def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.metadata = kwargs.get("metadata") self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.dzi = kwargs.get("dzi") self.thumbnails = kwargs.get("thumbnails") self.czi2dzi = kwargs.get("czi2dzi") self.viewer = kwargs.get("viewer") self.czirules = kwargs.get("czirules") self.showinf = kwargs.get("showinf") self.data_scratch = kwargs.get("data_scratch") self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") = HatracStore(self.scheme,, {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog(self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Client initialized.')
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.metadata = kwargs.get("metadata") self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.dzi = kwargs.get("dzi") self.thumbnails = kwargs.get("thumbnails") self.czi2dzi = kwargs.get("czi2dzi") self.viewer = kwargs.get("viewer") self.czirules = kwargs.get("czirules") self.showinf = kwargs.get("showinf") self.data_scratch = kwargs.get("data_scratch") self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") = HatracStore( self.scheme,, {'cookie': self.cookie} ) self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog( self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie} ) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Client initialized.')
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") = HatracStore( self.scheme,, {'cookie': self.cookie} ) self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog( self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie} ) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Hatrac Client initialized.')
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") self.client_secrets_file = kwargs.get("client_secrets_file") self.client_oauth2_file = kwargs.get("client_oauth2_file") self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog(self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Delete YouTube Client initialized.')
def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") self.client_secrets_file = kwargs.get("client_secrets_file") self.client_oauth2_file = kwargs.get("client_oauth2_file") self.data_scratch = kwargs.get("data_scratch") self.ffmpeg = kwargs.get("ffmpeg") self.ffprobe = kwargs.get("ffprobe") self.category = kwargs.get("category") self.keywords = kwargs.get("keywords") self.privacyStatus = kwargs.get("privacyStatus") self.text_position = kwargs.get("text_position") = HatracStore(self.scheme,, {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog(self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") argparser.add_argument("--config", required=True, help="YouTube configuration file") self.args = argparser.parse_args() self.args.category = self.category self.args.keywords = self.keywords self.args.privacyStatus = self.privacyStatus self.args.noauth_local_webserver = True self.logger.debug('Upload YouTube Client initialized.')
class YouTubeClient(object): """ Network client for YouTube. """ ## Derived from the ermrest iobox service client def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") self.client_secrets_file = kwargs.get("client_secrets_file") self.client_oauth2_file = kwargs.get("client_oauth2_file") self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog(self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Delete YouTube Client initialized.') """ Send email notification """ def sendMail(self, subject, text): if self.mail_server and self.mail_sender and self.mail_receiver: retry = 0 ready = False while not ready: try: msg = MIMEText('%s\n\n%s' % (text, mail_footer), 'plain') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = self.mail_sender msg['To'] = self.mail_receiver s = smtplib.SMTP(self.mail_server) s.sendmail(self.mail_sender, self.mail_receiver.split(','), msg.as_string()) s.quit() self.logger.debug('Sent email notification.') ready = True except socket.gaierror as e: if e.errno == socket.EAI_AGAIN: time.sleep(100) retry = retry + 1 ready = retry > 10 else: ready = True if ready: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error( '%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error( '%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) ready = True """ Start the process for deleting files from YouTube """ def start(self): try: self.deleteFromYouTube() except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail( 'FAILURE Delete YouTube: unexpected exception', '%s\nThe process might have been stopped\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) raise """ Get the YouTube Delete credentials """ def youtube_authenticated_service(self): flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file( self.client_secrets_file, SCOPES) storage = Storage(self.client_oauth2_file) credentials = storage.get() if credentials is None or credentials.invalid: credentials = flow.run_console() = build(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION, credentials=credentials) """ Delete a video from YouTube """ def youtube_delete(self, youtube_uri): res = False try: id = youtube_uri[youtube_uri.rfind('/') + 1:youtube_uri.index('?')] self.logger.debug('Deleting YouTube video id="%s".' % (id)) self.youtube_authenticated_service() if is not None: self.logger.debug( 'Authenticated to the YouTube delete service.') response = self.logger.debug('Deleted response %s.' % (response)) res = True else: self.logger.debug( 'Authentication for deleting a YouTube video failed.') except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got YouTube exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) return res """ Delete videos from YouTube """ def deleteFromYouTube(self): url = '/entity/Common:Delete_Youtube/Youtube_Deleted=FALSE/Processing_Status=in%20progress;Processing_Status::null::' resp = self.catalog.