Esempio n. 1
def outlier_rejection(reflections):
  if len(reflections) == 1:
    return reflections
  intensities = reflections['intensity.sum.value']
  variances = reflections['intensity.sum.variance']

  i_max = flex.max_index(intensities)

  sel = flex.bool(len(reflections), True)
  sel[i_max] = False

  i_test = intensities[i_max]
  var_test = variances[i_max]

  intensities_subset =
  var_subset =

  var_prior = var_test + 1/flex.sum(1/var_subset)
  p_prior = 1/math.sqrt(2*math.pi * var_prior) * math.exp(
    -(i_test - flex.mean(intensities_subset))**2/(2 * var_prior))
  #print p_prior

  if p_prior > 1e-10:
    return reflections

  return outlier_rejection(
Esempio n. 2
def plot_prob_for_zero(c, b, s):
  from math import log, exp, factorial
  from dials.array_family import flex
  L = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  MASK = flex.bool(flex.grid(100, 100))
  c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
  b = [bb / sum(b) for bb in b]
  s = [ss / sum(s) for ss in s]
  for BB in range(0, 100):
    for SS in range(0, 100):
      B = 0 + BB / 10000.0
      S = 0 + SS / 40.0
      LL = 0
      for i in range(len(b)):
        if B*b[i] + S*s[i] <= 0:
          MASK[BB, SS] = True
          LL = -999999
          LL += c[i]*log(B*b[i]+S*s[i]) - log(factorial(c[i])) - B*b[i] - S*s[i]

      L[BB, SS] = LL
  index = flex.max_index(L)
  i = index % 100
  j = index // 100
  B = 0 + j / 10000.0
  S = 0 + i / 40.0
  print flex.max(L), B, S
  from matplotlib import pylab
  import numpy
  im =, mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
Esempio n. 3
def show_image(c,b,s, BB=None, SS=None):

  from dials.array_family import flex
  N = 100
  im = flex.double(flex.grid(N, N))
  mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(N, N))
  for j in range(N):
    for i in range(N):
      B = -1.0 + j * 10.0 / N
      S = -1.0 + i * 10.0 / N
      im[j,i], mask[j,i] = func(c,b,s,B,S)
      im[j,i] = -im[j,i]

  masked_im =
    # im.as_numpy_array(),
    mask = mask.as_numpy_array())
  mask2 = flex.bool(flex.grid(N, N))
  indices = []
  for i in range(len(mask)):
    if mask[i] == False:
  indices = flex.size_t(indices)
  ind = flex.max_index(
  ind = indices[ind]
  maxy = -1.0 + (ind % N) * 10.0 / N
  maxx = -1.0 + (ind // N) * 10.0 / N
  from matplotlib import pylab
  pylab.imshow(masked_im, origin='bottom', extent=[-1.0, 9.0, -1.0, 9.0])
  if YY is not None and XX is not None:
    pylab.plot(YY, XX)
  pylab.scatter([maxy], [maxx])
def outlier_rejection(reflections):
    if len(reflections) == 1:
        return reflections
    intensities = reflections["intensity.sum.value"]
    variances = reflections["intensity.sum.variance"]

    i_max = flex.max_index(intensities)

    sel = flex.bool(len(reflections), True)
    sel[i_max] = False

    i_test = intensities[i_max]
    var_test = variances[i_max]

    intensities_subset =
    var_subset =

    var_prior = var_test + 1 / flex.sum(1 / var_subset)
    p_prior = (1 / math.sqrt(2 * math.pi * var_prior) *
               math.exp(-((i_test - flex.mean(intensities_subset))**2) /
                        (2 * var_prior)))

    if p_prior > 1e-10:
        return reflections

    return outlier_rejection(
Esempio n. 5
def plot_prob_for_zero(c, b, s):
    from math import log, exp, factorial
    from dials.array_family import flex

    L = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
    MASK = flex.bool(flex.grid(100, 100))
    c = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    b = [bb / sum(b) for bb in b]
    s = [ss / sum(s) for ss in s]
    for BB in range(0, 100):
        for SS in range(0, 100):
            B = 0 + BB / 10000.0
            S = 0 + SS / 40.0
            LL = 0
            for i in range(len(b)):
                if B * b[i] + S * s[i] <= 0:
                    MASK[BB, SS] = True
                    LL = -999999
                    LL += (
                        c[i] * log(B * b[i] + S * s[i])
                        - log(factorial(c[i]))
                        - B * b[i]
                        - S * s[i]

            L[BB, SS] = LL
    index = flex.max_index(L)
    i = index % 100
    j = index // 100
    B = 0 + j / 10000.0
    S = 0 + i / 40.0
    print(flex.max(L), B, S)
    from matplotlib import pylab
    import numpy

    im =, mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
Esempio n. 6
def show_image(c, b, s, BB=None, SS=None):

    from dials.array_family import flex

    N = 100
    im = flex.double(flex.grid(N, N))
    mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(N, N))
    for j in range(N):
        for i in range(N):
            B = -1.0 + j * 10.0 / N
            S = -1.0 + i * 10.0 / N
            im[j, i], mask[j, i] = func(c, b, s, B, S)
            im[j, i] = -im[j, i]

    masked_im =
        # im.as_numpy_array(),
    mask2 = flex.bool(flex.grid(N, N))
    indices = []
    for i in range(len(mask)):
        if mask[i] == False:
    indices = flex.size_t(indices)
    ind = flex.max_index(
    ind = indices[ind]
    maxy = -1.0 + (ind % N) * 10.0 / N
    maxx = -1.0 + (ind // N) * 10.0 / N
    from matplotlib import pylab

    pylab.imshow(masked_im, origin="bottom", extent=[-1.0, 9.0, -1.0, 9.0])
    if YY is not None and XX is not None:
        pylab.plot(YY, XX)
    pylab.scatter([maxy], [maxx])
def estimate_resolution_limit_distl_method1(reflections, plot_filename=None):
    # Implementation of Method 1 (section 2.4.4) of:
    # Z. Zhang, N. K. Sauter, H. van den Bedem, G. Snell and A. M. Deacon
    # J. Appl. Cryst. (2006). 39, 112-119

    variances = reflections["intensity.sum.variance"]

    sel = variances > 0
    reflections =
    d_star_sq = flex.pow2(reflections["rlp"].norms())
    d_spacings = uctbx.d_star_sq_as_d(d_star_sq)
    d_star_cubed = flex.pow(reflections["rlp"].norms(), 3)

    step = 2
    while len(reflections) / step > 40:
        step += 1

    order = flex.sort_permutation(d_spacings, reverse=True)

    ds3_subset = flex.double()
    d_subset = flex.double()
    for i in range(len(reflections) // step):
        ds3_subset.append(d_star_cubed[order[i * step]])
        d_subset.append(d_spacings[order[i * step]])

    x = flex.double(range(len(ds3_subset)))

    # (i)
    # Usually, Pm is the last point, that is, m = n. But m could be smaller than
    # n if an unusually high number of spots are detected around a certain
    # intermediate resolution. In that case, our search for the image resolution
    # does not go outside the spot 'bump;. This is particularly useful when
    # ice-rings are present.

