Esempio n. 1
def unpack_wv_to_folder(zip_path, unpack_folder):

    with portalocker.Lock(zip_path, 'r', timeout=300) as unused:  #pylint: disable=W0612
        # Check if we already unpacked this data
        (tif_path, imd_path) = get_files_from_unpack_folder(unpack_folder)

        if imd_path and tif_path:
            print('Unpacking file ' + zip_path + ' to folder ' + unpack_folder)
            utilities.unpack_to_folder(zip_path, unpack_folder)
            # some worldview zip files have a subdirectory with the name of the image
            if not os.path.exists(
                    os.path.join(unpack_folder, 'vendor_metadata')):
                subdir = os.path.join(
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(subdir, 'vendor_metadata')):
                    raise Exception('vendor_metadata not found in %s.' %
                for filename in os.listdir(subdir):
                    os.rename(os.path.join(subdir, filename),
                              os.path.join(unpack_folder, filename))
            (tif_path, imd_path) = get_files_from_unpack_folder(unpack_folder)
    return (tif_path, imd_path)
Esempio n. 2
    def _unpack(self, paths):
        # Get the folder where this will be stored from the cache manager
        unpack_folder =

        with portalocker.Lock(paths, 'r', timeout=300) as unused: #pylint: disable=W0612
            # Check if we already unpacked this data
            (tif_path, imd_path) = _get_files_from_unpack_folder(unpack_folder)

            if imd_path and tif_path:
                #tf.print('Already have unpacked files in ' + unpack_folder,
                #         output_stream=sys.stdout)
                tf.print('Unpacking file ' + paths + ' to folder ' + unpack_folder,
                utilities.unpack_to_folder(paths, unpack_folder)
                # some worldview zip files have a subdirectory with the name of the image
                if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(unpack_folder, 'vendor_metadata')):
                    subdir = os.path.join(unpack_folder, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(paths))[0])
                    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(subdir, 'vendor_metadata')):
                        raise Exception('vendor_metadata not found in %s.' % (paths))
                    for filename in os.listdir(subdir):
                        os.rename(os.path.join(subdir, filename), os.path.join(unpack_folder, filename))
                (tif_path, imd_path) = _get_files_from_unpack_folder(unpack_folder)
        return (tif_path, imd_path)
Esempio n. 3
    def _prep(self, paths):
        """Prepares a Landsat file from the archive for processing.
           Returns [band, paths, in, order, ...]
           Uses the bands specified in _get_landsat_bands_to_use()
           TODO: Handle bands which are not 30 meters!
           TODO: Apply TOA conversion!
        scene_info = get_scene_info(paths)
        self._sensor = scene_info['sensor']
        self._lpath = scene_info['lpath']
        self._lrow = scene_info['lrow']
        self._date = scene_info['date']

        # Get the folder where this will be stored from the cache manager
        name = '_'.join([self._sensor, self._lpath, self._lrow, self._date])
        untar_folder =

        # Check if we already unpacked this data
        all_files_present = False
        if os.path.exists(untar_folder):
            mtl_path = _find_mtl_file(untar_folder)
            if mtl_path:
                mtl_data = _parse_mtl_file(mtl_path)
                all_files_present = _check_if_files_present(
                    mtl_data, untar_folder)

        if all_files_present:
            print('Already have unpacked files in ' + untar_folder)
            print('Unpacking tar file ' + paths + ' to folder ' + untar_folder)
            utilities.unpack_to_folder(paths, untar_folder)

        bands_to_use = _get_landsat_bands_to_use(
            self._sensor) if self._bands is None else self._bands

        # Generate all the band file names (the MTL file is not returned)
        self._mtl_path = _find_mtl_file(untar_folder)
        self._mtl_data = _parse_mtl_file(self._mtl_path)
        output_paths = _get_band_paths(self._mtl_data, untar_folder,

        # Check that the files exist
        for p in output_paths:
            if not os.path.exists(p):
                raise Exception('Did not find expected file: ' + p +
                                ' after unpacking tar file ' + paths)

        return output_paths
Esempio n. 4
    def _unpack(self, paths):
        # Get the folder where this will be stored from the cache manager
        name = '_'.join([self._sensor, self._date])
        unpack_folder =

        # Check if we already unpacked this data
        (tif_path, imd_path) = _get_files_from_unpack_folder(unpack_folder)

        if imd_path and tif_path:
            #print('Already have unpacked files in ' + unpack_folder)
            print('Unpacking file ' + paths + ' to folder ' + unpack_folder)
            utilities.unpack_to_folder(paths, unpack_folder)
            (tif_path, imd_path) = _get_files_from_unpack_folder(unpack_folder)
        return (tif_path, imd_path)
Esempio n. 5
def unpack_inputs(tar_folder, unpack_folder):
    """Make sure all of the input label files are untarred.
       The unpack folder can be the same as the tar folder.
       Returns the list of label files.