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() files = resp.json() fileids = [] for f in files: fileids.append((f['YouTube_URI'], f['RID'])) self.logger.debug('Deleting from YouTube %d videos(s).' % (len(fileids))) for youtube_uri, rid in fileids: try: youtube_deleted = self.youtube_delete(youtube_uri) if youtube_deleted == True: self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED deleted from YouTube the video with the URL: "%s".' % (youtube_uri)) columns = ["Youtube_Deleted", "Processing_Status"] columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/Common:Delete_Youtube/RID;%s' % ( columns) obj = { 'RID': rid, 'Youtube_Deleted': True, 'Processing_Status': 'success' } self.catalog.put(url, json=[obj]) self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED updated the Common:Delete_Youtube table entry for the YouTube URL: "%s".' % (youtube_uri)) else: self.logger.debug( 'Failure in deleting from YouTube the video with the URL: "%s".' % (youtube_uri)) self.sendMail( 'FAILURE Delete YouTube: YouTube Failure', 'The video "%s" could not be deleted from Youtube.' % youtube_uri) self.reportFailure(rid, 'YouTube Failure') except Exception as e: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.reportFailure(rid, str(e)) """ Update the Delete_Youtube table with the ERROR status """ def reportFailure(self, rid, error_message): """ Update the Delete_Youtube table with the failure result. """ try: columns = ["Processing_Status"] columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/Common:Delete_Youtube/RID;%s' % (columns) obj = {'RID': rid, 'Processing_Status': '%s' % error_message} self.catalog.put(url, json=[obj]) self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED updated the Delete_Youtube table for the RID "%s" with the Processing_Status result "%s".' % (rid, error_message)) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Delete YouTube: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb)))
class Worker(object): # server to talk to... defaults to our own FQDN servername = os.getenv('SYNSPY_SERVER', platform.uname()[1]) # secret session cookie credentials = get_credential(servername, credential_file=os.getenv( 'SYNSPY_CREDENTIALS', DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL_FILE)) poll_seconds = int(os.getenv('SYNSPY_POLL_SECONDS', '600')) scriptdir = os.getenv('SYNSPY_PATH') scriptdir = '%s/' % scriptdir if scriptdir else '' # remember where we started startup_working_dir = os.getcwd() tmpdir = os.getenv('TMPDIR', '/var/tmp') # track per-instance working dirs working_dirs = dict() # these are peristent/logical connections so we create once and reuse # they can retain state and manage an actual HTTP connection-pool catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog('https', servername, '1', credentials) store = HatracStore('https', servername, credentials) # for state-tracking across look_for_work() iterations idle_etag = None def __init__(self, row, unit): sys.stderr.write('Claimed job %s.\n' % row.get('RID')) self.row = row self.unit = unit self.subject_path = '/hatrac/Zf/Zf_%s' % row['Subject'] self.working_dir = None # we want a temporary work space for our working files self.working_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.tmpdir) self.working_dirs[self.working_dir] = self.working_dir os.chdir(self.working_dir) sys.stderr.write('Using working directory %s.\n' % self.working_dir) @staticmethod def cleanup_working_dir(dirname): sys.stderr.write('Purging working directory %s... ' % dirname) shutil.rmtree(dirname) sys.stderr.write('done.\n') def cleanup(self): sys.stderr.write('\n') os.chdir(self.startup_working_dir) if self.working_dir: self.cleanup_working_dir(self.working_dir) del self.working_dirs[self.working_dir] self.working_dir = None def get_file(self, url): """Download file from URL returning local file name""" # short-cut, read file directly out of local hatrac filename = '/var/www' + url if os.path.isfile(filename): return filename else: # but fall back to HTTPS for remote workers... m = re.match('^(?P<basename>[^:]+)(?P<v>[:][0-9A-Z]+)?$', os.path.basename(url)) filename = m.groupdict()['basename'], destfilename=filename) return filename def get_image_info(self, img_filename): """Extract image resolution and shape.""" try: I, md = load_image(str(img_filename)) except Exception as e: raise WorkerBadDataError( 'Image %s could not be loaded... is it the wrong format? %s' % (img_filename, e)) if not hasattr(I, 'micron_spacing'): raise WorkerBadDataError( 'Image %s lacks expected micron_spacing attribute.' % img_filename) return I.micron_spacing, I.shape def preprocess_roi(self, img_filename, zyx_slice, omit_voxels=False): """Analyze ROI and upload resulting NPZ file, returning NPZ URL.""" command = [self.scriptdir + 'synspy-analyze', img_filename] env = { 'ZYX_SLICE': zyx_slice, 'ZYX_IMAGE_GRID': '0.4,0.26,0.26', 'SYNSPY_DETECT_NUCLEI': str(self.row['Segmentation Mode'].lower() == 'nucleic'), 'DUMP_PREFIX': './ROI_%s' % self.row['RID'], 'OMIT_VOXELS': str(omit_voxels).lower(), } sys.stderr.write('Using analysis environment %r\n' % (env, )) analysis = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=fnull, env=env) code = analysis.wait() del analysis if code != 0: raise WorkerRuntimeError('Non-zero analysis exit status %s!' % code) return '%s/ROI_%s.npz' % (self.subject_path, self.row['RID']), 'ROI_%s.npz' % self.row['RID'], headers={'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}) def filter_synspy_csv(self, csv_url): """Process input CSV URL and upload filtered CSV, returning CSV URL.""" # this should really be dead code in practice... current launcher uploads filtered csv directly m = re.match('^(?P<basename>.+)[.]csv(?P<v>[:][0-9A-Z]+)?