Esempio n. 1
	def summarize_tables(self, end_dt_str, ndays, add_time_el = True, outdir = None, opfile_suff = None):

		if opfile_suff:
			opfile_suff = '_' + opfile_suff
			opfile_suff = ''

		# Get start and end dates
		end_dt = dt.strptime(end_dt_str,'%m-%d-%y') + timedelta(days = 1)
		start_dt = end_dt - timedelta(days = ndays)
		seed_dt = dt.strptime('05-10-17','%m-%d-%y')

		# Load data from SQL
		ldata_all = cut.get_data('labdata',['COD','TSS_VSS','ALKALINITY','PH','VFA','AMMONIA','SULFATE'])

		# Specify id variables (same for every type since combining Alkalinity and pH)
		id_vars = ['Sample Date & Time','Stage','Type','obs_id']

		# For Alkalinity, pH, NH3, and SO4, need to add Type variable back in
		ALK = ldata_all['ALKALINITY'].copy()
		ALK.loc[:,'Type'] = 'Alkalinity'
		PH = ldata_all['PH'].copy()
		PH.loc[:,'Type'] = 'pH'
		NH3 = ldata_all['AMMONIA'].copy()
		SO4 = ldata_all['SULFATE'].copy()

		# Concatenate Alkaliity and pH and reset index
		ALK_PH = pd.concat([PH,ALK], axis = 0, join = 'outer').reset_index(drop = True)

		# Get wide data
		CODwide = self.long_to_wide(ldata_all['COD'].copy(), id_vars)
		VFAwide = self.long_to_wide(ldata_all['VFA'].copy(), id_vars)
		TSS_VSSwide = self.long_to_wide(ldata_all['TSS_VSS'].copy(), id_vars)
		ALK_PHwide = self.long_to_wide(ALK_PH, id_vars)
		NH3wide = self.long_to_wide(NH3, ['Sample Date & Time','Stage'])
		SO4wide = self.long_to_wide(SO4, ['Sample Date & Time','Stage'])
		# Truncate and set column order
		CODtrunc = self.clean_wide_table(CODwide, ['Total','Soluble'], start_dt, end_dt, add_time_el)
		VFAtrunc = self.clean_wide_table(VFAwide, ['Acetate','Propionate'], start_dt, end_dt, add_time_el)
		TSS_VSStrunc = self.clean_wide_table(TSS_VSSwide,['TSS','VSS'], start_dt, end_dt, add_time_el)
		ALK_PHtrunc = self.clean_wide_table(ALK_PHwide,['pH','Alkalinity'], start_dt, end_dt, add_time_el)
		NH3trunc = self.clean_wide_table(NH3wide,['Value'], start_dt, end_dt, add_time_el)
		SO4trunc = self.clean_wide_table(SO4wide,['Value'], start_dt, end_dt, add_time_el)
		# Save
		CODtrunc.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'COD_table' + end_dt_str + opfile_suff + '.csv'))
		VFAtrunc.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'VFA_table' + end_dt_str + opfile_suff + '.csv'))
		TSS_VSStrunc.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'TSS_VSS_table' + end_dt_str + opfile_suff + '.csv'))
		ALK_PHtrunc.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'ALK_PH_table' + end_dt_str + opfile_suff + '.csv'))
		NH3trunc.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'Ammonia_table' + end_dt_str + opfile_suff + '.csv'))
		SO4trunc.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, 'Sulfate_table' + end_dt_str + opfile_suff + '.csv'))
Esempio n. 2
def query_opdata(dtype, sids):

    try:  # Try querying hourly data

        table_names = [
            '{}_{}_1_HOUR_AVERAGES'.format(dtype.upper(), sid) for sid in sids
        out = cut.get_data('opdata', table_names)

    except:  # Otherwise only available as minute data, needs to be aggregated to hourly

        out = {}
        for sid in sids:
            # Load minute data
            table_name = '{}_{}_1_MINUTE_AVERAGES'.format(dtype.upper(), sid)
            df = cut.get_data('opdata', [table_name])[table_name]
            # Group to hourly data
            df.loc[:, 'Time'] = df['Time'].values.astype('datetime64[h]')
            df = df.groupby('Time').mean()
            table_name_out = '{}_{}_1_HOUR_AVERAGES'.format(dtype.upper(), sid)
            out[table_name_out] = df

    return out
Esempio n. 3
def get_data_objs(dclass,

    # Un-json data
    groupvars = ['Time']
    dflist = []

    if plotFormat:
        seriesNamePrefix = plotFormat['seriesNamePrefix']
        seriesNamePrefix = ''

    if dclass == 'Lab Data':

        df = cut.get_data('labdata', [dtype])[dtype]
        df.loc[:, 'Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date_Time'])
        df.loc[:, 'yvar'] = df['Value']

        if stages:
            df = df.loc[df['Stage'].isin(stages), :]
            stages = [None]

        if types:
            df = df.loc[df['Type'].isin(types), :]
            types = [None]