    slopes = (ds3_subset[1:] - ds3_subset[0]) / (x[1:] - x[0])
    skip_first = 3
    p_m = flex.max_index(slopes[skip_first:]) + 1 + skip_first

    # (ii)

    x1 = matrix.col((0, ds3_subset[0]))
    x2 = matrix.col((p_m, ds3_subset[p_m]))

    gaps = flex.double([0])
    v = matrix.col(((x2[1] - x1[1]), -(x2[0] - x1[0]))).normalize()

    for i in range(1, p_m):
        x0 = matrix.col((i, ds3_subset[i]))
        r = x1 - x0
        g = abs(

    mv = flex.mean_and_variance(gaps)
    s = mv.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()

    # (iii)

    p_k = flex.max_index(gaps)
    g_k = gaps[p_k]
    p_g = p_k
    for i in range(p_k + 1, len(gaps)):
        g_i = gaps[i]
        if g_i > (g_k - 0.5 * s):
            p_g = i

    d_g = d_subset[p_g]

    noisiness = 0
    n = len(ds3_subset)
    for i in range(n - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, n - 1):
            if slopes[i] >= slopes[j]:
                noisiness += 1
    noisiness /= (n - 1) * (n - 2) / 2

    if plot_filename is not None:
        from matplotlib import pyplot

        fig = pyplot.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
        ax.scatter(range(len(ds3_subset)), ds3_subset)
        xlim = pyplot.xlim()
        ylim = pyplot.ylim()
        ax.vlines(p_g, ylim[0], ylim[1], colors="red")
        pyplot.xlim(0, xlim[1])
        pyplot.ylim(0, ylim[1])

    return d_g, noisiness
Esempio n. 8
 def determine_fraction_new_cutoff(self, fraction_new, cutoff):
   imax = flex.max_index(fraction_new)
   isel = (fraction_new < cutoff).iselection()
   return isel[(isel > imax).iselection()[0]]
  def run_stills_pred_param(self, verbose = False):

    if verbose:
      print 'Testing derivatives for StillsPredictionParameterisation'
      print '========================================================'

    # Build a prediction parameterisation for the stills experiment
    pred_param = StillsPredictionParameterisation(self.stills_experiments,
                   detector_parameterisations = [self.det_param],
                   beam_parameterisations = [self.s0_param],
                   xl_orientation_parameterisations = [self.xlo_param],
                   xl_unit_cell_parameterisations = [self.xluc_param])

    # Predict the reflections in place. Must do this ahead of calculating
    # the analytical gradients so quantities like s1 are correct
    from dials.algorithms.refinement.prediction import ExperimentsPredictor
    ref_predictor = ExperimentsPredictor(self.stills_experiments)

    # get analytical gradients
    an_grads = pred_param.get_gradients(self.reflections)

    fd_grads = self.get_fd_gradients(pred_param, ref_predictor)

    for i, (an_grad, fd_grad) in enumerate(zip(an_grads, fd_grads)):

      # compare FD with analytical calculations
      if verbose: print "\nParameter {0}: {1}". format(i,  fd_grad['name'])

      for idx, name in enumerate(["dX_dp", "dY_dp", "dDeltaPsi_dp"]):
        if verbose: print name
        a = fd_grad[name]
        b = an_grad[name]

        abs_error = a - b
        denom = a + b

        fns = five_number_summary(abs_error)
        if verbose: print ("  summary of absolute errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
        assert flex.max(flex.abs(abs_error)) < 0.0003
        # largest absolute error found to be about 0.00025 for dY/dp of
        # Crystal0g_param_3. Reject outlying absolute errors and test again.
        iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]

        # skip further stats on errors with an iqr of near zero, e.g. dDeltaPsi_dp
        # for detector parameters, which are all equal to zero
        if iqr < 1.e-10:

        sel1 = abs_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
        sel2 = abs_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
        sel = sel1 & sel2
        tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(
        tst_val =[tst]
        n_outliers = sel.count(False)
        if verbose: print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
          "absolute error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
        # largest absolute error now 0.000086 for dX/dp of Beam0Mu2
        assert abs(tst_val) < 0.00009

        # Completely skip parameters with FD gradients all zero (e.g. gradients of
        # DeltaPsi for detector parameters)
        sel1 = flex.abs(a) < 1.e-10
        if sel1.all_eq(True):

        # otherwise calculate normalised errors, by dividing absolute errors by
        # the IQR (more stable than relative error calculation)
        norm_error = abs_error / iqr
        fns = five_number_summary(norm_error)
        if verbose: print ("  summary of normalised errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
        # largest normalised error found to be about 25.7 for dY/dp of
        # Crystal0g_param_3.
          assert flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error)) < 30
        except AssertionError as e:
          e.args += ("extreme normalised error value: {0}".format(
          raise e

        # Reject outlying normalised errors and test again
        iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]
        if iqr > 0.:
          sel1 = norm_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
          sel2 = norm_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
          sel = sel1 & sel2
          tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(
          tst_val =[tst]
          n_outliers = sel.count(False)

          # most outliers found for for dY/dp of Crystal0g_param_3 (which had
          # largest errors, so no surprise there).
            assert n_outliers < 250
          except AssertionError as e:
            e.args += ("too many outliers rejected: {0}".format(n_outliers),)
            raise e

          if verbose: print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
            "normalised error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
          # largest normalied error now about -4. for dX/dp of Detector0Tau1
          assert abs(tst_val) < 4.5
    if verbose: print

    def test_for_reference(self):
        from dials.algorithms.integration import ProfileFittingReciprocalSpace
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode
        from dials.algorithms.statistics import kolmogorov_smirnov_test_standard_normal
        from math import erf, sqrt, pi
        from copy import deepcopy
        from dials.algorithms.simulation.reciprocal_space import Simulator
        from os.path import basename

        # Integrate
        integration = ProfileFittingReciprocalSpace(
            sigma_b=0.024 * pi / 180.0,
            sigma_m=0.044 * pi / 180.0,

        # Integrate the reference profiles
        integration(self.experiment, self.reference)

        p = integration.learner.locate().profile(0)
        m = integration.learner.locate().mask(0)

        locator = integration.learner.locate()

        cor = locator.correlations()
        for j in range(cor.all()[0]):
            print(" ".join([str(cor[j, i]) for i in range(cor.all()[1])]))
        # exit(0)
        # from matplotlib import pylab
        # pylab.imshow(cor.as_numpy_array(), interpolation='none', vmin=-1, vmax=1)

        # n = locator.size()
        # for i in range(n):
        # c = locator.coord(i)
        # p = locator.profile(i)
        # vmax = flex.max(p)
        # from matplotlib import pylab
        # for j in range(9):
        # pylab.subplot(3, 3, j+1)
        # pylab.imshow(p.as_numpy_array()[j], vmin=0, vmax=vmax,
        # interpolation='none')

        # print "NRef: ", n
        # x = []
        # y = []
        # for i in range(n):
        # c = locator.coord(i)
        # x.append(c[0])
        # y.append(c[1])
        # from matplotlib import pylab
        # pylab.scatter(x,y)

        # exit(0)
        import numpy

        # pmax = flex.max(p)
        # scale = 100 / pmax
        # print "Scale: ", 100 / pmax
        # p = p.as_numpy_array() *100 / pmax
        # p = p.astype(
        # print p
        # print m.as_numpy_array()

