whether d^2 = 0 holds.

        # PMC on both sides are genus 1 split PMC.
        pmc = splitPMC(1)
        # Strand algebra corresponding to pmc.
        alg = pmc.getAlgebra()
        # Initialize type DD structure over field F_2, with (left-left) action
        # by the genus 1 strand algebra. Intend to make this type DD bimodule
        # for identity.
        ddstr1 = SimpleDDStructure(F2, alg, alg)
        # Initialize the list of generators to add to ddstr1.
        # The generators have "complementary" idempotents. However, since the
        # PMCs are in opposite direction on both sides, the vector specifying
        # idempotents are the same.
        idems = {"x" : ([0], [0]),
                 "y" : ([1], [1])}
        gens = {}
        for name, (idem1, idem2) in idems.items():
            gens[name] = SimpleDDGenerator(
                ddstr1, Idempotent(pmc, idem1), Idempotent(pmc, idem2), name)
        # Now add delta
        ddstr1.addDelta(gens["x"], gens["y"],
              [(0, 1)]),[(2, 3)]), 1)
        ddstr1.addDelta(gens["y"], gens["x"],
              [(1, 2)]),[(1, 2)]), 1)
        ddstr1.addDelta(gens["x"], gens["y"],
              [(2, 3)]),[(0, 1)]), 1)
        # This already satisfies d^2 = 0
        # However, one more arrow to finish the bimodule
        ddstr1.addDelta(gens["x"], gens["y"],
              [(0, 3)]),[(0, 3)]), 1)
        # This is now the identity bimodule, of course satisfying d^2 = 0.

        # Second example, showing failure of testDelta()
        ddstr2 = SimpleDDStructure(F2, alg, alg)
        # Add the same generators as before
        gens = {}
        for name, (idem1, idem2) in idems.items():
            gens[name] = SimpleDDGenerator(
                ddstr2, Idempotent(pmc, idem1), Idempotent(pmc, idem2), name)
        # Now add delta
        ddstr2.addDelta(gens["x"], gens["y"],
              [(0, 1)]),[(0, 1)]), 1)
        ddstr2.addDelta(gens["y"], gens["x"],
              [(1, 2)]),[(1, 2)]), 1)
        # Prints the type DD structure. Note the code already checks that
        # idempotent matches in all added arrows (throws an error if they don't
        # match).
        print ddstr2
        # However, testDelta() fails. Prints a term in d^2(x).
Esempio n. 2
    def testHochchild(self):
        pmc = splitPMC(1)
        alg = MinusStrandAlgebra(F2, pmc)
        ddstr = SimpleDDStructure(F2, alg, alg)
        # Initialize the list of generators to add to ddstr1.
        idems = {"x" : ([0], [0]),
                 "y" : ([1], [1])}
        gens = {}
        for name, (idem1, idem2) in idems.items():
            gens[name] = SimpleDDGenerator(
                ddstr, Idempotent(pmc, idem1), Idempotent(pmc, idem2), name)
        # Now add delta
        ddstr.addDelta(gens["x"], gens["y"],
                       minusSD(pmc, [(0, 1)]), minusSD(pmc, [(2, 3)]), 1)
        ddstr.addDelta(gens["y"], gens["x"],
                       minusSD(pmc, [(1, 2)]), minusSD(pmc, [(1, 2)]), 1)
        ddstr.addDelta(gens["x"], gens["y"],
                       minusSD(pmc, [(2, 3)]), minusSD(pmc, [(0, 1)]), 1)
        ddstr.addDelta(gens["y"], gens["x"],
                       minusSD(pmc, [(3, 0)]), minusSD(pmc, [(3, 0)]), 1)
        print ddstr

        dstr = ddstr.toDStructure()
        print dstr
        hochchild = dstr.morToD(dstr)
        print hochchild
        hochchild.simplify(find_homology_basis = True)
        print len(hochchild)
        meaning_len = [len(gen.prev_meaning)
                       for gen in hochchild.getGenerators()]
        for gen in hochchild.getGenerators():
            print gen.prev_meaning
Esempio n. 3
    def getAdmissibleDDStructure(self):
        """Returns the type DD structure corresponding to the Heegaard diagram
        created by a finger move of the beta circle to the right.