        # Average all measurements taken for a given sample
        df = df.groupby(groupvars).mean()

        if plot:

            for stage in stages:

                for type_ in types:

                    if stage and type_:
                        dfsub = df[(df['Type'] == type_)
                                   & (df['Stage'] == stage)]
                        seriesName = seriesNamePrefix + type_ + '-' + stage
                    elif stage:
                        dfsub = df[df['Stage'] == stage]
                        seriesName = seriesNamePrefix + stage
                    elif type_:
                        dfsub = df[df['Type'] == type_]
                        seriesName = seriesNamePrefix + type_

                    subSeries = {'seriesName': seriesName}
                    subSeries['data'] = filter_resolve_time(
                        dfsub, groupvars, dtype, time_resolution, time_order,
                        start_date, end_date)
                    dflist += [subSeries]


            df = filter_resolve_time(df,

    if dclass == 'Operational Data':

        # Loop through sids if trying to get series for plot
        if plot:

            for sid in sids:

                table_name = '{}_{}_1_HOUR_AVERAGES'.format(dtype, sid)
                dfsub = query_opdata(dtype, [sid])[table_name]
                dfsub.loc[:, 'yvar'] = dfsub['Value']
                seriesName = seriesNamePrefix + sid
                subSeries = {'seriesName': seriesName}
                subSeries['data'] = filter_resolve_time(
                    dfsub, groupvars, dtype, time_resolution, time_order,
                    start_date, end_date)
                dflist += [subSeries]

        # Otherwise, just query all sids at once, which returns a dictionary of pandas dataframes

            df_dict = query_opdata(dtype, sids)
            df = cut.merge_tables(df_dict, ['Time'],
                                  measure_varnames=['Value'] * len(sids),
            df = filter_resolve_time(df,

    if dclass == 'Validation':

        val_type_abbrevs = {
            'COD Balance': 'cod_balance',
            'Process Parameters': 'vss_params',
            'Instrument Validation': 'instr_validation'
        df = cut.get_data('valdata',
        df.loc[:, 'Time'] = df['Date_Time']
        df.loc[:, 'yvar'] = df['Value']

        if dtype == 'Instrument Validation' and sids:
            types = ['Sensor Value', 'Validated Measurement', 'Error']
            df = df.loc[df['Sensor_ID'].isin(sids), :]

            sids = [None]

        if types:
            df = df.loc[df['Type'].isin(types), :]
            types = [None]

        if plot:

            for type_ in types:

                for sid in sids:

                    if type_ and sid:
                        dfsub = df[(df['Type'] == type_)
                                   & (df['Sensor_ID'] == sid)]
                        seriesName = seriesNamePrefix + type_ + '-' + sid
                    elif type_:
                        dfsub = df[df['Type'] == type_]
                        seriesName = seriesNamePrefix + type_
                    elif sid:
                        dfsub = df[df['Sensor_ID'] == sid]
                        seriesName = seriesNamePrefix + sid

                    subSeries = {'seriesName': seriesName}
                    subSeries['data'] = filter_resolve_time(df,
                    dflist += [subSeries]


            df = filter_resolve_time(df,

    if plot:

        out_obj = []

        for df in dflist:

            for dfsub in df['data']:

                if dtype == 'COD Balance' and df['seriesName'] not in [
                        'COD In', 'COD Balance: COD In'

                               name=df['seriesName'] + dfsub['timeSuffix'],


                    if dtype == 'Process Parameters':
                        plotFormat['mode'] = 'lines+markers'

                                       'size': plotFormat['size'],
                                       'line': {
                                           'width': 0.5,
                                           'color': 'white'
                                       'symbol': plotFormat['symbol'],
                                   line={'dash': plotFormat['dash']},
                                   name=df['seriesName'] + dfsub['timeSuffix'],

    # If not plotting (i.e. if downloading data) convert to a long dataframe

        if dclass == 'Lab Data':
            out_obj = df.loc[:, groupvars + ['Value']]

        elif dclass == 'Operational Data':
            out_obj = df.loc[:, groupvars + sids]

        elif dclass == 'Validation':
            out_obj = df.loc[:, groupvars + ['Value']]



    return out_obj
Esempio n. 4
app.scripts.config.serve_locally = True

#================= Create datetimea layout map from existing data =================#

lab_types = [
    dtype for dtype in cut.get_table_names('labdata')
    if dtype != 'WASTED_SOLIDS'
op_types = [dtype.split('_')[0] for dtype in cut.get_table_names('opdata')]
val_types = cut.get_table_names('valdata')
selection_vars = ['Stage', 'Type', 'Sensor ID']
selectionID, selection, click, history = [None] * 4
cr2c_ddict = {'Lab Data': {}, 'Operational Data': {}, 'Validation': {}}

