Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, source, referencedb, storagedb, debug):
        self.running = False
        self.frame = None
        self.bApplyTransforms = False
        self.bVertFlip = False
        self.threshold = 15
        self.detected_card = None
        self.detected_id = None
        self.previous_id = None
        self.blacklist = []

        self.referencedb = referencedb
        self.storagedb = storagedb
        self.debugger = MTG_Debugger(debug)
        self.transformer = MTG_Transformer(self.debugger)
        self.captureDevice = cv2.VideoCapture(source)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, source, referencedb, storagedb, debug):
        self.running = False
        self.frame = None
        self.bApplyTransforms = False
        self.bVertFlip = False
        self.threshold = 15
        self.detected_card = None
        self.detected_id = None
        self.previous_id = None
        self.blacklist = []

        self.referencedb = referencedb
        self.storagedb = storagedb
        self.debugger = MTG_Debugger(debug)
        self.transformer = MTG_Transformer(self.debugger)
        self.captureDevice = cv2.VideoCapture(source)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, source, referencedb, storagedb, debug):
        self.running = False
        self.frame = None
        self.bApplyTransforms = False
        self.bVertFlip = False
        self.threshold = 15
        self.detected_card = None
        self.detected_id = None
        self.detected_ids = None
        self.previous_id = None
        self.blacklist = []

        self.referencedb = referencedb
        self.storagedb = storagedb
        self.debugger = MTG_Debugger(debug)
        self.transformer = MTG_Transformer(self.debugger)
        self.captureDevice = cv2.VideoCapture(source)

        def rotateImage(self, image, angle):
        image_center = tuple(np.array(image.shape)/2)
        image_center = (image_center[0], image_center[1])	
        rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(image_center, angle, 1.0)
        shape = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1])
        shape = (375, 520)
        shape = (400, 600)
        result = cv2.warpAffine(image, rot_mat, shape,flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        return result

        self.bTakePic = True
Esempio n. 4
class MTG_Scanner:
        running (bool): Is the scanning loop running
        frame (image): The active frame
        bApplyTransforms (bool): Should transforms be applied
        bVertFlip (bool): Should the frame be flipped vertically?
        threshold (int): Hamming distance threshold
        detected_card (image): The image of the proposed card
        detected_id (int): The MultiverseID of the proposed card
        previous_id (int): The MultiverseID of the last card entered
        blacklist (array): Array of MultiverseIDs to exclude from detection

        referencedb (MTG_Reference_DB): The reference database object
        storagedb (MTG_Storage_DB): The storage database object
        debugger (MTG_Debugger): The debugging object
        transformer (MTG_Transformer): The transformer object
        captureDevice (cv2.VideoCapture): The camera to capture from
    def __init__(self, source, referencedb, storagedb, debug):
        self.running = False
        self.frame = None
        self.bApplyTransforms = False
        self.bVertFlip = False
        self.threshold = 15
        self.detected_card = None
        self.detected_id = None
        self.previous_id = None
        self.blacklist = []

        self.referencedb = referencedb
        self.storagedb = storagedb
        self.debugger = MTG_Debugger(debug)
        self.transformer = MTG_Transformer(self.debugger)
        self.captureDevice = cv2.VideoCapture(source)

    def run(self):
        """Main execution

        self.running = True
        while (self.running):
            if (self.detected_card is None):

                __, frame =
                if (frame is None):
                    print('Error: No frame read from camera')

                if (self.bApplyTransforms):
                        frame = self.transformer.applyTransforms(frame)
                    except MTGException as msg:
                        self.bApplyTransforms = False
                    height, width, __ = frame.shape
                    cv2.rectangle(frame, (0, 0), (width - 1, height - 1),
                                  (255, 0, 0), 2)

                if (self.bVertFlip):
                    height, width, __ = frame.shape
                    M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((width / 2, height / 2), 180,
                    frame = cv2.warpAffine(frame, M, (width, height))

                self.frame = frame
                cv2.imshow('Preview', self.frame)
                cv2.imshow('Detected Card', self.detected_card)

            self.handleKey(cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF, frame)

        if (self.captureDevice is not None):


    def detectCard(self):
        """Detect the card from the active frame

        # The phash python bindings operate on files, so we have to write our
        # current frame to a file to continue
        cv2.imwrite('frame.jpg', self.frame)

