Esempio n. 1
def test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_is_valid():
    """Test that CFG is valid."""
    g = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(SIMPLE_C_DOT)
    # Control flow graphs are not guaranteed to be valid. That is, the may contain
    # fusible basic blocks. This can happen if the creating the graph from
    # unoptimized bytecode.
    assert g.ValidateControlFlowGraph()
Esempio n. 2
def test_BuildFullFlowGraph_edges():
    """Test flow graph has expected edges."""
    # This test assumes that ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource() behaves as expected.
    # test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_fizz_buzz() will fail if this is not the
    # case.
    cfg = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(FIZZBUZZ_DOT)
    sig = cfg.BuildFullFlowGraph()

    # Create a map of node names to indices.
    name_to_node = {data["name"]: node for node, data in sig.nodes(data=True)}

    # Block %1.
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%1.0"], name_to_node["%1.1"])
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%1.1"], name_to_node["%1.2"])
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%1.2"], name_to_node["%1.3"])
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%1.3"], name_to_node["%1.4"])
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%1.4"], name_to_node["%1.5"])
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%1.5"], name_to_node["%1.6"])
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%1.6"], name_to_node["%7.0"])
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%1.6"], name_to_node["%8.0"])

    # Block %7.
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%7.0"], name_to_node["%7.1"])
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%7.1"], name_to_node["%9.0"])

    # Block %8.
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%8.0"], name_to_node["%8.1"])
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%8.1"], name_to_node["%9.0"])

    # Block %9.
    assert sig.has_edge(name_to_node["%9.0"], name_to_node["%9.1"])
Esempio n. 3
def _ExtractGraphBatchOrDie(
  src_file_paths: typing.List[pathlib.Path], headers_dir: pathlib.Path
) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[pathlib.Path, llvm_util.LlvmControlFlowGraph]]:
  """Process a patch of OpenCL sources to graphs.

    src_file_paths: A list of source code paths.
    headers_dir: The directory containing header files.

    A list of <path,cfg> tuples.
  batch = []

  for src_file_path in src_file_paths:
    app.Log(1, "Compiling %s",
    bytecode = ncc.ExtractLlvmByteCodeOrDie(src_file_path, headers_dir)
    dot_strings = list(opt_util.DotControlFlowGraphsFromBytecode(bytecode))
    cfgs = [llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(dot) for dot in dot_strings]
    if len(cfgs) != 1:
        "Found %d CFGs in %s: %s",
        [c.graph["name"] for c in cfgs],
    ffg = cfgs[0].BuildFullFlowGraph()

    # Set the input bytecode as a graph property.
    ffg.graph["llvm_bytecode"] = bytecode

    batch.append((src_file_path, ffg))

  return batch
Esempio n. 4
def test_BuildFullFlowGraph_num_edges():
    """Test flow graph edge count."""
    # This test assumes that ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource() behaves as expected.
    # test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_fizz_buzz() will fail if this is not the
    # case.
    cfg = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(FIZZBUZZ_DOT)
    sig = cfg.BuildFullFlowGraph()

    assert sig.number_of_edges() == 13
Esempio n. 5
def test_BuildFullFlowGraph_fizz_buzz():
    """Test flow graph name."""
    # This test assumes that ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource() behaves as expected.
    # test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_fizz_buzz() will fail if this is not the
    # case.
    cfg = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(FIZZBUZZ_DOT)
    sig = cfg.BuildFullFlowGraph()

    assert sig.graph["name"] == "FizzBuzz"
Esempio n. 6
def test_BuildFullFlowGraph_exit_block():
    """Test flow graph has expected exit block."""
    # This test assumes that ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource() behaves as expected.
    # test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_fizz_buzz() will fail if this is not the
    # case.
    cfg = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(FIZZBUZZ_DOT)
    sig = cfg.BuildFullFlowGraph()

