Esempio n. 1
def read_targets_in_box(hpdirname, radecbox=[0., 360., -90., 90.],
    """Read in targets in an RA/Dec box.

    hpdirname : :class:`str`
        Full path to either a directory containing targets that
        have been partitioned by HEALPixel (i.e. as made by
        `select_targets` with the `bundle_files` option). Or the
        name of a single file of targets.
    radecbox : :class:`list`, defaults to the entire sky
        4-entry list of coordinates [ramin, ramax, decmin, decmax]
        forming the edges of a box in RA/Dec (degrees).
    columns : :class:`list`, optional
        Only read in these target columns.

        An array of targets in the passed RA/Dec box.
    # ADM we'll need RA/Dec for final cuts, so ensure they're read.
    addedcols = []
    columnscopy = None
    if columns is not None:
        # ADM make a copy of columns, as it's a kwarg we'll modify.
        columnscopy = columns.copy()
        for radec in ["RA", "DEC"]:
            if radec not in columnscopy:

    # ADM if a directory was passed, do fancy HEALPixel parsing...
    if os.path.isdir(hpdirname):
        # ADM approximate nside for area of passed box.
        nside = pixarea2nside(box_area(radecbox))

        # ADM HEALPixels that touch the box for that nside.
        pixlist = hp_in_box(nside, radecbox)

        # ADM read in targets in these HEALPixels.
        targets = read_targets_in_hp(hpdirname, nside, pixlist,
    # ADM ...otherwise just read in the targets.
        targets =, columns=columnscopy)

    # ADM restrict only to targets in the requested RA/Dec box...
    ii = is_in_box(targets, radecbox)
    # ADM ...and remove RA/Dec columns if we added them.
    targets = rfn.drop_fields(targets[ii], addedcols)

    return targets
Esempio n. 2
def resolve(targets):
    """Resolve which targets are primary in imaging overlap regions.

    targets : :class:`~numpy.ndarray`
        Rec array of targets. Must have columns "RA" and "DEC" and
        either "RELEASE" or "PHOTSYS".

        The original target list trimmed to only objects from the "northern"
        photometry in the northern imaging area and objects from "southern"
        photometry in the southern imaging area.
    # ADM retrieve the photometric system from the RELEASE.
    from import release_to_photsys, desitarget_resolve_dec
    if 'PHOTSYS' in targets.dtype.names:
        photsys = targets["PHOTSYS"]
        photsys = release_to_photsys(targets["RELEASE"])

    # ADM a flag of which targets are from the 'N' photometry.
    from desitarget.cuts import _isonnorthphotsys
    photn = _isonnorthphotsys(photsys)

    # ADM grab the declination used to resolve targets.
    split = desitarget_resolve_dec()

    # ADM determine which targets are north of the Galactic plane. As
    # ADM a speed-up, bin in ~1 sq.deg. HEALPixels and determine
    # ADM which of those pixels are north of the Galactic plane.
    # ADM We should never be as close as ~1o to the plane.
    from desitarget.geomask import is_in_gal_box, pixarea2nside
    nside = pixarea2nside(1)
    theta, phi = np.radians(90 - targets["DEC"]), np.radians(targets["RA"])
    pixnum = hp.ang2pix(nside, theta, phi, nest=True)
    # ADM find the pixels north of the Galactic plane...
    allpix = np.arange(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, allpix, nest=True)
    ra, dec = np.degrees(phi), 90 - np.degrees(theta)
    pixn = is_in_gal_box([ra, dec], [0., 360., 0., 90.], radec=True)
    # ADM which targets are in pixels north of the Galactic plane.
    galn = pixn[pixnum]

    # ADM which targets are in the northern imaging area.
    arean = (targets["DEC"] >= split) & galn

    # ADM retain 'N' targets in 'N' area and 'S' in 'S' area.
    keep = (photn & arean) | (~photn & ~arean)

    return targets[keep]
Esempio n. 3
    def test_targets_spatial(self):
        """Test applying RA/Dec/HEALpixel inputs to sweeps recovers same targets
        # ADM only test some of the galaxy cuts for speed. There's a
        # ADM full run through all classes in test_cuts_basic.
        tc = ["LRG", "ELG", "BGS"]
        infiles = self.sweepfiles[2]

        targets = cuts.select_targets(infiles, numproc=1, tcnames=tc)

        # ADM test the RA/Dec box input.
        radecbox = [
            np.min(targets["RA"]) - 0.01,
            np.max(targets["RA"]) + 0.01,
            np.min(targets["DEC"]) - 0.01,
            np.max(targets["DEC"] + 0.01)
        t1 = cuts.select_targets(infiles,

        # ADM test the RA/Dec/radius cap input.
        centra, centdec = 0.5 * (radecbox[0] + radecbox[1]), 0.5 * (
            radecbox[2] + radecbox[3])
        # ADM 20 degrees should be a large enough radius for the sweeps.
        maxrad = 20.
        radecrad = centra, centdec, maxrad
        t2 = cuts.select_targets(infiles,

        # ADM test the pixel input.
        nside = pixarea2nside(box_area(radecbox))
        pixlist = hp_in_box(nside, radecbox)
        t3 = cuts.select_targets(infiles,

        # ADM sort each set of targets on TARGETID to compare them.
        targets = targets[np.argsort(targets["TARGETID"])]
        t1 = t1[np.argsort(t1["TARGETID"])]
        t2 = t2[np.argsort(t2["TARGETID"])]
        t3 = t3[np.argsort(t3["TARGETID"])]

        # ADM test the same targets were recovered and that
        # ADM each recovered target has the same bits set.
        for targs in t1, t2, t3:
            for col in "TARGETID", "DESI_TARGET", "BGS_TARGET", "MWS_TARGET":
                self.assertTrue(np.all(targs[col] == targets[col]))
Esempio n. 4
def get_gaia_nside_brick(bricksize=0.25):
    """Grab the HEALPixel nside that corresponds to a brick.

    bricksize : :class:`float`, optional, defaults to 0.25
        Size of the brick, default is the Legacy Surveys standard.

        The HEALPixel nside number that corresponds to a brick.

    return pixarea2nside(bricksize * bricksize)