Esempio n. 1
    def _make_poke(self, hs, key, msgs):
        lflag = Symbol(name='lflag')
        gflag = Symbol(name='gflag')

        # Init flags
        body = [Expression(DummyEq(lflag, 0)), Expression(DummyEq(gflag, 1))]

        # For each msg, build an Iteration calling MPI_Test on all peers
        for msg in msgs:
            dim = Dimension(name='i')
            msgi = IndexedPointer(msg, dim)

            rrecv = Byref(FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_rrecv, msgi))
            testrecv = Call(
                [rrecv, Byref(lflag),

            rsend = Byref(FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_rsend, msgi))
            testsend = Call(
                [rsend, Byref(lflag),

            update = AugmentedExpression(DummyEq(gflag, lflag), '&')

                Iteration([testsend, update, testrecv, update], dim,
                          msg.npeers - 1))


        return make_efunc('pokempi%d' % key, List(body=body), retval='int')
Esempio n. 2
    def _make_halowait(self, f, hse, key, msg=None):
        nb = f.grid.distributor._obj_neighborhood
        wait = self._cache_dims[f.dimensions][2]

        fixed = {d: Symbol(name="o%s" % d.root) for d in hse.loc_indices}

        # Only retain the halos required by the Diag scheme
        # Note: `sorted` is only for deterministic code generation
        halos = sorted(i for i in hse.halos if isinstance(i.dim, tuple))

        body = []
        for dims, tosides in halos:
            mapper = OrderedDict(zip(dims, [i.flip() for i in tosides]))
            fromrank = FieldFromPointer(
                ''.join([0] for i in mapper.values()), nb)
            ofss = [
                          f._C_get_field(HALO, d, mapper.get(d)).offset)
                for d in f.dimensions

            msgi = Byref(IndexedPointer(msg, len(body)))

            body.append(Call(, [f] + ofss + [fromrank, msgi]))

        iet = List(body=body)
        parameters = [f] + list(fixed.values()) + [nb, msg]
        return Callable('halowait%d' % key, iet, 'void', parameters,
                        ('static', ))
Esempio n. 3
 def _call_sendrecv(self, name, *args, msg=None, haloid=None):
     # Drop `sizes` as this HaloExchangeBuilder conveys them through `msg`
     # Drop `ofss` as this HaloExchangeBuilder only needs them in `wait()`,
     # to collect and scatter the result of an MPI_Irecv
     f, _, ofsg, _, fromrank, torank, comm = args
     msg = Byref(IndexedPointer(msg, haloid))
     return Call(name, [f] + ofsg + [fromrank, torank, comm, msg])
Esempio n. 4
    def _make_halowait(self, f, hse, key, msg=None):
        cast = cast_mapper[(f.dtype, '*')]

        fixed = {d: Symbol(name="o%s" % d.root) for d in hse.loc_indices}

        dim = Dimension(name='i')

        msgi = IndexedPointer(msg, dim)

        bufs = FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_bufs, msgi)

        fromrank = FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_from, msgi)

        sizes = [FieldFromComposite('%s[%d]' % (msg._C_field_sizes, i), msgi)
                 for i in range(len(f._dist_dimensions))]
        ofss = [FieldFromComposite('%s[%d]' % (msg._C_field_ofss, i), msgi)
                for i in range(len(f._dist_dimensions))]
        ofss = [fixed.get(d) or ofss.pop(0) for d in f.dimensions]

        # The `scatter` must be guarded as we must not alter the halo values along
        # the domain boundary, where the sender is actually MPI.PROC_NULL
        scatter = Call('scatter%s' % key, [cast(bufs)] + sizes + [f] + ofss)
        scatter = Conditional(CondNe(fromrank, Macro('MPI_PROC_NULL')), scatter)

        rrecv = Byref(FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_rrecv, msgi))
        waitrecv = Call('MPI_Wait', [rrecv, Macro('MPI_STATUS_IGNORE')])
        rsend = Byref(FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_rsend, msgi))
        waitsend = Call('MPI_Wait', [rsend, Macro('MPI_STATUS_IGNORE')])