    # Create a map of node names to indices.
    name_to_node = {data["name"]: node for node, data in sig.nodes(data=True)}

    assert sig.nodes[name_to_node["%9.1"]]["exit"]
Esempio n. 7
def test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_edges():
    """Test that CFG edges are as expected."""
    g = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(SIMPLE_C_DOT)
    node_name_to_index_map = {g.nodes[n]["name"]: n for n in g.nodes}
    edges = set(g.edges)

    assert (node_name_to_index_map["%2"],
            node_name_to_index_map["%9"]) in edges
    assert (node_name_to_index_map["%2"],
            node_name_to_index_map["%12"]) in edges
    assert (node_name_to_index_map["%9"],
            node_name_to_index_map["%18"]) in edges
    assert (node_name_to_index_map["%12"],
            node_name_to_index_map["%18"]) in edges
Esempio n. 8
def test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_positions():
    """A control flow graph with two nested loops.

    int A() {
      int n = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
        switch (n) {
          case 0:
            n += 1;
          case 1:
            n += 2;
            n += 3;
      return n;
    cfg = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource("""
digraph "CFG for 'A' function" {
	label="CFG for 'A' function";

	Node0x7ff981522700 [shape=record,label="{%0:\l  %1 = alloca i32, align 4\l  %2 = alloca i32, align 4\l  store i32 0, i32* %1, align 4\l  store i32 0, i32* %2, align 4\l  br label %3\l}"];
	Node0x7ff981522700 -> Node0x7ff981522980;
	Node0x7ff981522980 [shape=record,label="{%3:\l\l  %4 = load i32, i32* %2, align 4\l  %5 = icmp slt i32 %4, 10\l  br i1 %5, label %6, label %21\l|{<s0>T|<s1>F}}"];
	Node0x7ff981522980:s0 -> Node0x7ff981522b50;
	Node0x7ff981522980:s1 -> Node0x7ff981522bd0;
	Node0x7ff981522b50 [shape=record,label="{%6:\l\l  %7 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4\l  switch i32 %7, label %14 [\l    i32 0, label %8\l    i32 1, label %11\l  ]\l|{<s0>def|<s1>0|<s2>1}}"];
	Node0x7ff981522b50:s0 -> Node0x7ff981522b90;
	Node0x7ff981522b50:s1 -> Node0x7ff981522d30;
	Node0x7ff981522b50:s2 -> Node0x7ff981522db0;
	Node0x7ff981522d30 [shape=record,label="{%8:\l\l  %9 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4\l  %10 = add nsw i32 %9, 1\l  store i32 %10, i32* %1, align 4\l  br label %11\l}"];
	Node0x7ff981522d30 -> Node0x7ff981522db0;
	Node0x7ff981522db0 [shape=record,label="{%11:\l\l  %12 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4\l  %13 = add nsw i32 %12, 2\l  store i32 %13, i32* %1, align 4\l  br label %14\l}"];
	Node0x7ff981522db0 -> Node0x7ff981522b90;
	Node0x7ff981522b90 [shape=record,label="{%14:\l\l  %15 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4\l  %16 = add nsw i32 %15, 3\l  store i32 %16, i32* %1, align 4\l  br label %17\l}"];
	Node0x7ff981522b90 -> Node0x7ff981522740;
	Node0x7ff981522740 [shape=record,label="{%17:\l\l  br label %18\l}"];
	Node0x7ff981522740 -> Node0x7ff981522d70;
	Node0x7ff981522d70 [shape=record,label="{%18:\l\l  %19 = load i32, i32* %2, align 4\l  %20 = add nsw i32 %19, 1\l  store i32 %20, i32* %2, align 4\l  br label %3\l}"];
	Node0x7ff981522d70 -> Node0x7ff981522980;
	Node0x7ff981522bd0 [shape=record,label="{%21:\l\l  %22 = load i32, i32* %1, align 4\l  ret i32 %22\l}"];
    positions = set()
    for _, _, position in cfg.edges(data="position"):
    assert positions == {0, 1, 2}
Esempio n. 9
def test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_fizz_buzz():
    """Test the fizz buzz graph properties."""
    cfg = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(FIZZBUZZ_DOT)
    assert cfg.graph["name"] == "FizzBuzz"
    assert cfg.number_of_nodes() == 4
    assert cfg.number_of_edges() == 4

