Esempio n. 1
def do_query(archives, config_file=None, logger=None, context=None):
    Ingest NLS pages, applies all 4 preprocess treatments (none, normalize, lemmatize, stem) to each page, and save them to HDFS CSV files, with some metadata associated with each page.
    Metadata collected: tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename, page id, num pages, 
    type of archive, model, page_string_raw, page_string_norm, page_string_lemmatize, page_string_stem, num_page_words

    Data is saved as Dataframes into HDFS CSV files 

    ('Encyclopaedia Britannica; or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature', 'Fourth edition ...', 
      1810, 'Edinburgh', '/mnt/lustre/at003/at003/rfilguei2/nls-data-encyclopaediaBritannica/191253839', 
      'alto/192209952.34.xml', 'Page5', 446, 'book', 'nls',  u"Part III. MORAL PHILOSOPHY....., u"part iii moral ...", u"part iii moral ...", u"part iii moral...",'46')
    :param archives: RDD of defoe.nls.archive.Archive
    :type archives: pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD
    :param config_file: query configuration file
    :type config_file: str or unicode
    :param logger: logger (unused)
    :type logger: py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject
    :return: "0"
    :rtype: string

    preprocess_none = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("none")
    preprocess_normalize = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("normalize")
    preprocess_lemmatize = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("lemmatize")
    preprocess_stem = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("stem")
    documents = archives.flatMap(
        lambda archive: [(document.title, document.edition, document.year, \
                , document.archive.filename, document.num_pages, \
                           document.document_type, document.model, document) for document in list(archive)])
    # [(tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename,
    #   page id, num pages, type of archive, type of disribution, model, page_string_raw, page_string_norm,
    #   page_string_lemmatize, page_string_stem, num_page_words )]
    pages = documents.flatMap(
        lambda year_document: [(year_document[0], year_document[1], year_document[2],\
                               year_document[3], year_document[4], page.code, page.page_id, \
                               year_document[5], year_document[6], year_document[7], get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_none), \
                               get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_normalize), \
                               get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_lemmatize), get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_stem),\
                                len(page.words)) for page in year_document[8]])

    nlsRow=Row("title","edition","year", "place", "archive_filename", "page_filename","page_id","num_pages","type_archive", \
                "model","page_string_raw", "page_string_norm", "page_string_lemmatize", "page_string_stem", "num_page_words")
    sqlContext = SQLContext(context)
    df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pages, nlsRow)

    with open(config_file, "r") as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)
    url = "jdbc:postgresql://%s:%s/%s" % (config["host"], config["port"],
    properties = {"user": config["user"], "driver": config["driver"]}

    mode = "overwrite"
    return "0"
Esempio n. 2
def do_query(archives, config_file=None, logger=None, context=None):
    Ingest NLS pages, applies all 4 preprocess treatments (none, normalize, lemmatize, stem) to each page, and save them to HDFS CSV files, with some metadata associated with each page.
    Metadata collected: tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename, page id, num pages, 
    type of archive, model, source_text_raw, source_text_norm, source_text_lemmatize, source_text_stem, num_page_words

    Data is saved as Dataframes into HDFS CSV files 

    ('Encyclopaedia Britannica; or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature', 'Fourth edition ...', 
      1810, 'Edinburgh', '/mnt/lustre/at003/at003/rfilguei2/nls-data-encyclopaediaBritannica/191253839', 
      'alto/192209952.34.xml', 'Page5', 446, 'book', 'nls',  u"Part III. MORAL PHILOSOPHY....., u"part iii moral ...", u"part iii moral ...", u"part iii moral...",'46')
    :param archives: RDD of defoe.nls.archive.Archive
    :type archives: pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD
    :param config_file: query configuration file
    :type config_file: str or unicode
    :param logger: logger (unused)
    :type logger: py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject
    :return: "0"
    :rtype: string

