Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self):
   # Generic configuration
   np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
   # Read configuration parameters
   self.ns = rospy.get_namespace()
   robot_name = self.ns.replace('/','')
   if len(robot_name) == 0:
     rospy.logerr('Namespace is required by this script.')
     robot_name = 'right'
   js_rate = read_parameter('/%s/joint_state_controller/publish_rate' % robot_name, 125.0)
   # Populate the OpenRAVE environment and robot
   rospack = rospkg.RosPack()
   models_dir = rospack.get_path('denso_openrave')
   # load yaml
   yaml_path = models_dir + '/worlds/stefan_chair_env.yaml'
   envdict = yaml.load(file(yaml_path, 'r'))['environment']
   openRave = YamlEnv(envdict)
   # Get the model
   right = openRave.models['right']
   bars = add_connecting_bars(openRave)
   # enable OpenRave GUI
   env = openRave.get_environment()
   # Attach kinematics manipulator
   rave = Manipulator(env, right, 'denso_ft_sensor_handle')
   # Denso Controllers
   denso = 0
   #~ denso = JointPositionController(robot_name)
   #~ rave.SetDOFValues(denso.get_joint_positions())
   rate = rospy.Rate(js_rate)
   # Subscribe to FT sensor
   #~ rospy.Subscriber('/%s/ft_sensor/raw' % robot_name, WrenchStamped, self.ft_sensor_cb) 
   #~ rospy.Subscriber('/%s/ft_sensor/diagnostics' % robot_name, DiagnosticArray, self.diagnostics_cb)
   #~ rospy.loginfo('Waiting for [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % robot_name)
   #~ while not rospy.is_shutdown():
     #~ rospy.sleep(0.1)
     #~ if hasattr(self, 'wrench') and hasattr(self, 'ft_status'):
       #~ break
   #~ rospy.loginfo('Succefully connected to [/%s/ft_sensor/] topics' % robot_name)
   # Move to first pre-contact position
   tdelta = 1/js_rate
   t = 0.0
   tend = 5.0
   q = np.array([0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.])
   while (t<tend):
     q[1] = t / tend * np.pi/3
     q[2] = t / tend * np.pi/6
     #~ denso.set_joint_positions(q)
     t += tdelta
   # compute the current data here