    # Create a map of node names to indices.
    name_to_node = {data["name"]: node for node, data in cfg.nodes(data=True)}

    # Test that graph has required edges.
    assert cfg.has_edge(name_to_node["%1"], name_to_node["%7"])
    assert cfg.has_edge(name_to_node["%1"], name_to_node["%8"])
    assert cfg.has_edge(name_to_node["%7"], name_to_node["%9"])
    assert cfg.has_edge(name_to_node["%8"], name_to_node["%9"])
Esempio n. 10
def TryToCreateControlFlowGraphsFromLinuxSrc(
  path: pathlib.Path,
) -> typing.List[cfg.ControlFlowGraph]:
  """Try to create CFGs from a Linux C source file.

  On failure, an empty list is returned.

    path: The path of the source file.

    A list of ControlFlowGraph instances.

    ClangException: If compiling to bytecode fails.
  graphs = []

    bytecode, _ = BytecodeFromLinuxSrc(path, "-O0")
  except clang.ClangException:
    return graphs

  # Extract a dot sources from the bytecode.
  dot_generator = opt_util.DotControlFlowGraphsFromBytecode(bytecode)
  while True:
      dot = next(dot_generator)
      # Instantiate a CFG from the dot source.
      graph = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(dot)
    except (
    except StopIteration:

  return graphs
Esempio n. 11
    def _Build(self, bytecode: str, tag_hook: llvm_util.TagHook):
        """Private implementation of Build function."""
        # First construct the control flow graphs using opt.
        ) = opt_util.DotCallGraphAndControlFlowGraphsFromBytecode(
            bytecode, opt_path=self.opt)

        # Then construct the call graph dot using opt.
        call_graph = cg.CallGraphFromDotSource(call_graph_dot)
        # Construct NetworkX control flow graphs from the dot graphs.
        cfgs = [
            llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(cfg_dot, tag_hook=tag_hook)
            for cfg_dot in cfg_dots

        # Add data flow elements to control flow graphs.
        graphs = [self.CreateControlAndDataFlowUnion(cfg) for cfg in cfgs]
        # Finally, compose the per-function graphs into a whole-module graph.
        return self.ComposeGraphs(graphs, call_graph)
Esempio n. 12
def test_BuildFullFlowGraph_node_text():
    """Test flow graph nodes have expected text."""
    # This test assumes that ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource() behaves as expected.
    # test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_fizz_buzz() will fail if this is not the
    # case.
    cfg = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(FIZZBUZZ_DOT)
    sig = cfg.BuildFullFlowGraph()

    # Create a map of node names to indices.
    name_to_node = {data["name"]: node for node, data in sig.nodes(data=True)}

    # Block %1.
    assert sig.nodes[
        name_to_node["%1.0"]]["text"] == "%2 = alloca i32, align 4"
    assert sig.nodes[
        name_to_node["%1.1"]]["text"] == "%3 = alloca i32, align 4"
    assert (sig.nodes[name_to_node["%1.2"]]["text"] ==
            "store i32 %0, i32* %3, align 4")
    assert (sig.nodes[name_to_node["%1.3"]]["text"] ==
            "%4 = load i32, i32* %3, align 4")
    assert sig.nodes[name_to_node["%1.4"]]["text"] == "%5 = srem i32 %4, 15"
    assert sig.nodes[name_to_node["%1.5"]]["text"] == "%6 = icmp eq i32 %5, 0"
    # Note the conditional branch instruction has had the labels stripped.
    assert sig.nodes[name_to_node["%1.6"]]["text"] == "br i1 %6"

    # Block %7.
    assert (sig.nodes[name_to_node["%7.0"]]["text"] ==
            "store i32 1, i32* %2, align 4")

    # Block %8.
    assert (sig.nodes[name_to_node["%8.0"]]["text"] ==
            "store i32 0, i32* %2, align 4")

    # Block %9.
    assert (sig.nodes[name_to_node["%9.0"]]["text"] ==
            "%10 = load i32, i32* %2, align 4")
    assert sig.nodes[name_to_node["%9.1"]]["text"] == "ret i32 %10"
Esempio n. 13
def CreateControlFlowGraphFromOpenClKernel(
        kernel_name: str,
        opencl_kernel: str) -> typing.Optional[cfg.ControlFlowGraph]:
    """Try to create a CFG proto from an opencl kernel.

    kernel_name: The name of the OpenCL kernel defined in opencl_kernel.
    opencl_kernel: A string of OpenCL. This should contain a single kernel

    A ControlFlowGraph instance, or None if compilation to bytecode fails.

