Esempio n. 1
 def geocodeAddress(address):
     data = {'Single Line Input': address, 'f': 'json', 'outSR': 4326}
     url = ''
     results = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)
     if 'candidates' in results and len(results['candidates']) > 0:
         return float(results['candidates'][0]['location']['x']), float(
         return 0, 0
Esempio n. 2
 def getEmployeeEmailName(d):
     if d['assignEmp'] is None:
         d['assignEmp'] = '9999'
     data = {'where': 'EmployID = ' + str(d['assignEmp']), 'outFields': '*'}
     url = mapURL + requestDataURL['Employees'] + '/query'
     email = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)['features']
     if len(email) > 0:
         email = email[0]['attributes']['Email']
         email = '*****@*****.**'
         d['assignEmp'] = '9999'
         d['assignEmpText'] = 'Unassigned'
         d['assignEmpDept'] = '9999'
         d['assignEmpDeptText'] = 'Unassigned'
         return email, d
     data['where'] = 'EMP_NO = ' + str(d['assignEmp'])
     url = mapURL + requestDataURL['EmployeesEden'] + '/query'
     name = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)['features']
     if len(name) > 0:
         d['assignEmpText'] = name[0]['attributes']['FULL_NAME']
         d['assignEmpDept'] = name[0]['attributes']['DEPT_NO']
         d['assignEmpDeptText'] = name[0]['attributes']['DEPT']
     return email, d
Esempio n. 3
 def checkForAdditionalInfo(requestText):
     url = mapURL + requestDataURL['Types'] + '/query'
     data = {
         'where': 'RequestName = \'' + requestText + '\'',
         'outFields': 'RequestID',
         'f': 'json'
     requestType = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)
     if 'features' in requestType and len(requestType['features']) > 0:
         reqID = requestType['features'][0]['attributes']['RequestID']
         return False
     url = mapURL + requestDataURL['Questions'] + '/query'
     data = {
         'where': 'RequestTypeID = ' + str(reqID),
         'returnCountOnly': True,
         'f': 'json'
     additionalCount = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)
     if 'count' in additionalCount and additionalCount['count'] > 0:
         return True
         return False
Esempio n. 4
    def getRequestData(params):
        #url = params.getfirst('u')

        url = mapURL + requestDataURL['Requests'] + '/query'

        if queryType == 'requester':
            data = getRequesterParameters(params)
            data = parseParameters(params)

        if 'd' in params:
            days = params.getValue('d')
            # Do additional parsing
        result = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)
Esempio n. 5
 def checkStreetLight(d, count):
     delta = .0005 * count
     LocationX = d['x']
     LocationY = d['y']
     LocationXMin = float(LocationX) - delta
     LocationYMin = float(LocationY) - delta
     LocationXMax = float(LocationX) + delta
     LocationYMax = float(LocationY) + delta
     streetLightUrl = ''
     streetLightData = {
         str(LocationXMin) + ',' + str(LocationYMin) + ',' +
         str(LocationXMax) + ',' + str(LocationYMax),
     result = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(streetLightUrl, streetLightData)
     features = result['features']
     global sl
     sl = {'AssetType': 'Street Light'}
     if len(features) > 0:
         for feature in features:
             attrs = feature['attributes']
             owner = attrs['Owner']
             sl['AssetOwner'] = owner
             if owner == 'Village':
                 sl['AssetID'] = str(attrs.get('SystemID')) + "-" + str(
                 sl['AssetID'] = str(attrs.get('Address'))
         if count < 4:
             checkStreetLight(d, count + 1)
             sl['AssetOwner'] = 'Unknown'
             sl['AssetID'] = 'Unknown'
     return sl
Esempio n. 6
 def jurisdictionRightOfWay(x, y):
     data = {
         'f': 'json',
         'geometry': str(x) + ',' + str(y),
         'geometryType': 'esriGeometryPoint',
         'inSR': 4326,
         'spatialRel': 'esriSpatialRelIntersects',
         'outFields': '*',
         'returnGeometry': 'false'
     url = mapURL + requestDataURL['ROW'] + '/query'