        # Check the reference profiles and spots are ok
        # self.check_profiles(integration.learner)

        # Make sure background is zero
        profiles = self.reference["rs_shoebox"]
        eps = 1e-7
        for p in profiles:
            assert abs(flex.sum(p.background) - 0) < eps

        # Only select variances greater than zero
        mask = self.reference.get_flags(self.reference.flags.integrated)
        I_cal = self.reference["intensity.sum.value"]
        I_var = self.reference["intensity.sum.variance"]
        B_sim = self.reference["background.sim"].as_double()
        I_sim = self.reference["intensity.sim"].as_double()
        I_exp = self.reference["intensity.exp"]
        P_cor = self.reference["profile.correlation"]
        X_pos, Y_pos, Z_pos = self.reference["xyzcal.px"].parts()
        I_cal =
        I_var =
        I_sim =
        I_exp =
        P_cor =

        max_ind = flex.max_index(I_cal)
        max_I = I_cal[max_ind]
        max_P = self.reference[max_ind]["rs_shoebox"].data
        max_C = self.reference[max_ind]["xyzcal.px"]
        max_S = self.reference[max_ind]["shoebox"].data

        min_ind = flex.min_index(P_cor)
        min_I = I_cal[min_ind]
        min_P = self.reference[min_ind]["rs_shoebox"].data
        min_C = self.reference[min_ind]["xyzcal.px"]
        min_S = self.reference[min_ind]["shoebox"].data

        ##for k in range(max_S.all()[0]):
        # if False:
        # for j in range(max_S.all()[1]):
        # for i in range(max_S.all()[2]):
        # max_S[k,j,i] = 0
        # if (abs(i - max_S.all()[2] // 2) < 2 and
        # abs(j - max_S.all()[1] // 2) < 2 and
        # abs(k - max_S.all()[0] // 2) < 2):
        # max_S[k,j,i] = 100

        # p = max_P.as_numpy_array() * 100 / flex.max(max_P)
        # p = p.astype(
        # print p

        # from import test_transform
        # grid_size = 4
        # ndiv = 5
        # sigma_b = 0.024 * pi / 180.0
        # sigma_m = 0.044 * pi / 180.0
        # n_sigma = 4.0
        # max_P2 = test_transform(
        # self.experiment,
        # self.reference[max_ind]['shoebox'],
        # self.reference[max_ind]['s1'],
        # self.reference[max_ind][''][2],
        # grid_size,
        # sigma_m,
        # sigma_b,
        # n_sigma,
        # ndiv)
        # max_P = max_P2

        ref_ind = locator.index(max_C)
        ref_P = locator.profile(ref_ind)
        ref_C = locator.coord(ref_ind)

        print("Max Index: ", max_ind, max_I, flex.sum(max_P), flex.sum(max_S))
        print("Coord: ", max_C, "Ref Coord: ", ref_C)

        print("Min Index: ", min_ind, min_I, flex.sum(min_P), flex.sum(min_S))
        print("Coord: ", min_C, "Ref Coord: ", ref_C)

        # vmax = flex.max(max_P)
        # print sum(max_S)
        # print sum(max_P)
        # from matplotlib import pylab, cm
        # for j in range(9):
        # pylab.subplot(3, 3, j+1)
        # pylab.imshow(max_P.as_numpy_array()[j], vmin=0, vmax=vmax,
        # interpolation='none', cmap=cm.Greys_r)

        # vmax = flex.max(min_P)
        # print sum(min_S)
        # print sum(min_P)
        # from matplotlib import pylab, cm
        # for j in range(9):
        # pylab.subplot(3, 3, j+1)
        # pylab.imshow(min_P.as_numpy_array()[j], vmin=0, vmax=vmax,
        # interpolation='none', cmap=cm.Greys_r)

        # for k in range(max_S.all()[0]):
        # print ''
        # print 'Slice %d' % k
        # for j in range(max_S.all()[1]):
        # print ' '.join(["%-4d" % int(max_S[k,j,i]) for i in range(max_S.all()[2])])


        def f(I):
            mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9, 9, 9), False)
            for k in range(9):
                for j in range(9):
                    for i in range(9):
                        dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
                        dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
                        dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
                        dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
                        if dd <= 3:
                            mask[k, j, i] = True

            mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
            p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
            c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
            return flex.sum((c - I * p)**2 / (I * p))

        def df(I):
            mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9, 9, 9), False)
            for k in range(9):
                for j in range(9):
                    for i in range(9):
                        dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
                        dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
                        dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
                        dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
                        if dd <= 3:
                            mask[k, j, i] = True
            mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
            p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
            c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
            b = 0
            return flex.sum(p) - flex.sum(c * c / (I * I * p))
            # return flex.sum(p - p*c*c / ((b + I*p)**2))
            # return flex.sum(3*p*p + (c*c*p*p - 4*b*p*p) / ((b + I*p)**2))
            # return flex.sum(p - c*c / (I*I*p))
            # return flex.sum(p * (-c+p*I)*(c+p*I)/((p*I)**2))

        def d2f(I):
            mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9, 9, 9), False)
            for k in range(9):
                for j in range(9):
                    for i in range(9):
                        dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
                        dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
                        dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
                        dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
                        if dd <= 3:
                            mask[k, j, i] = True

            mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
            p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
            c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
            return flex.sum(2 * c * c * p * p / (p * I)**3)

        I = 10703  # flex.sum(max_P)
        mask = ref_P.as_1d() > 0
        p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
        c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
        for i in range(10):
            I = I - df(I) / d2f(I)
            # v = I*p
            # I = flex.sum(c * p / v) / flex.sum(p*p / v)

        from math import log

        ff = []
        for I in range(9500, 11500):
        print(sorted(range(len(ff)), key=lambda x: ff[x])[0] + 9500)
        from matplotlib import pylab

        pylab.plot(range(9500, 11500), ff)
        # exit(0)

        # I = 10000
        # print flex.sum((max_P - I * ref_P)**2) / flex.sum(I * ref_P)

        # I = 10100
        # print flex.sum((max_P - I * ref_P)**2) / flex.sum(I * ref_P)
        # exit(0)


        # Calculate the z score
        perc = self.mv3n_tolerance_interval(3 * 3)
        Z = (I_cal - I_sim) / flex.sqrt(I_var)
        mv = flex.mean_and_variance(Z)
        Z_mean = mv.mean()
        Z_var = mv.unweighted_sample_variance()
        print("Z: mean: %f, var: %f, sig: %f" % (Z_mean, Z_var, sqrt(Z_var)))


        from matplotlib import pylab
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

        # fig = pylab.figure()
        # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        # ax.scatter(X_pos, Y_pos, P_cor)

        # pylab.scatter(X_pos, P_cor)
        # pylab.scatter(Y_pos, P_cor)
        # pylab.scatter(Z_pos, P_cor)
        # pylab.hist(P_cor,100)
        # pylab.scatter(P_cor, (I_cal - I_exp) / I_exp)
        pylab.hist(Z, 100)
        # pylab.hist(I_cal,100)
        # pylab.hist(I_cal - I_sim, 100)
Esempio n. 11
def estimate_resolution_limit_distl_method1(
  reflections, imageset, ice_sel=None, plot_filename=None):

