Esempio n. 1
def mysql(c, version):
    with Diagram(f'MySQL Server (ver. {version}) Pod', filename=f'mysql-{version}', show=False, graph_attr={'pad': '0.0'}):
        _mysql = MySQL('MySQL Server')
        _metricbeat = Beats('Metricbeat')
        _heartbeat = Beats('Heartbeat')
        _logstash = Logstash('Logstash')

        with Cluster('heartbeat-config'):
            _heartbeat_cfg = [CM('hearbeat.yml')]
        _ = _heartbeat_cfg - _heartbeat

        with Cluster('heartbeat-monitor'):
            _heartbeat_monitor = [CM('host.yml'), CM('logstash.yml'), CM('server.yml')]
        _ = _heartbeat_monitor - _heartbeat

        with Cluster('logstash-config'):
            _logstash_cfg = [CM('logstash.yml'), CM('pipelines.yml'), CM('')]
        _ = _logstash_cfg - _logstash

        with Cluster('logstash-pipeline'):
            _logstash_pipe = [CM(f'mysql-system-{version}.conf')]
        _ = _logstash_pipe - _logstash

        with Cluster('metricbeat-config'):
            _metricbeat_cfg = [CM('metricbeat.yml')]
        _ = _metricbeat_cfg - _metricbeat

        with Cluster('metricbeat-modules'):
            _metricbeat_mod = [CM('system.yml')]
        _ = _metricbeat_mod - _metricbeat

        _mysql >> _metricbeat >> _logstash
        _logstash << _heartbeat
Esempio n. 2
from diagrams.onprem.database import MySQL
from diagrams.onprem.inmemory import Redis
from import Nginx, Apache, Internet
from diagrams.onprem.queue import Celery
with Diagram("Sample", show=False):
    user_web = EC2("Web")

    with Cluster('WEB SERVER'):
        web_server = [Apache('Web Server'), Nginx('Web Server')]

    with Cluster('QUEUE'):
        sever_queue = Redis('Queue Broker')
        sever_queue - [Celery('Queue Worker')]

    with Cluster('DATABASE'):
        db_master = MySQL('Database')
        # db_master - Database('Database')

    with Cluster('DATABASE2'):
        db_slave = MySQL('Database2')
        # db_slave - Database('Database2')

    user_web >> web_server >> sever_queue
    sever_queue >> db_master
    sever_queue >> db_slave
    web_server >> db_master
    web_server >> db_slave
Esempio n. 3
from import Jenkins
from diagrams.onprem.container import Docker
from diagrams.onprem.database import MySQL, MongoDB
from import Nginx
from diagrams.onprem.vcs import Github
from diagrams.programming.framework import Django, Backbone

with Diagram("CFO-Architecture", show=False):
    user = User('User')
    dns = DNS("DNS")

    with Cluster('Toast Single Instance'):
        web_server = Nginx('Nginx')

        with Cluster('Docker'):
            was = Docker('Docker Container')
            was - Django('Django')

        with Cluster('Database'):
            database = MySQL('MySQL 8.0')

    with Cluster('CI/CD'):
        with Cluster('NHN'):
            nhn_jenkins = Github('NHN Github')
            nhn_jenkins - Jenkins('NHN Jenkins')
        with Cluster('Accommate'):
            acm_jenkins = Jenkins('Accommate Jenkins')

    user >> dns >> web_server >> was >> database
    nhn_jenkins >> acm_jenkins >> was
Esempio n. 4
#onPrem imports
from diagrams.onprem.database import Mysql as MySQL
from diagrams.onprem.database import Postgresql as PostgreSQL
from import Zookeeper
from diagrams.onprem.queue import Kafka

cluster_attr = {
    "bgcolor": "transparent",
    "pencolor" : "white",

with DaC("mysql postgres dblog zookeeper kafka ", filename= "./diagram-adhocBT", show=True, direction="BT"):
    with Cluster(" ", graph_attr=cluster_attr):
        with Cluster("mysql service"):
            mysql = MySQL("mysql")

        with Cluster("postgres service"):
            postgres = PostgreSQL("postgres")
        vol_mysql = Volume("db-data")
        vol_mysql >> Edge(color="darkgreen", style="dashed") << mysql

        vol_postgres = Volume("db-data")
        vol_postgres >> Edge(color="darkgreen", style="dashed") << postgres

    with Cluster("dblog service"):
        dblog = Server("dblog")

    with Cluster("  ", graph_attr=cluster_attr):
        with Cluster("zookeeper service"):
            zookeeper = Zookeeper("zookeeper")
Esempio n. 5
            redis_main << replica
            redis_main >> replica

            replica >> redis_haproxy
            redis_haproxy >> replica

            redis_main, Edge(redis_haproxy, reverse=True, color='#5e73e5'))
                           Edge(redis_main, reverse=True, color='#2ea44f'))

    with Cluster('MySQL Cluster'):
        mysql_nodes = []

        mysql_main = MySQL('MySQL: main')

        for n in range(1, NUM_MYSQL_REPLICAS + 1):
            replica = MySQL(f'MySQL: replica {n}')


            mysql_main << replica
            mysql_main >> replica

            replica << db_haproxy
            replica >> db_haproxy

                           Edge(db_haproxy, reverse=True, color='#5e73e5'))
Esempio n. 6
from diagrams.onprem.database import MySQL
from diagrams.onprem.inmemory import Redis

from diagrams.custom import Custom

with Diagram("Food Platform Architecture", show=False):
    customUser = Custom("User", "./resources/notebook.png")

    orderWebUi = Pod("order web ui")

    ing = Ingress()

    gatewaySvc = Service("food gateway svc")
    gateway    = Pod("food gateway")

    orderDB  = MySQL("order")
    orderSvc = Service("order svc")
    orderApp = Pod("order app")
    orderApp >> orderDB
    orderSvc >> orderApp

    restaurantDB  = MySQL("restaurant")
    restaurantSvc = Service("restaurant svc")
    restaurantApp = Pod("restaurant app")
    restaurantApp >> restaurantDB
    restaurantSvc >> restaurantApp

    reviewDB  = MongoDB("review")
    reviewSvc = Service("review svc")
    with Cluster("review app"):
        reviewApp1 = Pod("v1")
Esempio n. 7
        admin = User("Admin User")

    with Cluster("End Users"):
        users = Users("End Users")

    with Cluster("AWS"):

        with Cluster("VPC"):

            routetable = network.RouteTable("Route Tables")
            firewall = network.VPC("VPC Firewall Rules")

            with Cluster("Public Subnets") as public1:
                rs1 = database.Redshift("Redshift\nCluster")
                postgres = PostgreSQL("Postgres\n(RDS)")
                mySQL = MySQL("MySQL\n(RDS)")
                airflow = Airflow("Airflow Server\n(ECS Fargate)")
                # with Cluster("Public Subnet (2)") as pub2:
                nat = network.NATGateway("NAT\nGateway")
                # rs2 = database.Redshift("Redshift\n(node 2)")
                elb = network.ELB("Elastic Load\nBalancer")

            with Cluster("Private Subnets") as priv1:
                singer1 = Singer("\nExtract/Loads\n(ECS Fargate)")
                # with Cluster("Private Subnet (2)") as priv2:
                tableau = Tableau("Tableau Server\n(EC2)")