# Load data
lab_data = cut.get_data('labdata', lab_types)
val_data = cut.get_data('valdata', val_types)
op_tables = cut.get_table_names('opdata', local=False)

# Load lab_type variables and their stages/types
for lab_type in lab_types:

    if lab_type in ['TSS_VSS', 'COD', 'VFA', 'BOD']:

        cr2c_ddict['Lab Data'][lab_type] = {
            'Stage': list(lab_data[lab_type]['Stage'].unique()),
            'Type': list(lab_data[lab_type]['Type'].unique())

    elif lab_type == 'GASCOMP':
Esempio n. 5
#             ['FT200','FT201','FT202','FT300','FT301','FT302','FT303','FT304','FT305','FIT600'] +
#             ['FT700','FT702','FT704'] +
#             ['AT202','AT304','AT310'] +
#             ['AIT302','AIT306','AIT307'] +
#             ['DPIT300','DPIT301','DPIT302'] +
#             ['PIT205','PIT700','PIT702'] +
#             ['LT100','LT200','LT201','LIT300','LIT301']
#         ,
#         minute_sids =
#             ['AT203','AT305'] +
#             ['FT200','FT201','FT202','FT304','FT305'] +
#             ['AIT302','AIT306','AIT307'] +
#             ['DPIT300','DPIT301'] +
#             ['PIT700']
#         ,
#         op_start_dt_str = '',
#         op_end_dt_str = '',
#     val_update = False,
#         biotech_params = False,
#         val_sids = ['AT203','AT305','AT308','AT311','DPIT300','DPIT301','DPIT302','PIT700','PIT702','PIT704'],
#         val_end_dt_str = '',
#         nweeks_back = 4

# )

    outdir='/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/Codiga Center/Data/data_for_andrew')
	def get_biotech_params(self, end_dt_str, nweeks, if_exists_cod_balance_table = 'append', if_exists_vss_params_table = 'append', output_csv = False, outdir = None):
		# Window for moving average calculation
		ma_win = 1
		end_weekday = dt.strptime(end_dt_str,'%m-%d-%y').weekday()
		end_dt   = dt.strptime(end_dt_str,'%m-%d-%y').date() - timedelta(days = end_weekday)
		start_dt = end_dt - timedelta(days = 7*nweeks) 
		start_dt_str = dt.strftime(start_dt, '%m-%d-%y')
		start_dt_query = start_dt - timedelta(days = ma_win)
		start_dt_qstr = dt.strftime(start_dt_query,'%m-%d-%y')

		# op element IDs for gas, temperature and influent/effluent flow meters 
		gas_sids   = ['FT700','FT702','FT704']
		temp_sids  = ['AT304','AT307','AT310']
		inf_sid    = 'FT202'
		eff_sids   = ['FT304','FT305']

		# Reactor volumes
		l_p_gal = 3.78541 # Liters/Gallon
		# L in a mol of gas at STP
		Vol_STP = 22.4

		#=========================================> HMI DATA <=========================================
		# If requested, run the op_data_agg script for the reactor meters and time period of interest
		if self.run_agg_feeding or self.run_agg_gasprod or self.run_agg_temp:
			get_op = op_run(start_dt_str, end_dt_str, ip_path = self.ip_path)
		if self.run_agg_feeding:
				['water']*2, # Type of sensor (case insensitive, can be water, gas, pH, conductivity, temp, or tmp
				[inf_sid, eff_sid], # Sensor ids that you want summary data for (have to be in op data file obviously)
				[1]*2, # Number of hours you want to average over
				['HOUR']*2 # Type of time period (can be "hour" or "minute")
		if self.run_agg_gasprod:
				['GAS']*len(gas_sids), # Type of sensor (case insensitive, can be water, gas, pH, conductivity, temp, or tmp
				gas_sids, # Sensor ids that you want summary data for (have to be in op data file obviously)
				[1]*len(gas_sids), # Number of hours you want to average over
				['HOUR']*len(gas_sids), # Type of time period (can be "hour" or "minute")
		if self.run_agg_temp:
				['TEMP']*len(temp_sids), # Type of sensor (case insensitive, can be water, gas, pH, conductivity, temp, or tmp
				temp_sids, # Sensor ids that you want summary data for (have to be in op data file obviously)
				[1]*len(temp_sids), # Number of hours you want to average over
				['HOUR']*len(temp_sids), # Type of time period (can be "hour" or "minute")