     juris = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)['features']
     if len(juris) > 0:
         juris = juris[0]['attributes']['MAINT']
         juris = 'VDG'
     return juris
Esempio n. 7
 def geoQuery(geo, geoType, service, queryType, returnGeo):
     data = {
         'f': 'json',
         'geometry': geo,
         'geometryType': geoType,
         'inSR': 4326,
         'outSR': 4326,
         'spatialRel': queryType,
         'outFields': '*',
         'returnGeometry': returnGeo
     url = baseURL + service + '/query'
     """if geoType == 'esriGeometryPolygon':
         print url
         print geoType,queryType,returnGeo
         print geo"""
     return dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)['features']
Esempio n. 8
 def checkVillageBoundary(x, y):
     url = ''
     geo = str(x) + ',' + str(y)
     data = {
         'f': 'json',
         'geometry': geo,
         'geometryType': 'esriGeometryPoint',
         'inSR': 4326,
         'spatialRel': 'esriSpatialRelIntersects',
         'outFields': '*',
         'returnGeometry': 'false'
     data['where'] = 'Type = \'Boundary\''
     village = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)['features']
     if len(village) > 0:
         village = village[0]['attributes']['EmployName']
         village = 'Out'
     return village
Esempio n. 9
 def routeViaGeo(geo, geoType, where):
     url = mapURL + requestDataURL['Response'] + '/query'
     data = {
         'f': 'json',
         'geometry': geo,
         'geometryType': geoType,
         'inSR': 4326,
         'spatialRel': 'esriSpatialRelIntersects',
         'outFields': '*',
         'returnGeometry': 'false'
     if where == 'Streets':
         where = 'PW-TECH'
     data['where'] = 'Type = \'' + where + '\''
     emp = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)['features']
     if len(emp) > 0:
         emp = emp[0]['attributes']['EmployID']
         emp = None
     return emp
Esempio n. 10
 def createRequest(d):
     global requestID
     count = 1
     index = 0
     while (count > 0 or index < 10):
         index += 1
         requestID = nowDate.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M') + str(randint(10, 99))
         url = mapURL + requestDataURL['Requests'] + '/query'
         data = {
             'where': 'RequestID = \'' + requestID + '\'',
             'returnCountOnly': 'true',
             'f': 'json'
         count = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)
         count = count['count']
     #print "Create Request"
     requestUrl = featureURL + requestDataURL['Requests'] + '/addFeatures'
     requestDict = {'f': 'json', 'gdbVersion': 'GISUSER.Requests'}
     geometryDict = {'x': d['x'], 'y': d['y']}
     statusText = 'New Request'
     statusCode = 2
     owner = checkVillageBoundary(d['x'], d['y'])
     if owner == 'VDG':
         d, owner, email = routeRequest(d, requestID)
         calculatedResult['requestType'] = d['RequestTypeText']
     if owner != 'VDG':
         statusCode = 11
         statusText = statusCodes[str(statusCode)]
         calculatedResult['owner'] = outJuris[owner]['name']
         calculatedResult['phone'] = outJuris[owner]['phone']
         calculatedResult['uri'] = outJuris[owner]['uri']
     attributesDict = {
         'RequestID': requestID,
         'RequestTypeText': d['RequestTypeText'],
         'Address': d['Location'],
         'Description': d['Description'],
         'SubmittedDate': stringFullDate,
         'StatusCode': statusCode,
         'StatusText': statusText,
         'StatusDate': stringFullDate,
         'EmployeeID': int(d['assignEmp']),
         'EmployeeText': str(d['assignEmpText']),
         'DeptID': d['assignEmpDept'],
         'DeptText': str(d['assignEmpDeptText']),
         'RequestedDate': stringFullDate
     attributesDict['UpdatedBy'] = "*****@*****.**"
     i = "Intersection of "
     b = "block of "
     # Need to parse out the address # and street name to help with sorting on the list tab
     # if location address is an intersection
     if i in d['Location']:
         attributesDict['Address'] = d['Location'][len(i):len(i) + 100]
         attributesDict['AddressNo'] = 'None'