$', os.path.basename(csv_url)) base = m.groupdict()['basename'] csv_filename = '%s.csv' % base # download the content to temp dir, destfilename=csv_filename) # prepare to read CSV content from temp dir csv_file = open(csv_filename, 'r') reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file) # prepare to write filtered CSV to temp dir filtered_filename = '%s_only.csv' % base filtered_file = open(filtered_filename, 'w', newline='') writer = csv.writer(filtered_file) # write header writer.writerow(('Z', 'Y', 'X', 'raw core', 'raw hollow', 'DoG core', 'DoG hollow') + (('red', ) if 'red' in reader.fieldnames else ()) + ('override', )) # copy w/ filtering for row in reader: if row['Z'] == 'saved' and row['Y'] == 'parameters' \ or row['override'] and int(row['override']) == 7: writer.writerow( (row['Z'], row['Y'], row['X'], row['raw core'], row['raw hollow'], row['DoG core'], row['DoG hollow']) + ((row['red'], ) if 'red' in reader.fieldnames else ()) + (row['override'], )) del reader csv_file.close() del writer filtered_file.close() return'%s/%s' % (self.subject_path, segments_filtered_file), segments_filtered_file, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/csv'}) def compute_synspy_stats(self, csv_url, existing_row={}): """Process input CSV URL and return stats column value updates.""" filename = self.get_file(csv_url) c, m, s, p = util.load_segment_info_from_csv(filename, (0.4, 0.26, 0.26), filter_status=(3, 7)) if c.shape[0] > 0: stats = { 'Core Min.': float(m[:, 0].min()), 'Core Max.': float(m[:, 0].max()), 'Core Sum': float(m[:, 0].sum()), '#Centroids': int(m.shape[0]), 'Core Mean': float(m[:, 0].mean()), } else: stats = { 'Core Min.': None, 'Core Max.': None, 'Core Sum': None, '#Centroids': 0, 'Core Mean': None, } return { k: v for k, v in stats.items() if k not in existing_row or existing_row[k] != v } def register_nuclei(self, n1_url, n2_url, zyx_scale=(0.4, 0.26, 0.26), filter_status=(3, 7)): """Register nuclei files returning alignment matrix and processed and uploaded pointcloud URLs. Returns: M, n1_url, n2_url """ n1_filename = self.get_file(n1_url) n2_filename = self.get_file(n2_url) nuc1cmsp = util.load_segment_info_from_csv(n1_filename, zyx_scale, filter_status=filter_status) nuc2cmsp = util.load_segment_info_from_csv(n2_filename, zyx_scale, filter_status=filter_status) M, angles = register.align_centroids(nuc1cmsp[0], nuc2cmsp[0]) nuc2cmsp = (register.transform_centroids(M, nuc2cmsp[0]), ) + nuc2cmsp[1:] n1_outfile = 'ImagePair_%s_n1_registered.csv' % self.row['RID'] n2_outfile = 'ImagePair_%s_n2_registered.csv' % self.row['RID'] register.dump_registered_file_pair((n1_outfile, n2_outfile), (nuc1cmsp, nuc2cmsp)) n1_url ='%s/%s' % (self.subject_path, n1_outfile), n1_outfile, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/csv'}) n2_url ='%s/%s' % (self.subject_path, n2_outfile), n2_outfile, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/csv'}) return M, n1_url, n2_url def matrix_to_prejson(self, M): return [[float(M[i, j]) for j in range(4)] for i in range(4)] def register_synapses(self, s1_url, s2_url, zyx_scale=(0.4, 0.26, 0.26), filter_status=(3, 7)): """Register synaptic files using image pair alignment, returning URLs of processed and uploaded pointcloud URLs. Returns: s1_url, s2_url """ s1_filename = self.get_file(s1_url) s2_filename = self.get_file(s2_url) syn1cmsp = util.load_segment_info_from_csv(s1_filename, zyx_scale, filter_status=filter_status) syn2cmsp = util.load_segment_info_from_csv(s2_filename, zyx_scale, filter_status=filter_status) M = np.array(self.row['Alignment'], dtype=np.float64) syn2cmsp = (register.transform_centroids(M, syn2cmsp[0]), ) + syn2cmsp[1:] s1_outfile = 'SynapticPair_%s_s1_registered.csv' % self.row.get('RID') s2_outfile = 'SynapticPair_%s_s2_registered.csv' % self.row.get('RID') register.dump_registered_file_pair((s1_outfile, s2_outfile), (syn1cmsp, syn2cmsp)) s1_url ='%s/%s' % (self.subject_path, s1_outfile), s1_outfile, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/csv'}) s2_url ='%s/%s' % (self.subject_path, s2_outfile), s2_outfile, headers={'Content-Type': 'text/csv'}) return s1_url, s2_url def put_row_update(self, update_row): self.catalog.put('%s;%s' % (self.unit.put_update_baseurl, ','.join([ urlquote(col, safe='') for col in list(update_row.keys()) if col not in ['ID', 'RID'] ])), json=[update_row]) sys.stderr.write('\nupdated in ERMrest: %s' % json.dumps(update_row, indent=2)) work_units = _work_units # these are defined above w/ their funcs and URLs... @classmethod def look_for_work(cls): """Find, claim, and process work for each work unit. Do find/claim with HTTP opportunistic concurrency control and caching for efficient polling and quiescencs. On error, set Status="failed: reason" Result: true: there might be more work to claim false: we failed to find any work """ found_work = False for unit in cls.work_units: # this handled concurrent update for us to safely and efficiently claim a record unit.idle_etag, batch = cls.catalog.state_change_once( unit.get_claimable_url, unit.put_claim_url, unit.claim_input_data, unit.idle_etag) # batch may be empty if no work was found... for row, claim in batch: found_work = True handler = None try: handler = cls(row, unit) unit.run_row_job(handler) except WorkerBadDataError as e: sys.stderr.write("Aborting task %s on data error: %s\n" % (row["RID"], e)) cls.catalog.put(unit.put_claim_url, json=[unit.failure_input_data(row, e)]) # continue with next task...? except Exception as e: # TODO: eat some exceptions and return True to continue? if unit.failure_input_data is not None: cls.catalog.put(unit.put_claim_url, json=[unit.failure_input_data(row, e)]) raise finally: if handler is not None: handler.cleanup() return found_work @classmethod def blocking_poll(cls): return cls.catalog.blocking_poll(cls.look_for_work, polling_seconds=cls.poll_seconds)