        # Use phash on our frame
        ihash = phash.dct_imagehash('frame.jpg')
        idigest = phash.image_digest('frame.jpg')

        candidates = {}
        hashes = self.referencedb.get_hashes()
        for MultiverseID in hashes:
            if (MultiverseID in self.blacklist):

            hamd = phash.hamming_distance(ihash, int(hashes[MultiverseID]))
            if (hamd <= self.threshold):
                candidates[MultiverseID] = hamd

        if (not len(candidates)):
            print('No matches found')
            return None

        finalists = []
        minV = min(candidates.values())
        for MultiverseID in candidates:
            if (candidates[MultiverseID] == minV):

        bestMatch = None
        correlations = {}
        for MultiverseID in finalists:
            hamd = candidates[MultiverseID]
            digest = phash.image_digest(self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE %
            corr = phash.cross_correlation(idigest, digest)
            if (bestMatch is None or corr > correlations[bestMatch]):
                bestMatch = MultiverseID
            correlations[MultiverseID] = corr

        return bestMatch

    def handleKey(self, key, frame):
        if (self.detected_card is None):
            if (key == 8 or key == 27):
                self.bApplyTransforms = not self.bApplyTransforms
            elif (key == ord('d')):
            elif (key == 171):
                self.detected_id = self.previous_id
                if (self.detected_id is not None):
                    self.detected_card = cv2.imread(
                        self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id,
            elif (key == 10):
                if (not self.bApplyTransforms):
                    self.bApplyTransforms = True
                    self.detected_id = self.detectCard()
                    if (self.detected_id is not None):
                        self.detected_card = cv2.imread(
                            self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id,
            if (key == ord('n')):
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')
                self.detected_id = self.detectCard()
                if (self.detected_id is not None):
                    self.detected_card = cv2.imread(
                        self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id,
            if (key == ord('p')):
                self.blacklist = []
                for i in range(0, 4):
                    self.storagedb.add_card(self.detected_id, 0)
                name, code = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
                print('Added 4x ' + name + '[' + code + ']...')
                self.previous_id = self.detected_id
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')
            if (key == 10 or key == ord('y')):
                self.blacklist = []
                self.storagedb.add_card(self.detected_id, 0)
                name, code = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
                print('Added ' + name + '[' + code + ']...')
                self.previous_id = self.detected_id
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')
            if (key == ord('f')):
                self.blacklist = []
                self.storagedb.add_card(self.detected_id, 1)
                name, code = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
                print('Added foil ' + name + '[' + code + ']...')
                self.previous_id = self.detected_id
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')
            elif (key == 8 or key == 27):
                self.blacklist = []
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')

        if (key == ord('q')):
            self.running = False
Esempio n. 5
class MTG_Scanner:
        running (bool): Is the scanning loop running
        frame (image): The active frame
        bApplyTransforms (bool): Should transforms be applied
        bVertFlip (bool): Should the frame be flipped vertically?
        threshold (int): Hamming distance threshold
        detected_card (image): The image of the proposed card
        detected_id (int): The MultiverseID of the proposed card
        previous_id (int): The MultiverseID of the last card entered
        blacklist (array): Array of MultiverseIDs to exclude from detection

        referencedb (MTG_Reference_DB): The reference database object
        storagedb (MTG_Storage_DB): The storage database object
        debugger (MTG_Debugger): The debugging object
        transformer (MTG_Transformer): The transformer object
        captureDevice (cv2.VideoCapture): The camera to capture from

    def __init__(self, source, referencedb, storagedb, debug):
        self.running = False
        self.frame = None
        self.bApplyTransforms = False
        self.bVertFlip = False
        self.threshold = 15
        self.detected_card = None
        self.detected_id = None
        self.previous_id = None
        self.blacklist = []

        self.referencedb = referencedb
        self.storagedb = storagedb
        self.debugger = MTG_Debugger(debug)
        self.transformer = MTG_Transformer(self.debugger)
        self.captureDevice = cv2.VideoCapture(source)

    def run(self):
        """Main execution

        self.running = True
        while self.running:
            if self.detected_card is None:

                __, frame =
                if frame is None:
                    print("Error: No frame read from camera")

                if self.bApplyTransforms:
                        frame = self.transformer.applyTransforms(frame)
                    except MTGException as msg:
                        self.bApplyTransforms = False
                    height, width, __ = frame.shape
                    cv2.rectangle(frame, (0, 0), (width - 1, height - 1), (255, 0, 0), 2)

                if self.bVertFlip:
                    height, width, __ = frame.shape
                    M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((width / 2, height / 2), 180, 1)
                    frame = cv2.warpAffine(frame, M, (width, height))

                self.frame = frame
                cv2.imshow("Preview", self.frame)
                cv2.imshow("Detected Card", self.detected_card)

            self.handleKey(cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF, frame)

        if self.captureDevice is not None:


    def detectCard(self):
        """Detect the card from the active frame

        # The phash python bindings operate on files, so we have to write our
        # current frame to a file to continue
        cv2.imwrite("frame.jpg", self.frame)

        # Use phash on our frame
        ihash = phash.dct_imagehash("frame.jpg")
        idigest = phash.image_digest("frame.jpg")

        candidates = {}
        hashes = self.referencedb.get_hashes()
        for MultiverseID in hashes:
            if MultiverseID in self.blacklist:

            hamd = phash.hamming_distance(ihash, int(hashes[MultiverseID]))
            if hamd <= self.threshold:
                candidates[MultiverseID] = hamd

        if not len(candidates):
            print("No matches found")
            return None

        finalists = []
        minV = min(candidates.values())
        for MultiverseID in candidates:
            if candidates[MultiverseID] == minV:

        bestMatch = None
        correlations = {}
        for MultiverseID in finalists:
            hamd = candidates[MultiverseID]
            digest = phash.image_digest(self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % MultiverseID)
            corr = phash.cross_correlation(idigest, digest)
            if bestMatch is None or corr > correlations[bestMatch]:
                bestMatch = MultiverseID
            correlations[MultiverseID] = corr

        return bestMatch

    def handleKey(self, key, frame):
        if self.detected_card is None:
            if key == 8 or key == 27:
                self.bApplyTransforms = not self.bApplyTransforms
            elif key == ord("d"):
            elif key == 171:
                self.detected_id = self.previous_id
                if self.detected_id is not None:
                    self.detected_card = cv2.imread(
                        self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED
            elif key == 10:
                if not self.bApplyTransforms:
                    self.bApplyTransforms = True
                    self.detected_id = self.detectCard()
                    if self.detected_id is not None:
                        self.detected_card = cv2.imread(
                            self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED
            if key == ord("n"):
                cv2.destroyWindow("Detected Card")
                self.detected_id = self.detectCard()
                if self.detected_id is not None:
                    self.detected_card = cv2.imread(
                        self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED
            if key == ord("p"):
                self.blacklist = []
                for i in range(0, 4):
                    self.storagedb.add_card(self.detected_id, 0)
                name, code = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
                print("Added 4x " + name + "[" + code + "]...")
                self.previous_id = self.detected_id
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow("Detected Card")
            if key == 10 or key == ord("y"):
                self.blacklist = []
                self.storagedb.add_card(self.detected_id, 0)
                name, code = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
                print("Added " + name + "[" + code + "]...")
                self.previous_id = self.detected_id
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow("Detected Card")
            if key == ord("f"):
                self.blacklist = []
                self.storagedb.add_card(self.detected_id, 1)
                name, code = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
                print("Added foil " + name + "[" + code + "]...")
                self.previous_id = self.detected_id
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow("Detected Card")
            elif key == 8 or key == 27:
                self.blacklist = []
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow("Detected Card")

        if key == ord("q"):
            self.running = False
Esempio n. 6
class MTG_Scanner:
        running (bool): Is the scanning loop running
        frame (image): The active frame
        bApplyTransforms (bool): Should transforms be applied
        bVertFlip (bool): Should the frame be flipped vertically?
        threshold (int): Hamming distance threshold
        detected_card (image): The image of the proposed card
        detected_id (int): The MultiverseID of the proposed card
        previous_id (int): The MultiverseID of the last card entered
        blacklist (array): Array of MultiverseIDs to exclude from detection