         attributesDict['StreetName'] = d['Location'][len(i):len(i) + 100]
     # ... a block address
     elif b in d['Location']:
         p = d['Location'].index(' ')
         attributesDict['AddressNo'] = d['Location'][0:p]
         attributesDict['StreetName'] = d['Location'][p + len(b) + 1:]
         attributesDict['Address'] = d['Location']
     # ... a normal address
         p = d['Location'].index(' ')
         attributesDict['Address'] = d['Location']
         attributesDict['AddressNo'] = d['Location'][0:p]
         attributesDict['StreetName'] = d['Location'][p + 1:]
     attributesDict = checkForNone(attributesDict)
     featureArray = [{
         'geometry': geometryDict,
         'attributes': attributesDict
     requestDict['features'] = featureArray
     #result = dghttpclient.postHttpRequest(requestUrl,requestDict)
     result = dghttpclient.postHttpRequestESRI(requestUrl, requestDict)
     result = result['addResults']
     return checkSuccess(result)
Esempio n. 11
    def routeRequest(rd, rid):
        # Get GeoRouteType to determine type of routing needed
        # Null = Village Boundary Check
        # Juris = Jurisdiction to determine if we're the responding organization geographically
        # Staff = Staff boundary has been established for who responds to the request (i.e. Code)
        url = mapURL + requestDataURL['Types'] + '/query'
        data = {
            'where': 'RequestName = \'' + rd['RequestTypeText'] + '\'',
            'f': 'json',
            'outFields': '*'
        reqType = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(
            url, data)['features'][0]['attributes']
        jk = '*****@*****.**'
        email = jk
        owner = 'VDG'
        if reqType['GeoRouteType'] == 'Juris' or reqType[
                'GeoRouteType'] == 'Juris|Staff':
            if rd['RequestTypeText'] == 'Street Light':
                streetLight = checkStreetLight(rd, 0)
                rd['asset'] = streetLight
                owner = streetLight['AssetOwner']
                if owner == 'Village':
                    owner = 'VDG'
                if rd['Location'].find('Intersection') == -1 and rd[
                        'Location'].find('Block') == -1:
                    g = "{0},{1}".format(rd['x'], rd['y'])
                    parcel = geoQuery(g, 'esriGeometryPoint',
                                      'esriSpatialRelIntersects', 'true')
                    owner = 'VDG'
                    if len(parcel) > 0:
                        parcel = parcel[0]['geometry']
                        xValues = []
                        yValues = []
                        for i in range(0, len(parcel['rings'][0])):

                        envelope = {
                            "xmax": max(xValues),
                            "ymax": max(yValues),
                            "xmin": min(xValues),
                            "ymin": min(yValues),
                            "spatialReference": {
                                "wkid": 4326
                        row = geoQuery(
                            envelope, 'esriGeometryEnvelope',
                            'Public/Requests311/MapServer/' +
                            requestDataURL['ROW'], 'esriSpatialRelIntersects',
                        owner = []
                        for r in row:
                        if 'VDG' in owner:
                            owner = 'VDG'
                            if len(owner) == 0:
                                owner = 'Out'
                                owner = owner[0]
                    owner = jurisdictionRightOfWay(rd['x'], rd['y'])
        # Get default or first responding employee before routing
        if 'assignEmp' not in rd or ('assignEmp' in rd
                                     and rd['assignEmp'] == unassignedNum
                                     and rd['RequestTypeText'] != 'General'):
            if reqType['DefaultAssigned'] is None:
                if reqType['GeoRouteType'] == 'Staff' or reqType[
                        'GeoRouteType'] == 'Juris|Staff':
                    rd['assignEmp'] = unassignedNum
                    respond = str(reqType['RespondingEmployees'])
