def validate_csv(data): if not data: raise ValueError(" CSV not valid (empty?)") if not data[0].get('orgunit', None): raise ValueError(u"+++ CSV not valid: CSV must have 'orgunit' header") if len(data[0]) <= 1: raise ValueError(u"+++ No programs found in CSV") orgunit_uids = [ou['orgunit'] for ou in data] if len(orgunit_uids) != len(set(orgunit_uids)): raise ValueError(u"Duplicate Orgunits (rows) found in the CSV") for ou in orgunit_uids: if not is_valid_uid(ou): raise ValueError( u"OrgUnit {} is not a valid UID in the CSV".format(ou)) for row in data: for p in row.keys(): if not is_valid_uid(p) and p != 'orgunit': raise ValueError( u"Program {} is not a valid UID in the CSV".format(p)) return True
def get_org_units(selection_type, value, random_size=None): global api_source org_units = list() if selection_type == 'uid': # Hardcoded list of OU UIDs separated by commas org_units = value.split(',') for ou_uid in org_units: if not is_valid_uid(ou_uid): logger.error('OU uid provided ' + ou_uid + ' is not valid') exit(1) else: ou_filter = "" if selection_type == 'uid_children': if not is_valid_uid(value): logger.error('OU uid provided for parent ' + value + ' is not valid') exit(1) ou_filter = "[" + value + "]" # To verify elif selection_type == 'name': ou_filter = "name:in:[" + value + "]" # To verify elif selection_type == 'ilike': ou_filter = "name:ilike:" + value # To verify elif selection_type == 'code': ou_filter = "code:in:[" + value + "]" elif selection_type == 'level': if value.isnumeric() and 0 < int(value): ou_filter = "level:in:[" + value + "]" else: logger.error('OU level to use must be integer positive, ' + value + ' is not valid') exit(1) else: logger.error("Unknown parameter for OU selection: " + selection_type) exit(1) OUs = api_source.get('organisationUnits', params={ "paging": "false", "fields": "id,name", "filter": ou_filter }).json()['organisationUnits'] logger.warning("Found " + str(len(OUs)) + " OUs") org_units = extract_json_element_as_list(OUs, 'id') if random_size is not None and len(org_units) > random_size: logger.warning("Extracting random sample of " + str(random_size) + " size") org_units = sample(org_units, random_size) return org_units
def validate_csv(data): if not data[0].get('key', None) or not data[0].get('value', None): raise ValueError("CSV not valid: CSV must have 'key' and 'value' as headers") object_uids = [obj['key'] for obj in data] for uid in object_uids: if not is_valid_uid(uid): raise ValueError("Object {} is not a valid UID in the CSV".format(uid)) if len(object_uids) != len(set(object_uids)): raise ValueError("Duplicate Objects (rows) found in the CSV") return True
def validate_csv(data): if not data[0].get('uid', None) or not data[0].get('attributeValue', None): raise PKClientException( "CSV not valid: CSV must have 'uid' and 'attributeValue' as headers" ) object_uids = [obj['uid'] for obj in data] for uid in object_uids: if not is_valid_uid(uid): raise PKClientException( "Object '{}' is not a valid UID in the CSV".format(uid)) if len(object_uids) != len(set(object_uids)): raise PKClientException("Duplicate Objects (rows) found in the CSV.") return True
def main(): args = parse_args() setup_logger() api = Api(server=args.server, username=args.username, password=args.password) if not is_valid_uid(args.attribute_uid): logger.error("Attribute {} is not a valid UID".format(args.attribute_uid)) data = list(load_csv(args.source_csv)) validate_csv(data) attr_get = {'fields': 'id,name,{}Attribute'.format(args.object_type[:-1])} attr = api.get('attributes/{}'.format(args.attribute_uid), params=attr_get).json() if attr['{}Attribute'.format(args.object_type[:-1])] is False: logger.error("Attribute {} is not assigned to type {}".format(args.attribute_uid, args.object_type[:-1])) "[{}] - Updating Attribute Values for Attribute \033[1m{}\033[0m for \033[1m{}\033[0m \033[1m{}\033[0m...".format( args.server, args.attribute_uid, len(data), args.object_type)) try: time.sleep(3) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.warn("\033[1m{}\033[0m".format("Aborted!")) pass for i, obj in enumerate(data, 1): obj_uid = obj.get('key') attribute_value = obj.get('value') params_get = {'fields': ':owner'} obj_old = api.get('{}/{}'.format(args.object_type, obj_uid), params=params_get).json() obj_updated = create_or_update_attributevalues(obj=obj_old, attribute_uid=args.attribute_uid, attribute_value=attribute_value) api.put('{}/{}'.format(args.object_type, obj_uid), params=None, data=obj_updated)"{}/{} - Updated AttributeValue: {} - {}: {}".format(i, len(data), attribute_value, args.object_type[:-1], obj_uid))
def main(): import argparse global api_source my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='dummy_data_agg', description='Create dummy data for aggregated datasets', epilog="example1" "\nexample2", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) my_parser.add_argument( 'Dataset', metavar='dataset_param', type=str, help='the uid of the dataset to use or a string to filter datasets') my_parser.add_argument( '-sd', '--start_date', action="store", dest="start_date", type=str, help= 'start date for the period to use to generate data (default is today - 1 year)' ) my_parser.add_argument( '-ptf', '--period_type_filter', action="store", dest="period_type_filter", type=str, help='only applicable when having multiple datasets: d, w, m, y') my_parser.add_argument( '-ed', '--end_date', action="store", dest="end_date", type=str, help= 'end date for the period