Esempio n. 1
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram

from import PubSub
from diagrams.gcp.compute import AppEngine, Functions
from diagrams.gcp.database import Firestore

graph_attr = {"bgcolor": "transparent", "pad": "0"}

with Diagram("Message Queue",
    with Cluster("Operational Data Hub"):
        with Cluster("Ingest"):
            publisher_1 = Functions("Function")
            publisher_2 = AppEngine("Application")

        with Cluster("Consume"):
            subscriber_1 = Functions("Function")
            subscriber_2 = Firestore("Database")
            subscriber_3 = AppEngine("Application")

        with Cluster("Core"):
            queue_1 = PubSub("Queue X")
            queue_2 = PubSub("Queue Y")
            queue_3 = PubSub("Queue Z")

    publisher_1 >> queue_1 >> [subscriber_1, subscriber_2]
    publisher_1 >> queue_3 >> subscriber_3
    publisher_2 >> queue_2 >> [subscriber_1, subscriber_3]
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from import BigQuery, Dataflow, PubSub
from diagrams.gcp.compute import AppEngine, Functions
from diagrams.gcp.database import BigTable
from diagrams.gcp.iot import IotCore
from import GCS

with Diagram("Message Collecting", show=False):
    pubsub = PubSub("pubsub")

    with Cluster("Source of Data"):
        [IotCore("core1"), IotCore("core2"), IotCore("core3")] >> pubsub

    with Cluster("Targets"):
        with Cluster("Data Flow"):
            flow = Dataflow("data flow")

        with Cluster("Data Lake"):
            flow >> [BigQuery("bq"), GCS("storage")]

        with Cluster("Event Driven"):
            with Cluster("Processing"):
                flow >> AppEngine("engine") >> BigTable("bigtable")

            with Cluster("Serverless"):
                flow >> Functions("func") >> AppEngine("appengine")

    pubsub >> flow
Esempio n. 3
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from import BigQuery, Dataflow, PubSub
from diagrams.gcp.compute import AppEngine, Functions
from diagrams.gcp.database import BigTable
from import GCS
from diagrams.programming.framework import React

with Diagram("Data project3:Bitcoin"):
    pubsub = PubSub("Pub Sub")
    with Cluster("Source data"):
        yfsd = Functions("yahoo finance")
        yfsd >> pubsub

    with Cluster("Artificial Intelligence - Bitcoin"):
        flow = Functions("ETL process")
        with Cluster("Data base"):
            db = BigQuery("Big Query")
            flow >> db

        predict = Functions("Calculate Prediction")
        with Cluster("Update model"):
            CTF = Functions("Control Training")
            train = Functions("Training")

    with Cluster("Web"):
        webpage = React("React.App")

    pubsub >> flow
    #db >> train
    db >> predict
    db >> CTF  #
Esempio n. 4

with Diagram("Pub/Sub", graph_attr=graph_attr, direction="TB", show=False, filename="images/pubsub"):
    with Cluster("Publishers"):
        publisher_a = AppEngine("Publisher A")
        publisher_b = AppEngine("Publisher B")
        publisher_c = Functions("Publisher C")

    with Cluster("Subscribers"):
        subscriber_x = AppEngine("Subscriber X")
        subscriber_y = Functions("Subscriber Y")
        subscriber_z = Functions("Subscriber Z")

    with Cluster("Cloud Pub/Sub"):
        with Cluster("Topic A"):
            topic_a = PubSub("Topic A")
            subscription_ay = PubSub("Subscription AY")
            subscription_az = PubSub("Subscription AZ")

        with Cluster("Topic B"):
            topic_b = PubSub("Topic B")
            subscription_bx = PubSub("Subscription BX")

        with Cluster("Topic C"):
            topic_c = PubSub("Topic C")
            subscription_cx = PubSub("Subscription CX")