                    if respond.find(',') != -1:
                        respond = respond.split(',')
                        if len(respond) > 0:
                            rd['assignEmp'] = respond[0]
                            respond = None
                        rd['assignEmp'] = respond
                    if respond is None:
                        rd['assignEmp'] = unassignedNum
                rd['assignEmp'] = reqType['DefaultAssigned']
        # Get Email before Routing can change it
        if owner == 'VDG' and ('assignEmp' in rd and
                               (rd['assignEmp'] != unassignedNum
                                and rd['assignEmp'] is not None
                                and rd['assignEmp'] != 'None')):
            email, rd = getEmployeeEmailName(rd)
            rd['assignEmp'] = unassignedNum
            rd['assignEmpText'] = unassigned
            email = jk
        if owner == 'VDG' and (reqType['GeoRouteType'] == 'Staff'
                               or reqType['GeoRouteType'] == 'Juris|Staff'):
            # if email is the default (which is me right now) check to see if it should be routed
            if email == jk:
                cat = reqType['Category']
                if reqType['MapColor'] == '#B1D2BE':
                    cat = 'Code'
                g = str(rd['x']) + ',' + str(rd['y'])
                email = routeViaGeo(g, 'esriGeometryPoint', cat)
                if email is None:
                    email = jk
                    rd['assignEmp'] = email
                    email, rd = getEmployeeEmailName(rd)
        return rd, owner, email
Esempio n. 12
    def addContact(d):
        # 2 Steps -- 1) Create Contact 2) Add relationship to relationship table
        t = 'contact'
        if 'cType' in d and d['cType'] is not None:
            t = d['cType']
        contactInfo = (('Email' in d or 'Address' in d or 'Phone' in d
                        or 'Name' in d)
                       and (d['Email'] != 'None' or d['Address'] != 'None'
                            or d['Phone'] != 'None' or d['Name'] != 'None'))
        if 'UserID' not in d and contactInfo is True:
            url = mapURL + requestDataURL['Contacts'] + '/query'
            data = {
                'where': 'OBJECTID IS NOT NULL',
                'orderByFields': 'ContactID DESC',
                'outFields': 'ContactID',
                'f': 'json'
            uID = dghttpclient.getHttpRequest(url, data)
            uID = uID['features'][0]['attributes']['ContactID']
            uID = uID + 1
            url = featureURL + requestDataURL['Contacts'] + '/addFeatures'
            contact = {
                'Type': t,
                'Name': d['Name'],
                'Address': d['Address'],
                'City': 'Downers Grove',
                'State': 'IL',
                'Zip': '60515',
                'Email': d['Email'],
                'Phone': d['Phone'],
                'Alt_Phone': 'None',
                'Notes': 'None',
                'ContactID': uID
            data = {
                'f': 'json',
                'features': [{
                    'attributes': contact
                'gdbVersion': 'GISUSER.Requests'
            #result = dghttpclient.postHttpRequest(url,data)
            result = dghttpclient.postHttpRequestESRI(url, data)
            result = result['addResults']
            result = checkSuccess(result)
        elif 'UserID' in d:
            uID = d['UserID']
            result = True
            return True

        if (result):
            url = featureURL + requestDataURL['ContactReqRel'] + '/addFeatures'
            contactRel = {
                'ContactID': str(uID),
                'RequestID': str(requestID),
                'ContactType': t
            data = {
                'f': 'json',
                'features': [{
                    'attributes': contactRel
                'gdbVersion': 'GISUSER.Requests'
            #result = dghttpclient.postHttpRequest(url,data)
            result = dghttpclient.postHttpRequestESRI(url, data)
            result = result['addResults']
            result = checkSuccess(result)
            return result
            return False