Esempio n. 1
def zscore_video(videofile: Union[str, os.PathLike],
                 project_config: dict,
                 stride: int = 10):
    """calculates channel-wise mean and standard deviation for input video.

    Calculates mean and std deviation independently for each input video channel. Grayscale videos are converted to RGB.
    Saves statistics to the augs/normalization dictionary in project_config. Only takes every STRIDE frames for speed.
    Calculates mean and std deviation incrementally to not load thousands of frames into memory at once:
        videofile: path to video file. Must be one of inputs to file_io/VideoReader: avi, mp4, jpg directory, or hdf5
        project_config: dictionary for your deepethogram project. Contains augs/normalization field
        stride: only every STRIDE frames will be computed. Use stride=1 for the full video


    assert os.path.exists(videofile)
    assert projects.is_deg_file(videofile)

    # config['arch'] = 'flow-generator'
    # config['normalization'] = None
    # transforms = get_transforms_from_config(config)
    # xform = transforms['train']'zscoring file: {}'.format(videofile))
    imdata = get_video_statistics(videofile, stride)

    fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(videofile), 'stats.yaml')
    dictionary = {}
    if os.path.isfile(fname):
        dictionary = utils.load_yaml(fname)

    dictionary['normalization'] = imdata
    utils.save_dict_to_yaml(dictionary, fname)
    update_project_with_normalization(imdata, project_config)
Esempio n. 2
def main(cfg: DictConfig):
    # turn "models" in your project configuration to "full/path/to/models"
    cfg = utils.get_absolute_paths_from_cfg(cfg)'configuration used: ')

    weights = projects.get_weightfile_from_cfg(cfg, model_type='sequence')
    assert weights is not None, 'Must either specify a weightfile or use reload.latest=True'

    if cfg.sequence.latent_name is None:
        # find the latent name used in the weight file you loaded
        rundir = os.path.dirname(weights)
        loaded_cfg = utils.load_yaml(os.path.join(rundir, 'config.yaml'))
        latent_name = loaded_cfg['sequence']['latent_name']
        # if this latent name is also None, use the arch of the feature extractor
        # this should never happen
        if latent_name is None:
            latent_name = loaded_cfg['feature_extractor']['arch']
        latent_name = cfg.sequence.latent_name

    # the output name will be a group in the output hdf5 dataset containing probabilities, etc
    if cfg.sequence.output_name is None:
        output_name = cfg.sequence.arch
        output_name = cfg.sequence.output_name
    directory_list = cfg.inference.directory_list
    if directory_list is None or len(directory_list) == 0:
        raise ValueError('must pass list of directories from commmand line. '
                         'Ex: directory_list=[path_to_dir1,path_to_dir2] or directory_list=all')
    elif type(directory_list) == str and directory_list == 'all':
        basedir = cfg.project.data_path
        directory_list = utils.get_subfiles(basedir, 'directory')

    outputfiles = []
    for directory in directory_list:
        assert os.path.isdir(directory), 'Not a directory: {}'.format(directory)
        record = projects.get_record_from_subdir(directory)
        assert record['output'] is not None

    model = build_model_from_cfg(cfg, 1024, len(cfg.project.class_names))'model: {}'.format(model))

    model = utils.load_weights(model, weights)
    metrics_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(weights), 'classification_metrics.h5')
    with h5py.File(metrics_file, 'r') as f:
        thresholds = f['threshold_curves']['val']['optimum'][:]'thresholds: {}'.format(thresholds))
    device = 'cuda:{}'.format(cfg.compute.gpu_id)
    class_names = cfg.project.class_names
    class_names = np.array(class_names)
    extract(model, outputfiles, thresholds, cfg.feature_extractor.final_activation, latent_name, output_name,
            cfg.sequence.sequence_length, None, True, device, cfg.inference.ignore_error,
            cfg.inference.overwrite, class_names=class_names)
Esempio n. 3
def get_split_from_records(records: dict,
                           datadir: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike],
                           splitfile: Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike] = None,
                           supervised: bool = True,
                           reload_split: bool = True,
                           valid_splits_only: bool = True,
                           train_val_test: list = [0.7, 0.15, 0.15]):
    """ Splits the records into train, validation, and test splits

