Esempio n. 1
def _get_grouped_dicoms(dicom_input):
    Search all dicoms in the dicom directory, sort and validate them

    fast_read = True will only read the headers not the data
    # if all dicoms have an instance number try sorting by instance number else by position
    if [d for d in dicom_input if 'InstanceNumber' in d]:
        dicoms = sorted(dicom_input, key=lambda x: x.InstanceNumber)
        dicoms = common.sort_dicoms(dicom_input)
    # now group per stack
    grouped_dicoms = [[]]  # list with first element a list
    timepoint_index = 0
    previous_stack_position = -1

    # loop over all sorted dicoms
    stack_position_tag = Tag(0x2001, 0x100a)  # put this there as this is a slow step and used a lot
    for index in range(0, len(dicoms)):
        dicom_ = dicoms[index]
        stack_position = 0
        if stack_position_tag in dicom_:
            stack_position = common.get_is_value(dicom_[stack_position_tag])
        if previous_stack_position == stack_position:
            # if the stack number is the same we move to the next timepoint
            timepoint_index += 1
            if len(grouped_dicoms) <= timepoint_index:
            # if it changes move back to the first timepoint
            timepoint_index = 0
        previous_stack_position = stack_position

    return grouped_dicoms
Esempio n. 2
def _get_grouped_dicoms(dicom_input):
    Search all dicoms in the dicom directory, sort and validate them

    fast_read = True will only read the headers not the data
    # Order all dicom files by InstanceNumber
    dicoms = sorted(dicom_input, key=lambda x: x.InstanceNumber)

    # now group per stack
    grouped_dicoms = [[]]  # list with first element a list
    timepoint_index = 0
    previous_stack_position = -1

    # loop over all sorted dicoms
    stack_position_tag = Tag(
        0x2001, 0x100a)  # put this there as this is a slow step and used a lot
    for index in range(0, len(dicoms)):
        dicom_ = dicoms[index]
        stack_position = 0
        if stack_position_tag in dicom_:
            stack_position = common.get_is_value(dicom_[stack_position_tag])
        if previous_stack_position == stack_position:
            # if the stack number is the same we move to the next timepoint
            timepoint_index += 1
            if len(grouped_dicoms) <= timepoint_index:
            # if it changes move back to the first timepoint
            timepoint_index = 0
        previous_stack_position = stack_position

    return grouped_dicoms
Esempio n. 3
def _create_bvals(sorted_dicoms, bval_file):
    Write the bvals from the sorted dicom files to a bval file
    bvals = []
    for index in range(0, len(sorted_dicoms)):
        if type(sorted_dicoms[0]) is list:
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index][0]
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index]

        bvals.append(common.get_is_value(dicom_headers[Tag(0x0019, 0x100c)]))
    # save the found bvecs to the file
    common.write_bval_file(bvals, bval_file)
Esempio n. 4
def _create_bvecs(sorted_dicoms, bvec_file):
    Calculate the bvecs and write the to a bvec file
    # inspired by dicom2nii from mricron
    # see
    if type(sorted_dicoms[0]) is list:
        dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[0][0]
        dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[0]

    # get the patient orientation
    image_orientation = dicom_headers.ImageOrientationPatient
    read_vector = numpy.array([float(image_orientation[0]), float(image_orientation[1]), float(image_orientation[2])])
    phase_vector = numpy.array([float(image_orientation[3]), float(image_orientation[4]), float(image_orientation[5])])
    mosaic_vector = numpy.cross(read_vector, phase_vector)

    # normalize the vectors
    read_vector /= numpy.linalg.norm(read_vector)
    phase_vector /= numpy.linalg.norm(phase_vector)
    mosaic_vector /= numpy.linalg.norm(mosaic_vector)
    # create an empty array for the new bvecs
    bvecs = numpy.zeros([len(sorted_dicoms), 3])
    # for each slice calculate the new bvec
    for index in range(0, len(sorted_dicoms)):
        if type(sorted_dicoms[0]) is list:
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index][0]
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index]

