Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, x, y, t, w=None, bbox=[None] * 2, k=3):
          x,y   - 1-d sequences of data points (x must be
                  in strictly ascending order)
          t     - 1-d sequence of the positions of user-defined
                  interior knots of the spline (t must be in strictly
                  ascending order and bbox[0]<t[0]<...<t[-1]<bbox[-1])

        Optional input:
          w          - positive 1-d sequence of weights
          bbox       - 2-sequence specifying the boundary of
                       the approximation interval.
                       By default, bbox=[x[0],x[-1]]
          k=3        - degree of the univariate spline.
        #_data == x,y,w,xb,xe,k,s,n,t,c,fp,fpint,nrdata,ier
        xb = bbox[0]
        xe = bbox[1]
        if xb is None: xb = x[0]
        if xe is None: xe = x[-1]
        t = concatenate(([xb] * (k + 1), t, [xe] * (k + 1)))
        n = len(t)
        if not alltrue(t[k + 1:n - k] - t[k:n - k - 1] > 0, axis=0):
            raise ValueError('Interior knots t must satisfy '
                             'Schoenberg-Whitney conditions')
        data = dfitpack.fpcurfm1(x, y, k, t, w=w, xb=xb, xe=xe)
        self._data = data[:-3] + (None, None, data[-1])
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, x, y, t, w=None, bbox = [None]*2, k=3):
          x,y   - 1-d sequences of data points (x must be
                  in strictly ascending order)
          t     - 1-d sequence of the positions of user-defined
                  interior knots of the spline (t must be in strictly
                  ascending order and bbox[0]<t[0]<...<t[-1]<bbox[-1])

        Optional input:
          w          - positive 1-d sequence of weights
          bbox       - 2-sequence specifying the boundary of
                       the approximation interval.
                       By default, bbox=[x[0],x[-1]]
          k=3        - degree of the univariate spline.
        #_data == x,y,w,xb,xe,k,s,n,t,c,fp,fpint,nrdata,ier
        if xb is None: xb = x[0]
        if xe is None: xe = x[-1]
        t = concatenate(([xb]*(k+1),t,[xe]*(k+1)))
        n = len(t)
        if not alltrue(t[k+1:n-k]-t[k:n-k-1] > 0,axis=0):
            raise ValueError,\
                  'Interior knots t must satisfy Schoenberg-Whitney conditions'
        data = dfitpack.fpcurfm1(x,y,k,t,w=w,xb=xb,xe=xe)
        self._data = data[:-3] + (None,None,data[-1])