to use to generate data (default is today)') my_parser.add_argument( '-ous', '--org_unit_selection', action="store", metavar=('type', 'value'), nargs=2, help= 'Provide a type of org unit selection from [uid,uid_children,name,code,level] and the value to use' 'Eg: --ous uid QXtjg5dh34A') # Parameters should be 0 or 1 my_parser.add_argument('-cf', '--create_flat_file', action="store", metavar='file_name', const='xxx', nargs='?', help='Create spreadsheet for min/max values' 'Eg: --create_flat_file=my_file.csv') my_parser.add_argument('-uf', '--use_flat_file', action="store", metavar='file_name', nargs=1, help='Use spreadsheet for min/max values' 'Eg: --use_flat_file=my_file.csv') my_parser.add_argument( '-i', '--instance', action="store", dest="instance", type=str, help= 'instance to use for dummy data injection (robot account is required!) - default is the URL in auth.json' ) my_parser.add_argument( '-ours', '--ous_random_size', action="store", dest="ous_random_size", type=str, help= 'From all OUs selected from ous command, takes a random sample of ous_random_size' ) args = my_parser.parse_args() credentials_file = 'auth.json' try: f = open(credentials_file) except IOError: print( "Please provide file auth.json with credentials for DHIS2 server") exit(1) else: with open(credentials_file, 'r') as json_file: credentials = json.load(json_file) if args.instance is not None: api_source = Api(args.instance, credentials['dhis']['username'], credentials['dhis']['password']) else: api_source = Api.from_auth_file(credentials_file) logger.warning("Server source running DHIS2 version {} revision {}".format( api_source.version, api_source.revision)) #WHAT dsParam = args.Dataset # WHERE ouUIDs = list() #WHEN start_date = "" end_date = "" periods = list() # Assign values from parameters provided if applicable if args.create_flat_file is None: # If we are creating a flat file it does not matter if not provided if args.org_unit_selection is None: print( 'Please provide a value for org_unit_selection to create the dummy data' ) else: if len(args.org_unit_selection) >= 1: ouUIDs = get_org_units(args.org_unit_selection[0], args.org_unit_selection[1], int(args.ous_random_size)) if len(ouUIDs) == 0: print('The OU selection ' + args.org_unit_selection[0] + ' ' + args.org_unit_selection[1] + ' returned no result') exit(1) if args.start_date is None: start_date = ( - timedelta(days=365)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") else: start_date = args.start_date if not isDateFormat(start_date): print('Start date provided ' + start_date + ' has a wrong format') exit(1) if args.end_date is None: end_date = ("%Y-%m-%d") else: end_date = args.end_date if not isDateFormat(end_date): print('End date provided ' + end_date + ' has a wrong format') exit(1) periods = list() if args.create_flat_file is not None: df_min_max = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=[ 'DE UID', 'COC UID', 'DE Name', 'COC Name', 'valueType', 'min', 'max' ]) else: df_min_max = None if args.use_flat_file is not None: filename = args.use_flat_file"Reading " + filename + " for min/max value") df_min_max = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=None, engine='python') CC = api_source.get('categoryCombos', params={ "paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,categoryOptionCombos" }).json()['categoryCombos'] CC = reindex(CC, 'id') defaultCC = '' for catcomboUID in CC: if CC[catcomboUID]['name'] == 'default': defaultCC = catcomboUID break if defaultCC == '': logger.warning('Could not find default Category Combo') COC = api_source.get('categoryOptionCombos', params={ "paging": "false", "fields": "id,name" }).json()['categoryOptionCombos'] COC = reindex(COC, 'id') DE = api_source.get( 'dataElements', params={ "paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,categoryCombo,aggregationType,valueType,optionSet" }).json()['dataElements'] DE = reindex(DE, 'id') # Check for optionSets in the DE optionSetUIDs = list() for de in DE: if 'optionSet' in de: optionSetUIDs.append(de['optionSet']['id']) if len(optionSetUIDs) > 0: options = api_source.get('options', params={ "paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,code", "filter": "" + ','.join(optionSetUIDs) }).json()['options'] de_numeric_types = [ 'INTEGER_POSITIVE', 'INTEGER', 'INTEGER_ZERO_OR_POSITIVE', 'NUMBER', 'PERCENTAGE', 'INTEGER_ZERO_OR_NEGATIVE' ] # Get the datasets" if is_valid_uid(dsParam): dataset_filter = "id:eq:" + dsParam else: dataset_filter = "name:like:" + dsParam dataSets = api_source.get( 'dataSets', params={ "paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,dataSetElements,periodType," "formType,dataEntryForm,sections,organisationUnits", "filter": dataset_filter }).json()['dataSets'] # Only one dataSet if len(dataSets) == 0: logger.error("Could not find any dataset") exit(1) else: if len(dataSets) > 1 and args.period_type_filter is not None: periodTypeFilter = args.period_type_filter if periodTypeFilter.lower() not in [ 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'yearly' ]: logger.error('Period type to filter not supported:' + periodTypeFilter) else: filteredDatasets = list() for ds in dataSets: if ds['periodType'].lower() == periodTypeFilter.lower(): filteredDatasets.append(ds) dataSets = filteredDatasets # Create workbook if args.create_flat_file is not None: ouput_file_name = 'datasets_' + dsParam + '.xlsx' ouput_file_name = args.create_flat_file + '.xlsx' writer = pd.ExcelWriter(ouput_file_name) for