def parse_match_xml(cls, el, source_location): """ Parses out the match-related arguments """ path = cls._parse_attr(el, 'path', default='path') domain = cls._parse_attr(el, 'domain', default='wildcard-insensitive') request_header = cls._parse_attr(el, 'request-header', default='exact', header=True) response_header = cls._parse_attr(el, 'response-header', default='exact', header=True) response_status = cls._parse_attr(el, 'response-status', default='exact') environ = cls._parse_attr(el, 'environ', default='exact', header=True) pyref = PyReference.parse_xml( el, source_location=source_location, default_function='match_request', default_objs=dict(AbortTheme=AbortTheme)) return dict( path=path, domain=domain, request_header=request_header, response_header=response_header, response_status=response_status, environ=environ, pyref=pyref, source_location=source_location)
def parse_match_xml(cls, el, source_location): """ Parses out the match-related arguments """ path = cls._parse_attr(el, 'path', default='path') domain = cls._parse_attr(el, 'domain', default='wildcard-insensitive') request_header = cls._parse_attr(el, 'request-header', default='exact', header=True) response_header = cls._parse_attr(el, 'response-header', default='exact', header=True) response_status = cls._parse_attr(el, 'response-status', default='exact') environ = cls._parse_attr(el, 'environ', default='exact', header=True) pyref = PyReference.parse_xml(el, source_location=source_location, default_function='match_request', default_objs=dict(AbortTheme=AbortTheme)) return dict(path=path, domain=domain, request_header=request_header, response_header=response_header, response_status=response_status, environ=environ, pyref=pyref, source_location=source_location)
def parse_xml(cls, el, source_location): """Parse an instance from an etree XML element""" assert el.tag == 'theme' href = el.get('href') pyref = PyReference.parse_xml(el, source_location, default_function='get_theme', default_objs=dict(AbortTheme=AbortTheme)) if not pyref and not href: ## FIXME: also warn when pyref and href? raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( 'You must provide at least one of href, pymodule, or the ' 'pyfile attribute', element=el) return cls(href=href, pyref=pyref, source_location=source_location)
def parse_xml(cls, el, source_location): """Parse an instance from an etree XML element""" href = el.get('href') pyref = PyReference.parse_xml( el, source_location, default_function='get_proxy_dest', default_objs=dict(AbortProxy=AbortProxy)) next = asbool(el.get('next')) if next and (href or pyref): raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( 'If you have a next="1" attribute you cannot also have an href ' 'or pyref attribute', element=el, source_location=source_location) return cls(href, pyref, next=next, source_location=source_location)
def parse_xml(cls, el, source_location): """Parse an instance from an etree XML element""" assert el.tag == "request" pyref = PyReference.parse_xml( el, source_location, default_function="modify_proxy_request", default_objs=dict(AbortProxy=AbortProxy) ) header = el.get("header") content = el.get("content") ## FIXME: the misspelling is annoying :( if (not header and content) or (not content and header): raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( "If you provide a header attribute you must provide a " "content attribute, and vice versa", element=el, source_location=source_location, ) return cls(pyref, header, content, source_location=source_location)
def parse_xml(cls, el, source_location): """Parse an instance from an etree XML element""" assert el.tag == 'request' pyref = PyReference.parse_xml(el, source_location, default_function='modify_proxy_request', default_objs=dict(AbortProxy=AbortProxy)) header = el.get('header') content = el.get('content') ## FIXME: the misspelling is annoying :( if (not header and content) or (not content and header): raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( "If you provide a header attribute you must provide a " "content attribute, and vice versa", element=el, source_location=source_location) return cls(pyref, header, content, source_location=source_location)
def parse_xml(cls, el, source_location): """Create an instance from a parsed element""" assert el.tag == 'response' pyref = PyReference.parse_xml( el, source_location, default_function='modify_proxy_response', default_objs=dict(AbortProxy=AbortProxy)) header = el.get('header') content = el.get('content') if (not header and content) or (not content and header): raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( "If you provide a header attribute you must provide a content " "attribute, and vice versa", element=el, source_location=source_location) rewrite_links = asbool(el.get('rewrite-links')) return cls(pyref=pyref, header=header, content=content, rewrite_links=rewrite_links, source_location=source_location)
def parse_xml(cls, el, source_location, environ=None, traverse=False): """Parse an instance from an etree XML element""" middleware_factory = None middleware_factory_kwargs = None if traverse and el.tag != 'server-settings': try: el = el.xpath('//server-settings')[0] except IndexError: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( "There is no <server-settings> element", element=el) if environ is None: environ = os.environ assert el.tag == 'server-settings' server_host = 'localhost:8080' ## FIXME: should these defaults be passed in: execute_pyref = True display_local_files = True edit_local_files = True dev_allow_ips = [] dev_deny_ips = [] dev_htpasswd = None dev_expiration = 0 dev_users = {} dev_secret_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'deliverance', 'devauth.txt') for child in el: if child.tag is Comment: continue ## FIXME: should some of these be attributes? elif child.tag == 'server': server_host = cls.substitute(child.text, environ) elif child.tag == 'execute-pyref': execute_pyref = asbool(cls.substitute(child.text, environ)) elif child.tag == 'dev-allow': dev_allow_ips.extend( cls.substitute(child.text, environ).split()) elif child.tag == 'dev-deny': dev_deny_ips.extend( cls.substitute(child.text, environ).split()) elif