  # Implementation of Method 1 (section 2.4.4) of:
  # Z. Zhang, N. K. Sauter, H. van den Bedem, G. Snell and A. M. Deacon
  # J. Appl. Cryst. (2006). 39, 112-119

  if ice_sel is None:
    ice_sel = flex.bool(len(reflections), False)

  variances = reflections['intensity.sum.variance']

  sel = variances > 0
  intensities = reflections['intensity.sum.value']
  variances =
  ice_sel =
  reflections =
  intensities = reflections['intensity.sum.value']
  d_star_sq = flex.pow2(reflections['rlp'].norms())
  d_spacings = uctbx.d_star_sq_as_d(d_star_sq)
  d_star_cubed = flex.pow(reflections['rlp'].norms(), 3)

  step = 2
  while len(reflections)/step > 40:
    step += 1

  order = flex.sort_permutation(d_spacings, reverse=True)

  ds3_subset = flex.double()
  d_subset = flex.double()
  for i in range(len(reflections)//step):

  x = flex.double(range(len(ds3_subset)))

  # (i)
  # Usually, Pm is the last point, that is, m = n. But m could be smaller than
  # n if an unusually high number of spots are detected around a certain
  # intermediate resolution. In that case, our search for the image resolution
  # does not go outside the spot 'bump;. This is particularly useful when
  # ice-rings are present.

  slopes = (ds3_subset[1:] - ds3_subset[0])/(x[1:]-x[0])
  skip_first = 3
  p_m = flex.max_index(slopes[skip_first:]) + 1 + skip_first

  # (ii)

  from scitbx import matrix
  x1 = matrix.col((0, ds3_subset[0]))
  x2 = matrix.col((p_m, ds3_subset[p_m]))

  gaps = flex.double([0])
  v = matrix.col(((x2[1] - x1[1]), -(x2[0] - x1[0]))).normalize()

  for i in range(1, p_m):
    x0 = matrix.col((i, ds3_subset[i]))
    r = x1 - x0
    g = abs(

  mv = flex.mean_and_variance(gaps)
  s = mv.unweighted_sample_standard_deviation()

  # (iii)

  p_k = flex.max_index(gaps)
  g_k = gaps[p_k]
  p_g = p_k
  for i in range(p_k+1, len(gaps)):
    g_i = gaps[i]
    if g_i > (g_k - 0.5 * s):
      p_g = i

  ds3_g = ds3_subset[p_g]
  d_g = d_subset[p_g]

  noisiness = 0
  n = len(ds3_subset)
  for i in range(n-1):
    for j in range(i+1, n-1):
      if slopes[i] >= slopes[j]:
        noisiness += 1
  noisiness /= ((n-1)*(n-2)/2)

  if plot_filename is not None:
    if pyplot is None:
      raise Sorry("matplotlib must be installed to generate a plot.")
    fig = pyplot.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    ax.scatter(range(len(ds3_subset)), ds3_subset)
    xlim = pyplot.xlim()
    ylim = pyplot.ylim()
    ax.vlines(p_g, ylim[0], ylim[1], colors='red')
    pyplot.xlim(0, xlim[1])
    pyplot.ylim(0, ylim[1])

  return d_g, noisiness
Esempio n. 12
def paper_test(B, S):

  from numpy.random import poisson
  from math import exp

  background_shape = [1 for i in range(20)]
  signal_shape = [1 if i >= 6 and i < 15 else 0 for i in range(20)]

  background = [poisson(bb * B,1)[0] for bb in background_shape]
  signal = [poisson(ss * S, 1)[0] for ss in signal_shape]
  # background = [bb * B for bb in background_shape]
  # signal = [ss * S for ss in signal_shape]
  total = [b + s for b, s in zip(background, signal)]

  # from matplotlib import pylab
  # pylab.plot(total)
  # pylab.plot(signal)
  # pylab.plot(background)

  total = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 4, 1, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1]
  total = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

  # plot_prob_for_zero(total, background_shape, signal_shape)
  # signal_shape = [exp(-(x - 10.0)**2 / (2*3.0**2)) for x in range(20)]
  # signal_shape = [ss / sum(signal_shape) for ss in signal_shape]
  # print signal_shape
  #plot_valid(background_shape, signal_shape)

  B = 155.0 / 296.0
  from dials.array_family import flex
  from math import log, factorial
  V = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  L = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  DB = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  DS = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  P = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
  Fb = sum(background_shape)
  Fs = sum(signal_shape)
  SV = []
  MASK = flex.bool(flex.grid(100, 100), False)
  for BB in range(100):
    for SS in range(100):
      B = -5.0 + (BB) / 10.0
      S = -5.0 + (SS) / 10.0
      # SV.append(S)
      VV = 0
      LL = 0
      DDB = 0
      DDS = 0
      for i in range(20):
        s = signal_shape[i]
        b = background_shape[i]
        c = total[i]
        if B*b + S*s <= 0:
          # MASK[BB, SS] = True
          LL = 0
          if b == 0:
            DDB += 0
            DDB += 1e7
          if s == 0:
            DDS += 0
            DDS += 1e7
          # break
        # VV += (b + s)*c / (B*b + S*s)
        # LL += c*log(B*b+S*s) - log(factorial(c)) - B*b - S*s
          DDB += c*b/(B*b+S*s) - b
          DDS += c*s/(B*b+S*s) - s
      VV -= (Fb + Fs)
      # print B, S, VV
      # V[BB, SS] = abs(VV)
      L[BB, SS] = LL
      DB[BB,SS] = DDB
      DS[BB,SS] = DDS

  max_ind = flex.max_index(L)
  j = max_ind // 100
  i = max_ind % 100
  print "Approx: ", (j+1) / 20.0, (i+1) / 20.0
  print "Min/Max DB: ", flex.min(DB), flex.max(DB)
  print "Min/Max DS: ", flex.min(DS), flex.max(DS)
  from matplotlib import pylab
  # pylab.imshow(flex.log(V).as_numpy_array(), extent=[0.05, 5.05, 5.05, 0.05])
  # pylab.plot(SV, V)
  # pylab.plot(SV, [0] * 100)
  im = flex.exp(L).as_numpy_array()
  import numpy
  # im =, mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
  # pylab.imshow(im)#, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], origin='lower')
  pylab.imshow(DB.as_numpy_array(), vmin=-100, vmax=100)#, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], origin='lower')
  pylab.contour(DB.as_numpy_array(), levels=[0], colors=['red'])
  pylab.contour(DS.as_numpy_array(), levels=[0], colors=['black'])
  # im =, mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
  # pylab.imshow(im, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], vmin=-20, vmax=100)
  # im =, mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
  # pylab.imshow(im, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], vmin=-20, vmax=100)
  # exit(0)