class PyramidalClient (object): """Network client for generating pyramidal tiles. """ ## Derived from the ermrest iobox service client def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.metadata = kwargs.get("metadata") self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.dzi = kwargs.get("dzi") self.thumbnails = kwargs.get("thumbnails") self.czi2dzi = kwargs.get("czi2dzi") self.viewer = kwargs.get("viewer") self.czirules = kwargs.get("czirules") self.showinf = kwargs.get("showinf") self.data_scratch = kwargs.get("data_scratch") self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") = HatracStore( self.scheme,, {'cookie': self.cookie} ) self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog( self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie} ) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Client initialized.') """ Send email notification """ def sendMail(self, subject, text): if self.mail_server and self.mail_sender and self.mail_receiver: retry = 0 ready = False while not ready: try: msg = MIMEText('%s\n\n%s' % (text, mail_footer), 'plain') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = self.mail_sender msg['To'] = self.mail_receiver s = smtplib.SMTP(self.mail_server) s.sendmail(self.mail_sender, self.mail_receiver.split(','), msg.as_string()) s.quit() self.logger.debug('Sent email notification.') ready = True except socket.gaierror as e: if e.errno == socket.EAI_AGAIN: time.sleep(100) retry = retry + 1 ready = retry > 10 else: ready = True if ready: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) ready = True """ Start the process for generating pyramidal tiles """ def start(self): try: self.processHistologicalImages() except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: unexpected exception', '%s\nThe process might have been stopped\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) raise def processHistologicalImages(self): """ Query for detecting new slides - the most recently first """ url = '/entity/Histological_Images:HE_Slide/!File_Bytes::null::&Pyramid_URL::null::/Processing_Status=in%%20progress;Processing_Status::null::@sort(%s::desc::)' % (urlquote('RCT')) resp = self.catalog.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() slides = resp.json() slideids = [] for slide in slides: slideids.append((slide['ID'], slide['Filename'], slide['File_URL'], slide['RCT'], slide['File_MD5'], slide['Name'], slide['RID'])) self.logger.debug('Processing %d HistologicalImages slides(s).' % (len(slideids))) for slideId,filename,file_url,creation_time,md5,name,rid in slideids: self.logger.debug('Generating pyramidal tiles for the file "%s"' % (filename)) """ Extract the file from hatrac """ f = self.getHatracFile(filename, file_url) if f == None: continue """ Create the directory for the tiles """ year = parse(creation_time).strftime("%Y") outdir = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.dzi, year, md5) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) """ Convert the file to DZI """ returncode = self.convert2dzi(f, outdir) if returncode != 0: """ Update the slide table with the failure result. """ self.updateAttributes('Histological_Images:HE_Slide', rid, ["Thumbnail", "Processing_Status"], {'RID': rid, 'Thumbnail': '/thumbnails/generic/generic_genetic.png', 'Processing_Status': 'czi2dzi error' }) continue """ Generate the thumbnail """ thumbnail,urls = self.writeThumbnailImage(f, year, md5) if thumbnail == None: """ Update the slide table with the failure result. """ self.updateAttributes('Histological_Images:HE_Slide', rid, ["Thumbnail", "Processing_Status"], {'RID': rid, 'Thumbnail': '/thumbnails/generic/generic_genetic.png', 'Processing_Status': 'DZI failure' }) continue """ Extract the metadata """ self.logger.debug('Extracting metadata for filename "%s"' % (filename)) bioformatsClient = BioformatsClient(showinf=self.showinf, \ czirules=self.czirules, \ cziFile=f, \ logger=self.logger) try: metadata = bioformatsClient.getMetadata() if metadata == None: metadata = {} self.logger.debug('Metadata: "%s"' % str(metadata)) os.remove('temp.xml') except XMLSyntaxError: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: XMLSyntaxError', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) metadata = {} os.remove(f) """ Update the slide table with the success result. """ self.updateAttributes('Histological_Images:HE_Slide', rid, ["Thumbnail","Pyramid_URL","Processing_Status","uri"], {'RID': rid, 'Thumbnail': thumbnail, 'Pyramid_URL': '/%s?%s' % (self.viewer, urls), 'uri': '/%s?%s' % (self.viewer, urls), "Processing_Status": 'success' }) self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED created the tiles directory for the file "%s".' % (filename)) """ Update/Create the image entry with the metadata """ obj = {} obj['ID'] = slideId obj['Name'] = name obj['url'] = '/chaise/viewer/#2/Histological_Images:HE_Slide/ID=%d' % slideId columns = ['ID', 'Name', 'url'] for col in self.metadata: if col in metadata and metadata[col] != None: columns.append(col) obj[col] = metadata[col] """ Check if we have an update or create """ rid = self.getRID('Histological_Images:HE_Image', 'ID=%d' % slideId) if rid != None: obj['RID'] = rid self.updateAttributes('Histological_Images:HE_Image', rid, columns, obj ) else: self.createEntity('Histological_Images:HE_Image', obj) self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED created the image entry for the file "%s".' % (filename)) self.logger.debug('Ended HistologicalImages Slides Processing.') """ Extract the file from hatrac """ def getHatracFile(self, filename, file_url): try: hatracFile = '%s/%s' % (self.data_scratch, filename), destfilename=hatracFile) self.logger.debug('File "%s", %d bytes.' % (hatracFile, os.stat(hatracFile).st_size)) return hatracFile except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: write thumbnail ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) return None """ Generate the thumbnail """ def writeThumbnailImage(self, filename, year, md5): try: scanDir='%s/%s/%s' % (self.dzi, year, md5) channels = [] for channel in os.listdir(scanDir): if os.path.isdir('%s%s%s' % (scanDir, os.sep, channel)): channels.append( channel) outdir = '%s/%s' % (self.thumbnails, year) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) shutil.copyfile('%s/%s/%s/%s/0/0_0.jpg' % (self.dzi, year, md5, channels[0]), '%s/%s.jpg' % (outdir, md5)) thumbnail = '/thumbnails/%s/%s.jpg' % (urlquote(year), urlquote(md5)) urls = [] for channel in channels: urls.append('url=/data/%s/%s/%s/ImageProperties.xml' % (year, md5, channel)) return (thumbnail, '&'.join(urls)) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: write thumbnail ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) os.remove(filename) return (None, None) """ Convert the input file to DZI """ def convert2dzi(self, filename, outdir): try: currentDirectory=os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.dzi) args = [self.czi2dzi, filename, outdir] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate() returncode = p.returncode os.chdir(currentDirectory) if returncode != 0: self.logger.error('Can not convert czi to dzi for file "%s".