Esempio n. 1
 def test_eq(self):
     a = Conjunction([TypeIdentifier('a')])
     b = Conjunction([String('a')])
     assert a == a
     assert a != b
     assert a == TypeIdentifier('a')
     assert a != String('a')
Esempio n. 2
 def test__delitem__(self):
     a = Conjunction([AVM({'A.B': String('x')}), AVM({'A.D': String('y')})])
     del a['A.B']
     assert 'A.B' not in a
     assert 'A.D' in a
     del a['A']
     assert 'A' not in a
Esempio n. 3
def test_format_lists():
    assert tdl.format(ConsList()) == '< ... >'
    assert tdl.format(ConsList(end=tdl.EMPTY_LIST_TYPE)) == '< >'
    assert tdl.format(ConsList([String('a')])) == '< "a", ... >'
    assert tdl.format(ConsList([String('a')],
                               end=Coreference('b'))) == '< "a" . #b >'

    assert tdl.format(DiffList()) == '<! !>'
    assert tdl.format(DiffList([String('a')])) == '<! "a" !>'
    assert tdl.format(DiffList([String('a'), String('b')])) == '<! "a", "b" !>'
Esempio n. 4
def test_AVM():
    a = AVM()
    assert a.features() == []
    assert 'ATTR' not in a

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        AVM({'ATTR': 'val'})

    a = AVM([('ATTR', Conjunction([TypeIdentifier('a')]))])
    assert len(a.features()) == 1
    assert 'ATTR' in a
    assert a.features()[0][0] == 'ATTR'
    assert a.features()[0][1].types() == ['a']
    assert a.features()[0][1] == a['ATTR']

    a = AVM([('ATTR1.ATTR2', Conjunction([String('b')]))])
    assert len(a.features()) == 1
    assert a.features()[0][0] == 'ATTR1.ATTR2'
    assert a.features()[0][1] == a['ATTR1.ATTR2']

    a = AVM([('ATTR1',
              Conjunction([AVM([('ATTR2.ATTR3', Conjunction([String('b')]))])
    assert len(a.features()) == 1
    assert a.features()[0][0] == 'ATTR1'
    assert a.features()[0][1] == a['ATTR1']
    assert a['ATTR1'].features()[0][0] == 'ATTR2.ATTR3'
    assert a['ATTR1'].features()[0][1] == a['ATTR1.ATTR2.ATTR3']
    assert a['ATTR1.ATTR2.ATTR3'] == a['ATTR1']['ATTR2']['ATTR3']
    assert a.features(expand=True)[0][0] == 'ATTR1.ATTR2.ATTR3'
    assert a.features()[0][0] == 'ATTR1.ATTR2.ATTR3'
    assert a.features(expand=True)[0][0] == 'ATTR1.ATTR2.ATTR3'

    a = AVM()
    a['ATTR1.ATTR2'] = Conjunction([TypeIdentifier('a')])
    assert len(a.features()) == 1
    assert a.features()[0][0] == 'ATTR1.ATTR2'
    b = AVM()
    b['ATTR1.ATTR2'] = TypeIdentifier('a')
    assert a == b

    a = AVM([('ATTR1',
                   AVM([('ATTR2', TypeIdentifier('c'))])]))])
    assert a.features(expand=True) == [('ATTR1', TypeIdentifier('b')),
                                       ('ATTR1.ATTR2', TypeIdentifier('c'))]
Esempio n. 5
def test_Term():
    q = Term(docstring='hi')
    assert q.docstring == 'hi'

    r = Regex('r*')
    s = String('s')
    t = TypeIdentifier('t')
    a = AVM()
    cl = ConsList()
    dl = DiffList()
    c = Coreference(None)
    assert isinstance(r, Term)
    assert isinstance(s, Term)
    assert isinstance(t, Term)
    assert isinstance(a, Term)
    assert isinstance(cl, Term)
    assert isinstance(dl, Term)
    assert isinstance(c, Term)
    assert isinstance(r & s, Conjunction)
    assert (r & s).terms == [r, s]
    assert isinstance(s & t, Conjunction)
    assert isinstance(t & a, Conjunction)
    assert isinstance(a & cl, Conjunction)
    assert isinstance(cl & dl, Conjunction)
    assert isinstance(dl & c, Conjunction)
    assert isinstance(c & r, Conjunction)
    assert isinstance((r & s) & t, Conjunction)
    assert ((r & s) & t).terms == [r, s, t]
    assert isinstance(r & (s & t), Conjunction)
    assert (r & (s & t)).terms == [r, s, t]
Esempio n. 6
def test_TypeDefinition():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    t = TypeDefinition('typename', Conjunction([TypeIdentifier('a')]))
    assert t.identifier == 'typename'
    assert t.supertypes == t.conjunction.types() == [TypeIdentifier('a')]
    assert t.features() == []
    assert t.documentation() is None
    assert t.documentation(level='top') == []