  S1, B1 = value(total, background_shape, signal_shape)
    S1, B1 = value(total, background_shape, signal_shape)
    print "Result:"
    print S1, B1
  except Exception, e:
    raise e
    import sys
    import traceback
    from dials.array_family import flex
    Fs = sum(signal_shape)
    Fb = sum(background_shape)
    Rs = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
    print "-----"
    print B, S
    # from matplotlib import pylab
    # pylab.plot(total)
    print background_shape
    print signal_shape
    print total
    from math import exp, factorial, log
    minx = -1
    miny = -1
    minr = 9999
    for BB in range(0, 100):
      for SS in range(0, 100):
        B = -10 + (BB) / 5.0
        S = -10 + (SS) / 5.0
        L = 0
        Fb2 = 0
        Fs2 = 0
        for i in range(len(total)):
          c = total[i]
          b = background_shape[i]
          s = signal_shape[i]
          # P = exp(-(B*b + S*s)) * (B*b+S*s)**c / factorial(c)
          # print P
          # if P > 0:
          #   L += log(P)
          den = B*b + S*s
          num1 = b*c
          num2 = s*c
          if den != 0:
            Fb2 += num1 / den
            Fs2 += num2 / den
        R = (Fb2 - Fb)**2 + (Fs2 - Fs)**2
        if R > 1000:
          R = 0
        # Rs[BB,SS] = L#R#Fs2 - Fs
        Rs[BB,SS] = R#Fs2 - Fs
    from matplotlib import pylab
    pylab.imshow(flex.log(Rs).as_numpy_array(), extent=[-5,5,5,-5])
Esempio n. 13
    def run_stills_pred_param(self, verbose=False):

        if verbose:
            print 'Testing derivatives for StillsPredictionParameterisation'
            print '========================================================'

        # Build a prediction parameterisation for the stills experiment
        pred_param = StillsPredictionParameterisation(

        # Predict the reflections in place. Must do this ahead of calculating
        # the analytical gradients so quantities like s1 are correct
        from dials.algorithms.refinement.prediction import ExperimentsPredictor
        ref_predictor = ExperimentsPredictor(self.stills_experiments)

        # get analytical gradients
        an_grads = pred_param.get_gradients(self.reflections)

        fd_grads = self.get_fd_gradients(pred_param, ref_predictor)

        for i, (an_grad, fd_grad) in enumerate(zip(an_grads, fd_grads)):

            # compare FD with analytical calculations
            if verbose: print "\nParameter {0}: {1}".format(i, fd_grad['name'])

            for idx, name in enumerate(["dX_dp", "dY_dp", "dDeltaPsi_dp"]):
                if verbose: print name
                a = fd_grad[name]
                b = an_grad[name]

                abs_error = a - b
                denom = a + b

                fns = five_number_summary(abs_error)
                if verbose:                    print ("  summary of absolute errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
                assert flex.max(flex.abs(abs_error)) < 0.0003
                # largest absolute error found to be about 0.00025 for dY/dp of
                # Crystal0g_param_3. Reject outlying absolute errors and test again.
                iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]

                # skip further stats on errors with an iqr of near zero, e.g. dDeltaPsi_dp
                # for detector parameters, which are all equal to zero
                if iqr < 1.e-10:

                sel1 = abs_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
                sel2 = abs_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
                sel = sel1 & sel2
                tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(
                tst_val =[tst]
                n_outliers = sel.count(False)
                if verbose:                    print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
          "absolute error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
                # largest absolute error now 0.000086 for dX/dp of Beam0Mu2
                assert abs(tst_val) < 0.00009

                # Completely skip parameters with FD gradients all zero (e.g. gradients of
                # DeltaPsi for detector parameters)
                sel1 = flex.abs(a) < 1.e-10
                if sel1.all_eq(True):

                # otherwise calculate normalised errors, by dividing absolute errors by
                # the IQR (more stable than relative error calculation)
                norm_error = abs_error / iqr
                fns = five_number_summary(norm_error)
                if verbose:                    print ("  summary of normalised errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " + \
          "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns
                # largest normalised error found to be about 25.7 for dY/dp of
                # Crystal0g_param_3.
                    assert flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error)) < 30
                except AssertionError as e:
                    e.args += ("extreme normalised error value: {0}".format(
                        flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error))), )
                    raise e

                # Reject outlying normalised errors and test again
                iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]
                if iqr > 0.:
                    sel1 = norm_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
                    sel2 = norm_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
                    sel = sel1 & sel2
                    tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(
                    tst_val =[tst]
                    n_outliers = sel.count(False)

                    # most outliers found for for dY/dp of Crystal0g_param_3 (which had
                    # largest errors, so no surprise there).
                        assert n_outliers < 250
                    except AssertionError as e:
                        e.args += ("too many outliers rejected: {0}".format(
                            n_outliers), )
                        raise e

                    if verbose:                        print ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " + \
              "normalised error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val)
                    # largest normalied error now about -4. for dX/dp of Detector0Tau1
                    assert abs(
                        tst_val) < 4.5, 'should be about 4 not %s' % tst_val
        if verbose: print

Esempio n. 14
def paper_test(B, S):

    from numpy.random import poisson
    from math import exp

    background_shape = [1 for i in range(20)]
    signal_shape = [1 if i >= 6 and i < 15 else 0 for i in range(20)]

    background = [poisson(bb * B, 1)[0] for bb in background_shape]
    signal = [poisson(ss * S, 1)[0] for ss in signal_shape]
    # background = [bb * B for bb in background_shape]
    # signal = [ss * S for ss in signal_shape]
    total = [b + s for b, s in zip(background, signal)]

    # from matplotlib import pylab
    # pylab.plot(total)
    # pylab.plot(signal)
    # pylab.plot(background)

    total = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 4, 1, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1]
    total = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

    # plot_prob_for_zero(total, background_shape, signal_shape)
    # signal_shape = [exp(-(x - 10.0)**2 / (2*3.0**2)) for x in range(20)]
    # signal_shape = [ss / sum(signal_shape) for ss in signal_shape]
    # print signal_shape
    # plot_valid(background_shape, signal_shape)

    B = 155.0 / 296.0
    from dials.array_family import flex
    from math import log, factorial

    V = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
    L = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
    DB = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
    DS = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
    P = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
    Fb = sum(background_shape)
    Fs = sum(signal_shape)
    SV = []
    MASK = flex.bool(flex.grid(100, 100), False)
    for BB in range(100):
        for SS in range(100):
            B = -5.0 + (BB) / 10.0
            S = -5.0 + (SS) / 10.0
            # SV.append(S)
            VV = 0
            LL = 0
            DDB = 0
            DDS = 0
            for i in range(20):
                s = signal_shape[i]
                b = background_shape[i]
                c = total[i]
                if B * b + S * s <= 0:
                    # MASK[BB, SS] = True
                    LL = 0
                    if b == 0:
                        DDB += 0
                        DDB += 1e7
                    if s == 0:
                        DDS += 0
                        DDS += 1e7
                    # break
                    # VV += (b + s)*c / (B*b + S*s)
                    # LL += c*log(B*b+S*s) - log(factorial(c)) - B*b - S*s
                    DDB += c * b / (B * b + S * s) - b
                    DDS += c * s / (B * b + S * s) - s
            VV -= Fb + Fs
            # print B, S, VV
            # V[BB, SS] = abs(VV)
            L[BB, SS] = LL
            DB[BB, SS] = DDB
            DS[BB, SS] = DDS

    max_ind = flex.max_index(L)
    j = max_ind // 100
    i = max_ind % 100
    print("Approx: ", (j + 1) / 20.0, (i + 1) / 20.0)
    print("Min/Max DB: ", flex.min(DB), flex.max(DB))
    print("Min/Max DS: ", flex.min(DS), flex.max(DS))
    from matplotlib import pylab