ds in dataSets:"Processing dataset " + ds['name']) if start_date != "" and end_date != "":"Period type is " + ds['periodType'] + " - Generating periods from " + start_date + " to " + end_date) periods = get_periods(ds['periodType'], start_date, end_date) if len(ouUIDs) > 0:"Verifying org unit selection") for ou_uid in ouUIDs: if not is_ou_assigned_to_ds(ou_uid, ds): ouUIDs.remove(ou_uid) logger.warning("Org unit " + ou_uid + " is not assigned to dataset " + ds['id']) dsDataElements = dict() greyedFields = list() # Analyse the sections of the dataSet looking for greyedFields if 'sections' in ds: sectionUIDs = "" for section in ds['sections']: sectionUIDs += (section['id'] + ",")"Found " + str(sectionUIDs.count(',')) + " sections in dataset") # Get sections sections = api_source.get( 'sections', params={ "paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,greyedFields[dataElement,categoryOptionCombo]", "filter": "id:in:[" + sectionUIDs + "]" }).json()['sections'] for section in sections: if len(section['greyedFields']) > 0: for element in section['greyedFields']: greyedFields.append( element['dataElement']['id'] + '.' + element['categoryOptionCombo']['id']) # Get dataElements for DSE in ds['dataSetElements']: df_min_max = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=[ 'DE UID', 'COC UID', 'DE Name', 'COC Name', 'valueType', 'min', 'max' ]) de = '' if 'dataElement' in DSE: deUID = DSE['dataElement']['id'] dsDataElements[deUID] = dict() de = DE[deUID] # Get all dataElement information dsDataElements[deUID]['valueType'] = de['valueType'] # Add options to the dataelement dict if pertinent if 'optionSet' in de: options = api_source.get('options', params={ "paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,code", "filter": "" + de['optionSet']['id'] }).json()['options'] dsDataElements[deUID]['options'] = list() for option in options: dsDataElements[deUID]['options'].append( option['code']) # Check if the Category Combo is specified in the dataElement definition COCs = list() if 'categoryCombo' in de and de['categoryCombo'][ 'id'] != defaultCC: COCs = CC[de['categoryCombo'] ['id']]['categoryOptionCombos'] # Check if Category Combo is specified for the dataElement in the dataSet elif 'categoryCombo' in DSE and DSE['categoryCombo'][ 'id'] != defaultCC: COCs = CC[DSE['categoryCombo'] ['id']]['categoryOptionCombos'] # Add COCs to the dataElement dictionary if len(COCs) > 0: dsDataElements[deUID]['COCs'] = list() for coc in COCs: dsDataElements[deUID]['COCs'].append(coc['id'])"Found " + str(len(dsDataElements)) + " dataElements in dataset") if args.create_flat_file is not None: for de in dsDataElements: if 'COCs' in dsDataElements[de]: for coc in dsDataElements[de]['COCs']: str_pair = de + "." + coc if str_pair not in greyedFields: df_min_max = df_min_max.append( { "DE UID": de, "COC UID": coc, "DE Name": DE[de]['name'], "COC Name": COC[coc]['name'], "valueType": dsDataElements[de]['valueType'], "min": "", "max": "" }, ignore_index=True) else: df_min_max = df_min_max.append( { "DE UID": de, "COC UID": "", "DE Name": DE[de]['name'], "COC Name": "", "valueType": dsDataElements[de]['valueType'], "min": "", "max": "" }, ignore_index=True) # Save csv file # export_csv = df_min_max.to_csv(r'./ds_' + ds['name'].replace(' ', '_') + '_min_max.csv', index=None, # header=True) df_min_max.to_excel(writer, ds['id'], index=False) else: dataValueSets = list() ouCount = 1 for ouUID in ouUIDs:"Processing org unit " + ouUID + " - " + str(ouCount) + "/" + str(len(ouUIDs))) for period in periods:"Processing period " + period) for de in dsDataElements: value_type = dsDataElements[de]['valueType'] min_value = max_value = None options = None if 'options' in dsDataElements[de]: options = dsDataElements[de]['options'] if 'COCs' in dsDataElements[de]: for coc in dsDataElements[de]['COCs']: str_pair = de + "." + coc if str_pair not in greyedFields: if df_min_max is not None: min_value, max_value = get_min_max_from_df( df_min_max, value_type, de, coc) # # "Generating value for DE (" + value_type + "): " + DE[de]['name'] + " with COC") value = generate_dummy_value({ 'value_type': value_type, 'min_value': min_value, 'max_value': max_value, 'options': options }) if value is not None: # Skip if it is None dataValueSets.append({ "dataElement": de, "categoryOptionCombo": coc, "value": value, "orgUnit": ouUID, "period": period }) # else: # logger.warning('Skipping ' + str_pair + ' because is greyed in section') else: if df_min_max is not None: min_value, max_value = get_min_max_from_df( df_min_max, value_type, de) #"Generating value for DE (" + value_type + "): " + DE[de]['name']) value = generate_dummy_value({ 'value_type': value_type, 'min_value': min_value, 'max_value': max_value, 'options': options }) if value is not None: # Skip if it is None dataValueSets.append({ "dataElement": de, "value": value, "orgUnit": ouUID, "period": period }) post_to_server({'dataValues': dataValueSets}, 'dataValueSets') dataValueSets = list() ouCount += 1 if args.create_flat_file is not None:
def main(): pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) import argparse my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='create_flat_file', description='Create dummy data flat file in Google Spreadsheets', epilog="python create_flat_file Lt6P15ps7f6 --with_teis_from=GZ5Ty90HtW [email protected]" "\npython create_flat_file Lt6P15ps7f6 --repeat_stage Hj38Uhfo012 5 --repeat_stage 77Ujkfoi9kG 3 [email protected] [email protected]", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) my_parser.add_argument('Program_UID', metavar='program_uid', type=str, help='the uid of the program to use') my_parser.add_argument('-wtf', '--with_teis_from', action="store", dest="OrgUnit", type=str, help='Pulls TEIs from specified org unit and adds them to flat file. ' 'Eg: --with_teis_from_ou=Q7RbNZcHrQ9') my_parser.add_argument('-rs', '--repeat_stage', action="append", metavar=('stage_uid', 'number_repeats'), nargs=2, help='provide a stage uid which is REPEATABLE and specify how many times you are planning to enter it. ' 'Eg: --repeat_stage QXtjg5dh34A 3') my_parser.add_argument('-sw', '--share_with', action="append", metavar='email', nargs=1, help='email address to share the generated spreadsheet with as OWNER. ' 'Eg: [email protected]') args = my_parser.parse_args() program_uid = args.Program_UID if not is_valid_uid(program_uid): print('The program uid specified is not valid') sys.exit() if args.OrgUnit is not None and not is_valid_uid(args.OrgUnit): print('The orgunit uid specified is not valid') sys.exit() if args.repeat_stage is not None and len(args.repeat_stage) > 0: for param in args.repeat_stage: if not is_valid_uid(param[0]): print('The program stage uid specified ' + param[0] + ' is not valid') sys.exit() try: int(param[1]) except ValueError: print('The repetition value ' + param[1] + ' is not an integer') sys.exit() if args.share_with is not None and len(args.share_with) > 0: for param in args.share_with: if not ('^[a-z0-9]+[\._]?[a-z0-9]+[@]\w+[.]\w{2,3}$', param[0])): print("The email address " + param[0] + " is not valid") # Print DHIS2 Info logger.warning("Server source running DHIS2 version {} revision {}" .format(api_source.version, api_source.revision)) ############## # df = pd.read_csv('program-Case_Based_Surveillance.csv', sep=None, engine='python') # # # # # stages_counter = { 'K5ac7u3V5bB': 1, 'ang4CLldbIu': 5, 'UvYb6qJpQu0': 1 } # # # # #json_tei = api_source.get('trackedEntityInstances/dRdztYSReOZ', params={'fields':'*'}).json() # # # params = { # 'ou': 'RI95HQRHbKc', # GD7TowwI46c # 'ouMode': 'DESCENDANTS', # 'program': program_uid, # 'skipPaging': 'true', # 'lastUpdatedDuration': '4d', # 'fields': '*', # 'includeAllAttributes': 'true' # } # # list_teis = api_source.get('trackedEntityInstances', params=params).json()['trackedEntityInstances'] # #"Found " + str(len(list_teis)) + " TEIs") # # user = '******' # stages_counter = dict() # for tei in list_teis: # counter = dict() # if "enrollments" in tei and len(tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0: # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user: # if len(tei['enrollments']) == 1: # if tei['enrollments'][0]['program'] == program_uid: # if 'events' in tei['enrollments'][0]: # events = tei['enrollments'][0]['events'] # for event in events: # if event["programStage"] in counter: # counter[event["programStage"]] +=1 # else: # counter[event["programStage"]] = 1 # else: # logger.error("TEI enrolled in program " + tei['enrollments'][0]['program'] + " not supported") # else: # logger.error('error, multi-enrollment not supported') # for key in counter: # if key not in stages_counter or stages_counter[key] < counter[key]: # stages_counter[key] = counter[key] #'Found ' + str(stages_counter[key]) + ' instances of ' + key) # # df = add_repeatable_stages(df, stages_counter) # for tei in list_teis: # # if tei['trackedEntityInstance'] != 'j17HROzXGEn': # # continue # if len(tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0: # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user: # result = add_json_tei_to_metadata_df(tei, df) # export_csv = df.to_csv(r'./program-Case_Based_Surveillance-Dummy_data.csv', index=None, header=True) ########### df = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=["Stage", "Section", "TEA / DE / eventDate", "UID", "valueType", "optionSet", "mandatory"]) try: program = api_source.get('programs/' + program_uid, params={"paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,enrollmentDateLabel,programTrackedEntityAttributes,programStages,programRuleVariables,organisationUnits,trackedEntityType,version"}).json() except RequestException as e: if e.code == 404: logger.error('Program ' + program_uid + ' specified does not exist') sys.exit() if isinstance(program, dict): # If the program has many org units assigned, this can take a long time to run!!! # orgunits_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(program, 'organisationUnits') # if args.OrgUnit is not None and args.OrgUnit not in orgunits_uid: # logger.error('The organisation unit ' + args.OrgUnit + ' is not assigned to program ' + program_uid) # print('Number of OrgUnits:' + str(len(orgunits_uid))) programStages_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(program, 'programStages') if args.repeat_stage is not None: for param in args.repeat_stage: found = False for uid in programStages_uid: if param[0] == uid: found = True break if not found: logger.error(uid + ' specified is not a valid stage for program ' + program_uid) sys.exit() teas_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(program, 'trackedEntityAttribute') programRuleVariables_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(program, 'programRuleVariables') print('Program:' + program['name']) print('Number of TEAs:' + str(len(teas_uid))) TEAs = api_source.get('trackedEntityAttributes', params={"paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,aggregationType,valueType,optionSet", "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join(teas_uid) + "]"}).json()[ 