        alg1 = self.start_pmc.getAlgebra(mult_one = True)
        alg2 = alg1
        ddstr = SimpleDDStructure(F2, alg1, alg2)

        # Add generators for the non-admissible case - that is, those generators
        # that do not contain the two intersections created by the finger move.
        original_idems = self._getIdems()
        for i in range(len(original_idems)):
            left_idem, right_idem = original_idems[i]
                SimpleDDGenerator(ddstr, left_idem, right_idem, "0_%d" % i))

        # Now add the new generators. These just correspond to the complementary
        # idempotents with c_pair on the left, repeated twice.
        left_idems = [idem for idem in self.start_pmc.getIdempotents()
                      if self.c_pair in idem]
        for i in range(len(left_idems)):
            left_idem = left_idems[i]
            right_idem = left_idem.opp().comp()
                SimpleDDGenerator(ddstr, left_idem, right_idem, "1_%d" % i))
                SimpleDDGenerator(ddstr, left_idem, right_idem, "2_%d" % i))

        gen_set = []
        for i in range(3):
            gen_set.append([gen for gen in ddstr.getGenerators()
                            if[:1] == "%d" % i])

        # Enumerate the non-special chords (those that do not dependent on the
        # idempotent. See the functions themselves for the format of all_chords.
        if self.is_degenerate:
            all_chords = self._getAdmissibleNonSpecialChordsDegenerate()
            all_chords = self._getAdmissibleNonSpecialChords()
        for i, j in itertools.product(range(3), range(3)):
            all_chords[i][j] = [self._StrandsFromChords(chord1, chord2)
                                for chord1, chord2 in all_chords[i][j]]

        # Now we emulate the logic in ddstructure.DDStrFromChords, except we
        # distinguish between ''classes'' of generators, by the first character
        # of the name of the generator.
        for i, j in itertools.product(range(3), range(3)):
            for x, y in itertools.product(gen_set[i], gen_set[j]):
                for l_chord, r_chord in all_chords[i][j]:
                    if l_chord.idemCompatible(x.idem1, y.idem1) and \
                       r_chord.idemCompatible(x.idem2, y.idem2):
                        ddstr.addDelta(x, y,
                                       StrandDiagram(alg1, x.idem1, l_chord),
                                       StrandDiagram(alg2, x.idem2, r_chord), 1)

        # Special handling for these. From class 2 to class 1, add only if the
        # c-pair is occupied on the left side (and not on the right).
        # Non-degenerate cases only.
        sp_chords = []
        if not self.is_degenerate:
            for x in range(0, self.c1):
                for y in range(self.c2+1, self.n):
                    sp_chords.append(([(x, y)], [(x, self.u), (self.u, y)]))
                    sp_chords.append(([(x, y)], [(x, self.d), (self.d, y)]))
                    sp_chords.append(([(x, self.d), (self.u, y)],
                                      [(x, self.d), (self.u, y)]))

        sp_chords = [self._StrandsFromChords(chord1, chord2)
                     for chord1, chord2 in sp_chords]
        for x, y in itertools.product(gen_set[2], gen_set[1]):
            for l_chord, r_chord in sp_chords:
                if self.c_pair in x.idem1 and \
                   l_chord.idemCompatible(x.idem1, y.idem1) and \
                   r_chord.idemCompatible(x.idem2, y.idem2):
                    assert self.c_pair not in x.idem2.opp() and \
                        self.c_pair in y.idem1 and \
                        self.c_pair not in y.idem2.opp()
                    ddstr.addDelta(x, y,
                                   StrandDiagram(alg1, x.idem1, l_chord),
                                   StrandDiagram(alg2, x.idem2, r_chord), 1)

        assert ddstr.testDelta()
        return ddstr