		# Get gas production data data
		gasprod_dat = cut.get_data(
			['GAS_{}_1_HOUR_AVERAGES'.format(sid) for sid in gas_sids],
			start_dt_str = start_dt_str, 
			end_dt_str = end_dt_str			
		# Feeding and temperature data
		water_sids = [inf_sid] + eff_sids
		feeding_dat = cut.get_data(
			['WATER_{}_1_HOUR_AVERAGES'.format(sid) for sid in water_sids],
			start_dt_str = start_dt_str, 
			end_dt_str = end_dt_str			
		temp_dat = cut.get_data(
			['TEMP_{}_1_HOUR_AVERAGES'.format(sid) for sid in temp_sids],
			start_dt_str = start_dt_str, 
			end_dt_str = end_dt_str			

		# Merge each type of opdata to single wide table
		gasprod_dat = cut.merge_tables(gasprod_dat, ['Time'],['Value']*len(gas_sids), merged_varnames = gas_sids)
		feeding_dat = cut.merge_tables(feeding_dat, ['Time'],['Value']*len(water_sids), merged_varnames = water_sids)
		temp_dat = cut.merge_tables(temp_dat, ['Time'],['Value']*len(temp_sids), merged_varnames = temp_sids)

		# Prep the op data
		gasprod_dat['Meas Biogas Prod'] = (gasprod_dat['FT700'] + gasprod_dat['FT702'] + gasprod_dat['FT704'])*60
		gasprod_dat['Date'] = gasprod_dat['Time']
		gasprod_dat_cln = gasprod_dat[['Date','Meas Biogas Prod']]
		gasprod_dat_cln = gasprod_dat_cln.groupby('Date').sum()
		gasprod_dat_cln.reset_index(inplace = True)

		# Feeding op Data
		feeding_dat['Flow In']  = feeding_dat[inf_sid]*60*l_p_gal
		feeding_dat['Flow Out'] = (feeding_dat[eff_sids[0]] + feeding_dat[eff_sids[1]])*60*l_p_gal
		feeding_dat['Date'] = feeding_dat['Time']
		feeding_dat_cln = feeding_dat[['Date','Flow In','Flow Out']]
		feeding_dat_cln = feeding_dat_cln.groupby('Date').sum()
		feeding_dat_cln.reset_index(inplace = True)

		# Reactor Temperature op data
		temp_dat['Reactor Temp (C)'] = \
			(temp_dat['AT304']*self.afbr_vol + (temp_dat['AT307'] + temp_dat['AT310'])*self.afmbr_vol)/self.react_vol
		temp_dat['Date'] = temp_dat['Time']
		temp_dat_cln = temp_dat[['Date','Reactor Temp (C)']]
		temp_dat_cln = temp_dat_cln.groupby('Date').mean()
		temp_dat_cln.reset_index(inplace = True)

		# List of op dataframes
		op_dflist = [feeding_dat_cln, gasprod_dat_cln, temp_dat_cln]
		# Merge op datasets
		opdat_ud = functools.reduce(
			lambda left,right: pd.merge(left,right, on = 'Date', how = 'outer'), 
		#=========================================> HMI DATA <=========================================

		#=========================================> LAB DATA <=========================================
		# Get lab data from file on box and filter to desired dates
		labdat  = cut.get_data('labdata',['COD','TSS_VSS','SULFATE','GASCOMP'])

		# COD data
		cod_dat = labdat['COD']
		cod_dat['Date'] = cod_dat['Date_Time']
		# Drop duplicates
		cod_dat.drop_duplicates(keep = 'first', inplace = True)
		# Get average of multiple values taken on same day
		cod_dat = cod_dat.groupby(['Date','Stage','Type']).mean()
		# Convert to wide to get COD in and out of the reactors
		cod_dat_wide = cod_dat.unstack(['Stage','Type'])
		cod_dat_wide['CODt MS'] = cod_dat_wide['Value']['Microscreen']['Total']
		# Weighted aveage COD concentrations in the reactors
		cod_dat_wide['CODt R'] = \
			(cod_dat_wide['Value']['AFBR']['Total']*self.afbr_vol +\
			(cod_dat_wide['Value']['Research AFMBR MLSS']['Total'] + cod_dat_wide['Value']['Duty AFMBR MLSS']['Total'])*self.afmbr_vol)/\
		cod_dat_wide['CODt Out'] = cod_dat_wide['Value']['Research AFMBR Effluent']['Total'] + cod_dat_wide['Value']['Duty AFMBR Effluent']['Total']
		cod_dat_wide.reset_index(inplace = True)
		cod_dat_cln = cod_dat_wide[['Date','CODt MS','CODt R','CODt Out']]
		cod_dat_cln.columns = ['Date','CODt MS','CODt R','CODt Out']