'trackedEntityAttributes'] TEAs = reindex(TEAs, 'id') # Add the first row with eventDate and Enrollment label enrollmentDateLabel = "Enrollment date" if 'enrollmentDateLabel' in program: enrollmentDateLabel = program['enrollmentDateLabel'] # Add the program UID as UID for enrollmentDate df = df.append({"Stage": "Enrollment", "Section": "", "TEA / DE / eventDate": enrollmentDateLabel, "UID": program_uid, "valueType": "DATE", "optionSet": "", "mandatory": 'True'}, ignore_index=True) optionSetDict = dict() for TEA in program['programTrackedEntityAttributes']: tea_uid = TEA['trackedEntityAttribute']['id'] optionSet_def = "" if 'optionSet' in TEAs[tea_uid]: optionSet = TEAs[tea_uid]['optionSet']['id'] if optionSet not in optionSetDict: options = api_source.get('options', params={"paging": "false", "order": "sortOrder:asc", "fields": "id,code", "filter": "" + optionSet}).json()[ 'options'] optionsList = json_extract(options, 'code') optionSetDict[optionSet] = optionsList optionSet_def = '\n'.join(optionSetDict[optionSet]) df = df.append({"Stage": "", "Section": "", "TEA / DE / eventDate": TEA['name'], "UID": tea_uid, "valueType": TEA['valueType'], "optionSet": optionSet_def, "mandatory": TEA['mandatory']}, ignore_index=True) # print("TEA: " + TEA['name'] + " (" + TEA['valueType'] + ")") print('Number of Program Rule Variables:' + str(len(programRuleVariables_uid))) programRuleVariables = api_source.get('programRuleVariables', params={"paging": "false", "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join(programRuleVariables_uid) + "]", "fields": "id,name,programRuleVariableSourceType,dataElement,trackedEntityAttribute" }).json()['programRuleVariables'] programRules = api_source.get('programRules', params={"paging": "false", "filter": "" + program_uid, "fields": "id,name,condition"}).json()['programRules'] programRules_uid = json_extract(programRules, 'id') programRules = reindex(programRules, 'id') print('Number of Program Rules:' + str(len(programRules_uid))) # for uid in programRules: # print('Program Rule: ' + programRules[uid]['name']) programRuleActions = api_source.get('programRuleActions', params={"paging": "false", "filter": "[" + ','.join(programRules_uid) + "]", "fields": "id,name,programRuleActionType,data,content"}).json()[ 'programRuleActions'] programRuleActions_uid = json_extract(programRuleActions, 'id') print('Number of Program Rule Actions:' + str(len(programRuleActions_uid))) print('Number of Program Stages:' + str(len(programStages_uid))) programStages = api_source.get('programStages', params={"paging": "false", "order": "sortOrder:asc", "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join(programStages_uid) + "]", "fields": "id,name,executionDateLabel,programStageSections,programStageDataElements"}).json()[ 'programStages'] for programStage in programStages: print('Stage:' + programStage['name'] + " (" + programStage['id'] + ")") # Add header to dataframe event_date_label = 'Event Date' if 'executionDateLabel' in programStage: event_date_label = programStage['executionDateLabel'] df = df.append({"Stage": programStage['name'], "Section": "", "TEA / DE / eventDate": event_date_label, "UID": programStage['id'], "valueType": "DATE", "optionSet": "", "mandatory": 'True'}, ignore_index=True) des_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(programStage, 'dataElement') dataElements = api_source.get('dataElements', params={"paging": "false", "fields": "id,name,categoryCombo,aggregationType,valueType,optionSet", "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join(des_uid) + "]"}).json()[ 'dataElements'] dataElements = reindex(dataElements, 'id') # dataElements = reindex(dataElements, 'id') print('Number of DEs:' + str(len(des_uid))) if 'programStageSections' in programStage and len(programStage['programStageSections']) > 0: programStageSections_uid = json_extract_nested_ids(programStage, 'programStageSections') programStageSections = api_source.get('programStageSections', params={"paging": "false", "order": "sortOrder:asc", "fields": "id,name,dataElements", "filter": "id:in:[" + ','.join( programStageSections_uid) + "]"}).json()[ 'programStageSections'] dataElements_programStage = dict() for elem in programStage['programStageDataElements']: key_value = elem['dataElement']['id'] dataElements_programStage[key_value] = elem for programStageSection in programStageSections: print("Program Stage Section:" + programStageSection['name']) section_label = programStageSection['name'] for dataElement in programStageSection['dataElements']: dataElement_id = dataElement['id'] # This will fail if the DE is present in the PSSection but not in the PS, so we check first # if the key exists. If not, we warn the user and skip this if dataElement_id not in dataElements: logger.warning("Data Element with UID " + dataElement_id + " is present in program stage section but not assigned to the program stage") logger.warning("SKIPPING") else: dataElement_def = dataElements[dataElement_id] dataElement_PS = dataElements_programStage[dataElement_id] print('DE: ' + dataElement_def['name'] + " (" + dataElement_def['valueType'] + ")") optionSet_def = "" if 'optionSet' in dataElement_def: optionSet = dataElement_def['optionSet']['id'] if optionSet not in optionSetDict: options = api_source.get('options', params={"paging": "false", "order": "sortOrder:asc", "fields": "id,code", "filter": "" + optionSet}).json()[ 