    # pylab.imshow(flex.log(V).as_numpy_array(), extent=[0.05, 5.05, 5.05, 0.05])
    # pylab.plot(SV, V)
    # pylab.plot(SV, [0] * 100)
    im = flex.exp(L).as_numpy_array()
    import numpy

    # im =, mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
    # pylab.imshow(im)#, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], origin='lower')
        DB.as_numpy_array(), vmin=-100, vmax=100
    )  # , extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], origin='lower')
    pylab.contour(DB.as_numpy_array(), levels=[0], colors=["red"])
    pylab.contour(DS.as_numpy_array(), levels=[0], colors=["black"])
    # im =, mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
    # pylab.imshow(im, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], vmin=-20, vmax=100)
    # im =, mask=MASK.as_numpy_array())
    # pylab.imshow(im, extent=[-5.0, 5.0, 5.0, -5.0], vmin=-20, vmax=100)
    # exit(0)

    S1, B1 = value(total, background_shape, signal_shape)
        S1, B1 = value(total, background_shape, signal_shape)
        print(S1, B1)
    except Exception as e:
        raise e
        import sys
        import traceback

        from dials.array_family import flex

        Fs = sum(signal_shape)
        Fb = sum(background_shape)
        Rs = flex.double(flex.grid(100, 100))
        print(B, S)
        # from matplotlib import pylab
        # pylab.plot(total)
        from math import exp, factorial, log

        minx = -1
        miny = -1
        minr = 9999
        for BB in range(0, 100):
            for SS in range(0, 100):
                B = -10 + (BB) / 5.0
                S = -10 + (SS) / 5.0
                L = 0
                Fb2 = 0
                Fs2 = 0
                for i in range(len(total)):
                    c = total[i]
                    b = background_shape[i]
                    s = signal_shape[i]
                    # P = exp(-(B*b + S*s)) * (B*b+S*s)**c / factorial(c)
                    # print P
                    # if P > 0:
                    #   L += log(P)
                    den = B * b + S * s
                    num1 = b * c
                    num2 = s * c
                    if den != 0:
                        Fb2 += num1 / den
                        Fs2 += num2 / den
                R = (Fb2 - Fb) ** 2 + (Fs2 - Fs) ** 2
                if R > 1000:
                    R = 0
                # Rs[BB,SS] = L#R#Fs2 - Fs
                Rs[BB, SS] = R  # Fs2 - Fs
        from matplotlib import pylab

        pylab.imshow(flex.log(Rs).as_numpy_array(), extent=[-5, 5, 5, -5])

    # print S, B, sum(signal), sum(background), S1, B1
    return S, B, sum(signal), sum(background), S1, B1
Esempio n. 15
    def test_for_reference(self):
        from dials.array_family import flex
        from math import sqrt, pi

        # Integrate
        integration = self.experiments[0].profile.fitting_class()(

        # Integrate the reference profiles
        integration(self.experiments, self.reference)
        locator = integration.learner.locate()
        # Check the reference profiles and spots are ok

        # Make sure background is zero
        profiles = self.reference['rs_shoebox']
        eps = 1e-7
        for p in profiles:
            assert (abs(flex.sum(p.background) - 0) < eps)
        print 'OK'

        # Only select variances greater than zero
        mask = self.reference.get_flags(self.reference.flags.integrated,
        assert (mask.count(True) > 0)
        I_cal = self.reference['intensity.prf.value']
        I_var = self.reference['intensity.prf.variance']
        B_sim = self.reference['background.sim.a'].as_double()
        I_sim = self.reference['intensity.sim'].as_double()
        I_exp = self.reference['intensity.exp']
        P_cor = self.reference['profile.correlation']
        X_pos, Y_pos, Z_pos = self.reference['xyzcal.px'].parts()
        I_cal =
        I_var =
        I_sim =
        I_exp =
        P_cor =

        max_ind = flex.max_index(flex.abs(I_cal - I_sim))
        max_I = I_cal[max_ind]
        max_P = self.reference[max_ind]['rs_shoebox'].data
        max_C = self.reference[max_ind]['xyzcal.px']
        max_S = self.reference[max_ind]['shoebox'].data

        ref_ind = locator.index(max_C)
        ref_P = locator.profile(ref_ind)
        ref_C = locator.coord(ref_ind)

        #def f(I):
        #mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), False)
        #for k in range(9):
        #for j in range(9):
        #for i in range(9):
        #dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
        #dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
        #dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
        #dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
        #if dd <= 3:
        #mask[k,j,i] = True

        #mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
        #p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
        #c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
        #return flex.sum((c - I * p)**2 / (I * p))

        #ff = []
        #for I in range(9500, 11500):
        #print 'Old I: ', sorted(range(len(ff)), key=lambda x: ff[x])[0] + 9500

        #from matplotlib import pylab
        #pylab.plot(range(9500, 11500), ff)

        #def estI(I):
        #mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), False)
        #for k in range(9):
        #for j in range(9):
        #for i in range(9):
        #dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
        #dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
        #dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
        #dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
        #if dd <= 3:
        #mask[k,j,i] = True

        #mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
        #p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
        #c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
        #v = I * p
        #return flex.sum(c * p / v) / flex.sum(p*p/v)

        #def iterI(I0):
        #I = estI(I0)
        #print I
        #if abs(I - I0) < 1e-3:
        #return I
        #return iterI(I)

        #newI = iterI(10703)#flex.sum(max_P))
        #print "New I: ", newI

        # Calculate the z score
        perc = self.mv3n_tolerance_interval(3 * 3)
        Z = (I_cal - I_sim) / flex.sqrt(I_var)
        mv = flex.mean_and_variance(Z)
        Z_mean = mv.mean()
        Z_var = mv.unweighted_sample_variance()
        print "Z: mean: %f, var: %f, sig: %f" % (Z_mean, Z_var, sqrt(Z_var))
  def test_for_reference(self):
    from dials.algorithms.integration import ProfileFittingReciprocalSpace
    from dials.array_family import flex
    from dials.algorithms.shoebox import MaskCode
    from dials.algorithms.statistics import \
    from math import erf, sqrt, pi
    from copy import deepcopy
    from dials.algorithms.simulation.reciprocal_space import Simulator
    from os.path import basename

    # Integrate
    integration = ProfileFittingReciprocalSpace(
      sigma_b=0.024 * pi / 180.0,
      sigma_m=0.044 * pi / 180.0

    # Integrate the reference profiles
    integration(self.experiment, self.reference)

    p = integration.learner.locate().profile(0)
    m = integration.learner.locate().mask(0)

    locator = integration.learner.locate()

    cor = locator.correlations()
    for j in range(cor.all()[0]):
      print ' '.join([str(cor[j,i]) for i in range(cor.all()[1])])
    #from matplotlib import pylab
    #pylab.imshow(cor.as_numpy_array(), interpolation='none', vmin=-1, vmax=1)