        referencedb (MTG_Reference_DB): The reference database object
        storagedb (MTG_Storage_DB): The storage database object
        debugger (MTG_Debugger): The debugging object
        transformer (MTG_Transformer): The transformer object
        captureDevice (cv2.VideoCapture): The camera to capture from
    ROOT_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    def __init__(self, source, referencedb, storagedb, debug):
        self.running = False
        self.frame = None
        self.bApplyTransforms = False
        self.bVertFlip = False
        self.threshold = 15
        self.detected_card = None
        self.detected_id = None
        self.detected_ids = None
        self.previous_id = None
        self.blacklist = []

        self.referencedb = referencedb
        self.storagedb = storagedb
        self.debugger = MTG_Debugger(debug)
        self.transformer = MTG_Transformer(self.debugger)
        self.captureDevice = cv2.VideoCapture(source)

        def rotateImage(self, image, angle):
        image_center = tuple(np.array(image.shape)/2)
        image_center = (image_center[0], image_center[1])	
        rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(image_center, angle, 1.0)
        shape = (image.shape[0], image.shape[1])
        shape = (375, 520)
        shape = (400, 600)
        result = cv2.warpAffine(image, rot_mat, shape,flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
        return result

        self.bTakePic = True
    def run(self):
        """Main execution
        self.running = True
            if (self.detected_card is None):
                #bTakePic = False
                #while (self.bTakePic):
                __, frameCam =
                    #bTakePic = False
                    #height, width, __ = frame2.shape
                    #    frame,
                    #    (0, 0),
                    #    (width - 1, height - 1),
                    #    (255, 0, 0),
                    #    2)
                cv2.imshow('PreviewCam', frameCam)
                self.handleKey(cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF, frameCam)
                if (self.bTakePic):
                    cv2.imwrite('frameCam.jpg', frameCam)
                    self.bTakePic = False
                    #frame1 = frame
                    #__1 = __
                #frame = frame1
                #__ = __1
                frame = cv2.imread(
                #__, frame =
                #frame = cv2.flip(frame, 0)
                #frame = self.rotateImage(frame, 90)
                if (frame is None):
                    print('Error: No frame read from camera')

                if (self.bApplyTransforms):
                        frame = self.transformer.applyTransforms(frame)
                    except MTGException as msg:
                        self.bApplyTransforms = False
                    height, width, __ = frame.shape
                        (0, 0),
                        (width - 1, height - 1),
                        (255, 0, 0),

                if (self.bVertFlip):
                    height, width, __ = frame.shape
                    M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(
                        (width / 2, height / 2),
                    frame = cv2.warpAffine(frame, M, (width, height))

                self.frame = frame
                cv2.imshow('Preview', self.frame)
                cv2.imshow('Detected Card', self.detected_card)

            self.handleKey(cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF, frame)

        if (self.captureDevice is not None):

    def test(self):
        frame = cv2.imread('frameCam.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
        if (frame is None):
            print('Error: No frame read from camera')

        #self.frame = self.transformer.applyTransforms(frame)
        self.frame = self.transformer.applyTransforms(frame)
        self.frame = frame
        #self.detected_id = self.detectCard()
        #name, code, rarity = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
        self.detected_ids = self.detectCard()
        correlations = {}
        bestMatch = None
        img ='frameCam.jpg')
        img = img.convert('RGBA')
        pix = img.load()
        l = 102
        x0 = 20
        x1 = 150
        y0 = 20
        y1 = 33
        for y in range(img.size[1]):
            for x in range(img.size[0]):
                if x0 < x < x1 and y0 < y < y1:
                    if pix[x, y][0] < l or pix[x, y][1] < l or pix[x, y][2] < l:
                        pix[x, y] = (0, 0, 0, 255)
                        pix[x, y] = (255, 255, 255, 255)
                    pix[x, y] = (255, 255, 255, 255)'frameOcr.jpg')
        for MultiverseID in self.detected_ids:
            name, code, rarity = self.referencedb.get_card_info(MultiverseID)
            corr = 1
            print('Candidate for OCR: ' + name + ' [' + code + '] ' + str(corr))
            if (bestMatch is None or corr > correlations[bestMatch]):
                bestMatch = MultiverseID
            correlations[MultiverseID] = corr
        self.detected_id = bestMatch    

        print('Detected: ' + name + ' [' + code + ']')
        cv2.imwrite('frameDet.jpg', self.frame)
        s = self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id
        s = '%s/%s' % (self.ROOT_PATH, s)
        self.detected_card = cv2.imread(s, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
        return self.detected_id, name, code, self.frame,  self.detected_card, rarity

    def detectCard(self):
        """Detect the card from the active frame

        # The phash python bindings operate on files, so we have to write our
        # current frame to a file to continue
        cv2.imwrite('frame.jpg', self.frame)