		# Gas Composition Data
		gc_dat = labdat['GASCOMP']
		gc_dat['Date'] = gc_dat['Date_Time']
		gc_dat = gc_dat.loc[(gc_dat['Type'].isin(['Methane (%)','Carbon Dioxide (%)']))]
		gc_dat = gc_dat.groupby(['Date','Type']).mean()
		gc_dat_wide = gc_dat.unstack('Type')
		gc_dat_wide['CH4%'] = gc_dat_wide['Value']['Methane (%)']
		gc_dat_wide['CO2%'] = gc_dat_wide['Value']['Carbon Dioxide (%)']
		gc_dat_wide.reset_index(inplace = True)
		gc_dat_cln = gc_dat_wide[['Date','CH4%','CO2%']]
		gc_dat_cln.columns = ['Date','CH4%','CO2%']

		# VSS Data
		vss_dat = labdat['TSS_VSS']
		vss_dat['Date'] = vss_dat['Date_Time']
		# Drop duplicates
		vss_dat.drop_duplicates(keep = 'first', inplace = True)
		# Get average of multiple values taken on same day
		vss_dat = vss_dat.groupby(['Date','Stage','Type']).mean()

		# Convert to wide to get COD in and out of the reactors
		vss_dat_wide = vss_dat.unstack(['Stage','Type'])
		# Weighted aveage COD concentrations in the reactors
		vss_dat_wide['VSS R'] = \
				vss_dat_wide['Value']['AFBR']['VSS']*self.afbr_vol +\
				vss_dat_wide['Value']['Research AFMBR MLSS']['VSS']*self.afmbr_vol +\
				vss_dat_wide['Value']['Duty AFMBR MLSS']['VSS']*self.afmbr_vol
			(self.afbr_vol + self.afmbr_vol)
		vss_dat_wide['VSS Out'] = \
			vss_dat_wide['Value']['Research AFMBR Effluent']['VSS'] +\
			vss_dat_wide['Value']['Duty AFMBR Effluent']['VSS']
		vss_dat_wide.reset_index(inplace = True)
		vss_dat_cln = vss_dat_wide[['Date','VSS R','VSS Out']]
		vss_dat_cln.columns = ['Date','VSS R','VSS Out']	

		# Solids Wasting Data (from gsheet)
		waste_dat = cut.get_data('labdata',['WASTED_SOLIDS'])['WASTED_SOLIDS']
		waste_dat['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(waste_dat['Date_Time'])
		waste_dat['Wasted (L)'] = waste_dat['Value']*l_p_gal
		waste_dat_cln = waste_dat[['Date','Wasted (L)']]

		# Sulfate data
		so4_dat = labdat['SULFATE']
		so4_dat['Date'] = so4_dat['Date_Time']
		so4_dat = so4_dat.groupby(['Date','Stage']).mean()
		so4_dat_wide = so4_dat.unstack(['Stage'])
		so4_dat_wide['SO4 MS'] = so4_dat_wide['Value']['Microscreen']
		so4_dat_wide.reset_index(inplace = True)
		so4_dat_cln = so4_dat_wide[['Date','SO4 MS']]
		so4_dat_cln.columns = ['Date','SO4 MS']
		so4_dat_cln.loc[:,'Date'] = so4_dat_cln['Date']
		# List of lab dataframes
		lab_dflist = [cod_dat_cln, gc_dat_cln, waste_dat_cln, so4_dat_cln, vss_dat_cln]

		# Merge lab datasets
		labdat = functools.reduce(lambda left,right: pd.merge(left,right, on='Date', how = 'outer'), lab_dflist)
		# Get daily average of readings if multiple readings in a day (also prevents merging issues!)
		labdat_ud = labdat.groupby('Date').mean()
		labdat_ud.reset_index(inplace = True)
		#=========================================> LAB DATA <=========================================

		#=======================================> MERGE & PREP <=======================================		
		# Merge Lab and op
		cod_bal_dat = labdat_ud.merge(opdat_ud, on = 'Date', how = 'outer')
		# Dedupe (merging many files, so any duplicates can cause big problems!)
		cod_bal_dat.drop_duplicates(inplace = True)

		# Convert missing wasting data to 0 (assume no solids wasted that day)
		cod_bal_dat.loc[np.isnan(cod_bal_dat['Wasted (L)']),'Wasted (L)'] = 0
		# Fill in missing lab data
		# First get means of observed data
		cod_bal_means = \
				'CODt MS','CODt R','CODt Out',
				'VSS R','VSS Out',
				'SO4 MS'
		# Then interpolate
		cod_bal_dat.sort_values(['Date'], inplace = True)
		cod_bal_dat.set_index('Date', inplace = True)
			'CODt MS','CODt R','CODt Out',
			'VSS R','VSS Out',
			'SO4 MS'
		]] = \
				'CODt MS','CODt R','CODt Out',
				'VSS R','VSS Out',
				'SO4 MS'

