Esempio n. 1
def get_reduced_parameters():
    # Model Parameters
    S = 10
    J = 2
    T = int(2 * S)
    lambdas = np.array([.50, .50])
    starting_age = 40
    ending_age = 50
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age-starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96
    beta = beta_annual ** (float(ending_age-starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 3.0
    alpha = .35
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05
    delta = 1 - ((1-delta_annual) ** (float(ending_age-starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age-starting_age)/S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    b_ellipse = 25.6594
    k_ellipse = -26.4902
    upsilon = 3.0542

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    mean_income_data = 84377.0
    a_tax_income = 3.03452713268985e-06
    b_tax_income = .222
    c_tax_income = 133261.0
    d_tax_income = .219
    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.15
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-3
    MINIMIZER_OPTIONS = {'maxiter': 1}
    PLOT_TPI = False
    maxiter = 10
    mindist_SS = 1e-3
    mindist_TPI = 1e-6
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    chi_b_guess = np.array([1, 100000])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14])

    # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
        S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    e = np.array([[0.25, 1.25]] * 10)
    allvars = dict(locals())
    return allvars
Esempio n. 2
def get_full_parameters():
    # Model Parameters
    S = 80
    J = 7
    T = int(2 * S)
    lambdas = np.array([.25, .25, .2, .1, .1, .09, .01])
    starting_age = 20
    ending_age = 100
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age-starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96
    beta = beta_annual ** (float(ending_age-starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 3.0
    alpha = .35
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05
    delta = 1 - ((1-delta_annual) ** (float(ending_age-starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age-starting_age)/S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    b_ellipse = 25.6594
    k_ellipse = -26.4902
    upsilon = 3.0542

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    mean_income_data = 84377.0
    a_tax_income = 3.03452713268985e-06
    b_tax_income = .222
    c_tax_income = 133261.0
    d_tax_income = .219
    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.15
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-14
    PLOT_TPI = True
    maxiter = 250
    mindist_SS = 1e-9
    mindist_TPI = 1e-6
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    chi_b_guess = np.array([2, 10, 90, 350, 1700, 22000, 120000])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([47.12000874 , 22.22762421 , 14.34842241 , 10.67954008 ,  8.41097278
                             ,  7.15059004 ,  6.46771332 ,  5.85495452 ,  5.46242013 ,  5.00364263
                             ,  4.57322063 ,  4.53371545 ,  4.29828515 ,  4.10144524 ,  3.8617942  ,  3.57282
                             ,  3.47473172 ,  3.31111347 ,  3.04137299 ,  2.92616951 ,  2.58517969
                             ,  2.48761429 ,  2.21744847 ,  1.9577682  ,  1.66931057 ,  1.6878927
                             ,  1.63107201 ,  1.63390543 ,  1.5901486  ,  1.58143606 ,  1.58005578
                             ,  1.59073213 ,  1.60190899 ,  1.60001831 ,  1.67763741 ,  1.70451784
                             ,  1.85430468 ,  1.97291208 ,  1.97017228 ,  2.25518398 ,  2.43969757
                             ,  3.21870602 ,  4.18334822 ,  4.97772026 ,  6.37663164 ,  8.65075992
                             ,  9.46944758 , 10.51634777 , 12.13353793 , 11.89186997 , 12.07083882
                             , 13.2992811  , 14.07987878 , 14.19951571 , 14.97943562 , 16.05601334
                             , 16.42979341 , 16.91576867 , 17.62775142 , 18.4885405  , 19.10609921
                             , 20.03988031 , 20.86564363 , 21.73645892 , 22.6208256  , 23.37786072
                             , 24.38166073 , 25.22395387 , 26.21419653 , 27.05246704 , 27.86896121
                             , 28.90029708 , 29.83586775 , 30.87563699 , 31.91207845 , 33.07449767
                             , 34.27919965 , 35.57195873 , 36.95045988 , 38.62308152])
    # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
        S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    e = get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS, flag_graphs)
    allvars = dict(locals())
    return allvars
Esempio n. 3
                         ,  3.47473172 ,  3.31111347 ,  3.04137299 ,  2.92616951 ,  2.58517969
                         ,  2.48761429 ,  2.21744847 ,  1.9577682  ,  1.66931057 ,  1.6878927
                         ,  1.63107201 ,  1.63390543 ,  1.5901486  ,  1.58143606 ,  1.58005578
                         ,  1.59073213 ,  1.60190899 ,  1.60001831 ,  1.67763741 ,  1.70451784
                         ,  1.85430468 ,  1.97291208 ,  1.97017228 ,  2.25518398 ,  2.43969757
                         ,  3.21870602 ,  4.18334822 ,  4.97772026 ,  6.37663164 ,  8.65075992
                         ,  9.46944758 , 10.51634777 , 12.13353793 , 11.89186997 , 12.07083882
                         , 13.2992811  , 14.07987878 , 14.19951571 , 14.97943562 , 16.05601334
                         , 16.42979341 , 16.91576867 , 17.62775142 , 18.4885405  , 19.10609921
                         , 20.03988031 , 20.86564363 , 21.73645892 , 22.6208256  , 23.37786072
                         , 24.38166073 , 25.22395387 , 26.21419653 , 27.05246704 , 27.86896121
                         , 28.90029708 , 29.83586775 , 30.87563699 , 31.91207845 , 33.07449767
                         , 34.27919965 , 35.57195873 , 36.95045988 , 38.62308152])

# Demographic and Ability variables
omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = demographics.get_omega(
    S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
e = income.get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS, flag_graphs)