    records: dict of dicts
        E.g. {'animal': {'rgb': path/to/video.mp4, 'label': path/to/label.csv}, 'animal2': ...}
    datadir: str, os.PathLike
        absolute path to the base directory containing data. Only used to save split
    splitfile: str, os.PathLike
        absolute path to file containing a pre-made split to load. If none, make a new one from scratch
    supervised: bool
        if True, enables the option to use the valid split function
    reload_split: bool
        if True, tries to load the file in splitfile
    valid_splits_only: bool
        if True and supervised is True, make sure each split has at least 1 instance of each class
    train_val_test: list
        fractions / Ns in each split. see train_val_test_split

    split_dictionary: dict
        see train_val_test_split
    if splitfile is None:
        splitfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'split.yaml')
        assert os.path.isfile(splitfile), 'split file does not exist! {}'.format(splitfile)

    if supervised and valid_splits_only:
        # this function makes sure that each split has all classes in the dataset
        split_func = get_valid_split
        split_func = train_val_test_split

    if reload_split and os.path.isfile(splitfile):
        split_dictionary = utils.load_yaml(splitfile)
        if split_dictionary is None:
            # some malformatting
            split_dictionary = split_func(records, train_val_test)
        # if there are new records, e.g. new records were added to an old splitfile,
        # assign them to train, val, or test
        split_dictionary = update_split(records, split_dictionary)
        split_dictionary = split_func(records, train_val_test)

    utils.save_dict_to_yaml(split_dictionary, splitfile)
    return split_dictionary
Esempio n. 4
def main(cfg: DictConfig):
    assert os.path.isfile(cfg.videofile)
    project_config = utils.load_yaml(cfg.project.config_file)
    zscore_video(cfg.videofile, project_config, cfg.stride)
Esempio n. 5
def zscore_video(videofile: Union[str, os.PathLike],
                 project_config: dict,
                 stride: int = 10):
    """calculates channel-wise mean and standard deviation for input video.

    Calculates mean and std deviation independently for each input video channel. Grayscale videos are converted to RGB.
    Saves statistics to the augs/normalization dictionary in project_config. Only takes every STRIDE frames for speed.
    Calculates mean and std deviation incrementally to not load thousands of frames into memory at once:
        videofile: path to video file. Must be one of inputs to file_io/VideoReader: avi, mp4, jpg directory, or hdf5
        project_config: dictionary for your deepethogram project. Contains augs/normalization field
        stride: only every STRIDE frames will be computed. Use stride=1 for the full video


    assert os.path.isfile(videofile)
    assert projects.is_deg_file(videofile)

    image_stats = StatsRecorder()
    # config['arch'] = 'flow-generator'
    # config['normalization'] = None
    # transforms = get_transforms_from_config(config)
    # xform = transforms['train']'zscoring file: {}'.format(videofile))
    with deepethogram.file_io.VideoReader(videofile) as reader:
        log.debug('N frames: {}'.format(len(reader)))
        for i in tqdm(range(0, len(reader), stride)):
            image = reader[i]
            image = image.astype(np.float) / 255
            image = image.transpose(2, 1, 0)
            # image = image[np.newaxis,...]
            # N, C, H, W = image.shape
            image = image.reshape(3, -1).transpose(1, 0)
            # image = image.reshape(N, C, -1).squeeze().transpose(1, 0)
            # if i == 0:
            #     print(image.shape)
            image_stats.update(image)'final stats: {}'.format(image_stats))

    imdata = {
        'mean': image_stats.mean,
        'std': image_stats.std,
        'N': image_stats.nobservations
    for k, v in imdata.items():
        if type(v) == torch.Tensor:
            v = v.detach().cpu().numpy()
        if type(v) == np.ndarray:
            v = v.tolist()
        imdata[k] = v

    fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(videofile), 'stats.yaml')
    dictionary = {}
    if os.path.isfile(fname):
        dictionary = utils.load_yaml(fname)

    dictionary['normalization'] = imdata
    utils.save_dict_to_yaml(dictionary, fname)
    update_project_with_normalization(imdata, project_config)
Esempio n. 6
def sequence_inference(cfg: DictConfig):
    cfg = projects.setup_run(cfg)'args: {}'.format(' '.join(sys.argv)))
    # turn "models" in your project configuration to "full/path/to/models"'configuration used: ')

    weights = projects.get_weightfile_from_cfg(cfg, model_type='sequence')
    assert weights is not None, 'Must either specify a weightfile or use reload.latest=True'

    run_files = utils.get_run_files_from_weights(weights)
    if cfg.sequence.latent_name is None:
        # find the latent name used in the weight file you loaded
        rundir = os.path.dirname(weights)
        loaded_cfg = utils.load_yaml(run_files['config_file'])
        latent_name = loaded_cfg['sequence']['latent_name']
        # if this latent name is also None, use the arch of the feature extractor
        # this should never happen
        if latent_name is None:
            latent_name = loaded_cfg['feature_extractor']['arch']
        latent_name = cfg.sequence.latent_name

    if cfg.inference.use_loaded_model_cfg:
        output_name = cfg.sequence.output_name
        loaded_config_file = run_files['config_file']
        loaded_model_cfg = OmegaConf.load(loaded_config_file).sequence
        current_model_cfg = cfg.sequence
        model_cfg = OmegaConf.merge(current_model_cfg, loaded_model_cfg)
        cfg.sequence = model_cfg
        # we don't want to use the weights that the trained model was initialized with, but the weights after training
        # therefore, overwrite the loaded configuration with the current weights
        cfg.sequence.weights = weights
        cfg.sequence.latent_name = latent_name
        cfg.sequence.output_name = output_name'latent name used for running sequence inference: {}'.format(latent_name))

    # the output name will be a group in the output hdf5 dataset containing probabilities, etc
    if cfg.sequence.output_name is None:
        output_name = cfg.sequence.arch
        output_name = cfg.sequence.output_name
    directory_list = cfg.inference.directory_list
    if directory_list is None or len(directory_list) == 0:
        raise ValueError('must pass list of directories from commmand line. '
                         'Ex: directory_list=[path_to_dir1,path_to_dir2] or directory_list=all')
    elif type(directory_list) == str and directory_list == 'all':
        basedir = cfg.project.data_path
        directory_list = utils.get_subfiles(basedir, 'directory')

    outputfiles = []
    for directory in directory_list:
        assert os.path.isdir(directory), 'Not a directory: {}'.format(directory)
        record = projects.get_record_from_subdir(directory)
        assert record['output'] is not None

    model = build_model_from_cfg(cfg, 1024, len(cfg.project.class_names))'model: {}'.format(model))

    model = utils.load_weights(model, weights)

    metrics_file = run_files['metrics_file']
    assert os.path.isfile(metrics_file)
    best_epoch = utils.get_best_epoch_from_weightfile(weights)
    # best_epoch = -1'best epoch from loaded file: {}'.format(best_epoch))
    with h5py.File(metrics_file, 'r') as f:
            thresholds = f['val']['metrics_by_threshold']['optimum'][best_epoch, :]
        except KeyError:
            # backwards compatibility
            thresholds = f['threshold_curves']['val']['optimum'][:]  # [best_epoch, :]
            if thresholds.ndim > 1:
                thresholds = thresholds[best_epoch, :]'thresholds: {}'.format(thresholds))

    class_names = list(cfg.project.class_names)
    if len(thresholds) != len(class_names):
        error_message = '''Number of classes in trained model: {}
            Number of classes in project: {}
            Did you add or remove behaviors after training this model? If so, please retrain!
        '''.format(len(thresholds), len(class_names))
        raise ValueError(error_message)

    device = 'cuda:{}'.format(cfg.compute.gpu_id)
    class_names = cfg.project.class_names
    class_names = np.array(class_names)