    preprocess_none = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("none")
    preprocess_normalize = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("normalize")
    preprocess_lemmatize = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("lemmatize")
    preprocess_stem = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("stem")
    text_unit = "page"
    # [(tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename,
    #   page id, num pages, type of archive, type of disribution, model)]
    documents = archives.flatMap(
        lambda archive: [(document.title, document.edition, document.year, \
                , document.archive.filename, document.num_pages, \
                           document.document_type, document.model, document) for document in list(archive)])
    pages = documents.flatMap(
        lambda year_document: [(year_document[0], year_document[1], year_document[2],\
                               year_document[3], year_document[4], page.code, text_unit, page.page_id, \
                               year_document[5], year_document[6], year_document[7], get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_none), \
                               get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_normalize), \
                               get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_lemmatize), get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_stem),\
                                len(page.words)) for page in year_document[8]])

    nlsRow = Row("title", "edition", "year", "place", "archive_filename",
                 "source_text_filename", "text_unit", "text_unit_id",
                 "num_text_unit", "type_archive", "model", "source_text_raw",
                 "source_text_clean", "source_text_norm",
                 "source_text_lemmatize", "source_text_stem", "num_words")

    sqlContext = SQLContext(context)
    df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pages, nlsRow)
        "header", "true").csv("hdfs:///user/at003/rosa/nls_demo.csv")
    return "0"
def do_query(archives, config_file=None, logger=None, context=None):
    Ingest NLS pages, applies all 4 preprocess treatments (none, normalize, lemmatize, stem) to each page, and save them to PostgreSQL table, with some metadata associated with each page.
    Metadata collected: tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename, page id, num pages, 
    type of archive, model, source_text_raw, source_text_norm, source_text_lemmatize, source_text_stem, num_page_words

    Data is saved as Dataframes into PostgreSQL table 

    ('Encyclopaedia Britannica,"Seventh edition, Volume 13, LAB-Magnetism",1842,Edinburgh,/mnt/lustre/at003/at003/rfilguei2/nls-data-encyclopaediaBritannica/193108323,alto/193201394.34.xml,page,Page9,810,book,nls,"THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA DICTIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, AND GENERAL LITERATURE. SEVENTH EDITION, i WITH PRELIMINARY DISSERTATIONS ON THE HISTORY OF THE SCIENCES, AND OTHER EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS; INCLUDING THE LATE SUPPLEMENT. A GENERAL INDEX, AND NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. VOLUME XIII. ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, EDINBURGH; M.DCCC.XLII.","THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA DICTIONARY OF ARTS, SCIENCES, AND GENERAL LITERATURE. SEVENTH EDITION, i WITH PRELIMINARY DISSERTATIONS ON THE HISTORY OF THE SCIENCES, AND OTHER EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS; INCLUDING THE LATE SUPPLEMENT. A GENERAL INDEX, AND NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS. VOLUME XIII. ADAM AND CHARLES BLACK, EDINBURGH; M.DCCC.XLII.",the encyclopaedia britannica dictionary of arts sciences and general literature seventh edition i with preliminary dissertations on the history of the sciences and other extensive improvements and additions including the late supplement a general index and numerous engravings volume xiii adam and charles black edinburgh mdcccxlii,the encyclopaedia britannica dictionary of art science and general literature seventh edition i with preliminary dissertation on the history of the science and other extensive improvement and addition including the late supplement a general index and numerous engraving volume xiii adam and charles black edinburgh mdcccxlii,the encyclopaedia britannica dictionari of art scienc and gener literatur seventh edit i with preliminari dissert on the histori of the scienc and other extens improv and addit includ the late supplement a gener index and numer engrav volum xiii adam and charl black edinburgh mdcccxlii,46')