# List of parameter names that will not be changing (unless we decide to
# change them for a tax experiment)
param_names = ['S', 'J', 'T', 'lambdas', 'starting_age', 'ending_age',
             'beta', 'sigma', 'alpha', 'nu', 'Z', 'delta', 'E',
             'ltilde', 'g_y', 'maxiter', 'mindist_SS', 'mindist_TPI',
             'b_ellipse', 'k_ellipse', 'upsilon',
             'a_tax_income', 'chi_b_guess', 'chi_n_guess',
             'b_tax_income', 'c_tax_income', 'd_tax_income',
             'tau_payroll', 'tau_bq', 'calibrate_model',
             'retire', 'mean_income_data', 'g_n_vector',
             'h_wealth', 'p_wealth', 'm_wealth', 'get_baseline',
             'omega', 'g_n_ss', 'omega_SS', 'surv_rate', 'e', 'rho']
Esempio n. 4
Generate income and demographic parameters
e            = S x J matrix of age dependent possible working abilities
omega        = T x S x J array of demographics
g_n          = steady state population growth rate
omega_SS     = steady state population distribution
children     = T x starting_age x J array of children demographics
surv_rate    = S x 1 array of survival rates
mort_rate    = S x 1 array of mortality rates

e = income.get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, bin_weights)
omega, g_n, omega_SS, children, surv_rate = demographics.get_omega(
    S, J, T, bin_weights, starting_age, ending_age, E)
mort_rate = 1 - surv_rate

surv_rate[-1] = 0.0
mort_rate[-1] = 1
Finding the Steady State
K_guess_init = (S-1 x J) array for the initial guess of the distribution
               of capital
L_guess_init = (S x J) array for the initial guess of the distribution
               of labor
solutions    = ((S * (S-1) * J * J) x 1) array of solutions of the
               steady state distributions of capital and labor
Kssmat       = ((S-1) x J) array of the steady state distribution of
Esempio n. 5
Generate income and demographic parameters
e            = S x J matrix of age dependent possible working abilities
omega        = T x S x J array of demographics
g_n          = steady state population growth rate
omega_SS     = steady state population distribution
children     = T x starting_age x J array of children demographics
surv_rate    = S x 1 array of survival rates
mort_rate    = S x 1 array of mortality rates

if SS_stage == 'first_run_for_guesses':
    omega, g_n, omega_SS, children, surv_rate = demographics.get_omega(
        S, J, T, bin_weights, starting_age, ending_age, E)
    e = income.get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, bin_weights, omega_SS)
    mort_rate = 1-surv_rate
    var_names = ['omega', 'g_n', 'omega_SS', 'children', 'surv_rate', 'e', 'mort_rate']
    dictionary = {}
    for key in var_names:
        dictionary[key] = globals()[key]
    pickle.dump(dictionary, open("OUTPUT/income_demo_vars.pkl", "w"))
    variables = pickle.load(open("OUTPUT/income_demo_vars.pkl", "r"))
    for key in variables:
        globals()[key] = variables[key]

chi_n_guess = np.array([47.12000874 , 22.22762421 , 14.34842241 , 10.67954008 ,  8.41097278
 ,  7.15059004 ,  6.46771332 ,  5.85495452 ,  5.46242013 ,  5.00364263
Esempio n. 6
def get_full_parameters():
    Set exogenous model parameters including parameters determined
    outside the model from other processes

    # Model Parameters
    S = int(80)
    J = int(7)
    T = int(3 * S)
    lambdas = np.array([.25, .25, .2, .1, .1, .09, .01])
    starting_age = int(21)
    ending_age = int(100)
    E = int(
            float(S) * (float(starting_age) - 1) /
            (float(ending_age - starting_age) + 1)))
    beta_annual = .96
    beta = beta_annual**(float(ending_age - starting_age + 1) / S)
    sigma = 3.0
    alpha = .35
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05
    delta = 1 - (
        (1 - delta_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age + 1) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age + 1) / S) - 1

    # Elliptical disutility of labor parameters
    b_ellipse = 25.6594
    k_ellipse = -26.4902
    upsilon = 3.0542

    # Set parameters to generate effective tax rate parameters
    beg_yr = int(2015)
    end_yr = int(2024)
    tpers = int(end_yr - beg_yr + 1)
    numparams = int(10)
    desc_data = False
    graph_data = False
    graph_est = False
    dmtrgr_est = False
    params_txfn = (starting_age, ending_age, beg_yr, end_yr, tpers, numparams,
                   desc_data, graph_data, graph_est, dmtrgr_est)
    dict_tfparams = txfn.get_TaxFunParams(params_txfn)

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-14
    PLOT_TPI = True
    maxiter = 250
    mindist_SS = 1e-9
    mindist_TPI = 1e-6
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    chi_b_guess = np.array([2, 10, 90, 350, 1700, 22000, 120000])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([
        47.12000874, 22.22762421, 14.34842241, 10.67954008, 8.41097278,
        7.15059004, 6.46771332, 5.85495452, 5.46242013, 5.00364263, 4.57322063,
        4.53371545, 4.29828515, 4.10144524, 3.8617942, 3.57282, 3.47473172,
        3.31111347, 3.04137299, 2.92616951, 2.58517969, 2.48761429, 2.21744847,
        1.9577682, 1.66931057, 1.6878927, 1.63107201, 1.63390543, 1.5901486,
        1.58143606, 1.58005578, 1.59073213, 1.60190899, 1.60001831, 1.67763741,
        1.70451784, 1.85430468, 1.97291208, 1.97017228, 2.25518398, 2.43969757,
        3.21870602, 4.18334822, 4.97772026, 6.37663164, 8.65075992, 9.46944758,
        10.51634777, 12.13353793, 11.89186997, 12.07083882, 13.2992811,
        14.07987878, 14.19951571, 14.97943562, 16.05601334, 16.42979341,
        16.91576867, 17.62775142, 18.4885405, 19.10609921, 20.03988031,
        20.86564363, 21.73645892, 22.6208256, 23.37786072, 24.38166073,
        25.22395387, 26.21419653, 27.05246704, 27.86896121, 28.90029708,
        29.83586775, 30.87563699, 31.91207845, 33.07449767, 34.27919965,
        35.57195873, 36.95045988, 38.62308152
    # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
        S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    e = get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS, flag_graphs)
    allvars = dict(locals())
    return allvars
Esempio n. 7
def get_reduced_parameters(baseline, guid, user_modifiable, metadata):
    This function sets the parameters for the reduced model, which is
    simplified to run more quickly for testing.