'options'] optionsList = json_extract(options, 'code') optionSetDict[optionSet] = optionsList optionSet_def = '\n'.join(optionSetDict[optionSet]) df = df.append({"Stage": "", "Section": section_label, "TEA / DE / eventDate": dataElement_def['name'], "UID": dataElement_id, "valueType": dataElement_def['valueType'], "optionSet": optionSet_def, "mandatory": dataElement_PS['compulsory']}, ignore_index=True) if section_label != "": section_label = "" else: # Assume BASIC todo: create CUSTOM for dataElement in programStage['programStageDataElements']: dataElement_id = dataElement['dataElement']['id'] dataElement_def = dataElements[dataElement_id] print('DE: ' + dataElement_def['name'] + " (" + dataElement_def['valueType'] + ")") optionSet_def = "" if 'optionSet' in dataElement_def: optionSet = dataElement_def['optionSet']['id'] if optionSet not in optionSetDict: options = api_source.get('options', params={"paging": "false", "order": "sortOrder:asc", "fields": "id,code", "filter": "" + optionSet}).json()[ 'options'] optionsList = json_extract(options, 'code') optionSetDict[optionSet] = optionsList optionSet_def = '\n'.join(optionSetDict[optionSet]) # print(' with optionSet = ' + dataElement['optionSet']['id']) df = df.append({"Stage": "", "Section": "", "TEA / DE / eventDate": dataElement_def['name'], "UID": dataElement_id, "valueType": dataElement_def['valueType'], "optionSet": optionSet_def, "mandatory": dataElement['compulsory']}, ignore_index=True) # Find out if it is used in programRuleVariable # for PRV in programRuleVariables: # if 'dataElement' in PRV and PRV['dataElement']['id'] == dataElement['id']: # print('Used in PRV:' + PRV['name'] + " (" + PRV['id'] + ")") # # Find out if used in ProgramRuleAction # for PRA in programRuleActions: # if 'dataElement' in PRA and PRA['dataElement']['id'] == dataElement['id']: # print('Used in PRA:' + PRA['name'] + " (" + PRA['id'] + ")") # print('Program Rule:' + programRules[PRA['programRule']['id']]['name']) # stages_counter = { 'ang4CLldbIu':25 } # df = add_repeatable_stages(df, stages_counter) # for tei in list_teis: # if len(tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0: # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user: # result = add_json_tei_to_metadata_df(tei, df) # # export_csv = df.to_csv(r'./program-Case_Based_Surveillance-Dummy_data.csv', index=None, header=True) # get TEIs from OU if args.OrgUnit is not None: params = { 'ou': args.OrgUnit, 'ouMode': 'DESCENDANTS', 'program': program_uid, 'skipPaging': 'true', # 'lastUpdatedDuration': '4d', 'fields': '*', 'includeAllAttributes': 'true' } list_teis = api_source.get('trackedEntityInstances', params=params).json()['trackedEntityInstances']"Found " + str(len(list_teis)) + " TEIs") stages_counter = dict() for tei in list_teis: counter = dict() if "enrollments" in tei and len( tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0: # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user: if len(tei['enrollments']) == 1: if tei['enrollments'][0]['program'] == program_uid: if 'events' in tei['enrollments'][0]: events = tei['enrollments'][0]['events'] for event in events: if event["programStage"] in counter: counter[event["programStage"]] += 1 else: counter[event["programStage"]] = 1 else: logger.error( "TEI enrolled in program " + tei['enrollments'][0]['program'] + " not supported") else: logger.error('error, multi-enrollment not supported') for key in counter: if key not in stages_counter or stages_counter[key] < counter[key]: stages_counter[key] = counter[key] #'Found ' + str(stages_counter[key]) + ' instances of ' + key) df = add_repeatable_stages(df, stages_counter) for tei in list_teis: if len(tei["enrollments"][0]) > 0: # and tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] == user: result = add_json_tei_to_metadata_df(tei, df) # Check if there are repeatable stages (only if TEIs were not provided) elif args.repeat_stage is not None and len(args.repeat_stage) > 0: stages_counter = dict() for param in args.repeat_stage: stages_counter[param[0]] = int(param[1]) df = add_repeatable_stages(df, stages_counter) # Create the spreadsheet url = create_google_spreadsheet(program, df, args.share_with) if url != "":'Spreadsheet created here: ' + url) else: logger.error("Something went wrong")
metadataWithCustomForms = metadataWithCustomForms + programStages"Found " + str(len(metadataWithCustomForms)) + " custom forms in server") # Check for custom reports # htmlReports = api.get("") # api/reports/UpFWLROhLW7?fields=designContent # if len(htmlReports) > 0: # metadataWithCustomForms = metadataWithCustomForms + htmlReports #"Found " + str(len(htmlReports)) + " custom reports in server") for element in metadataWithCustomForms: if update: element_found = False for sheet in xls_read.sheet_names: # Only process the worksheets which have a DHIS2 UID if is_valid_uid(sheet) and sheet == element['id']: # we found the dataSet/programStage in the excel -> get it as df element_found = True df_old = pd.read_excel(xls_read, sheet_name=sheet) df_old.fillna('', inplace=True) if 'key' not in df_old or 'en' not in df_old: logger.error('Worksheet for ' + sheet + ' is missing key and en columns') exit(1) df = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=df_old.columns) break if not element_found: df_old = None df = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=['key', 'en']) else: df = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=['key', 'en'])
