Esempio n. 1
def setPath():
	path = questionDialog("Invalid setting: please specify the NetworkManager path for VPN-Connection-Settings on your system.", defaultPath)
	if not os.path.exists(path):
			errorDialog("Error: the path " + path + " doesn't exist. Please make sure you entered the right values, check the tool configuration (" + defaultFile + ") and rerun this tool!")
			exit("Error: Setup failed (invalid VPN config path)")
	print("Using " + path + " as NM path.")
	return path
Esempio n. 2
def checkPath(path, conID):
			print("Using " + path + " as vpn config path.")
			infoDialog("This Tool will look for your VPN Connection settings at " + path + ". If you need to change this, use the Tool Menu. (Connection -> Tool Settings)")
		print("Error: File not found at " + path)
		nmPath = questionDialog("No file found at " + path + "\nPlease specify the NetworkManager path for VPN-Connection-Settings on your system.", defaultPath)
		path = nmPath + conID
		if not os.path.exists(path):
			errorDialog("Error: no VPN configfile found at " + path + ". Please make sure you entered the right values and created the PP VPN connection in NetworkManager and rerun this tool!")
			exit("Error: Setup failed (invalid VPN config file)")
	return path
Esempio n. 3
def setOvpnFolder():
	path = questionDialog("You choose openvpn as connection type. PP Config Tool will use the openvpn configuration files from the PP member downloads. Please get that package (, extract it and input the path of that folder below:", os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads/All.ovpn.ubuntu"))
	if not os.path.exists(path):
			errorDialog("Error: the path " + path + " doesn't exist. Please make sure you entered the right values, check the tool configuration (" + defaultFile + ") and rerun this tool!")
			exit("Error: Setup failed (invalid VPN config path)")
	return path
Esempio n. 4
def setEditor():
	return questionDialog("Please input your prefered (graphical) Editor:", defaultEditor)		
Esempio n. 5
def setID():
	return questionDialog("Please input the name (ID) of your VPN Connection", defaultID)