        publisher_a >> topic_a
        topic_a >> subscription_ay >> subscriber_y
        topic_a >> subscription_az >> subscriber_z
        publisher_b >> topic_b >> subscription_bx >> subscriber_x
Esempio n. 5
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client

graph_attr = {"bgcolor": "transparent", "pad": "0"}

with Diagram("Customer support mailbox",
    server_1 = Server("Mail server")
    webshop_1 = Client("Webshop")

    with Cluster("Operational Data Hub Platform"):
        with Cluster("Operational Data Hub"):
            with Cluster("Pub/Sub Topic"):
                pubsub_1 = PubSub("Subscription")

        with Cluster("Ingest Project"):
            schedule_1 = Scheduler("Cloud Scheduler")
            function_1 = Functions("EWS Mail Ingest")
            storage_1 = Storage("GCS Bucket")

        with Cluster("Consume Project"):
            function_2 = Functions("Consume")
            firestore_1 = Firestore("Database")
            appengine_1 = AppEngine("API")

    schedule_1 - Edge(label="Trigger", style="dotted") - function_1
    function_1 >> Edge(label="REST - GET", color="black") >> server_1
    function_1 >> Edge(label="Publish", color="orange") >> pubsub_1
    function_1 >> storage_1 << Edge(label="GET", color="orange") << function_2
Esempio n. 6
                cqrs_1_2 = Storage("Command Model")

    webshop_1 = Client("Webshop")

    firestore_1_1 >> Edge(color="orange") >> cqrs_1_1 >> Edge(color="orange") >> \
        Edge(label="Presentation updates", color="orange") >> webshop_1
    webshop_1 >> Edge(label="User changes") >> cqrs_1_2 >> firestore_1_1

with Diagram("ODH CQRS integration",
    with Cluster("Operational Data Hub Platform"):
        with Cluster("Operational Data Hub"):
            with Cluster("Pub/Sub Topic Z"):
                pubsub_2_1 = PubSub("Subscription ZX")
                pubsub_2_2 = PubSub("Subscription ZY")

        with Cluster("Consume Project X"):
            consume_2_1 = Functions("Consume X")
            firestore_2_1 = Firestore("Database X")

            with Cluster("CQRS Model"):
                cqrs_2_1 = Storage("Query Model")

            consume_2_1 >> firestore_2_1 >> cqrs_2_1

        with Cluster("Consume Project Y"):
            consume_2_2 = Functions("Consume Y")
            firestore_2_2 = Firestore("Database Y")
graph_attr = {"bgcolor": "transparent", "pad": "0"}

with Diagram("Current Stock",
    server_1 = Server("Third-party API")
    server_2 = Server("Third-party API")
    server_3 = Server("Third-party API")
    webshop_1 = Client("Webshop")

    with Cluster("Operational Data Hub Platform"):
        with Cluster("Operational Data Hub"):
            with Cluster("Pub/Sub Topic X"):
                pubsub_1 = PubSub("Subscription XA")

            with Cluster("Pub/Sub Topic Y"):
                pubsub_2 = PubSub("Subscription YA")

        with Cluster("Ingest Project"):
            function_1 = Functions("Restingest")
            function_2 = Functions("Produce delta event")
            storage_1 = Storage("GCS Bucket")

            function_1 >> storage_1
            storage_1 - Edge(label="Bucket Trigger",
                             style="dashed") - function_2

        with Cluster("Consume Project"):
            function_3 = Functions("Consume")
Esempio n. 8
from diagrams.onprem.compute import Server
from diagrams.onprem.client import Client

graph_attr = {"bgcolor": "transparent", "pad": "0"}

with Diagram("Posting third-party license data",
    webshop_1 = Client("Webshop")
    server_1_1 = Server("Abode API")

    with Cluster("Operational Data Hub Platform"):
        with Cluster("Operational Data Hub"):
            with Cluster("Pub/Sub Topic"):
                pubsub_1_1 = PubSub("Subscription")