    ClangException: If compiling to bytecode fails.
    ValueError: If opencl_kernel contains multiple functions.
    bytecode, _ = BytecodeFromOpenClString(opencl_kernel, "-O0")

    # Extract a single dot source from the bytecode.
    dot_generator = opt_util.DotControlFlowGraphsFromBytecode(bytecode)
    dot = next(dot_generator)
        raise ValueError("Bytecode produced more than one dot source!")
    except StopIteration:

    # Instantiate a CFG from the dot source.
    graph = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(dot)

    # Set the name of the graph to the kernel name. This is because the src code
    # has been preprocessed, so that each kernel is named 'A'.
    graph.graph["name"] = kernel_name

    return graph
Esempio n. 14
def MakePolyhedralGraphs(
  bytecode: str, n: typing.Optional[int] = None, false=False, true=True,
) -> typing.Iterable[nx.MultiDiGraph]:
  """Create an annotated graph from a bytecode that potentially contains
     polyhedral loops.

    bytecode: The bytecode which produced the input graph.
    n: The maximum number of graphs to produce. This value is ignored and one graph
      will be produced with all polyhedral regions annotated.
    false: TODO( Unused. This method
      is hardcoded to use 2-class 1-hots.
    true: TODO( Unused. This method
      is hardcoded to use 2-class 1-hots.

    A generator of annotated graphs, where each graph has 'x' and 'y' labels on
    the statement nodes, and additionally a 'data_flow_max_steps_required'
    attribute which is set to the largest number of statements in a polyhedral block.
  # TODO( Replace true/false args
  # with a list of class values for all graph annotator functions.
  del false
  del true
  del n

  # One-hot encoding
  false = np.array([1, 0], np.int64)
  true = np.array([0, 1], np.int64)

  # Canonicalize input graph (see
  bytecode = BytecodeToPollyCanonicalized(bytecode)
  g = CreateCDFG(bytecode)

  # Build the polyhedral building blocks
  scop_graphs, _ = opt_util.DotGraphsFromBytecode(

  # Loop over each function
  max_steps = 0
  cdfgs = []
  for i, graph in enumerate(scop_graphs):
    graph_annotator = PolyhedralRegionAnnotator()
    dot = graph
    cfg = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(dot, tag_hook=graph_annotator)
    builder = graph_builder.ProGraMLGraphBuilder()
    annotated_cdfg = builder.BuildFromControlFlowGraph(cfg)

    steps = sum(
      for nid, node in annotated_cdfg.nodes(data=True)
      if node.get("polyhedral")
    max_steps = max(max_steps, steps)

  labelled = g.copy()
  labelled.data_flow_max_steps_required = max_steps
  AnnotatePolyhedra(labelled, cdfgs, false=false, true=true)
  yield labelled
Esempio n. 15
def test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_graph_name():
    """Test that CFG has correct name."""
    g = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(SIMPLE_C_DOT)
    assert g.graph["name"] == "DoSomething"
Esempio n. 16
def test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_num_edges():
    """Test that CFG has correct number of edges."""
    g = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(SIMPLE_C_DOT)
    assert g.number_of_edges() == 4
Esempio n. 17
def test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_node_names():
    """Test that CFG names are as expected."""
    g = llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource(SIMPLE_C_DOT)
    node_names = sorted([g.nodes[n]["name"] for n in g.nodes],
                        key=lambda x: int(x[1:]))
    assert node_names == ["%2", "%9", "%12", "%18"]
Esempio n. 18
def test_ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource_invalid_source():
    """Test that exception is raised if dot can't be parsed."""
    with test.Raises(pyparsing.ParseException):
        llvm_util.ControlFlowGraphFromDotSource("invalid dot source!")