child.tag == 'dev-htpasswd': dev_htpasswd = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(url_to_filename(source_location)), cls.substitute(child.text, environ)) elif child.tag == 'dev-expiration': dev_expiration = cls.substitute(child.text, environ) if dev_expiration: dev_expiration = int(dev_expiration) elif child.tag == 'display-local-files': display_local_files = asbool( cls.substitute(child.text, environ)) elif child.tag == 'edit-local-files': edit_local_files = asbool(cls.substitute(child.text, environ)) elif child.tag == 'dev-user': username = cls.substitute(child.get('username', ''), environ) ## FIXME: allow hashed password? password = cls.substitute(child.get('password', ''), environ) if not username or not password: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( "<dev-user> must have both a username and password attribute", element=child) if username in dev_users: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( '<dev-user username="******"> appears more than once' % username, element=el) dev_users[username] = password elif child.tag == 'dev-secret-file': dev_secret_file = cls.substitute(child.text, environ) elif child.tag == 'middleware-factory': ref = PyReference.parse_xml(child, source_location) middleware_factory = ref.function middleware_factory_kwargs = ref.args or None else: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( 'Unknown element in <server-settings>: <%s>' % child.tag, element=child) if dev_users and dev_htpasswd: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( "You can use <dev-htpasswd> or <dev-user>, but not both", element=el) if not dev_users and not dev_htpasswd: ## FIXME: not sure this is the best way to warn print( 'Warning: no <dev-users> or <dev-htpasswd>; logging is inaccessible' ) ## FIXME: add a default allow_ips of return cls(server_host, execute_pyref=execute_pyref, display_local_files=display_local_files, edit_local_files=edit_local_files, dev_allow_ips=dev_allow_ips, dev_deny_ips=dev_deny_ips, dev_users=dev_users, dev_htpasswd=dev_htpasswd, dev_expiration=dev_expiration, source_location=source_location, dev_secret_file=dev_secret_file, middleware_factory=middleware_factory, middleware_factory_kwargs=middleware_factory_kwargs)
def from_xml(cls, el, source_location): """Parses and instantiates the class from an element""" pyref = PyReference.parse_xml(el, source_location=source_location, default_function='transform') return cls(source_location, pyref)
def parse_xml(cls, el, source_location, environ=None, traverse=False): """Parse an instance from an etree XML element""" middleware_factory = None middleware_factory_kwargs = None if traverse and el.tag != 'server-settings': try: el = el.xpath('//server-settings')[0] except IndexError: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( "There is no <server-settings> element", element=el) if environ is None: environ = os.environ assert el.tag == 'server-settings' server_host = 'localhost:8080' ## FIXME: should these defaults be passed in: execute_pyref = True display_local_files = True edit_local_files = True dev_allow_ips = [] dev_deny_ips = [] dev_htpasswd = None dev_expiration = 0 dev_users = {} dev_secret_file = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'deliverance', 'devauth.txt') for child in el: if child.tag is Comment: continue ## FIXME: should some of these be attributes? elif child.tag == 'server': server_host = cls.substitute(child.text, environ) elif child.tag == 'execute-pyref': execute_pyref = asbool(cls.substitute(child.text, environ)) elif child.tag == 'dev-allow': dev_allow_ips.extend(cls.substitute(child.text, environ).split()) elif child.tag == 'dev-deny': dev_deny_ips.extend(cls.substitute(child.text, environ).split()) elif child.tag == 'dev-htpasswd': dev_htpasswd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(url_to_filename(source_location)), cls.substitute(child.text, environ)) elif child.tag == 'dev-expiration': dev_expiration = cls.substitute(child.text, environ) if dev_expiration: dev_expiration = int(dev_expiration) elif child.tag == 'display-local-files': display_local_files = asbool(cls.substitute(child.text, environ)) elif child.tag == 'edit-local-files': edit_local_files = asbool(cls.substitute(child.text, environ)) elif child.tag == 'dev-user': username = cls.substitute(child.get('username', ''), environ) ## FIXME: allow hashed password? password = cls.substitute(child.get('password', ''), environ) if not username or not password: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( "<dev-user> must have both a username and password attribute", element=child) if username in dev_users: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( '<dev-user username="******"> appears more than once' % username, element=el) dev_users[username] = password elif child.tag == 'dev-secret-file': dev_secret_file = cls.substitute(child.text, environ) elif child.tag == 'middleware-factory': ref = PyReference.parse_xml(child, source_location) middleware_factory = ref.function middleware_factory_kwargs = ref.args or None else: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( 'Unknown element in <server-settings>: <%s>' % child.tag, element=child) if dev_users and dev_htpasswd: raise DeliveranceSyntaxError( "You can use <dev-htpasswd> or <dev-user>, but not both", element=el) if not dev_users and not dev_htpasswd: ## FIXME: not sure this is the best way to warn print 'Warning: no <dev-users> or <dev-htpasswd>; logging is inaccessible' ## FIXME: add a default allow_ips of return cls(server_host, execute_pyref=execute_pyref, display_local_files=display_local_files, edit_local_files=edit_local_files, dev_allow_ips=dev_allow_ips, dev_deny_ips=dev_deny_ips, dev_users=dev_users, dev_htpasswd=dev_htpasswd, dev_expiration=dev_expiration, source_location=source_location, dev_secret_file=dev_secret_file, middleware_factory=middleware_factory, middleware_factory_kwargs=middleware_factory_kwargs)
def from_xml(cls, el, source_location): """Parses and instantiates the class from an element""" pyref = PyReference.parse_xml( el, source_location=source_location, default_function='transform') return cls(source_location, pyref)