\nstdoutdata: %s\nstderrdata: %s\n' % (filename, stdoutdata, stderrdata)) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles', 'Can not convert czi to dzi for file "%s".\nstdoutdata: %s\nstderrdata: %s\n' % (filename, stdoutdata, stderrdata)) os.remove(filename) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: czi2dzi ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) os.chdir(currentDirectory) self.logger.error('Can not generate pyramidal tiles for the file "%s".\nstdoutdata: %s\nstderrdata: %s\n' % (filename, stdoutdata, stderrdata)) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles', 'Can not generate pyramidal tiles for the file "%s".\nstdoutdata: %s\nstderrdata: %s\n' % (filename, stdoutdata, stderrdata)) returncode = 1 return returncode """ Update the ermrest attributes """ def updateAttributes (self, path, rid, columns, row): """ Update the ermrest attributes with the row values. """ try: columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/%s/RID;%s' % (path, columns) resp = self.catalog.put( url, json=[row] ) resp.raise_for_status() self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED updated the table "%s" for the RID "%s" with "%s".' % (path, rid, json.dumps(row, indent=4))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) """ Insert a row in a table """ def createEntity (self, path, row): """ Insert the row in the table. """ try: url = '/entity/%s' % (path) resp = url, json=[row] ) resp.raise_for_status() self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED created in the table "%s" the entry "%s".' % (path, json.dumps(row, indent=4))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) """ Check if an entry exist in the table Return the RID if it exists, and None otherwise """ def getRID (self, path, predicate): """ Get the RID of the row. """ try: RID = None url = '/entity/%s/%s' % (path, predicate) resp = self.catalog.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() rows = resp.json() if len(rows) == 1: RID = rows[0]['RID'] self.logger.debug('RID for the url = "%s" is "%s".' % (url, RID)) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) return RID
class YouTubeClient (object): """ Network client for YouTube. """ ## Derived from the ermrest iobox service client def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") self.client_secrets_file = kwargs.get("client_secrets_file") self.client_oauth2_file = kwargs.get("client_oauth2_file") self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog( self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie} ) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Delete YouTube Client initialized.') """ Send email notification """ def sendMail(self, subject, text): if self.mail_server and self.mail_sender and self.mail_receiver: retry = 0 ready = False while not ready: try: msg = MIMEText('%s\n\n%s' % (text, mail_footer), 'plain') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = self.mail_sender msg['To'] = self.mail_receiver s = smtplib.SMTP(self.mail_server) s.sendmail(self.mail_sender, self.mail_receiver.split(','), msg.as_string()) s.quit() self.logger.debug('Sent email notification.') ready = True except socket.gaierror as e: if e.errno == socket.EAI_AGAIN: time.sleep(100) retry = retry + 1 ready = retry > 10 else: ready = True if ready: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) ready = True """ Start the process for deleting files from YouTube """ def start(self): try: self.deleteFromYouTube() except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Delete YouTube: unexpected exception', '%s\nThe process might have been stopped\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) raise """ Get the YouTube Delete credentials """ def youtube_authenticated_service(self): flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(self.client_secrets_file, SCOPES) storage = Storage(self.client_oauth2_file) credentials = storage.get() if credentials is None or credentials.invalid: credentials = flow.run_console() = build(API_SERVICE_NAME, API_VERSION, credentials = credentials) """ Delete a video from YouTube """ def youtube_delete(self, youtube_uri): res = False try: id = youtube_uri[youtube_uri.rfind('/')+1:youtube_uri.index('?')] self.logger.debug('Deleting YouTube video id="%s".' % (id)) self.youtube_authenticated_service() if is not None: self.logger.debug('Authenticated to the YouTube delete service.') response = self.logger.debug('Deleted response %s.' % (response)) res = True else: self.logger.debug('Authentication for deleting a YouTube video failed.') except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got YouTube exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) return res """ Delete videos from YouTube """ def deleteFromYouTube(self): url = '/entity/Common:Delete_Youtube/Youtube_Deleted=FALSE/Processing_Status=in%20progress;Processing_Status::null::' resp = self.catalog.