def parse_args(): description = "{}Set Attribute Values sourced from CSV file.{}".format( Style.BRIGHT, Style.RESET_ALL) usage = """ {}Example:{} dhis2-pk-attribute-setter -s -u admin -p district -c file.csv -t organisationUnits -a pt5Ll9bb2oP {}CSV file structure:{} uid | attributeValue ------|--------------- UID | myValue """.format(Style.BRIGHT, Style.RESET_ALL, Style.BRIGHT, Style.RESET_ALL) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage=usage, description=description, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser._action_groups.pop() required = parser.add_argument_group('required arguments') required.add_argument( '-t', dest='object_type', action='store', required=True, help= "Object type to set attributeValues to: {organisationUnits, dataElements, ...}" ) required.add_argument('-c', dest='source_csv', action='store', required=True, help="Path to CSV file with Attribute Values") required.add_argument('-a', dest='attribute_uid', action='store', help='Attribute UID', required=True) optional = parser.add_argument_group('optional arguments') optional.add_argument('-s', dest='server', action='store', help="DHIS2 server URL") optional.add_argument('-u', dest='username', action='store', help="DHIS2 username") optional.add_argument('-p', dest='password', action='store', help="DHIS2 password") args = parser.parse_args() if args.object_type not in OBJ_TYPES: raise PKClientException( "argument -t must be a valid object_type - one of:\n{}".format( ', '.join(sorted(OBJ_TYPES)))) if not is_valid_uid(args.attribute_uid): raise PKClientException("Attribute {} is not a valid UID".format( args.attribute_uid)) if not args.password: if not args.username: raise PKClientException( "ArgumentError: Must provide a username via argument -u") password = getpass.getpass( prompt="Password for {} @ {}: ".format(args.username, args.server)) else: password = args.password return args, password
def main(): my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='dashboard_checker') my_parser.add_argument('-i', '--instance', action="store", dest="instance", type=str, help='URL of the instance to process') my_parser.add_argument( '-df', '--dashboard_filter', action="store", dest="dashboard_filter", type=str, help='Either a prefix or a list of comma separated UIDs') my_parser.add_argument('--no_data_warning', dest='no_data_warning', action='store_true') my_parser.add_argument('--omit-no_data_warning', dest='no_data_warning', action='store_false') my_parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true') my_parser.set_defaults(no_data_warning=True) my_parser.set_defaults(verbose=False) args = my_parser.parse_args() if args.instance is not None: instances = [{ 'name': args.instance.split('/')[-1].replace(':', '_'), 'url': args.instance }] else: instances = [ #{'name':'newdemos', 'url':'', 'SQL_view_TRK':'xfemQFHUTUV', 'SQL_view_AGG':'lg8lFbDMw2Z'} #{'name':'tracker_dev', 'url': '', 'SQL_view_TRK': 'xfemQFHUTUV', 'SQL_view_AGG': 'lg8lFbDMw2Z'} { 'name': 'covid-19', 'url': '', 'SQL_view_TRK': 'xfemQFHUTUV', 'SQL_view_AGG': 'lg8lFbDMw2Z' } ] log_file = "./dashboard_checker.log" setup_logger(log_file) credentials_file = './auth.json' df = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=[ 'dashboard_name', 'type', 'uid', 'name', 'issue', 'api_link', 'app_link' ]) errors_found = 0 for instance in instances: try: f = open(credentials_file) except IOError: print( "Please provide file auth.json with credentials for DHIS2 server" ) exit(1) else: with open(credentials_file, 'r') as json_file: credentials = json.load(json_file) api_source = Api(instance['url'], credentials['dhis']['username'], credentials['dhis']['password']) # Get dashboards params = {"fields": "*", "paging": "false"} if args.dashboard_filter is not None: item_list = args.dashboard_filter.split(',') if len(item_list) == 1 and not is_valid_uid(item_list[0]): params["filter"] = "name:$like:" + args.dashboard_filter # Let's consider it as a list of uids else: # Validate the list for item in item_list: if not is_valid_uid(item): logger.error("UID " + item + " is not a valid DHIS2 UID") exit(1) params["filter"] = "id:in:[" + args.dashboard_filter + "]" dashboards = api_source.get('dashboards', params=params).json()['dashboards'] dashboard_item_with_issues_row = dict() for dashboard in dashboards:'Processing dashboard ' + dashboard['name']) dashboard_item_with_issues_row['dashboard_name'] = dashboard[ 'name'] if '2.33' not in api_source.version: dashboard_items = [ 'visualization', 'eventReport', 'eventChart', 'map' ] else: dashboard_items = [ 'chart', 'reportTable', 'eventReport', 'eventChart', 'map' ] for dashboardItem in dashboard['dashboardItems']: # The dashboard item could be of type TEXT, for example # in this case there is nothing to do dashboard_item_type_found = False for dashboard_item in dashboard_items: if dashboard_item in dashboardItem: dashboard_item_type_found = True dashboard_item_with_issues_row['issue'] = "" dashboard_item_with_issues_row['type'] = dashboard_item dashboard_item_with_issues_row['uid'] = dashboardItem[ dashboard_item]['id'] dashboard_item_with_issues_row['name'] = "" if args.verbose:'Trying ' + dashboard_item + ' ' + dashboardItem[dashboard_item]['id']) try: api_endpoint = dashboard_item + 's/' + dashboardItem[ dashboard_item]['id'] dashboard_item_with_issues_row[ 'api_link'] = instance[ 'url'] + '/api/' + api_endpoint item = api_source.get(api_endpoint, params={ "fields": "*" }).json() except