    #n = locator.size()
    #for i in range(n):
      #c = locator.coord(i)
      #p = locator.profile(i)
      #vmax = flex.max(p)
      #from matplotlib import pylab
      #for j in range(9):
        #pylab.subplot(3, 3, j+1)
        #pylab.imshow(p.as_numpy_array()[j], vmin=0, vmax=vmax,

    #print "NRef: ", n
    #x = []
    #y = []
    #for i in range(n):
      #c = locator.coord(i)
    #from matplotlib import pylab

    import numpy
    #pmax = flex.max(p)
    #scale = 100 / pmax
    #print "Scale: ", 100 / pmax
    #p = p.as_numpy_array() *100 / pmax
    #p = p.astype(
    #print p
    #print m.as_numpy_array()

    # Check the reference profiles and spots are ok

    # Make sure background is zero
    profiles = self.reference['rs_shoebox']
    eps = 1e-7
    for p in profiles:
      assert(abs(flex.sum(p.background) - 0) < eps)
    print 'OK'

    # Only select variances greater than zero
    mask = self.reference.get_flags(self.reference.flags.integrated)
    I_cal = self.reference['intensity.sum.value']
    I_var = self.reference['intensity.sum.variance']
    B_sim = self.reference['background.sim'].as_double()
    I_sim = self.reference['intensity.sim'].as_double()
    I_exp = self.reference['intensity.exp']
    P_cor = self.reference['profile.correlation']
    X_pos, Y_pos, Z_pos = self.reference['xyzcal.px'].parts()
    I_cal =
    I_var =
    I_sim =
    I_exp =
    P_cor =

    max_ind = flex.max_index(I_cal)
    max_I = I_cal[max_ind]
    max_P = self.reference[max_ind]['rs_shoebox'].data
    max_C = self.reference[max_ind]['xyzcal.px']
    max_S = self.reference[max_ind]['shoebox'].data

    min_ind = flex.min_index(P_cor)
    min_I = I_cal[min_ind]
    min_P = self.reference[min_ind]['rs_shoebox'].data
    min_C = self.reference[min_ind]['xyzcal.px']
    min_S = self.reference[min_ind]['shoebox'].data

    ##for k in range(max_S.all()[0]):
    #if False:
      #for j in range(max_S.all()[1]):
        #for i in range(max_S.all()[2]):
          #max_S[k,j,i] = 0
          #if (abs(i - max_S.all()[2] // 2) < 2 and
              #abs(j - max_S.all()[1] // 2) < 2 and
              #abs(k - max_S.all()[0] // 2) < 2):
            #max_S[k,j,i] = 100

    #p = max_P.as_numpy_array() * 100 / flex.max(max_P)
    #p = p.astype(
    #print p

    #from import test_transform
    #grid_size = 4
    #ndiv = 5
    #sigma_b = 0.024 * pi / 180.0
    #sigma_m = 0.044 * pi / 180.0
    #n_sigma = 4.0
    #max_P2 = test_transform(
    #max_P = max_P2

    ref_ind = locator.index(max_C)
    ref_P = locator.profile(ref_ind)
    ref_C = locator.coord(ref_ind)

    print "Max Index: ", max_ind, max_I, flex.sum(max_P), flex.sum(max_S)
    print "Coord: ", max_C, "Ref Coord: ", ref_C

    print "Min Index: ", min_ind, min_I, flex.sum(min_P), flex.sum(min_S)
    print "Coord: ", min_C, "Ref Coord: ", ref_C

    #vmax = flex.max(max_P)
    #print sum(max_S)
    #print sum(max_P)
    #from matplotlib import pylab, cm
    #for j in range(9):
      #pylab.subplot(3, 3, j+1)
      #pylab.imshow(max_P.as_numpy_array()[j], vmin=0, vmax=vmax,
      #interpolation='none', cmap=cm.Greys_r)

    #vmax = flex.max(min_P)
    #print sum(min_S)
    #print sum(min_P)
    #from matplotlib import pylab, cm
    #for j in range(9):
      #pylab.subplot(3, 3, j+1)
      #pylab.imshow(min_P.as_numpy_array()[j], vmin=0, vmax=vmax,
      #interpolation='none', cmap=cm.Greys_r)

    #for k in range(max_S.all()[0]):
      #print ''
      #print 'Slice %d' % k
      #for j in range(max_S.all()[1]):
        #print ' '.join(["%-4d" % int(max_S[k,j,i]) for i in range(max_S.all()[2])])

    print "Testing"

    def f(I):
      mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), False)
      for k in range(9):
        for j in range(9):
          for i in range(9):
            dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
            dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
            dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
            dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
            if dd <= 3:
              mask[k,j,i] = True

      mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
      p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      return flex.sum((c - I * p)**2 / (I * p))

    def df(I):
      mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), False)
      for k in range(9):
        for j in range(9):
          for i in range(9):
            dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
            dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
            dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
            dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
            if dd <= 3:
              mask[k,j,i] = True
      mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
      p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      b = 0
      return flex.sum(p) - flex.sum(c*c / (I*I*p))
      #return flex.sum(p - p*c*c / ((b + I*p)**2))
      #return flex.sum(3*p*p + (c*c*p*p - 4*b*p*p) / ((b + I*p)**2))
      #return flex.sum(p - c*c / (I*I*p))
      #return flex.sum(p * (-c+p*I)*(c+p*I)/((p*I)**2))

    def d2f(I):
      mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), False)
      for k in range(9):
        for j in range(9):
          for i in range(9):
            dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
            dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
            dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
            dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
            if dd <= 3:
              mask[k,j,i] = True

      mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
      p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      return flex.sum(2*c*c*p*p / (p*I)**3)

    I = 10703#flex.sum(max_P)
    mask = ref_P.as_1d() > 0
    p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
    c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
    for i in range(10):
      I = I - df(I) / d2f(I)
      #v = I*p
      #I = flex.sum(c * p / v) / flex.sum(p*p / v)
      print I

    from math import log
    ff = []
    for I in range(9500, 11500):
    print sorted(range(len(ff)), key=lambda x: ff[x])[0] + 9500
    from matplotlib import pylab
    pylab.plot(range(9500,11500), ff)

    #I = 10000
    #print flex.sum((max_P - I * ref_P)**2) / flex.sum(I * ref_P)

    #I = 10100
    #print flex.sum((max_P - I * ref_P)**2) / flex.sum(I * ref_P)

    print flex.sum(self.reference[0]['rs_shoebox'].data)
    print I_cal[0]

    # Calculate the z score
    perc = self.mv3n_tolerance_interval(3*3)
    Z = (I_cal - I_sim) / flex.sqrt(I_var)
    mv = flex.mean_and_variance(Z)
    Z_mean = mv.mean()
    Z_var = mv.unweighted_sample_variance()
    print "Z: mean: %f, var: %f, sig: %f" % (Z_mean, Z_var, sqrt(Z_var))

    print len(I_cal)

    from matplotlib import pylab
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
    #fig = pylab.figure()
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    #ax.scatter(X_pos, Y_pos, P_cor)