		# Then fill remaining missing values with the means of all variables
		fill_values = {
			'CH4%': cod_bal_means['CH4%'],
			'CO2%': cod_bal_means['CO2%'],
			'CODt MS': cod_bal_means['CODt MS'],
			'CODt R': cod_bal_means['CODt R'],
			'CODt Out': cod_bal_means['CODt Out'],
			'VSS R': cod_bal_means['VSS R'],
			'VSS Out': cod_bal_means['VSS Out'],
			'SO4 MS': cod_bal_means['SO4 MS']
		cod_bal_dat.fillna(value = fill_values, inplace = True)

		# Get moving average of COD in reactors (data bounce around a lot)
		cod_cols = ['CODt MS','CODt R','CODt Out']
		cod_bal_dat[cod_cols] = cod_bal_dat[cod_cols].rolling(ma_win).mean()
		# Reset index
		cod_bal_dat.reset_index(inplace = True)
		# Put dates into weekly bins (relative to end date), denoted by beginning of week
		cod_bal_dat['Weeks Back'] = \
			pd.to_timedelta(np.floor((cod_bal_dat['Date'] - end_dt)/np.timedelta64(7,'D'))*7, unit = 'D')
		cod_bal_dat['Week Start'] = pd.to_datetime(end_dt) + cod_bal_dat['Weeks Back']
		cod_bal_dat = cod_bal_dat.loc[
			(cod_bal_dat['Date'] >= start_dt) & (cod_bal_dat['Date'] <= end_dt),

		#=======================================> MERGE & PREP <=======================================	

		#========================================> COD Balance <=======================================	
		# Note: dividing by 1E6 to express in kg
		# COD coming in from the Microscreen
		cod_bal_dat['COD In']   = cod_bal_dat['CODt MS']*cod_bal_dat['Flow In']/1E6
		# COD leaving the reactor
		cod_bal_dat['COD Out']  = cod_bal_dat['CODt Out']*cod_bal_dat['Flow Out']/1E6
		# COD wasted
		cod_bal_dat['COD Wasted'] = cod_bal_dat['CODt R']*cod_bal_dat['Wasted (L)']/1E6
		# COD content of gas (assumes that volume given by flowmeter is in STP)
		cod_bal_dat['Biogas']   = cod_bal_dat['Meas Biogas Prod']*cod_bal_dat['CH4%']/100/Vol_STP*64/1000
		# COD content of dissolved methane (estimated from temperature of reactors)
		cod_diss_conc = map(
			cod_bal_dat['Reactor Temp (C)'].values, 

		cod_bal_dat['Dissolved CH4'] = np.array(list(cod_diss_conc))*cod_bal_dat['Flow Out']/1E6
		# COD from sulfate reduction (1.5g COD per g SO4, units are in mg/L S)
		cod_bal_dat['Sulfate Reduction'] = cod_bal_dat['SO4 MS']*cod_bal_dat['Flow In']/1.5/1E6*48/16
		#========================================> COD Balance <=======================================	

		# Convert to weekly data
		cod_bal_wkly = cod_bal_dat.groupby('Week Start').sum(numeric_only = True)
		cod_bal_wkly.reset_index(inplace = True)
		cod_bal_wkly.loc[:,'Week Start'] = cod_bal_wkly['Week Start']
		cod_bal_wkly = cod_bal_wkly.loc[cod_bal_wkly['Week Start'] <= end_dt,:]

		# Dividing by 1E6 and 7 because units are totals for week and are in mg/L
		# whereas COD units are in kg
		cod_bal_wkly['gVSS wasted/gCOD Removed'] = \
				cod_bal_wkly['VSS R']*cod_bal_wkly['Wasted (L)'] + 
				cod_bal_wkly['VSS Out']*cod_bal_wkly['Flow Out']
			(cod_bal_wkly['COD In'] - cod_bal_wkly['COD Out'] - cod_bal_wkly['Sulfate Reduction'])

		# No need to divide VSS concentration by 1E6 or 7 because same units in numerator and denominator
		cod_bal_wkly['VSS SRT (days)'] = (self.afbr_vol + self.afmbr_vol)/cod_bal_wkly['Wasted (L)']

		cod_bal_long = pd.melt(
			id_vars = ['Week Start'], 
			value_vars = ['COD In','COD Out','Biogas','COD Wasted','Dissolved CH4','Sulfate Reduction','gVSS wasted/gCOD Removed','VSS SRT (days)']

		cod_bal_long.columns = ['Date_Time','Type','Value']
		# Create key unique by Date_Time, Stage, Type, and obs_id
		cod_bal_long.loc[:,'Dkey'] = cod_bal_long['Date_Time'].astype(str) + cod_bal_long['Type']
		# Reorder columns to put DKey as first column
		colnames = list(cod_bal_long.columns.values)
		cod_bal_long = cod_bal_long[colnames[-1:] + colnames[0:-1]]