    baseline        = boolean, =True if baseline tax policy, =False if reform
    guid            = string, id for reform run
    user_modifiable = boolean, =True if allow user modifiable parameters
    metadata        = boolean, =True if use metadata file for parameter
                       values (rather than what is entered in parameters below)


    See parameters defined above
    allvars = dictionary, dictionary with all parameters defined in this function

    RETURNS: allvars

    OUTPUT: None
    # Model Parameters
    starting_age = 40
    ending_age = 50
    S = int(ending_age-starting_age)
    J = int(2)
    T = int(2 * S)
    BQ_dist = MVKDE(S, J ,proportion_matrix = None, filename = 'BQ_dist.txt', plot = False,  bandwidth = .25)
    BW = int(10)
    lambdas = np.array([.50, .50])
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age - starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96 # Carroll (JME, 2009)
    beta = beta_annual ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 1.5 # value from Attanasio, Banks, Meghir and Weber (JEBS, 1999)
    alpha = .35 # many use 0.33, but many find that capitals share is increasing (e.g. Elsby, Hobijn, and Sahin (BPEA, 2013))
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05 # approximately the value from Kehoe calibration exercise:
    delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual) ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    frisch = 0.4 # Frisch elasticity consistent with Altonji (JPE, 1996) and Peterman (Econ Inquiry, 2016)
    b_ellipse, upsilon = elliptical_u_est.estimation(frisch,ltilde)
    k_ellipse = 0 # this parameter is just a level shifter in utlitiy - irrelevant for analysis

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    ####  will call tax function estimation function here...
    ### do output such that each parameters is in a separate SxBW array

    if baseline:
        baseline_pckl = "TxFuncEst_baseline{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using baseline1 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, baseline_pckl)
        policy_pckl = "TxFuncEst_policy{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using policy1 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, policy_pckl)

    mean_income_data = dict_params['tfunc_avginc'][0]

    etr_params = dict_params['tfunc_etr_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    mtrx_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtrx_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    mtry_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtry_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]

    # To zero out income taxes, uncomment the following 3 lines:
    # etr_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtrx_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtry_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0

    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.15
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-3
    MINIMIZER_OPTIONS = {'maxiter': 1}
    PLOT_TPI = False
    maxiter = 10
    mindist_SS = 1e-3
    mindist_TPI = 1e-3 #1e-6
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    chi_b_guess = np.array([1, 100000])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14])

    # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
       S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    # omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_pop_objs(
    #     E, S, T, 0, 100, 2015, flag_graphs)
    e = np.array([[0.25, 1.25]] * 10)
    allvars = dict(locals())

    if user_modifiable:
        allvars = {k:allvars[k] for k in USER_MODIFIABLE_PARAMS}

    if metadata:
        params_meta = read_parameter_metadata()
        for k,v in allvars.iteritems():
            params_meta[k]["value"] = v
        allvars = params_meta

    return allvars
Esempio n. 8
def get_full_parameters():
    # Model Parameters
    S = 80
    J = 7
    T = int(2 * S)
    lambdas = np.array([.25, .25, .2, .1, .1, .09, .01])
    starting_age = 20
    ending_age = 100
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age - starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96
    beta = beta_annual**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 3.0
    alpha = .35
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05
    delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    b_ellipse = 25.6594
    k_ellipse = -26.4902
    upsilon = 3.0542

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    mean_income_data = 84377.0
    a_tax_income = 3.03452713268985e-06
    b_tax_income = .222
    c_tax_income = 133261.0
    d_tax_income = .219
    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.15
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-14
    PLOT_TPI = True
    maxiter = 250
    mindist_SS = 1e-9
    mindist_TPI = 1e-6
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    chi_b_guess = np.array([2, 10, 90, 350, 1700, 22000, 120000])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([
        47.12000874, 22.22762421, 14.34842241, 10.67954008, 8.41097278,
        7.15059004, 6.46771332, 5.85495452, 5.46242013, 5.00364263, 4.57322063,
        4.53371545, 4.29828515, 4.10144524, 3.8617942, 3.57282, 3.47473172,
        3.31111347, 3.04137299, 2.92616951, 2.58517969, 2.48761429, 2.21744847,
        1.9577682, 1.66931057, 1.6878927, 1.63107201, 1.63390543, 1.5901486,
        1.58143606, 1.58005578, 1.59073213, 1.60190899, 1.60001831, 1.67763741,
        1.70451784, 1.85430468, 1.97291208, 1.97017228, 2.25518398, 2.43969757,
        3.21870602, 4.18334822, 4.97772026, 6.37663164, 8.65075992, 9.46944758,
        10.51634777, 12.13353793, 11.89186997, 12.07083882, 13.2992811,
        14.07987878, 14.19951571, 14.97943562, 16.05601334, 16.42979341,
        16.91576867, 17.62775142, 18.4885405, 19.10609921, 20.03988031,
        20.86564363, 21.73645892, 22.6208256, 23.37786072, 24.38166073,
        25.22395387, 26.21419653, 27.05246704, 27.86896121, 28.90029708,
        29.83586775, 30.87563699, 31.91207845, 33.07449767, 34.27919965,
        35.57195873, 36.95045988, 38.62308152
    # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
        S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    e = get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS, flag_graphs)
    allvars = dict(locals())
    return allvars
Esempio n. 9
def get_reduced_parameters(baseline, guid, user_modifiable, metadata):
    This function sets the parameters for the reduced model, which is
    simplified to run more quickly for testing.

    baseline        = boolean, =True if baseline tax policy, =False if reform
    guid            = string, id for reform run
    user_modifiable = boolean, =True if allow user modifiable parameters
    metadata        = boolean, =True if use metadata file for parameter
                       values (rather than what is entered in parameters below)


    See parameters defined above
    allvars = dictionary, dictionary with all parameters defined in this function