    #pylab.scatter(X_pos, P_cor)
    #pylab.scatter(Y_pos, P_cor)
    #pylab.scatter(Z_pos, P_cor)
    #pylab.scatter(P_cor, (I_cal - I_exp) / I_exp)
    pylab.hist(Z, 100)
    #pylab.hist(I_cal - I_sim, 100)
Esempio n. 17
 def determine_fraction_new_cutoff(self, fraction_new, cutoff):
   imax = flex.max_index(fraction_new)
   isel = (fraction_new < cutoff).iselection()
   return isel[(isel > imax).iselection()[0]]
Esempio n. 18
def test_stills_pred_param(tc):
    print("Testing derivatives for StillsPredictionParameterisation")

    # Build a prediction parameterisation for the stills experiment
    pred_param = StillsPredictionParameterisation(

    # Predict the reflections in place. Must do this ahead of calculating
    # the analytical gradients so quantities like s1 are correct

    ref_predictor = StillsExperimentsPredictor(tc.stills_experiments)

    # get analytical gradients
    an_grads = pred_param.get_gradients(tc.reflections)

    fd_grads = tc.get_fd_gradients(pred_param, ref_predictor)

    for i, (an_grad, fd_grad) in enumerate(zip(an_grads, fd_grads)):

        # compare FD with analytical calculations
        print(f"\nParameter {i}: {fd_grad['name']}")

        for name in ["dX_dp", "dY_dp", "dDeltaPsi_dp"]:
            a = fd_grad[name]
            b = an_grad[name]

            abs_error = a - b

            fns = five_number_summary(abs_error)
            print(("  summary of absolute errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " +
                   "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns)
            assert flex.max(flex.abs(abs_error)) < 0.0003
            # largest absolute error found to be about 0.00025 for dY/dp of
            # Crystal0g_param_3. Reject outlying absolute errors and test again.
            iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]

            # skip further stats on errors with an iqr of near zero, e.g. dDeltaPsi_dp
            # for detector parameters, which are all equal to zero
            if iqr < 1.0e-10:

            sel1 = abs_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
            sel2 = abs_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
            sel = sel1 & sel2
            tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(
            tst_val =[tst]
            n_outliers = sel.count(False)
            print(("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " +
                   "absolute error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val))
            # largest absolute error now 0.000086 for dX/dp of Beam0Mu2
            assert abs(tst_val) < 0.00009

            # Completely skip parameters with FD gradients all zero (e.g. gradients of
            # DeltaPsi for detector parameters)
            sel1 = flex.abs(a) < 1.0e-10
            if sel1.all_eq(True):

            # otherwise calculate normalised errors, by dividing absolute errors by
            # the IQR (more stable than relative error calculation)
            norm_error = abs_error / iqr
            fns = five_number_summary(norm_error)
            print(("  summary of normalised errors: %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f " +
                   "%9.6f %9.6f") % fns)
            # largest normalised error found to be about 25.7 for dY/dp of
            # Crystal0g_param_3.
                assert flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error)) < 30
            except AssertionError as e:
                e.args += (
                    f"extreme normalised error value: {flex.max(flex.abs(norm_error))}",
                raise e

            # Reject outlying normalised errors and test again
            iqr = fns[3] - fns[1]
            if iqr > 0.0:
                sel1 = norm_error < fns[3] + 1.5 * iqr
                sel2 = norm_error > fns[1] - 1.5 * iqr
                sel = sel1 & sel2
                tst = flex.max_index(flex.abs(
                tst_val =[tst]
                n_outliers = sel.count(False)

                # most outliers found for for dY/dp of Crystal0g_param_3 (which had
                # largest errors, so no surprise there).
                    assert n_outliers < 250
                except AssertionError as e:
                    e.args += (f"too many outliers rejected: {n_outliers}", )
                    raise e

                    ("  {0} outliers rejected, leaving greatest " +
                     "normalised error: {1:9.6f}").format(n_outliers, tst_val))
                # largest normalied error now about -4. for dX/dp of Detector0Tau1
                assert abs(tst_val) < 6, f"should be < 6, not {tst_val}"
Esempio n. 19
  def test_for_reference(self):
    from dials.array_family import flex
    from math import sqrt, pi

    # Integrate
    integration = self.experiments[0].profile.fitting_class()(self.experiments[0])

    # Integrate the reference profiles
    integration(self.experiments, self.reference)
    locator = integration.learner.locate()
    # Check the reference profiles and spots are ok

    # Make sure background is zero
    profiles = self.reference['rs_shoebox']
    eps = 1e-7
    for p in profiles:
      assert(abs(flex.sum(p.background) - 0) < eps)
    print 'OK'

    # Only select variances greater than zero
    mask = self.reference.get_flags(self.reference.flags.integrated, all=False)
    assert(mask.count(True) > 0)
    I_cal = self.reference['intensity.prf.value']
    I_var = self.reference['intensity.prf.variance']
    B_sim = self.reference['background.sim.a'].as_double()
    I_sim = self.reference['intensity.sim'].as_double()
    I_exp = self.reference['intensity.exp']
    P_cor = self.reference['profile.correlation']
    X_pos, Y_pos, Z_pos = self.reference['xyzcal.px'].parts()
    I_cal =
    I_var =
    I_sim =
    I_exp =
    P_cor =

    max_ind = flex.max_index(flex.abs(I_cal-I_sim))
    max_I = I_cal[max_ind]
    max_P = self.reference[max_ind]['rs_shoebox'].data
    max_C = self.reference[max_ind]['xyzcal.px']
    max_S = self.reference[max_ind]['shoebox'].data

    ref_ind = locator.index(max_C)
    ref_P = locator.profile(ref_ind)
    ref_C = locator.coord(ref_ind)

    #def f(I):
      #mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), False)
      #for k in range(9):
        #for j in range(9):
          #for i in range(9):
            #dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
            #if dd <= 3:
              #mask[k,j,i] = True

      #mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
      #p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      #c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      #return flex.sum((c - I * p)**2 / (I * p))

    #ff = []
    #for I in range(9500, 11500):
    #print 'Old I: ', sorted(range(len(ff)), key=lambda x: ff[x])[0] + 9500

    #from matplotlib import pylab
    #pylab.plot(range(9500, 11500), ff)

    #def estI(I):
      #mask = flex.bool(flex.grid(9,9,9), False)
      #for k in range(9):
        #for j in range(9):
          #for i in range(9):
            #dx = 5 * (i - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dy = 5 * (j - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dz = 5 * (k - 4.5) / 4.5
            #dd = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
            #if dd <= 3:
              #mask[k,j,i] = True

      #mask = mask.as_1d() & (ref_P.as_1d() > 0)
      #p = ref_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      #c = max_P.as_1d().select(mask)
      #v = I * p
      #return flex.sum(c * p / v) / flex.sum(p*p/v)

    #def iterI(I0):
      #I = estI(I0)
      #print I
      #if abs(I - I0) < 1e-3:
        #return I
      #return iterI(I)

    #newI = iterI(10703)#flex.sum(max_P))
    #print "New I: ", newI

    # Calculate the z score
    perc = self.mv3n_tolerance_interval(3*3)
    Z = (I_cal - I_sim) / flex.sqrt(I_var)
    mv = flex.mean_and_variance(Z)
    Z_mean = mv.mean()
    Z_var = mv.unweighted_sample_variance()
    print "Z: mean: %f, var: %f, sig: %f" % (Z_mean, Z_var, sqrt(Z_var))