def convert_article(article): """Convert article from KB format to AMCAT format. Unused keys in AMCAT format are: section, byline, length, externalid, author, addressee, uuid Args: article: representation of one article as retrieved from Delpher API. Predicate: Identifier and date are always set. Returns: An article in Amcat's representation. Postcondition: date, headline, text, and medium are always set. """ ocr = DelpherAPI.article_ocr(article['identifier']) page = article.get('page', '') return { 'date': datetime.strptime(article['date'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S').isoformat(), 'headline': article.get('title', '%(ocr).30s...' % {'ocr': ocr}), # headline must not be empty 'medium': article.get('papertitle', 'ppn: {0}'.format(delpher.ppn)), 'text': ocr if len(ocr) > 0 else '<no text>', 'pagenr': int(page) if page.isdigit() else '', 'url': article.get('metadataKey', ''), 'metastring': json.dumps(article) # Just store all available information for potential later use. }
def __init__(self, from_date, until_date): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.delpher_api = DelpherAPI(delpher.ppn, from_date, until_date) self.amcat_api = self.setup_amcat(from_date, until_date)
class DelpherToAmcat(threading.Thread): set_id = None def __init__(self, from_date, until_date): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.delpher_api = DelpherAPI(delpher.ppn, from_date, until_date) self.amcat_api = self.setup_amcat(from_date, until_date) def run(self): """Start the transfer process of articles from to """ for result_page in self.delpher_api.result_pages(): articles = [DelpherToAmcat.convert_article(article) for article in result_page] self.upload_to_amcat(articles)'Done. Processed all articles in set {self.set_id}.'.format(**locals())) def setup_amcat(self, from_date, until_date): """Create Amcat API object and save configuration data for later use. """ amcat_api = AmcatAPI(, amcat.username, amcat.password)'Setup Amcat API with host {0}, username {1}. Use project {2}'.format(, amcat.username, amcat.project)) now = set_name = amcat.set_name_template.format(**locals()) try: aset = amcat_api.create_set(project=amcat.project, name=set_name, provenance=amcat.data_provenance) except: log.exception('Could not create article set') raise'Created article set in Amcat. ID: {0}'.format(aset['id'])) self.set_id = aset['id'] return amcat_api @staticmethod def convert_article(article): """Convert article from KB format to AMCAT format. Unused keys in AMCAT format are: section, byline, length, externalid, author, addressee, uuid Args: article: representation of one article as retrieved from Delpher API. Predicate: Identifier and date are always set. Returns: An article in Amcat's representation. Postcondition: date, headline, text, and medium are always set. """ ocr = DelpherAPI.article_ocr(article['identifier']) page = article.get('page', '') return { 'date': datetime.strptime(article['date'], '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S').isoformat(), 'headline': article.get('title', '%(ocr).30s...' % {'ocr': ocr}), # headline must not be empty 'medium': article.get('papertitle', 'ppn: {0}'.format(delpher.ppn)), 'text': ocr if len(ocr) > 0 else '<no text>', 'pagenr': int(page) if page.isdigit() else '', 'url': article.get('metadataKey', ''), 'metastring': json.dumps(article) # Just store all available information for potential later use. } def upload_to_amcat(self, articles): """Create articles in Amcat using AmcatAPI Args: articles: List of articles in Amcat's format """ try: self.amcat_api.create_articles(project=amcat.project, articleset=self.set_id, json_data=articles) except: log.exception('Could not upload articles to amcat. url: {amcat.project}; set: {self.set_id}; ' 'data: {articles}'.format(**locals()))