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() files = resp.json() fileids = [] for f in files: fileids.append((f['YouTube_URI'], f['RID'])) self.logger.debug('Deleting from YouTube %d videos(s).' % (len(fileids))) for youtube_uri,rid in fileids: try: youtube_deleted = self.youtube_delete(youtube_uri) if youtube_deleted == True: self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED deleted from YouTube the video with the URL: "%s".' % (youtube_uri)) columns = ["Youtube_Deleted", "Processing_Status"] columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/Common:Delete_Youtube/RID;%s' % (columns) obj = {'RID': rid, 'Youtube_Deleted': True, 'Processing_Status': 'success' } self.catalog.put( url, json=[obj] ) self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED updated the Common:Delete_Youtube table entry for the YouTube URL: "%s".' % (youtube_uri)) else: self.logger.debug('Failure in deleting from YouTube the video with the URL: "%s".' % (youtube_uri)) self.sendMail('FAILURE Delete YouTube: YouTube Failure', 'The video "%s" could not be deleted from Youtube.' % youtube_uri) self.reportFailure(rid, 'YouTube Failure') except Exception as e: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.reportFailure(rid, str(e)) """ Update the Delete_Youtube table with the ERROR status """ def reportFailure(self, rid, error_message): """ Update the Delete_Youtube table with the failure result. """ try: columns = ["Processing_Status"] columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/Common:Delete_Youtube/RID;%s' % (columns) obj = {'RID': rid, 'Processing_Status': '%s' % error_message } self.catalog.put( url, json=[obj] ) self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED updated the Delete_Youtube table for the RID "%s" with the Processing_Status result "%s".' % (rid, error_message)) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Delete YouTube: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb)))
class PyramidalClient(object): """Network client for generating pyramidal tiles. """ ## Derived from the ermrest iobox service client def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.metadata = kwargs.get("metadata") self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.dzi = kwargs.get("dzi") self.thumbnails = kwargs.get("thumbnails") self.czi2dzi = kwargs.get("czi2dzi") self.viewer = kwargs.get("viewer") self.czirules = kwargs.get("czirules") self.showinf = kwargs.get("showinf") self.data_scratch = kwargs.get("data_scratch") self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") = HatracStore(self.scheme,, {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog(self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Client initialized.') """ Send email notification """ def sendMail(self, subject, text): if self.mail_server and self.mail_sender and self.mail_receiver: retry = 0 ready = False while not ready: try: msg = MIMEText('%s\n\n%s' % (text, mail_footer), 'plain') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = self.mail_sender msg['To'] = self.mail_receiver s = smtplib.SMTP(self.mail_server) s.sendmail(self.mail_sender, self.mail_receiver.split(','), msg.as_string()) s.quit() self.logger.debug('Sent email notification.') ready = True except socket.gaierror as e: if e.errno == socket.EAI_AGAIN: time.sleep(100) retry = retry + 1 ready = retry > 10 else: ready = True if ready: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error( '%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error( '%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) ready = True """ Start the process for generating pyramidal tiles """ def start(self): try: self.processHistologicalImages() except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail( 'FAILURE Tiles: unexpected exception', '%s\nThe process might have been stopped\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) raise def processHistologicalImages(self): """ Query for detecting new slides - the most recently first """ url = '/entity/Histological_Images:HE_Slide/!File_Bytes::null::&Pyramid_URL::null::/Processing_Status=in%%20progress;Processing_Status::null::@sort(%s::desc::)' % ( urlquote('RCT')) resp = self.catalog.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() slides = resp.json() slideids = [] for slide in slides: slideids.append( (slide['ID'], slide['Filename'], slide['File_URL'], slide['RCT'], slide['File_MD5'], slide['Name'], slide['RID'])) self.logger.debug('Processing %d HistologicalImages slides(s).' % (len(slideids))) for slideId, filename, file_url, creation_time, md5, name, rid in slideids: self.logger.debug('Generating pyramidal tiles for the file "%s"' % (filename)) """ Extract the file from hatrac """ f = self.getHatracFile(filename, file_url) if f == None: continue """ Create the directory for the tiles """ year = parse(creation_time).strftime("%Y") outdir = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.dzi, year, md5) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) """ Convert the file to DZI """ returncode = self.convert2dzi(f, outdir) if returncode != 0: """ Update the slide table with the failure result. """ self.updateAttributes( 'Histological_Images:HE_Slide', rid, ["Thumbnail", "Processing_Status"], { 'RID': rid, 'Thumbnail': '/thumbnails/generic/generic_genetic.png', 'Processing_Status': 'czi2dzi error' }) continue """ Generate the thumbnail """ thumbnail, urls = self.writeThumbnailImage(f, year, md5) if thumbnail == None: """ Update the slide table with the failure result. """ self.updateAttributes( 'Histological_Images:HE_Slide', rid, ["Thumbnail", "Processing_Status"], { 'RID': rid, 'Thumbnail': '/thumbnails/generic/generic_genetic.png', 'Processing_Status': 'DZI failure' }) continue """ Extract the metadata """ self.logger.debug('Extracting metadata for filename "%s"' % (filename)) bioformatsClient = BioformatsClient(showinf=self.showinf, \ czirules=self.czirules, \ cziFile=f, \ logger=self.logger) try: metadata = bioformatsClient.getMetadata() if metadata == None: metadata = {} self.logger.debug('Metadata: "%s"' % str(metadata)) os.remove('temp.xml') except XMLSyntaxError: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail( 'FAILURE Tiles: XMLSyntaxError', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) metadata = {} os.remove(f) """ Update the slide table with the success result. """ self.updateAttributes( 'Histological_Images:HE_Slide', rid, ["Thumbnail", "Pyramid_URL", "Processing_Status", "uri"], { 'RID': rid, 'Thumbnail': thumbnail, 'Pyramid_URL': '/%s?%s' % (self.viewer, urls), 'uri': '/%s?