        # Use phash on our frame
        ihash = phash.dct_imagehash('frame.jpg')
        idigest = phash.image_digest('frame.jpg')
        candidates = {}
        hashes = self.referencedb.get_hashes()
        for MultiverseID in hashes:
            #print('id %i' % MultiverseID)
            if (MultiverseID in self.blacklist):
            hamd = phash.hamming_distance(ihash, int(hashes[MultiverseID]))
            #print('ham: %i tresh: %i id: %i' % (hamd, self.threshold, MultiverseID))
            #print(hamd <= self.threshold)
            if (hamd <= self.threshold):
                candidates[MultiverseID] = hamd
        if (not len(candidates)):
            print('No matches found')
            return None

        finalists = []
        minV = min(candidates.values())
        for MultiverseID in candidates:
            if (candidates[MultiverseID] == minV):

        bestMatch = None
        correlations = {}
        for MultiverseID in finalists:

            hamd = candidates[MultiverseID]
            #print(self.ROOT_PATH % self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % MultiverseID)
            s = self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % MultiverseID
            s = '%s/%s' % (self.ROOT_PATH, s)
            #digest = phash.image_digest(self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % MultiverseID)
            digest = phash.image_digest(s)
            corr = phash.cross_correlation(idigest, digest)
            if (bestMatch is None or corr > correlations[bestMatch]):
                bestMatch = MultiverseID
            correlations[MultiverseID] = corr
            name, code, rarity = self.referencedb.get_card_info(MultiverseID)
            print('Candidate: ' + name + ' [' + code + '] ' + str(corr))
        bestMatches = []
        ACCURACY = 1000
        for MultiverseID in finalists:
            if correlations[MultiverseID] + ACCURACY > correlations[bestMatch]:
        return bestMatches       
        #return more finallist        
        return bestMatch

    def handleKey(self, key, frame):
        if (self.detected_card is None):
            if (key == 8 or key == 27):
                #print('8 or 27')
                self.bApplyTransforms = not self.bApplyTransforms
            elif (key == ord('d')):
            elif (key == 171):
                self.detected_id = self.previous_id
                if (self.detected_id is not None):
                    self.detected_card = cv2.imread(
                        self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id,
            elif (key == 10):
                if (not self.bApplyTransforms):
                    self.bApplyTransforms = True
                    self.detected_id = self.detectCard()
                    if (self.detected_id is not None):
                        self.detected_card = cv2.imread(
                            self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id,
            elif (key == ord('t')):
                self.bTakePic =  True
            if (key == ord('n')):
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')
                self.detected_id = self.detectCard()
                if (self.detected_id is not None):
                    self.detected_card = cv2.imread(
                        self.referencedb.IMAGE_FILE % self.detected_id,
            if (key == ord('p')):
                self.blacklist = []
                for i in range(0, 4):
                    self.storagedb.add_card(self.detected_id, 0)
                name, code = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
                print('Added 4x ' + name + '[' + code + ']...')
                self.previous_id = self.detected_id
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')
            if (key == 10 or key == ord('y')):
                #print('10 or y')
                self.blacklist = []
                self.storagedb.add_card(self.detected_id, 0)
                name, code = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
                print('Added ' + name + '[' + code + ']...')
                self.previous_id = self.detected_id
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')
            if (key == ord('f')):
                self.blacklist = []
                self.storagedb.add_card(self.detected_id, 1)
                name, code = self.referencedb.get_card_info(self.detected_id)
                print('Added foil ' + name + '[' + code + ']...')
                self.previous_id = self.detected_id
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')
            elif (key == 8 or key == 27):
                #print('8 or 27')
                self.blacklist = []
                self.detected_card = None
                self.detected_id = None
                self.bApplyTransforms = False
                cv2.destroyWindow('Detected Card')

        if (key == ord('q')):
            self.running = False