Esempio n. 1
    def write_yaml_with_docker(self, yml_text, yml_data, script_obj):
        """Write out the yaml file taking into account the dockerimage45 tag.
        If it is present will create 2 integration files
        One for 4.5 and below and one for 5.0.

            output_path {str} -- output path
            yml_text {str} -- yml text
            yml_data {dict} -- yml object
            script_obj {dict} -- script object

            dict -- dictionary mapping output path to text data
        output_map = {self.dest_path: yml_text}
        if 'dockerimage45' in script_obj:
            # we need to split into two files 45 and 50. Current one will be from version 5.0
            yml_text = re.sub(r'^\s*dockerimage45:.*\n?', '', yml_text,
                              flags=re.MULTILINE)  # remove the dockerimage45 line
            yml_text45 = yml_text
            if 'fromversion' in yml_data:
                # validate that this is a script/integration which targets both 4.5 and 5.0+.
                if server_version_compare(yml_data['fromversion'], '5.0.0') >= 0:
                    raise ValueError('Failed: {}. dockerimage45 set for 5.0 and later only'.format(self.dest_path))
                yml_text = re.sub(r'^fromversion:.*$', 'fromversion: 5.0.0', yml_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
                yml_text = 'fromversion: 5.0.0\n' + yml_text
            if 'toversion' in yml_data:
                # validate that this is a script/integration which targets both 4.5 and 5.0+.
                if server_version_compare(yml_data['toversion'], '5.0.0') < 0:
                    raise ValueError('Failed: {}. dockerimage45 set for 4.5 and earlier only'.format(self.dest_path))
                yml_text45 = re.sub(r'^toversion:.*$', 'toversion: 4.5.9', yml_text45, flags=re.MULTILINE)
                yml_text45 = 'toversion: 4.5.9\n' + yml_text45
            if script_obj.get('dockerimage45'):  # we have a value for dockerimage45 set it as dockerimage
                yml_text45 = re.sub(r'(^\s*dockerimage:).*$', r'\1 ' + script_obj.get('dockerimage45'),
                                    yml_text45, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            else:  # no value for dockerimage45 remove the dockerimage entry
                yml_text45 = re.sub(r'^\s*dockerimage:.*\n?', '', yml_text45, flags=re.MULTILINE)
            output_path45 = re.sub(r'\.yml$', '_45.yml', self.dest_path)
            output_map = {
                self.dest_path: yml_text,
                output_path45: yml_text45
        for file_path, file_text in output_map.items():
            if os.path.isfile(file_path):
                raise ValueError('Output file already exists: {}.'
                                 ' Make sure to remove this file from source control'
                                 ' or rename this package (for example if it is a v2).'.format(self.dest_path))
            with, mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as file_:
        return output_map
Esempio n. 2
 def is_valid_feed(self):
     # type: () -> bool
     if self.current_file.get("feed"):
         from_version = self.current_file.get("fromversion", "0.0.0")
         if not from_version or server_version_compare("5.5.0", from_version) == 1:
             print_error(Errors.feed_wrong_from_version(self.file_path, from_version))
             return False
     return True
Esempio n. 3
    def is_docker_image_changed(self):
        """Check if the Docker image was changed or not."""
        # Unnecessary to check docker image only on 5.0 and up
        if server_version_compare(self.old_file.get('fromversion', '0'), '5.0.0') < 0:
            old_docker = get_dockerimage45(self.old_file.get('script', {}))
            new_docker = get_dockerimage45(self.current_file.get('script', {}))
            if old_docker != new_docker:
                print_error(Errors.breaking_backwards_docker(self.file_path, old_docker, new_docker))
                self.is_valid = False
                return True

        return False
Esempio n. 4
 def is_docker_image_changed(self):
     # type: () -> bool
     """Check if the docker image as been changed."""
     # Unnecessary to check docker image only on 5.0 and up
     if server_version_compare(self.old_file.get('fromversion', '0'),
                               '5.0.0') < 0:
         old_docker = get_dockerimage45(self.old_file)
         new_docker = get_dockerimage45(self.current_file)
         if old_docker != new_docker:
                                                  old_docker, new_docker))
             return True
     return False
Esempio n. 5
 def test_server_version_compare(self, left, right, answer):
     assert server_version_compare(left, right) == answer