%s' % (self.viewer, urls), "Processing_Status": 'success' }) self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED created the tiles directory for the file "%s".' % (filename)) """ Update/Create the image entry with the metadata """ obj = {} obj['ID'] = slideId obj['Name'] = name obj['url'] = '/chaise/viewer/#2/Histological_Images:HE_Slide/ID=%d' % slideId columns = ['ID', 'Name', 'url'] for col in self.metadata: if col in metadata and metadata[col] != None: columns.append(col) obj[col] = metadata[col] """ Check if we have an update or create """ rid = self.getRID('Histological_Images:HE_Image', 'ID=%d' % slideId) if rid != None: obj['RID'] = rid self.updateAttributes('Histological_Images:HE_Image', rid, columns, obj) else: self.createEntity('Histological_Images:HE_Image', obj) self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED created the image entry for the file "%s".' % (filename)) self.logger.debug('Ended HistologicalImages Slides Processing.') """ Extract the file from hatrac """ def getHatracFile(self, filename, file_url): try: hatracFile = '%s/%s' % (self.data_scratch, filename), destfilename=hatracFile) self.logger.debug('File "%s", %d bytes.' % (hatracFile, os.stat(hatracFile).st_size)) return hatracFile except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: write thumbnail ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) return None """ Generate the thumbnail """ def writeThumbnailImage(self, filename, year, md5): try: scanDir = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.dzi, year, md5) channels = [] for channel in os.listdir(scanDir): if os.path.isdir('%s%s%s' % (scanDir, os.sep, channel)): channels.append(channel) outdir = '%s/%s' % (self.thumbnails, year) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) shutil.copyfile( '%s/%s/%s/%s/0/0_0.jpg' % (self.dzi, year, md5, channels[0]), '%s/%s.jpg' % (outdir, md5)) thumbnail = '/thumbnails/%s/%s.jpg' % (urlquote(year), urlquote(md5)) urls = [] for channel in channels: urls.append('url=/data/%s/%s/%s/ImageProperties.xml' % (year, md5, channel)) return (thumbnail, '&'.join(urls)) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: write thumbnail ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) os.remove(filename) return (None, None) """ Convert the input file to DZI """ def convert2dzi(self, filename, outdir): try: currentDirectory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.dzi) args = [self.czi2dzi, filename, outdir] p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdoutdata, stderrdata = p.communicate() returncode = p.returncode os.chdir(currentDirectory) if returncode != 0: self.logger.error( 'Can not convert czi to dzi for file "%s".\nstdoutdata: %s\nstderrdata: %s\n' % (filename, stdoutdata, stderrdata)) self.sendMail( 'FAILURE Tiles', 'Can not convert czi to dzi for file "%s".\nstdoutdata: %s\nstderrdata: %s\n' % (filename, stdoutdata, stderrdata)) os.remove(filename) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: czi2dzi ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) os.chdir(currentDirectory) self.logger.error( 'Can not generate pyramidal tiles for the file "%s".\nstdoutdata: %s\nstderrdata: %s\n' % (filename, stdoutdata, stderrdata)) self.sendMail( 'FAILURE Tiles', 'Can not generate pyramidal tiles for the file "%s".\nstdoutdata: %s\nstderrdata: %s\n' % (filename, stdoutdata, stderrdata)) returncode = 1 return returncode """ Update the ermrest attributes """ def updateAttributes(self, path, rid, columns, row): """ Update the ermrest attributes with the row values. """ try: columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/%s/RID;%s' % (path, columns) resp = self.catalog.put(url, json=[row]) resp.raise_for_status() self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED updated the table "%s" for the RID "%s" with "%s".' % (path, rid, json.dumps(row, indent=4))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) """ Insert a row in a table """ def createEntity(self, path, row): """ Insert the row in the table. """ try: url = '/entity/%s' % (path) resp =, json=[row]) resp.raise_for_status() self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED created in the table "%s" the entry "%s".' % (path, json.dumps(row, indent=4))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) """ Check if an entry exist in the table Return the RID if it exists, and None otherwise """ def getRID(self, path, predicate): """ Get the RID of the row. """ try: RID = None url = '/entity/%s/%s' % (path, predicate) resp = self.catalog.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() rows = resp.json() if len(rows) == 1: RID = rows[0]['RID'] self.logger.debug('RID for the url = "%s" is "%s".' % (url, RID)) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Tiles: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) return RID
class HatracClient (object): """ Network client for hatrac. """ ## Derived from the ermrest iobox service client def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") = HatracStore( self.scheme,, {'cookie': self.cookie} ) self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog( self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie} ) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Hatrac Client initialized.') """ Send email notification """ def sendMail(self, subject, text): if self.mail_server and self.mail_sender and self.mail_receiver: retry = 0 ready = False while not ready: try: msg = MIMEText('%s\n\n%s' % (text, mail_footer), 'plain') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = self.mail_sender msg['To'] = self.mail_receiver s = smtplib.SMTP(self.mail_server) s.sendmail(self.mail_sender, self.mail_receiver.split(','), msg.as_string()) s.quit() self.logger.debug('Sent email notification.') ready = True except socket.gaierror as e: if e.errno == socket.EAI_AGAIN: time.sleep(100) retry = retry + 1 ready = retry > 10 else: ready = True if ready: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) ready = True """ Start the process for deleting files from hatrac """ def start(self): try: self.deleteFromHatrac() except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Delete Hatrac: unexpected exception', '%s\nThe process might have been stopped\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) raise """ Delete videos from hatrac """ def deleteFromHatrac(self): url = '/entity/Common:Delete_Hatrac/Hatrac_Deleted=FALSE/Processing_Status=in%20progress;Processing_Status::null::' resp = self.catalog.