		# Split into cod_balance and vss_params
		vss_params_long = cod_bal_long.loc[cod_bal_long['Type'].isin(['gVSS wasted/gCOD Removed','VSS SRT (days)']),:]
		cod_bal_long = cod_bal_long.loc[~cod_bal_long['Type'].isin(['gVSS wasted/gCOD Removed','VSS SRT (days)']),:]

		if output_csv:
				os.path.join(outdir, 'COD Balance.csv'),
				index = False,
				encoding = 'utf-8'				
				os.path.join(outdir, 'VSS Parameters.csv'),
				index = False,
				encoding = 'utf-8'				

		#Load COD Balance data to database(s)
		cut.write_to_db(vss_params_long,'cr2c-monitoring','valdata','vss_params', if_exists = if_exists_vss_params_table)
		cut.write_to_db(cod_bal_long,'cr2c-monitoring','valdata','cod_balance', if_exists = if_exists_cod_balance_table)

		return cod_bal_long, vss_params_long
	def get_sval(
		start_dt_str = None, end_dt_str = None, 
		if_exists = 'append',
		run_op_report = False, ip_path = None,
		output_csv = False,
		outdir = None

		# Validation data are from field measurements (daily log sheet)
		if val_method == 'fld':

			query_varnames = ['Barometer Pressure (mmHg)']
			for val_tag in val_tags:
				# Sometimes the user needs to specify a PAIR of variables (eg pressure upstream AND downstream of pump)
				if type(val_tag) == tuple:
				# Otherwise just single variable name

			# Clean the query variables
			query_varnames = [fld.clean_varname(varname) for varname in query_varnames]
			# Query the field data (using clean variable names)
			table_names = cut.get_table_names('fielddata')
			valdat = cut.get_data('fielddata', table_names)
			# Stack measurements from all tables
			valdat = cut.stack_tables(valdat, ['TIMESTAMP'] + query_varnames)

			# Create time variable with minute resolution from field data TIMESTAMP variable
			valdat['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(valdat['TIMESTAMP']).values.astype('datetime64[m]')
			# Replace missing barometric pressure readings with the mean psi at sea level
			valdat.loc[:,'BAROMETER_PRESSURE_MMHG'] = pd.to_numeric(valdat['BAROMETER_PRESSURE_MMHG'], errors = 'coerce')
			valdat.loc[np.isnan(valdat['BAROMETER_PRESSURE_MMHG']),'BAROMETER_PRESSURE_MMHG'] = 760
			# Loop through field variables to convert to numeric and calculate differences (if necessary)
			for varInd,varname in enumerate(val_tags):
				if type(varname) == tuple:
					valdat.loc[:,sids[varInd] + 'VAL'] = \
						pd.to_numeric(valdat[fld.clean_varname(varname[1])], errors = 'coerce') - \
						pd.to_numeric(valdat[fld.clean_varname(varname[0])], errors = 'coerce')
					valdat[sids[varInd] + 'VAL'] = pd.to_numeric(valdat[fld.clean_varname(varname)], errors = 'coerce')

			valdat = valdat[['Time','BAROMETER_PRESSURE_MMHG'] + [sid + 'VAL' for sid in sids]]
		# Validation data are from lab measurements
		if val_method == 'lab':

			# Get data for unique set of ltypes requested
			valdat = cut.get_data('labdata', list(set(stypes)))
			# Stack lab data
			valdat_long = cut.stack_tables(valdat)
			# valdat_long = pd.concat([cut.get_data('labdata',[ltype])[ltype] for ltype in ltypes], axis = 0, sort = True)
			valdat_long = valdat_long.loc[valdat_long['Stage'].isin(val_tags),:]
			# Convert to wide format
			# Calculate mean by obsid to account for possibility of multiple PH measurements taken for single sample
			valdat_long = valdat_long.groupby(['Date_Time','Stage','Type','obs_id']).mean()
			valdat_wide = valdat_long.unstack(['Type','Stage'])
			valdat_wide.reset_index(inplace = True)
			# valdat = valdatWide['Date_Time']
			valdat = pd.DataFrame(valdat_wide['Date_Time'].values, columns = ['Time'])
			valdat_colnames = [sids[sind] + 'VAL' for sind,stype in enumerate(stypes)]

			for sind,stype in enumerate(stypes):
				valdat[valdat_colnames[sind]] = valdat_wide['Value'][stype][val_tags[sind]]
			valdat = valdat[['Time'] + valdat_colnames]