    RETURNS: allvars

    OUTPUT: None
    # Model Parameters
    starting_age = 40
    ending_age = 50
    S = int(ending_age-starting_age)
    J = int(2)
    T = int(2 * S)
    BW = int(10)
    lambdas = np.array([.50, .50])
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age - starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96 # Carroll (JME, 2009)
    beta = beta_annual ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 1.5 # value from Attanasio, Banks, Meghir and Weber (JEBS, 1999)
    alpha = .35 # many use 0.33, but many find that capitals share is increasing (e.g. Elsby, Hobijn, and Sahin (BPEA, 2013))
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05 # approximately the value from Kehoe calibration exercise:
    delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual) ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    frisch = 0.4 # Frisch elasticity consistent with Altonji (JPE, 1996) and Peterman (Econ Inquiry, 2016)
    b_ellipse, upsilon = elliptical_u_est.estimation(frisch,ltilde)
    k_ellipse = 0 # this parameter is just a level shifter in utlitiy - irrelevant for analysis

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    ####  will call tax function estimation function here...
    ### do output such that each parameters is in a separate SxBW array

    if baseline:
        baseline_pckl = "TxFuncEst_baseline{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using baseline1 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, baseline_pckl)
        policy_pckl = "TxFuncEst_policy{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using policy1 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, policy_pckl)

    mean_income_data = dict_params['tfunc_avginc'][0]

    etr_params = dict_params['tfunc_etr_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    mtrx_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtrx_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    mtry_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtry_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]

    # To zero out income taxes, uncomment the following 3 lines:
    # etr_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtrx_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtry_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0

    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.15
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-3
    MINIMIZER_OPTIONS = {'maxiter': 1}
    PLOT_TPI = False
    maxiter = 10
    mindist_SS = 1e-3
    mindist_TPI = 1e-3 #1e-6
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    chi_b_guess = np.array([1, 100000])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14])

    # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
       S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    # omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_pop_objs(
    #     E, S, T, 0, 100, 2015, flag_graphs)
    e = np.array([[0.25, 1.25]] * 10)
    allvars = dict(locals())

    if user_modifiable:
        allvars = {k:allvars[k] for k in USER_MODIFIABLE_PARAMS}

    if metadata:
        params_meta = read_parameter_metadata()
        for k,v in allvars.iteritems():
            params_meta[k]["value"] = v
        allvars = params_meta

    return allvars
Esempio n. 10
def get_full_parameters(baseline, guid, user_modifiable, metadata):
    This function sets the parameters for the full model.

    baseline        = boolean, =True if baseline tax policy, =False if reform
    guid            = string, id for reform run
    user_modifiable = boolean, =True if allow user modifiable parameters
    metadata        = boolean, =True if use metadata file for parameter
                       values (rather than what is entered in parameters below)


    See parameters defined above
    allvars = dictionary, dictionary with all parameters defined in this function

    RETURNS: allvars

    OUTPUT: None
    # Model Parameters
    S = int(80)
    J = int(7)
    T = int(2 * S)
    BW = int(10)
    lambdas = np.array([.25, .25, .2, .1, .1, .09, .01])
    starting_age = 20
    ending_age = 100
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age - starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96 # Carroll (JME, 2009)
    beta = beta_annual ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 1.5 # value from Attanasio, Banks, Meghir and Weber (JEBS, 1999)
    alpha = .35 # many use 0.33, but many find that capitals share is increasing (e.g. Elsby, Hobijn, and Sahin (BPEA, 2013))
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05 # approximately the value from Kehoe calibration exercise:
    delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual) ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    frisch = 0.4 # Frisch elasticity consistent with Altonji (JPE, 1996) and Peterman (Econ Inquiry, 2016)
    b_ellipse, upsilon = elliptical_u_est.estimation(frisch,ltilde)
    k_ellipse = 0 # this parameter is just a level shifter in utlitiy - irrelevant for analysis

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    #  will call tax function estimation function here...
    # do output such that each parameters is in a separate SxBW array
    # read in estimated parameters
    print 'baselines is:', baseline
    if baseline:
        baseline_pckl = "TxFuncEst_baseline{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using baseline2 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, baseline_pckl)

        policy_pckl = "TxFuncEst_policy{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using policy2 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, policy_pckl)

    mean_income_data = dict_params['tfunc_avginc'][0]

    # etr_params = dict_params['tfunc_etr_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    # mtrx_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtrx_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    # mtry_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtry_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]

    # set etrs and mtrs to constant rates over income/age
    etr_params = np.zeros((S,BW,10))
    mtrx_params = np.zeros((S,BW,10))
    mtry_params = np.zeros((S,BW,10))
    etr_params[:,:,7] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_etr']
    mtrx_params[:,:,7] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_mtrx']
    mtry_params[:,:,7] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_mtry']
    etr_params[:,:,9] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_etr']
    mtrx_params[:,:,9] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_mtrx']
    mtry_params[:,:,9] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_mtry']
    etr_params[:,:,5] = 1.0
    mtrx_params[:,:,5] = 1.0
    mtry_params[:,:,5] = 1.0

    # To zero out income taxes, uncomment the following 3 lines:
    # etr_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtrx_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtry_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0

    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.0 #0.15 # were are inluding payroll taxes in tax functions for now
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-14
    PLOT_TPI = False
    maxiter = 250
    mindist_SS = 1e-9
    mindist_TPI = 2e-5
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    chi_b_guess = np.ones((J,)) * 80.0
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([0.7, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.4])
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 10.0])
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([5, 10, 90, 250, 250, 250, 250])
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([2, 10, 90, 350, 1700, 22000, 120000])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([38.12000874, 33.22762421, 25.34842241, 26.67954008, 24.41097278,
                            23.15059004, 22.46771332, 21.85495452, 21.46242013, 22.00364263,
                            21.57322063, 21.53371545, 21.29828515, 21.10144524, 20.8617942,
                            20.57282, 20.47473172, 20.31111347, 19.04137299, 18.92616951,
                            20.58517969, 20.48761429, 20.21744847, 19.9577682, 19.66931057,
                            19.6878927, 19.63107201, 19.63390543, 19.5901486, 19.58143606,
                            19.58005578, 19.59073213, 19.60190899, 19.60001831, 21.67763741,
                            21.70451784, 21.85430468, 21.97291208, 21.97017228, 22.25518398,
                            22.43969757, 23.21870602, 24.18334822, 24.97772026, 26.37663164,
                            29.65075992, 30.46944758, 31.51634777, 33.13353793, 32.89186997,
                            38.07083882, 39.2992811, 40.07987878, 35.19951571, 35.97943562,
                            37.05601334, 37.42979341, 37.91576867, 38.62775142, 39.4885405,
                            37.10609921, 40.03988031, 40.86564363, 41.73645892, 42.6208256,
                            43.37786072, 45.38166073, 46.22395387, 50.21419653, 51.05246704,
                            53.86896121, 53.90029708, 61.83586775, 64.87563699, 66.91207845,
                            68.07449767, 71.27919965, 73.57195873, 74.95045988, 76.62308152])

   # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega_hat, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
        S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    # omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_pop_objs(
    #     E, S, T, 0, 100, 2015, flag_graphs)
    # print 'Differences:'
    # print 'omega diffs: ', (np.absolute(omega-omega2)).max()
    # print 'g_n', g_n_ss, g_n_ss2
    # print 'omega SS diffs: ', (np.absolute(omega_SS-omega_SS2)).max()
    # print 'surv diffs: ', (np.absolute(surv_rate- surv_rate2)).max()
    # print 'mort diffs: ', (np.absolute(rho- rho2)).max()
    # print 'g_n_TP diffs: ', (np.absolute(g_n_vector- g_n_vector2)).max()
    # quit()
    #print 'omega_SS shape: ', omega_SS.shape
    g_n_ss = 0.0
    surv_rate1 = np.ones((S,))# prob start at age S
    surv_rate1[1:] = np.cumprod(surv_rate[:-1], dtype=float)
    omega_SS = np.ones(S)*surv_rate1# number of each age alive at any time
    omega_SS = omega_SS/omega_SS.sum()

    omega = np.tile(np.reshape(omega_SS,(1,S)),(T+S,1))
    g_n_vector = np.tile(g_n_ss,(T+S,))

    e_hetero = get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS, flag_graphs)
    e = np.tile(((e_hetero*lambdas).sum(axis=1)).reshape(S,1),(1,J))
    e /= (e * omega_SS.reshape(S, 1)* lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum()

    allvars = dict(locals())

    if user_modifiable:
        allvars = {k:allvars[k] for k in USER_MODIFIABLE_PARAMS}

    if metadata:
        params_meta = read_parameter_metadata()
        for k,v in allvars.iteritems():
            params_meta[k]["value"] = v
        allvars = params_meta

    return allvars
Esempio n. 11
def get_full_parameters(baseline, guid, user_modifiable, metadata):
    # Model Parameters
    S = int(80)
    J = int(7)
    T = int(2 * S)
    BW = int(10) 
    lambdas = np.array([.25, .25, .2, .1, .1, .09, .01])
    starting_age = 20
    ending_age = 100
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age - starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96 # Carroll (JME, 2009)
    beta = beta_annual ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 1.5 # value from Attanasio, Banks, Meghir and Weber (JEBS, 1999)
    alpha = .35 # many use 0.33, but many find that capitals share is increasing (e.g. Elsby, Hobijn, and Sahin (BPEA, 2013))
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05 # approximately the value from Kehoe calibration exercise:
    delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual) ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    frisch = 0.4 # Frisch elasticity consistent with Altonji (JPE, 1996) and Peterman (Econ Inquiry, 2016)
    b_ellipse, upsilon = elliptical_u_est.estimation(frisch,ltilde)
    k_ellipse = 0 # this parameter is just a level shifter in utlitiy - irrelevant for analysis

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    #  will call tax function estimation function here...
    # do output such that each parameters is in a separate SxBW array
    # read in estimated parameters
    print 'baselines is:', baseline
    if baseline:
        baseline_pckl = "TxFuncEst_baseline{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using baseline2 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, baseline_pckl)

        policy_pckl = "TxFuncEst_policy{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using policy2 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, policy_pckl)

    mean_income_data = dict_params['tfunc_avginc'][0]

    etr_params = dict_params['tfunc_etr_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    mtrx_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtrx_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    mtry_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtry_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]

    # To zero out income taxes, uncomment the following 3 lines:
    # etr_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtrx_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtry_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0

    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.0 #0.15 # were are inluding payroll taxes in tax functions for now
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-14
    PLOT_TPI = False
    maxiter = 250
    mindist_SS = 1e-9
    mindist_TPI = 2e-5 
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([0.7, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.4])
    chi_b_guess = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([38.12000874, 33.22762421, 25.34842241, 26.67954008, 24.41097278, 
                            23.15059004, 22.46771332, 21.85495452, 21.46242013, 22.00364263, 
                            21.57322063, 21.53371545, 21.29828515, 21.10144524, 20.8617942, 
                            20.57282, 20.47473172, 20.31111347, 19.04137299, 18.92616951, 
                            20.58517969, 20.48761429, 20.21744847, 19.9577682, 19.66931057, 
                            19.6878927, 19.63107201, 19.63390543, 19.5901486, 19.58143606, 
                            19.58005578, 19.59073213, 19.60190899, 19.60001831, 21.67763741, 
                            21.70451784, 21.85430468, 21.97291208, 21.97017228, 22.25518398, 
                            22.43969757, 23.21870602, 24.18334822, 24.97772026, 26.37663164, 
                            29.65075992, 30.46944758, 31.51634777, 33.13353793, 32.89186997, 
                            38.07083882, 39.2992811, 40.07987878, 35.19951571, 35.97943562, 
                            37.05601334, 37.42979341, 37.91576867, 38.62775142, 39.4885405, 
                            37.10609921, 40.03988031, 40.86564363, 41.73645892, 42.6208256, 
                            43.37786072, 45.38166073, 46.22395387, 50.21419653, 51.05246704, 
                            53.86896121, 53.90029708, 61.83586775, 64.87563699, 66.91207845, 
                            68.07449767, 71.27919965, 73.57195873, 74.95045988, 76.62308152])

   # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
        S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    e = get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS, flag_graphs)

    allvars = dict(locals())

    if user_modifiable:
        allvars = {k:allvars[k] for k in USER_MODIFIABLE_PARAMS}

    if metadata:
        params_meta = read_parameter_metadata()
        for k,v in allvars.iteritems():
            params_meta[k]["value"] = v
        allvars = params_meta

    return allvars
Esempio n. 12
    3.04137299, 2.92616951, 2.58517969, 2.48761429, 2.21744847, 1.9577682,
    1.66931057, 1.6878927, 1.63107201, 1.63390543, 1.5901486, 1.58143606,
    1.58005578, 1.59073213, 1.60190899, 1.60001831, 1.67763741, 1.70451784,
    1.85430468, 1.97291208, 1.97017228, 2.25518398, 2.43969757, 3.21870602,
    4.18334822, 4.97772026, 6.37663164, 8.65075992, 9.46944758, 10.51634777,
    12.13353793, 11.89186997, 12.07083882, 13.2992811, 14.07987878,
    14.19951571, 14.97943562, 16.05601334, 16.42979341, 16.91576867,
    17.62775142, 18.4885405, 19.10609921, 20.03988031, 20.86564363,
    21.73645892, 22.6208256, 23.37786072, 24.38166073, 25.22395387,
    26.21419653, 27.05246704, 27.86896121, 28.90029708, 29.83586775,
    30.87563699, 31.91207845, 33.07449767, 34.27919965, 35.57195873,
    36.95045988, 38.62308152

# Demographic and Ability variables
omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = demographics.get_omega(
    S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
e = income.get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS,

# List of parameter names that will not be changing (unless we decide to
# change them for a tax experiment)
param_names = [
    'S', 'J', 'T', 'lambdas', 'starting_age', 'ending_age', 'beta', 'sigma',
    'alpha', 'nu', 'Z', 'delta', 'E', 'ltilde', 'g_y', 'maxiter', 'mindist_SS',
    'mindist_TPI', 'b_ellipse', 'k_ellipse', 'upsilon', 'a_tax_income',
    'chi_b_guess', 'chi_n_guess', 'b_tax_income', 'c_tax_income',
    'd_tax_income', 'tau_payroll', 'tau_bq', 'calibrate_model', 'retire',
    'mean_income_data', 'g_n_vector', 'h_wealth', 'p_wealth', 'm_wealth',
    'get_baseline', 'omega', 'g_n_ss', 'omega_SS', 'surv_rate', 'e', 'rho'
Esempio n. 13
def get_full_parameters(baseline, guid, user_modifiable, metadata):
    # Model Parameters
    S = int(80)
    J = int(7)
    T = int(2 * S)
    BW = int(10)
    lambdas = np.array([.25, .25, .2, .1, .1, .09, .01])
    starting_age = 20
    ending_age = 100
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age - starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96  # Carroll (JME, 2009)
    beta = beta_annual**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 1.5  # value from Attanasio, Banks, Meghir and Weber (JEBS, 1999)
    alpha = .35  # many use 0.33, but many find that capitals share is increasing (e.g. Elsby, Hobijn, and Sahin (BPEA, 2013))
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05  # approximately the value from Kehoe calibration exercise:
    delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    frisch = 0.4  # Frisch elasticity consistent with Altonji (JPE, 1996) and Peterman (Econ Inquiry, 2016)
    b_ellipse, upsilon = elliptical_u_est.estimation(frisch, ltilde)
    k_ellipse = 0  # this parameter is just a level shifter in utlitiy - irrelevant for analysis

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    #  will call tax function estimation function here...
    # do output such that each parameters is in a separate SxBW array
    # read in estimated parameters
    print 'baselines is:', baseline
    if baseline:
        baseline_pckl = "TxFuncEst_baseline{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH, baseline_pckl)
        print 'using baseline2 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, baseline_pckl)

        policy_pckl = "TxFuncEst_policy{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH, policy_pckl)
        print 'using policy2 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, policy_pckl)

    mean_income_data = dict_params['tfunc_avginc'][0]

    etr_params = dict_params['tfunc_etr_params_S'][:S, :BW, :]
    mtrx_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtrx_params_S'][:S, :BW, :]
    mtry_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtry_params_S'][:S, :BW, :]

    # To zero out income taxes, uncomment the following 3 lines:
    # etr_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtrx_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtry_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0

    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.0  #0.15 # were are inluding payroll taxes in tax functions for now
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-14
    PLOT_TPI = False
    maxiter = 250
    mindist_SS = 1e-9
    mindist_TPI = 2e-5
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([0.7, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.4])
    chi_b_guess = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([
        38.12000874, 33.22762421, 25.34842241, 26.67954008, 24.41097278,
        23.15059004, 22.46771332, 21.85495452, 21.46242013, 22.00364263,
        21.57322063, 21.53371545, 21.29828515, 21.10144524, 20.8617942,
        20.57282, 20.47473172, 20.31111347, 19.04137299, 18.92616951,
        20.58517969, 20.48761429, 20.21744847, 19.9577682, 19.66931057,
        19.6878927, 19.63107201, 19.63390543, 19.5901486, 19.58143606,
        19.58005578, 19.59073213, 19.60190899, 19.60001831, 21.67763741,
        21.70451784, 21.85430468, 21.97291208, 21.97017228, 22.25518398,
        22.43969757, 23.21870602, 24.18334822, 24.97772026, 26.37663164,
        29.65075992, 30.46944758, 31.51634777, 33.13353793, 32.89186997,
        38.07083882, 39.2992811, 40.07987878, 35.19951571, 35.97943562,
        37.05601334, 37.42979341, 37.91576867, 38.62775142, 39.4885405,
        37.10609921, 40.03988031, 40.86564363, 41.73645892, 42.6208256,
        43.37786072, 45.38166073, 46.22395387, 50.21419653, 51.05246704,
        53.86896121, 53.90029708, 61.83586775, 64.87563699, 66.91207845,
        68.07449767, 71.27919965, 73.57195873, 74.95045988, 76.62308152

    # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
        S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    e = get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS, flag_graphs)

    allvars = dict(locals())

    if user_modifiable:
        allvars = {k: allvars[k] for k in USER_MODIFIABLE_PARAMS}

    if metadata:
        params_meta = read_parameter_metadata()
        for k, v in allvars.iteritems():
            params_meta[k]["value"] = v
        allvars = params_meta

    return allvars
Esempio n. 14
Generate income and demographic parameters
e            = S x J matrix of age dependent possible working abilities
omega        = T x S x J array of demographics
g_n          = steady state population growth rate
omega_SS     = steady state population distribution
surv_rate    = S x 1 array of survival rates
rho    = S x 1 array of mortality rates

if SS_stage == 'first_run_for_guesses':
    # These values never change, so only run it once
    omega, g_n, omega_SS, surv_rate = demographics.get_omega(
        S, J, T, lambdas, starting_age, ending_age, E)
    e = income.get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS)
    rho = 1-surv_rate
    var_names = ['omega', 'g_n', 'omega_SS', 'surv_rate', 'e', 'rho']
    dictionary = {}
    for key in var_names:
        dictionary[key] = globals()[key]
    pickle.dump(dictionary, open("OUTPUT/income_demo_vars.pkl", "w"))
    variables = pickle.load(open("OUTPUT/income_demo_vars.pkl", "r"))
    for key in variables:
        globals()[key] = variables[key]

chi_n_guess = np.array([47.12000874 , 22.22762421 , 14.34842241 , 10.67954008 ,  8.41097278
 ,  7.15059004 ,  6.46771332 ,  5.85495452 ,  5.46242013 ,  5.00364263
Esempio n. 15
def get_full_parameters(baseline, guid, user_modifiable, metadata):
    This function sets the parameters for the full model.

    baseline        = boolean, =True if baseline tax policy, =False if reform
    guid            = string, id for reform run
    user_modifiable = boolean, =True if allow user modifiable parameters
    metadata        = boolean, =True if use metadata file for parameter
                       values (rather than what is entered in parameters below)


    See parameters defined above
    allvars = dictionary, dictionary with all parameters defined in this function

    RETURNS: allvars

    OUTPUT: None
    # Model Parameters
    S = int(80)
    J = int(7)
    T = int(2 * S)
    BQ_dist = MVKDE(S, J ,proportion_matrix = None, filename = 'BQ_dist.txt', plot = False,  bandwidth = .25)
    BW = int(10)
    lambdas = np.array([.25, .25, .2, .1, .1, .09, .01])
    starting_age = 20
    ending_age = 100
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age - starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96 # Carroll (JME, 2009)
    beta = beta_annual ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 1.5 # value from Attanasio, Banks, Meghir and Weber (JEBS, 1999)
    alpha = .35 # many use 0.33, but many find that capitals share is increasing (e.g. Elsby, Hobijn, and Sahin (BPEA, 2013))
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05 # approximately the value from Kehoe calibration exercise:
    delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual) ** (float(ending_age - starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    frisch = 0.4 # Frisch elasticity consistent with Altonji (JPE, 1996) and Peterman (Econ Inquiry, 2016)
    b_ellipse, upsilon = elliptical_u_est.estimation(frisch,ltilde)
    k_ellipse = 0 # this parameter is just a level shifter in utlitiy - irrelevant for analysis

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    #  will call tax function estimation function here...
    # do output such that each parameters is in a separate SxBW array
    # read in estimated parameters
    print 'baselines is:', baseline
    if baseline:
        baseline_pckl = "TxFuncEst_baseline{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using baseline2 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, baseline_pckl)

        policy_pckl = "TxFuncEst_policy{}.pkl".format(guid)
        estimate_file = os.path.join(TAX_ESTIMATE_PATH,
        print 'using policy2 tax parameters'
        dict_params = read_tax_func_estimate(estimate_file, policy_pckl)

    mean_income_data = dict_params['tfunc_avginc'][0]

    # etr_params = dict_params['tfunc_etr_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    # mtrx_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtrx_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]
    # mtry_params = dict_params['tfunc_mtry_params_S'][:S,:BW,:]

    # set etrs and mtrs to constant rates over income/age
    etr_params = np.zeros((S,BW,10))
    mtrx_params = np.zeros((S,BW,10))
    mtry_params = np.zeros((S,BW,10))
    etr_params[:,:,7] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_etr']
    mtrx_params[:,:,7] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_mtrx']
    mtry_params[:,:,7] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_mtry']
    etr_params[:,:,9] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_etr']
    mtrx_params[:,:,9] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_mtrx']
    mtry_params[:,:,9] = dict_params['tfunc_avg_mtry']
    etr_params[:,:,5] = 1.0
    mtrx_params[:,:,5] = 1.0
    mtry_params[:,:,5] = 1.0

    # To zero out income taxes, uncomment the following 3 lines:
    # etr_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtrx_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0
    # mtry_params[:,:,6:] = 0.0

    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.0 #0.15 # were are inluding payroll taxes in tax functions for now
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-14
    PLOT_TPI = False
    maxiter = 250
    mindist_SS = 1e-9
    mindist_TPI = 2e-5
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    chi_b_guess = np.ones((J,)) * 80.0
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([0.7, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.2, 1.4])
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 4.0, 10.0])
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([5, 10, 90, 250, 250, 250, 250])
    #chi_b_guess = np.array([2, 10, 90, 350, 1700, 22000, 120000])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([38.12000874, 33.22762421, 25.34842241, 26.67954008, 24.41097278,
                            23.15059004, 22.46771332, 21.85495452, 21.46242013, 22.00364263,
                            21.57322063, 21.53371545, 21.29828515, 21.10144524, 20.8617942,
                            20.57282, 20.47473172, 20.31111347, 19.04137299, 18.92616951,
                            20.58517969, 20.48761429, 20.21744847, 19.9577682, 19.66931057,
                            19.6878927, 19.63107201, 19.63390543, 19.5901486, 19.58143606,
                            19.58005578, 19.59073213, 19.60190899, 19.60001831, 21.67763741,
                            21.70451784, 21.85430468, 21.97291208, 21.97017228, 22.25518398,
                            22.43969757, 23.21870602, 24.18334822, 24.97772026, 26.37663164,
                            29.65075992, 30.46944758, 31.51634777, 33.13353793, 32.89186997,
                            38.07083882, 39.2992811, 40.07987878, 35.19951571, 35.97943562,
                            37.05601334, 37.42979341, 37.91576867, 38.62775142, 39.4885405,
                            37.10609921, 40.03988031, 40.86564363, 41.73645892, 42.6208256,
                            43.37786072, 45.38166073, 46.22395387, 50.21419653, 51.05246704,
                            53.86896121, 53.90029708, 61.83586775, 64.87563699, 66.91207845,
                            68.07449767, 71.27919965, 73.57195873, 74.95045988, 76.62308152])

   # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega_hat, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
        S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    # omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_pop_objs(
    #     E, S, T, 0, 100, 2015, flag_graphs)
    # print 'Differences:'
    # print 'omega diffs: ', (np.absolute(omega-omega2)).max()
    # print 'g_n', g_n_ss, g_n_ss2
    # print 'omega SS diffs: ', (np.absolute(omega_SS-omega_SS2)).max()
    # print 'surv diffs: ', (np.absolute(surv_rate- surv_rate2)).max()
    # print 'mort diffs: ', (np.absolute(rho- rho2)).max()
    # print 'g_n_TP diffs: ', (np.absolute(g_n_vector- g_n_vector2)).max()
    # quit()
    #print 'omega_SS shape: ', omega_SS.shape
    g_n_ss = 0.0
    surv_rate1 = np.ones((S,))# prob start at age S
    surv_rate1[1:] = np.cumprod(surv_rate[:-1], dtype=float)
    omega_SS = np.ones(S)*surv_rate1# number of each age alive at any time
    omega_SS = omega_SS/omega_SS.sum()

    omega = np.tile(np.reshape(omega_SS,(1,S)),(T+S,1))
    g_n_vector = np.tile(g_n_ss,(T+S,))

    e_hetero = get_e(S, J, starting_age, ending_age, lambdas, omega_SS, flag_graphs)
    e = np.tile(((e_hetero*lambdas).sum(axis=1)).reshape(S,1),(1,J))
    e /= (e * omega_SS.reshape(S, 1)* lambdas.reshape(1, J)).sum()

    allvars = dict(locals())

    if user_modifiable:
        allvars = {k:allvars[k] for k in USER_MODIFIABLE_PARAMS}

    if metadata:
        params_meta = read_parameter_metadata()
        for k,v in allvars.iteritems():
            params_meta[k]["value"] = v
        allvars = params_meta

    return allvars
Esempio n. 16
S = 80
tot_per = E + S
T = 320
#population parameters
fert_graph = False
mort_graph = False
imm_graph = False
omega_graph = False
# df_mort = pd.read_csv('mort_rates2011.csv')
# df_pop = pd.read_csv('pop_data.csv')
fert_rates = demog.get_fert(tot_per, fert_graph)[E:]
mort_rates0, infant_mort = demog.get_mort(tot_per, mort_graph)
# print (mort_rates)
mort_rates = mort_rates0[E:]
imm_rates = demog.get_imm_resid(tot_per, imm_graph)[E:]
omega_SS0, om_mat, omega_hat_path0, g_vec0, imm_path = demog.get_omega(
    E, S, T, omega_graph)
omega_SS = omega_SS0[E:]
omega_hat_path = omega_hat_path0[E:, :]
g_vec = g_vec0[E:]
print(f'mort:{mort_rates.shape}, omega_SS:{omega_SS.shape}')
#HH parameters
beta_annual = .96
beta = beta_annual**(80 / S)
sigma = 2.2
nvec = np.ones(S)
cut = round(2 * S / 3)
nvec[cut:] = 0.2
chi_vec_bq = np.ones(S)

# Firm Parameters
alpha = 0.35
Esempio n. 17
def get_reduced_parameters():
    # Model Parameters
    S = 10
    J = 2
    T = int(2 * S)
    lambdas = np.array([.50, .50])
    starting_age = 40
    ending_age = 50
    E = int(starting_age * (S / float(ending_age - starting_age)))
    beta_annual = .96
    beta = beta_annual**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S)
    sigma = 3.0
    alpha = .35
    Z = 1.0
    delta_annual = .05
    delta = 1 - ((1 - delta_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S))
    ltilde = 1.0
    g_y_annual = 0.03
    g_y = (1 + g_y_annual)**(float(ending_age - starting_age) / S) - 1
    #   Ellipse parameters
    b_ellipse = 25.6594
    k_ellipse = -26.4902
    upsilon = 3.0542

    # Tax parameters:
    #   Income Tax Parameters
    mean_income_data = 84377.0
    a_tax_income = 3.03452713268985e-06
    b_tax_income = .222
    c_tax_income = 133261.0
    d_tax_income = .219
    #   Wealth tax params
    #       These are non-calibrated values, h and m just need
    #       need to be nonzero to avoid errors. When p_wealth
    #       is zero, there is no wealth tax.
    h_wealth = 0.1
    m_wealth = 1.0
    p_wealth = 0.0
    #   Bequest and Payroll Taxes
    tau_bq = np.zeros(J)
    tau_payroll = 0.15
    retire = np.round(9.0 * S / 16.0) - 1

    # Simulation Parameters
    MINIMIZER_TOL = 1e-3
    MINIMIZER_OPTIONS = {'maxiter': 1}
    PLOT_TPI = False
    maxiter = 10
    mindist_SS = 1e-3
    mindist_TPI = 1e-6
    nu = .4
    flag_graphs = False
    #   Calibration parameters
    # These guesses are close to the calibrated values
    chi_b_guess = np.array([1, 100000])
    chi_n_guess = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14])

    # Generate Income and Demographic parameters
    omega, g_n_ss, omega_SS, surv_rate, rho, g_n_vector = get_omega(
        S, T, starting_age, ending_age, E, flag_graphs)
    e = np.array([[0.25, 1.25]] * 10)
    allvars = dict(locals())
    return allvars