def before_save(self, xfer): xfer.is_new = ( is None) if xfer.getparam('autocreate', 0) == 1: self.item.send_email_param = (xfer.request.META.get( 'HTTP_REFERER', xfer.request.build_absolute_uri()), xfer.language) self.item.season = Season.current_season() if self.item.adherent_id is None: current_contact = Individual.objects.get( user=xfer.request.user) current_contact = current_contact.get_final_child() self.item.adherent = Adherent( self.item.adherent.__dict__.update(current_contact.__dict__) self.item.adherent_id = if self.item.subscriptiontype.duration == 0: # periodic season = self.item.season self.item.begin_date = season.begin_date self.item.end_date = season.end_date elif self.item.subscriptiontype.duration == 1: # periodic periodid = xfer.getparam('period', 0) period = Period.objects.get(id=periodid) self.item.begin_date = period.begin_date self.item.end_date = period.end_date elif self.item.subscriptiontype.duration == 2: # monthly month_num = xfer.getparam('month', '') self.item.begin_date = convert_date(month_num + '-01') self.item.end_date = same_day_months_after(self.item.begin_date, 1) - timedelta(days=1) elif self.item.subscriptiontype.duration == 3: # calendar self.item.begin_date = convert_date(xfer.getparam( 'begin_date', '')) self.item.end_date = same_day_months_after(self.item.begin_date, 12) - timedelta(days=1)
def fill_params(xfer, param_lists=None, smallbtn=False): if param_lists is None: param_lists = [ "member-team-enable", "member-team-text", "member-activite-enable", "member-activite-text", "member-age-enable", "member-licence-enabled", "member-filter-genre", "member-numero", "member-birth", "member-fields", "member-subscription-message" ] if len(param_lists) >= 3: nb_col = 2 else: nb_col = 1 Params.fill(xfer, param_lists, 1, xfer.get_max_row() + 1, nb_col=nb_col) comp_fields = xfer.get_components("member-fields") if comp_fields is not None: comp_fields.value = "{[br/]}".join([ six.text_type(fields_title[1]) for fields_title in Adherent.get_default_fields_title() ]) btn = XferCompButton('editparam') btn.set_is_mini(smallbtn) btn.set_location(3, xfer.get_max_row() + 1) btn.set_action(xfer.request, CategoryParamEdit.get_action(TITLE_MODIFY, 'images/edit.png'), close=CLOSE_NO, params={ 'params': param_lists, 'nb_col': nb_col }) xfer.add_component(btn)
def fillresponse(self, params=(), nb_col=1): ParamEdit.fillresponse(self, params=params, nb_col=nb_col) comp_fields = self.get_components("member-fields") if comp_fields is not None: self.remove_component("member-fields") new_comp_fields = XferCompCheckList("member-fields") new_comp_fields.description = comp_fields.description new_comp_fields.simple = 2 new_comp_fields.set_location(comp_fields.col, comp_fields.row, comp_fields.colspan, comp_fields.rowspan) new_comp_fields.set_select(Adherent.get_allowed_fields_title()) new_comp_fields.set_value([ field[1] if isinstance(field, tuple) else field for field in Adherent.get_default_fields() ]) self.add_component(new_comp_fields)
def fillresponse_header(self): self.params['is_renew'] = True AdherentAbstractList.fillresponse_header(self) self.fieldnames = Adherent.get_renew_fields()
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Lucterios. If not, see <>. ''' from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from diacamma.member.models import Adherent name = _("adherents listing") kind = 0 modelname = Adherent.get_long_name() value = """210 297 22//%s//#num 25//%s//#lastname 40//%s//#firstname 50//%s//#address 15//%s//#postal_code 30//%s//#city 20//%s//#tel1 #tel2 35//%s//#email 30//%s//#comment """ % (_('numeros'), _('lastname'), _('firstname'), _('address'), _('postal code'), _('city'), _('phone'), _('email'), _('comment'))
@author: Laurent GAY @organization: @contact: [email protected] @copyright: 2016 @license: This file is part of Lucterios. Lucterios is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Lucterios is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Lucterios. If not, see <>. ''' from __future__ import unicode_literals from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from diacamma.member.models import Adherent name = _("card") kind = 1 modelname = Adherent.get_long_name() value = "#num #firstname #lastname{[newline]}#birthday #birthplace{[newline]} #subscription_set.license_set.activity #subscription_set.license_set.value"
def create_adherent(firstname, lastname, birthday): new_adh = Adherent() new_adh.firstname = firstname new_adh.lastname = lastname new_adh.address = "rue de la liberté" new_adh.postal_code = "97250" = "LE PRECHEUR" = "MARTINIQUE" new_adh.tel2 = "02-78-45-12-95" = "*****@*****.**" % (firstname, lastname) new_adh.birthday = birthday return new_adh