    :param archives: RDD of defoe.nls.archive.Archive
    :type archives: pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD
    :param config_file: query configuration file
    :type config_file: str or unicode
    :param logger: logger (unused)
    :type logger: py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject
    :return: "0"
    :rtype: string
    preprocess_none = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("none")
    preprocess_normalize = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("normalize")
    preprocess_lemmatize = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("lemmatize")
    preprocess_stem = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("stem")
    text_unit = "page"
    # [(tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename, 
    #   page id, num pages, type of archive, type of disribution, model)]
    documents = archives.flatMap(
        lambda archive: [(document.title, document.edition, document.year, \
                , document.archive.filename, document.num_pages, \
                           document.document_type, document.model, document) for document in list(archive)])
    # [(tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename, text_unit, text_unit_id, 
    #   num_text_unit, type of archive, type of disribution, model, raw_page, clean_page, num_words)]
    pages_clean = documents.flatMap(
        lambda year_document: [(year_document[0], year_document[1], year_document[2],\
                               year_document[3], year_document[4], page.code, text_unit, page.page_id, \
                               year_document[5], year_document[6], year_document[7], get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_none), \
                               clean_page_as_string(page), len(page.words)) for page in year_document[8]])
    # [(tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename, text_unit, text_unit_id, 
    #   num_text_unit, type of archive, type of disribution, model, raw_page, clean_page, clean_norm_page, clean_lemma_page, clean_stemm_page, num_words)]
    pages = pages_clean.flatMap(
        lambda clean_page: [(clean_page[0], clean_page[1], clean_page[2],\
                               clean_page[3], clean_page[4], clean_page[5], clean_page[6], clean_page[7], \
                               clean_page[8], clean_page[9], clean_page[10], clean_page[11],\
                               clean_page[12], preprocess_clean_page(clean_page[12], preprocess_normalize),\
                               preprocess_clean_page(clean_page[12], preprocess_lemmatize), preprocess_clean_page(clean_page[12], preprocess_stem), clean_page[13])])

    nlsRow=Row("title",  "edition", "year", "place", "archive_filename",  "source_text_filename", "text_unit", "text_unit_id", "num_text_unit", "type_archive", "model", "source_text_raw", "source_text_clean", "source_text_norm", "source_text_lemmatize", "source_text_stem", "num_words")
    sqlContext = SQLContext(context)
    df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pages,nlsRow)
    with open(config_file, "r") as f:
        config = yaml.load(f)
    url = "jdbc:postgresql://%s:%s/%s" % (config["host"],config["port"],config["database"])
    properties = {"user": config["user"] ,"driver": config["driver"]}
    mode = "overwrite"
    df.write.jdbc(url=url, table=config["table"], mode=mode, properties=properties)
    return "0"
Esempio n. 4
def do_query(archives, config_file=None, logger=None, context=None):
    Writes pages (preprocessed or not) as string to HDFS textfiles, and some metadata associated with each document.
    If we have a config_file indiciating the preprocess treament, it will be to the words extracted from pages. Otherwise, non preprocess treatment will be applied.
    Metadata collected: tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename, page id, num pages, type of archive, model, type of preprocess treatment, prep_page_string

    Data is saved as RDD into HDFS textfiles 

    ('Encyclopaedia Britannica; or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature', 'Fourth edition ...', 
      1810, 'Edinburgh', '/mnt/lustre/at003/at003/rfilguei2/nls-data-encyclopaediaBritannica/191253839', 
      'alto/192209952.34.xml', 'Page5', 446, 'book', 'nls', <PreprocessWordType.NONE:4>, u"Part III. MORAL PHILOSOPHY.....)
    :param archives: RDD of defoe.nls.archive.Archive
    :type archives: pyspark.rdd.PipelinedRDD
    :param config_file: query configuration file
    :type config_file: str or unicode
    :param logger: logger (unused)
    :type logger: py4j.java_gateway.JavaObject
    :return: "0"
    :rtype: string
    if config_file is not None:
        with open(config_file, "r") as f:
            config = yaml.load(f)
        preprocess_type = query_utils.extract_preprocess_word_type(config)
        preprocess_type = query_utils.parse_preprocess_word_type("none")
    documents = archives.flatMap(
        lambda archive: [(document.title, document.edition, str(document.year), \
                , document.archive.filename, str(document.num_pages), \
                           document.document_type, document.model, document) for document in list(archive)])
    # [(tittle, edition, year, place, archive filename, page filename,
    #   page id, num pages, type of archive, type of disribution, model, type of preprocess treatment, page_as_string)]
    pages = documents.flatMap(
        lambda year_document: [(year_document[0], year_document[1], year_document[2],\
                               year_document[3], year_document[4], page.code, page.page_id, \
                               year_document[5], year_document[6], year_document[7], str(preprocess_type), \
                               get_page_as_string(page, preprocess_type)) for page in year_document[8]])

    return "0"