        # The -1 below is because an Iteration, by default, generates <=
        ncomms = Symbol(name='ncomms')
        iet = Iteration([waitsend, waitrecv, scatter], dim, ncomms - 1)
        parameters = ([f] + list(fixed.values()) + [msg, ncomms])
        return Callable('halowait%d' % key, iet, 'void', parameters, ('static',))
Esempio n. 5
    def _make_haloupdate(self, f, hse, key, msg=None):
        comm = f.grid.distributor._obj_comm

        fixed = {d: Symbol(name="o%s" % d.root) for d in hse.loc_indices}

        dim = Dimension(name='i')

        msgi = IndexedPointer(msg, dim)

        bufg = FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_bufg, msgi)
        bufs = FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_bufs, msgi)

        fromrank = FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_from, msgi)
        torank = FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_to, msgi)

        sizes = [
            FieldFromComposite('%s[%d]' % (msg._C_field_sizes, i), msgi)
            for i in range(len(f._dist_dimensions))
        ofsg = [
            FieldFromComposite('%s[%d]' % (msg._C_field_ofsg, i), msgi)
            for i in range(len(f._dist_dimensions))
        ofsg = [fixed.get(d) or ofsg.pop(0) for d in f.dimensions]

        # The `gather` is unnecessary if sending to MPI.PROC_NULL
        gather = Call('gather_%s' % key, [bufg] + sizes + [f] + ofsg)
        gather = Conditional(CondNe(torank, Macro('MPI_PROC_NULL')), gather)

        # Make Irecv/Isend
        count = reduce(mul, sizes, 1)
        rrecv = Byref(FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_rrecv, msgi))
        rsend = Byref(FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_rsend, msgi))
        recv = Call('MPI_Irecv', [
            bufs, count,
            Macro(dtype_to_mpitype(f.dtype)), fromrank,
            Integer(13), comm, rrecv
        send = Call('MPI_Isend', [
            bufg, count,
            Macro(dtype_to_mpitype(f.dtype)), torank,
            Integer(13), comm, rsend

        # The -1 below is because an Iteration, by default, generates <=
        ncomms = Symbol(name='ncomms')
        iet = Iteration([recv, gather, send], dim, ncomms - 1)
        parameters = ([f, comm, msg, ncomms]) + list(fixed.values())
        return Callable('haloupdate%d' % key, iet, 'void', parameters,
                        ('static', ))
Esempio n. 6
    def _make_remainder(self, hs, key, callcompute, region):
        assert callcompute.is_Call

        dim = Dimension(name='i')
        region_i = IndexedPointer(region, dim)

        dynamic_args_mapper = {}
        for i in hs.arguments:
            if i.is_Dimension:
                dynamic_args_mapper[i] = (FieldFromComposite(i.min_name, region_i),
                                          FieldFromComposite(i.max_name, region_i))
                dynamic_args_mapper[i] = (FieldFromComposite(, region_i),)

        iet = callcompute._rebuild(dynamic_args_mapper=dynamic_args_mapper)
        # The -1 below is because an Iteration, by default, generates <=
        iet = Iteration(iet, dim, region.nregions - 1)

        return make_efunc('remainder%d' % key, iet)
Esempio n. 7
    def _alloc_pointed_array_on_high_bw_mem(self, site, obj, storage):
        Allocate the following objects in the high bandwidth memory:

            * The pointer array `obj`;
            * The pointee Array `obj.array`

        If the pointer array is defined over `sregistry.threadid`, that is a thread
        Dimension, then each `obj.array` slice is allocated and freed individually
        by the owner thread.
        # The pointer array
        decl = Definition(obj)

        memptr = VOID(Byref(obj._C_symbol), '**')
        alignment = obj._data_alignment
        size = SizeOf(Keyword('%s*' % obj._C_typedata)) * obj.dim.symbolic_size
        alloc0 = self.lang['host-alloc'](memptr, alignment, size)

        free0 = self.lang['host-free'](obj._C_symbol)

        # The pointee Array
        pobj = IndexedPointer(obj._C_symbol, obj.dim)
        memptr = VOID(Byref(pobj), '**')
        size = SizeOf(obj._C_typedata) * prod(obj.array.symbolic_shape)
        alloc1 = self.lang['host-alloc'](memptr, alignment, size)

        free1 = self.lang['host-free'](pobj)

        # Dump
        if obj.dim is self.sregistry.threadid:
                           allocs=(decl, alloc0),
                           pallocs=(obj.dim, alloc1),
                           pfrees=(obj.dim, free1))
                           allocs=(decl, alloc0, alloc1),
                           frees=(free0, free1))
Esempio n. 8
    def _make_poke(self, hs, key, msgs):
        flag = Symbol(name='flag')
        initflag = LocalExpression(DummyEq(flag, 0))

        body = [initflag]
        for msg in msgs:
            dim = Dimension(name='i')
            msgi = IndexedPointer(msg, dim)

            rrecv = Byref(FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_rrecv, msgi))
            rsend = Byref(FieldFromComposite(msg._C_field_rsend, msgi))
            testrecv = Call(
                [rrecv, Byref(flag),
            testsend = Call(
                [rsend, Byref(flag),

            body.append(Iteration([testsend, testrecv], dim, msg.npeers - 1))

        return make_efunc('pokempi%d' % key, body)