def __init__(self): self.lagtime = 0.2#lag of the video #assume we run at 60 fps to start. #we will fill up these buffers for checking hits. Hits will be checked based on old angles. self.t1buf = zeros(int(60*self.lagtime)) self.t2buf = zeros(int(60*self.lagtime)) self.size = self.width, self.height = 720, 480 self.rowlow,self.rowhigh,self.collow,self.colhigh = 0,200,150,520 self.scalex = float(self.width)*1.0/float(self.colhigh-self.collow) self.scaley = float(self.height)*1.0/float(self.rowhigh-self.rowlow)-.40 self.laserlocx,self.laserlocy=array([]),array([]) self.lastshottime = 0 self.oldtime = time.time() #set the last loop time self.dt = time.time()-self.oldtime self._running = True self._display_surf = None self._image_surf = None #self.background = pygame.image.load("rangebay.jpg") #self.bgrect = self.background.get_rect() = DeathStar(l1=0.89,l2=0.8,b1=5,b2=.01,dt=self.dt,platemass=7.5,t2=.5,shotweight=0.001,Jst=3.51,mst=28.08) self.plateradius_meters = 5*.0254 #in meters, how large the plate diameter is. = self.plateradius_meters #we need to scale the star so that our height (480) gives us enough room at the bottom of the star. self.starscale = self.height*.4/(1.1*( = self.starscale self.plateradius = int(self.plateradius_meters*self.starscale) print self.plateradius self.resetx = 50 self.resety = 450 #activator popper self.actx = 50 self.acty = 240+100 self.actplateradius = self.plateradius self.activator_hit = 0 self.activator_delay = 0.2#in seconds, how long before we release the star after activator is hit. self.activator_down = 0#this only goes true after the delay has passed self.activator_hittime = 0 self.oldlasershot = False self.currlasershot = False self.lasershotnow = False self.threshval = -16
class App: def __init__(self): self.lagtime = 0.2#lag of the video #assume we run at 60 fps to start. #we will fill up these buffers for checking hits. Hits will be checked based on old angles. self.t1buf = zeros(int(60*self.lagtime)) self.t2buf = zeros(int(60*self.lagtime)) self.size = self.width, self.height = 720, 480 self.rowlow,self.rowhigh,self.collow,self.colhigh = 0,200,150,520 self.scalex = float(self.width)*1.0/float(self.colhigh-self.collow) self.scaley = float(self.height)*1.0/float(self.rowhigh-self.rowlow)-.40 self.laserlocx,self.laserlocy=array([]),array([]) self.lastshottime = 0 self.oldtime = time.time() #set the last loop time self.dt = time.time()-self.oldtime self._running = True self._display_surf = None self._image_surf = None #self.background = pygame.image.load("rangebay.jpg") #self.bgrect = self.background.get_rect() = DeathStar(l1=0.89,l2=0.8,b1=5,b2=.01,dt=self.dt,platemass=7.5,t2=.5,shotweight=0.001,Jst=3.51,mst=28.08) self.plateradius_meters = 5*.0254 #in meters, how large the plate diameter is. = self.plateradius_meters #we need to scale the star so that our height (480) gives us enough room at the bottom of the star. self.starscale = self.height*.4/(1.1*( = self.starscale self.plateradius = int(self.plateradius_meters*self.starscale) print self.plateradius self.resetx = 50 self.resety = 450 #activator popper self.actx = 50 self.acty = 240+100 self.actplateradius = self.plateradius self.activator_hit = 0 self.activator_delay = 0.2#in seconds, how long before we release the star after activator is hit. self.activator_down = 0#this only goes true after the delay has passed self.activator_hittime = 0 self.oldlasershot = False self.currlasershot = False self.lasershotnow = False self.threshval = -16 # self.oldlasershottime = time.time() # self.laserdelay = 0.1 def draw_star(self): #this is mostly taken from the death star class, but adapted for pygame. Can't think of a good way to work it in... hingex = self.width/2 hingey = self.height/2 #star position xst =*cos(*self.starscale+hingex yst = -(*sin(*self.starscale+hingey #mass one x1 = xst+self.starscale**sin( y1 = yst - self.starscale**cos( #mass two x2 = xst+self.starscale**sin( y2 = yst - self.starscale**cos( #mass three x3 = xst+self.starscale**sin(* y3 = yst - self.starscale**cos(* #mass four x4 = xst+self.starscale**sin(* y4 = yst - self.starscale**cos(* #mass five x5 = xst+self.starscale**sin(* y5 = yst - self.starscale**cos(* pygame.draw.lines(self._display_surf, white, False, [(hingex,hingey), (xst,yst)], 3) pygame.draw.lines(self._display_surf, grey, False, [(xst,yst), (x1,y1)], 3) pygame.draw.lines(self._display_surf, grey, False, [(xst,yst), (x2,y2)], 3) pygame.draw.lines(self._display_surf, grey, False, [(xst,yst), (x3,y3)], 3) pygame.draw.lines(self._display_surf, red, False, [(xst,yst), (x4,y4)], 