        # get the bval als this is needed in some checks
        bval = common.get_is_value(dicom_headers[Tag(0x0019, 0x100c)])
        # get the bvec if it exists in the headers
        bvec = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])
        if Tag(0x0019, 0x100e) in dicom_headers:
            # in case of implicit VR the private field cannot be split into an array, we do this here
            bvec = numpy.array(common.get_fd_array_value(dicom_headers[Tag(0x0019, 0x100e)], 3))
        # if bval is 0 or the vector is 0 no projection is needed and the vector is 0,0,0
        new_bvec = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])

        if bval > 0 and not (bvec == [0, 0, 0]).all():
            # project the bvec and invert the y direction
            new_bvec = numpy.array(
                [, read_vector),, phase_vector),, mosaic_vector)])
            # normalize the bvec
            new_bvec /= numpy.linalg.norm(new_bvec)
        bvecs[index, :] = new_bvec
        # save the found bvecs to the file
        common.write_bvec_file(bvecs, bvec_file)
    return numpy.array(bvecs)
Esempio n. 5
def _create_bvecs(sorted_dicoms, bvec_file):
    Calculate the bvecs and write the to a bvec file
    # inspired by dicom2nii from mricron
    # see
    if type(sorted_dicoms[0]) is list:
        dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[0][0]
        dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[0]

    # get the patient orientation
    image_orientation = dicom_headers.ImageOrientationPatient
    read_vector = numpy.array([float(image_orientation[0]), float(image_orientation[1]), float(image_orientation[2])])
    phase_vector = numpy.array([float(image_orientation[3]), float(image_orientation[4]), float(image_orientation[5])])
    mosaic_vector = numpy.cross(read_vector, phase_vector)

    # normalize the vectors
    read_vector /= numpy.linalg.norm(read_vector)
    phase_vector /= numpy.linalg.norm(phase_vector)
    mosaic_vector /= numpy.linalg.norm(mosaic_vector)
    # create an empty array for the new bvecs
    bvecs = numpy.zeros([len(sorted_dicoms), 3])
    # for each slice calculate the new bvec
    for index in range(0, len(sorted_dicoms)):
        if type(sorted_dicoms[0]) is list:
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index][0]
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index]

        # get the bval als this is needed in some checks
        bval = common.get_is_value(dicom_headers[Tag(0x0019, 0x100c)])
        # get the bvec if it exists in the headers
        bvec = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])
        if Tag(0x0019, 0x100e) in dicom_headers:
            # in case of implicit VR the private field cannot be split into an array, we do this here
            bvec = numpy.array(common.get_fd_array_value(dicom_headers[Tag(0x0019, 0x100e)], 3))
        # if bval is 0 or the vector is 0 no projection is needed and the vector is 0,0,0
        new_bvec = numpy.array([0, 0, 0])

        if bval > 0 and not (bvec == [0, 0, 0]).all():
            # project the bvec and invert the y direction
            new_bvec = numpy.array(
                [, read_vector),, phase_vector),, mosaic_vector)])
            # normalize the bvec
            new_bvec /= numpy.linalg.norm(new_bvec)
        bvecs[index, :] = new_bvec
    # save the found bvecs to the file
    common.write_bvec_file(bvecs, bvec_file)
Esempio n. 6
def _create_bvals(sorted_dicoms, bval_file):
    Write the bvals from the sorted dicom files to a bval file
    bvals = []
    for index in range(0, len(sorted_dicoms)):
        if type(sorted_dicoms[0]) is list:
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index][0]
            dicom_headers = sorted_dicoms[index]

        bvals.append(common.get_is_value(dicom_headers[Tag(0x0019, 0x100c)]))
    # save the found bvecs to the file
    common.write_bval_file(bvals, bval_file)
    return numpy.array(bvals)