        with Cluster("Ingest Project"):
            function_1_1 = Functions("Restingest")
            function_1_2 = Functions("Produce delta event")
            storage_1_1 = Storage("GCS Bucket")

            function_1_1 >> storage_1_1
            storage_1_1 - Edge(label="Bucket Trigger",
                               style="dashed") - function_1_2 >> Edge(
                                   label="Publish") >> pubsub_1_1

        with Cluster("Consume Project"):
            function_1_3 = Functions("Consume")

    webshop_1 >> Edge(label="POST", color="black") >> function_1_1
Esempio n. 9
    public_registries = Custom("Public Registries",

    with Cluster("GCP account (sysdig)", graph_attr={"bgcolor": "lightblue"}):
        sds = Custom("Sysdig Secure", "../../resources/diag-sysdig-icon.png")
        bench = General("Cloud Bench")
        sds >> Edge(label="schedule on rand rand * * *") >> bench

    with Cluster("GCP organization project", graph_attr={"bgcolor": "pink"}):
        ccProjectSink = Custom("\nLog Router \n Sink",
        orgBenchRole = Iam("Cloud Bench Role")

    with Cluster("Secure for Cloud (children project)"):
        ccBenchRole = Iam("Cloud Bench Role")
        ccPubSub = PubSub("CC PubSub Topic")
        ccEventarc = Code("CloudRun\nEventarc Trigger")
        ccCloudRun = Run("Cloud Connector")
        bucket = GCS("Bucket\nCC Config")
        keys = KMS("Sysdig \n Secure Keys")

        ccCloudRun << Edge(style="dashed") << keys
        bucket << Edge(style="dashed",
                       label="Get CC \n config file") << ccCloudRun
        ccEventarc >> ccCloudRun
        ccEventarc << ccPubSub
        ccProjectSink >> ccPubSub

        gcrPubSub = PubSub("GCR PubSub Topic\n(gcr named)")
        gcrSubscription = Code("GCR PubSub\nSubscription")
        csCloudBuild = Build("Triggered\n Cloud Builds")
Esempio n. 10
    JP at 19/04/20
from diagrams import Cluster, Diagram
from import PubSub
from diagrams.gcp.compute import Functions
from import GCS
from import BigQuery
from diagrams.gcp.database import Firestore
from diagrams.gcp.devtools import Scheduler

with Diagram("Strava Leaderboard Architecture Diagram ", show=True):
    source = Functions("generate grid")

    with Cluster("Data Pipeline"):
        gird_queue = PubSub("grid queue")

        credential = Firestore("credentials store")

        store = GCS("raw JSON")

        with Cluster("Extract-Load"):
            with Cluster("scheduler"):
                scheduler = Scheduler("scheduler")
                schedule_queue = PubSub("schedule queue")

            extract_load = Functions("worker")

            staging = BigQuery("BigQuery staging dataset")

        with Cluster("Transform"):
Esempio n. 11
graph_attr = {"bgcolor": "transparent", "pad": "0"}

with Diagram("Data Science",
    webshop_1 = Client("Webshop")

    with Cluster("Operational Data Hub Platform"):
        with Cluster("Ingest Project"):
            function_1 = Functions("Ingest")

        with Cluster("Operational Data Hub"):
            with Cluster("Pub/Sub Topic X"):
                pubsub_1_1 = PubSub("Subscription XA")

            with Cluster("Pub/Sub Topic Z"):
                pubsub_2_1 = PubSub("Subscription ZA")

        with Cluster("Consume Project"):
            dataflow_1 = Dataflow("Dataflow")

            with Cluster("Analyze"):
                bigquery_1 = Bigquery("BigQuery")
                aiplatform_1 = AIPlatform("AI Platform")
                firestore_2 = Firestore("Database")
                dataflow_2 = Dataflow("Backfill/reprocess")

    pubsub_1_1 >> dataflow_1
    dataflow_1 >> [bigquery_1, aiplatform_1, firestore_2] >> dataflow_2