    if not os.path.exists(unpack_folder):

    file_list = []

    # Loop through tar files
    input_list = os.listdir(tar_folder)

    for f in input_list:
        ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1]
        if ext != '.tar':
        # The name of the input tar does not fully match the untar file names
        name = os.path.basename(f)
        parts = name.split('_')
        prefix = '_'.join(parts[0:4])

        # Look to see if we have a matching label file
        tar_path = os.path.join(tar_folder, f)
        label_path = look_for_file(unpack_folder, [prefix, '_INWM.tif'])

        # If we did not find the INWM file, untar.
        if not label_path:
            utilities.unpack_to_folder(tar_path, unpack_folder)
            # Look again for a matching INWM file
            label_path = look_for_file(unpack_folder, [prefix, '_INWM.tif'])
            if not label_path:
                raise Exception('Failed to untar label file: ' + tar_path)

    return file_list
Esempio n. 6
def unpack_s1_to_folder(zip_path, unpack_folder):
    '''Returns the merged image path from the unpack folder.
       Unpacks the zip file and merges the source images as needed.'''

    if shutil.which('gpt') is None:
        raise Exception('Could not find the tool "gpt", do you have ESA SNAP installed and on your PATH?')

    with portalocker.Lock(zip_path, 'r', timeout=300) as unused: #pylint: disable=W0612

        merged_path = get_merged_path(unpack_folder)
            test_image = tiff.TiffImage(merged_path) #pylint: disable=W0612
        except Exception: #pylint: disable=W0703
            test_image = None

        if test_image: # Merged image is ready to use
            print('Already have unpacked files in ' + unpack_folder)
            return merged_path
        # Otherwise go through the entire unpack process

        need_to_unpack = True
        if os.path.exists(unpack_folder):
            source_image_paths = get_files_from_unpack_folder(unpack_folder)
            if len(source_image_paths) == NUM_SOURCE_CHANNELS:
                need_to_unpack = False
                print('Already have files')
                print('Clearing unpack folder missing image files.')
                os.system('rm -rf ' + unpack_folder)

        if need_to_unpack:
            print('Unpacking file ' + zip_path + ' to folder ' + unpack_folder)
            utilities.unpack_to_folder(zip_path, unpack_folder)
            subdirs = os.listdir(unpack_folder)
            if len(subdirs) != 1:
                raise Exception('Unexpected Sentinel1 subdirectories: ' + str(subdirs))
            cmd = 'mv ' + os.path.join(unpack_folder, subdirs[0]) +'/* ' + unpack_folder
        source_image_paths = get_files_from_unpack_folder(unpack_folder)

        if len(source_image_paths) != NUM_SOURCE_CHANNELS:
            raise Exception('Did not find two image files in ' + zip_path)

        USE_SNAP = True # To get real results we need to use SNAP

        if USE_SNAP: # Requires the Sentinel1 processing software to be installed
            # Run the preconfigured SNAP preprocessing graph
            # - The SNAP tool *must* write to a .tif extension, so we have to
            #   rename the file if we want something else.
            temp_out_path = merged_path.replace('.vrt', '.tif')
            run_ffilipponi_preprocessing(unpack_folder, temp_out_path)

            dimap_path = temp_out_path + '.dim'
            cmd = 'pconvert -s 0,0 -f GeoTIFF-BigTiff -o ' + os.path.dirname(temp_out_path) +' '+ dimap_path
            MIN_IMAGE_SIZE = 1024*1024*500 # 500 MB, expected size is much larger
            if not os.path.exists(temp_out_path):
                raise Exception('Failed to run ESA SNAP preprocessing!')
            if os.path.getsize(temp_out_path) < MIN_IMAGE_SIZE:
                raise Exception('SNAP encountered a problem processing the file!')
            os.system('mv ' + temp_out_path + ' ' + merged_path)
            # Generate a merged file containing all input images as an N channel image
            cmd = 'gdalbuildvrt -separate ' + merged_path
            for f in source_image_paths:
                cmd += ' ' + f

        # Verify that we generated a valid image file
            test_image = tiff.TiffImage(merged_path) #pylint: disable=W0612
        except Exception as e: #pylint: disable=W0703
            raise Exception('Failed to generate merged Sentinel1 file: ' + merged_path) from e

    return merged_path