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() files = resp.json() fileids = [] for f in files: fileids.append((f['Hatrac_URI'], f['RID'])) self.logger.debug('Deleting from hatrac %d files(s).' % (len(fileids))) for hatrac_uri,rid in fileids: try: self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED deleted from hatrac the "%s" file.' % (hatrac_uri)) columns = ["Hatrac_Deleted", "Processing_Status"] columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/Common:Delete_Hatrac/RID;%s' % (columns) obj = {'RID': rid, 'Hatrac_Deleted': True, 'Processing_Status': 'success' } self.catalog.put( url, json=[obj] ) self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED updated the Common:Delete_Hatrac table entry for the Hatrac URL: "%s".' % (hatrac_uri)) except Exception as e: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.reportFailure(rid, str(e)) """ Update the Delete_Hatrac table with the ERROR status """ def reportFailure(self, rid, error_message): """ Update the Delete_Hatrac table with the failure result. """ try: columns = ["Processing_Status"] columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/Common:Delete_Hatrac/RID;%s' % (columns) obj = {'RID': rid, 'Processing_Status': '%s' % error_message } self.catalog.put( url, json=[obj] ) self.logger.debug('SUCCEEDED updated the Delete_Hatrac table for the RID "%s" with the Processing_Status result "%s".' % (rid, error_message)) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Delete Hatrac: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb)))
class HatracClient(object): """ Network client for hatrac. """ ## Derived from the ermrest iobox service client def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.baseuri = kwargs.get("baseuri") o = urlparse.urlparse(self.baseuri) self.scheme = o[0] host_port = o[1].split(":") = host_port[0] self.path = o.path self.port = None if len(host_port) > 1: self.port = host_port[1] self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie") = HatracStore(self.scheme,, {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.catalog = PollingErmrestCatalog(self.scheme,, self.path.split('/')[-1], {'cookie': self.cookie}) self.mail_server = kwargs.get("mail_server") self.mail_sender = kwargs.get("mail_sender") self.mail_receiver = kwargs.get("mail_receiver") self.logger = kwargs.get("logger") self.logger.debug('Hatrac Client initialized.') """ Send email notification """ def sendMail(self, subject, text): if self.mail_server and self.mail_sender and self.mail_receiver: retry = 0 ready = False while not ready: try: msg = MIMEText('%s\n\n%s' % (text, mail_footer), 'plain') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = self.mail_sender msg['To'] = self.mail_receiver s = smtplib.SMTP(self.mail_server) s.sendmail(self.mail_sender, self.mail_receiver.split(','), msg.as_string()) s.quit() self.logger.debug('Sent email notification.') ready = True except socket.gaierror as e: if e.errno == socket.EAI_AGAIN: time.sleep(100) retry = retry + 1 ready = retry > 10 else: ready = True if ready: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error( '%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error( '%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) ready = True """ Start the process for deleting files from hatrac """ def start(self): try: self.deleteFromHatrac() except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got unexpected exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail( 'FAILURE Delete Hatrac: unexpected exception', '%s\nThe process might have been stopped\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) raise """ Delete videos from hatrac """ def deleteFromHatrac(self): url = '/entity/Common:Delete_Hatrac/Hatrac_Deleted=FALSE/Processing_Status=in%20progress;Processing_Status::null::' resp = self.catalog.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() files = resp.json() fileids = [] for f in files: fileids.append((f['Hatrac_URI'], f['RID'])) self.logger.debug('Deleting from hatrac %d files(s).' % (len(fileids))) for hatrac_uri, rid in fileids: try: self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED deleted from hatrac the "%s" file.' % (hatrac_uri)) columns = ["Hatrac_Deleted", "Processing_Status"] columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/Common:Delete_Hatrac/RID;%s' % (columns) obj = { 'RID': rid, 'Hatrac_Deleted': True, 'Processing_Status': 'success' } self.catalog.put(url, json=[obj]) self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED updated the Common:Delete_Hatrac table entry for the Hatrac URL: "%s".' % (hatrac_uri)) except Exception as e: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.reportFailure(rid, str(e)) """ Update the Delete_Hatrac table with the ERROR status """ def reportFailure(self, rid, error_message): """ Update the Delete_Hatrac table with the failure result. """ try: columns = ["Processing_Status"] columns = ','.join([urlquote(col) for col in columns]) url = '/attributegroup/Common:Delete_Hatrac/RID;%s' % (columns) obj = {'RID': rid, 'Processing_Status': '%s' % error_message} self.catalog.put(url, json=[obj]) self.logger.debug( 'SUCCEEDED updated the Delete_Hatrac table for the RID "%s" with the Processing_Status result "%s".' % (rid, error_message)) except: et, ev, tb = sys.exc_info() self.logger.error('got exception "%s"' % str(ev)) self.logger.error('%s' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb))) self.sendMail('FAILURE Delete Hatrac: reportFailure ERROR', '%s\n' % str(traceback.format_exception(et, ev, tb)))