3) pygame.draw.lines(self._display_surf, grey, False, [(xst,yst), (x5,y5)], 3) #mass one ellipse if (>, grey, (int(x1),int(y1)), self.plateradius, 0) #mass 2 ellipse if (>, grey, (int(x2),int(y2)), self.plateradius, 0) #mass 3 ellipse if (>, grey, (int(x3),int(y3)), self.plateradius, 0) #mass 4ellipse if (>, red, (int(x4),int(y4)), self.plateradius, 0) #mass one ellipse if (>, grey, (int(x5),int(y5)), self.plateradius, 0) def on_init(self): pygame.init() self._display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size, pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF) pygame.display.set_mode((720,480),pygame.FULLSCREEN) self._running = True self._display_surf.fill((0,0,0)) #self._display_surf.blit(self.background,self.bgrect) def on_event(self, event): if(event.type is KEYDOWN and event.key==K_w): pygame.display.set_mode(self.size) if (event.type is KEYDOWN and event.key==K_f): pygame.display.set_mode(self.size,FULLSCREEN) if (event.type is KEYDOWN and event.key==K_i): self.threshval+=1 if (event.type is KEYDOWN and event.key==K_k): self.threshval-=1 #let's look for hits based on mouse clicks!! if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #get the mouse position pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() print pos[0],pos[1] #pull out the "world" coordinates of the shot shotx = (pos[0]-self.width/2)/self.starscale shoty = -(pos[1]-self.height/2)/self.starscale #the star has a built-in hit checker. def checkHit(xp, yp,spread,height=500,width=500): self.lastshottime,targhit =,shoty,1,self.height,self.width) if ((pos[0]-self.resetx)**2+(pos[1]-self.resety)**2)<=self.plateradius**2: self.activator_hit = 0 self.activator_down=0 if ((pos[0]-self.actx)**2+(pos[1]-self.acty)**2)<=self.actplateradius**2: self.activator_hit = 1 self.activator_hittime=time.time() #print "activator!!" #see if we quit. if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self._running = False def on_loop(self): #how long has it been since the last loop? timenow = time.time() self.dt = timenow-self.oldtime self.oldtime = timenow #check to see if activator is hit/down if self.activator_hit is 1 and self.activator_down is 0: if (timenow-self.activator_hittime)>=self.activator_delay: self.activator_down = 1 #print self.dt #set the current time step = self.dt #update the star dynamics. #this will automatically star the sim once we set mass 4 to 0. #now update buffers for t1, t2 so that the cv system can use old angles to check hits. self.t1buf = append(self.t1buf[1:], self.t2buf = append(self.t2buf[1:], #black out the screen self._display_surf.fill((0,0,0))#clear the screen to redraw #self._display_surf.blit(self.background,self.bgrect) #draw the star self.draw_star() #draw the reset button if self.lasershotnow==True: pass, green, (int(self.shotx),int(self.shoty)), self.plateradius, 5) #draw the activator popper if self.activator_hit is not 1:, grey, (self.actx,self.acty), self.actplateradius, 0) pygame.draw.rect(self._display_surf, grey, (self.actx-int(self.actplateradius/2),self.acty-2*self.actplateradius,self.actplateradius,self.actplateradius*6.0), 0), grey, (self.actx,self.acty-2*self.actplateradius), int(self.actplateradius/2.), 0) #pygame.draw.rect(self._display_surf, grey, (self.actx-self.actplateradius*.4,self.acty,self.actplateradius,self.actplateradius*3.0), 0) #pygame.draw.rect(self._display_surf, grey, (self.actx-self.actplateradius*.4,self.acty-self.actplateradius,self.actplateradius*1.5,self.actplateradius*3.0), 0), grey, (self.actx,self.acty-self.actplateradius), int(self.actplateradius/2.0), 0), grey, (self.resetx,self.resety), self.plateradius, 0) #now draw text for reset and time textreset = myfont.render('RESET',False,grey) self._display_surf.blit(textreset,(75,450)) texttime = myfont.render('TIME: '+str(self.lastshottime)+' s',False,grey) self._display_surf.blit(texttime,(200,50)) texttime = myfont.render('thresh: '+str(self.threshval),False,grey) self._display_surf.blit(texttime,(600,50)) time.sleep(0.01) #print self.dt # if self.lasershotnow == True: # #the star has a built-in hit checker. def checkHit(xp, yp,spread,height=500,width=500): # self.lastshottime,targhit =,meany,1,self.height,self.width) # if ((meanx-self.resetx)**2+(meany-self.resety)**2)<=self.plateradius**2: # # if len(laserloc>0): # print laserloc[0][0],laserloc[1][0] def on_render(self): pygame.display.update() def on_cleanup(self): pygame.quit() def on_execute(self): if self.on_init() == False: self._running = False while( self._running ): for event in pygame.event.get(): self.on_event(event) self.on_loop() self.on_render() self.on_cleanup()