    # promote simple definition to Conjunction
    t = TypeDefinition('typename', TypeIdentifier('a'))
    assert t.identifier == 'typename'
    assert t.supertypes == t.conjunction.types() == [TypeIdentifier('a')]
    assert t.features() == []
    assert t.documentation() is None
    assert t.documentation(level='top') == []

    # must have a supertype  (test currently only at parse-time)
    # with pytest.raises(TdlError):
    #     TypeDefinition('t', Conjunction([AVM([('ATTR', String('s'))])]))

    t = TypeDefinition(
        't', Conjunction([AVM([('ATTR', String('s'))]),
    assert t.supertypes == [TypeIdentifier('a')]
    assert t.features() == [('ATTR', Conjunction([String('s')]))]

    t = TypeDefinition('t', TypeIdentifier('a'), docstring='doc')
    assert t.docstring == 'doc'
    assert t.documentation() == 'doc'
    assert t.documentation(level='top') == ['doc']

    t = TypeDefinition('t',
                       TypeIdentifier('a', docstring='a doc'),
    assert t.docstring == 'doc'
    assert t.documentation() == 'a doc'
    assert t.documentation(level='top') == ['a doc', 'doc']
Esempio n. 7
def test_format_docstring_terms():
    assert tdl.format(TypeIdentifier('a',
                                     docstring='doc')) == '"""\ndoc\n"""\na'
    assert tdl.format(String('a', docstring='doc')) == '"""\ndoc\n"""\n"a"'
    assert tdl.format(Regex('a', docstring='doc')) == '"""\ndoc\n"""\n^a$'
    assert tdl.format(Coreference('a', docstring='doc')) == '"""\ndoc\n"""\n#a'
    assert tdl.format(AVM(docstring='doc')) == '"""\ndoc\n"""\n[ ]'
    assert tdl.format(ConsList(docstring='doc')) == '"""\ndoc\n"""\n< ... >'
    assert tdl.format(DiffList(docstring='doc')) == '"""\ndoc\n"""\n<! !>'
    # escape docstrings if necessary
    assert tdl.format(
        TypeIdentifier('a', docstring='"one" ""two"" """three""" """"""""')
    ) == '"""\n"one" ""two"" ""\\"three""\\" ""\\"""\\"""\n"""\na'
Esempio n. 8
def test_TypeIdentifier():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        t = TypeIdentifier()
    t = TypeIdentifier('t')
    # case-insensitive comparision
    assert t == TypeIdentifier('t')
    assert t == TypeIdentifier('T')
    assert t != String('t')
    assert t != Regex('t')
    assert t == 't'
    assert t == 'T'

    t = TypeIdentifier('t2', docstring='doc')
    assert t == 't2'
    assert t == TypeIdentifier('t2', docstring='foo')
Esempio n. 9
def test_Regex():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        t = Regex()

    t = Regex('r')
    # case-sensitive comparison
    assert t == Regex('r')
    assert t != Regex('R')
    assert t != TypeIdentifier('r')
    assert t != String('r')
    assert t == 'r'
    assert t != 'R'

    t = Regex('r2', docstring='doc')
    assert t == 'r2'
    assert t == Regex('r2', docstring='foo')
Esempio n. 10
def test_DiffList():
    d = DiffList()
    assert len(d) == 0
    assert d.last == 'LIST'
    assert d['LAST'] == d[d.last]

    d = DiffList([TypeIdentifier('a')])
    assert len(d) == 1
    assert d.last == 'LIST.REST'
    assert d['LAST'] == d[d.last]
    d = DiffList([TypeIdentifier('a'), String('b')])
    assert len(d) == 2
    assert d.last == 'LIST.REST.REST'
    assert d['LAST'] == d[d.last]

    # append() is not defined for DiffList
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
Esempio n. 11
def test_String():
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        t = String()

    t = String('s')
    # case-sensitive comparison
    assert t == String('s')
    assert t != String('S')
    assert t != TypeIdentifier('s')
    assert t != Regex('s')
    assert t == 's'
    assert t != 'S'

    t = String('s2', docstring='doc')
    assert t == 's2'
    assert t == String('s2', docstring='foo')
Esempio n. 12
def test_format_TypeTerms():
    assert tdl.format(TypeIdentifier('a-type')) == 'a-type'
    assert tdl.format(String('a string')) == '"a string"'
    assert tdl.format(Regex('a*re[g]ex')) == '^a*re[g]ex$'
    assert tdl.format(Coreference('coref')) == '#coref'