		# Expand valdat to get copies of each field measurement for each of:
		# 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after it was entered into the google form
		valdatList = []
		for minDiff in range(-10,11):
			valdatDiff = valdat.copy()
			valdatDiff['Time']  = valdatDiff['Time'] + timedelta(seconds = minDiff*60)
		valdatAll = pd.concat(valdatList, axis = 0, sort = True)

		# Get op data for the element ids whose measurements are being validated
		nsids = len(sids)
		# Run op report if requested (minute level)
		if run_op_report:

			op_run = op.op_data_agg(start_dt_str, end_dt_str, ip_path = ip_path)
				stypes, # Type of sensor (case insensitive, can be water, gas, pH, conductivity, temp, or tmp
				sids, # Sensor ids that you want summary data for (have to be in op data file obviously)
				[1]*nsids, # Number of minutes you want to average over
				['MINUTE']*nsids, # Type of time period (can be "hour" or "minute")

		# Retrieve data from SQL file
		table_names = ['{}_{}_1_MINUTE_AVERAGES'.format(stype, sid) for stype, sid in zip(stypes, sids)]
		opdat = cut.get_data('opdata', table_names, start_dt_str = start_dt_str, end_dt_str = end_dt_str)
		# Merge tables
		opdat = cut.merge_tables(opdat, ['Time'], ['Value']*len(sids), merged_varnames = sids)

		# Merge the op data with the validation data
		valdatMerged = opdat.merge(valdatAll, on = 'Time', how = 'inner')
		# Merge all values on a day (since we are validating on a -10 to +10 minute window)
		valdatMerged.loc[:,'Date'] = valdatMerged['Time']
		# Take average of time Window
		valdatMerged = valdatMerged.groupby('Date').mean()
		valdatMerged.reset_index(inplace = True)
		valdatMerged.loc[:,'Date'] = pd.to_datetime(valdatMerged['Date'])

		valdatStack = []
		# Loop through each instrument to compute error
		for sind, sid in enumerate(sids):

			if stypes[sind] == 'PRESSURE':
				# Convert barometric pressure readings to psi
				valdatMerged.loc[:,'BAROMETER_PRESSURE_MMHG'] = valdatMerged['BAROMETER_PRESSURE_MMHG']*0.0193368
				# Convert pressure to inches of head
				valdatMerged.loc[:,sid] = (valdatMerged[sid] - valdatMerged['BAROMETER_PRESSURE_MMHG'])*27.7076

			# Compute the percentage error (op measurement vs validation)
			valdatMerged.loc[:,'Error'] = (valdatMerged[sid] - valdatMerged[sid + 'VAL'])
			valdatMerged.loc[:,'Percentage Error'] = (valdatMerged['Error'])/valdatMerged[sid + 'VAL']
			# Subset to the element of interest
			valdatSub = valdatMerged.loc[:,['Date', sid, sid + 'VAL', 'Error']]
			valdatSub.loc[:,'Sensor ID'] = sid
			valdatSub.columns = ['Date_Time','Sensor Value','Validated Measurement','Error','Sensor ID'] 
			valdatSub = valdatSub[['Date_Time','Sensor ID','Sensor Value','Validated Measurement','Error']]

			if output_csv:
				op_fname = '{}_validation.csv'.format(sid)
				valdatSub.to_csv(os.path.join(outdir, op_fname), index = False, encoding = 'utf-8')

			# Only continue if there are observations (sometimes there arent...)
			if valdatSub.size > 0:
		valdatStack = pd.concat(valdatStack, sort = True)
		sval_long = pd.melt(valdatStack, id_vars = ['Date_Time','Sensor ID'], value_vars = ['Sensor Value','Validated Measurement','Error'])

		sval_long.columns = ['Date_Time','Sensor_ID','Type','Value']

		# Create key unique by Date_Time, Stage, Type, and obs_id
		sval_long.loc[:,'Dkey'] = sval_long['Date_Time'].astype(str) + sval_long['Sensor_ID'] + sval_long['Type']
		# Reorder columns to put DKey as first column
		colnames = list(sval_long.columns.values)
		sval_long = sval_long[colnames[-1:] + colnames[0:-1]]

		if output_csv:
				os.path.join(outdir, 'Instrument Validation.csv'),
				index = False,
				encoding = 'utf-8'				

		# Load COD Balance data to database(s)
		cut.write_to_db(sval_long,'cr2c-monitoring','valdata','instr_validation', if_exists = if_exists)

		return sval_long