RequestException as e: logger.error(dashboard_item + ' ' + dashboardItem[dashboard_item]['id'] + " BROKEN with error " + str(e)) dashboard_item_with_issues_row['issue'] = str(e) errors_found += 1 else: dashboard_item_with_issues_row['name'] = item[ 'name'] if dashboard_item in ['eventReport', 'eventChart']: continue # Try to get the data try: if dashboard_item == 'map': for map_view in item['mapViews']: params = build_analytics_payload( map_view, args.verbose) if params != {}: if 'layer' in map_view and map_view[ 'layer'] == 'event' and 'program' in map_view: data = api_source.get( 'analytics/events/query/' + map_view['program']['id'], params=params).json() else: data = api_source.get( 'analytics', params=params).json() else: data = api_source.get( 'analytics', params=build_analytics_payload( item, args.verbose)).json() except RequestException as e: logger.error( dashboard_item + ' ' + dashboardItem[dashboard_item]['id'] + " data cannot be retrieved with error " + str(e)) dashboard_item_with_issues_row['issue'] = str( e) errors_found += 1 else: # print(data['rows']) if args.no_data_warning and ( 'rows' not in data or len(data['rows']) == 0): dashboard_item_with_issues_row[ 'issue'] = 'NO DATA' logger.warning( dashboardItem[dashboard_item]['id'] + ': NO DATA!!!') #exit(0) if dashboard_item_type_found and dashboard_item_with_issues_row[ 'issue'] != "": if dashboard_item_with_issues_row[ 'type'] == 'visualization': dashboard_item_with_issues_row['app_link'] = instance['url'] + \ '/dhis-web-data-visualizer/index.html#/' + \ dashboard_item_with_issues_row['uid'] elif dashboard_item_with_issues_row['type'] == 'map': dashboard_item_with_issues_row['app_link'] = instance['url'] + \ '/dhis-web-maps/index.html' elif dashboard_item_with_issues_row[ 'type'] == 'eventReport': dashboard_item_with_issues_row['app_link'] = instance['url'] + \ 'dhis-web-event-reports/index.html?id=' + \ dashboard_item_with_issues_row['uid'] elif dashboard_item_with_issues_row[ 'type'] == 'eventChart': dashboard_item_with_issues_row['app_link'] = instance['url'] + \ '/dhis-web-event-visualizer/index.html?id=' + \ dashboard_item_with_issues_row['uid'] df = df.append(dashboard_item_with_issues_row, ignore_index=True) export_csv = df.to_csv(instance['name'] + '.csv', index=None, header=True) # Release log handlers handlers = logger.handlers[:] for handler in handlers: handler.close() logger.removeHandler(handler) return errors_found
def main(): logger.warning("Server source running DHIS2 version {} revision {}".format( api.version, api.revision)) import argparse my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='delete_TEIs', description='Delete all TEIs created by robot', epilog="", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) my_parser.add_argument('Program_UID', metavar='program_uid', type=str, help='the uid of the program to use') my_parser.add_argument( '-ou', '--org_unit', action="store", dest="OrgUnit", type=str, help= 'Rather than deleting from the root of the tree, deletes from a specific orgUnit including descendants' 'Eg: --ou=Q7RbNZcHrQ9') args = my_parser.parse_args() program_uid = args.Program_UID if not is_valid_uid(program_uid): logger.error('The program uid specified is not a valid DHIS2 uid') exit(1) else: try: program = api.get('programs/' + program_uid).json() except RequestException as e: if e.code == 404: logger.error('Program ' + program_uid + ' specified does not exist') exit(1) ou = 'GD7TowwI46c' # Trainingland if args.OrgUnit is not None: if not is_valid_uid(args.OrgUnit): logger.error('The orgunit uid specified is not a valid DHIS2 uid') exit(1) else: try: orgunit = api.get('organisationUnits/' + args.OrgUnit).json() except RequestException as e: if e.code == 404: logger.error('Org Unit ' + args.OrgUnit + ' specified does not exist') exit(1) else: ou = orgunit[0] params = { 'ou': ou, 'ouMode': 'DESCENDANTS', 'program': program_uid, 'skipPaging': 'true', #'lastUpdatedDuration': '4d', #'fields': '*' 'fields': 'trackedEntityInstance,enrollments' } data = api.get('trackedEntityInstances', params=params).json()['trackedEntityInstances']"Found " + str(len(data)) + " TEIs") user = '******' for tei in data: # #### Uncomment this to filter by user if 'enrollments' not in tei: import json, indent=4)) if tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"] != user: logger.warning("Skipping tei stored by " + tei["enrollments"][0]["storedBy"]) continue # #### tei_uid = tei['trackedEntityInstance'] try: response = api.delete('trackedEntityInstances/' + tei_uid) except RequestException as e: logger.error(e) pass else:"TEI " + tei_uid + " removed")
my_parser.add_argument('Program_UID', metavar='program_uid', type=str, help='the uid of the program to use') my_parser.add_argument('--with_teis_from_ou', action="store", dest="OrgUnit", type=str) my_parser.add_argument('--stage_repeat', action="append", metavar=('stage_uid', 'number_repeats'), nargs=2) args = my_parser.parse_args() program_uid = args.Program_UID if not is_valid_uid(program_uid): print('The program uid specified is not valid') sys.exit() if args.OrgUnit is not None and not is_valid_uid(args.OrgUnit): print('The orgunit uid specified is not valid') sys.exit() if args.stage_repeat is not None and len(args.stage_repeat) > 0: for param in args.stage_repeat: if not is_valid_uid(param[0]): print('The program stage uid specified ' + param[0] + ' is not valid') sys.exit() try: int(param[1]) except ValueError: print('The repetition value ' + param[1] +