def human2machine(msg):
    if not isinstance(msg, unicode):
        msg = msg.decode('utf-8')

    #: process with some hard coded translations first
    for k, v in h_d.items():
        if k in msg.split('@3bugs')[-1]:
            return v[0]

    action = None
    action_type = None
    obj = None
    repeated_duration = 0

    import jieba.posseg as pseg
    seg = classify(pseg.cut(msg), l_d.keys())

    for v in seg['verb']:
        action = ch_d.get(v, None)[0] or action
    action_type = action_type_d.get(action, None)[0]

    for n in seg['noun']:
        obj = ch_d.get(n, None)[0] or obj

    repeated_duration = find_repeated(seg) or 0

    if action and (action_type is not None) and \
            (action == 'capture' or obj):
        return action, action_type, obj, repeated_duration
    else:'Found unknown command %s' % msg)
        logger.debug('%s %s %s %s' % (str(action), str(action_type), str(obj),
        return None
def find_repeated(d):
    '''Find repeated duration'''
    if not d.get('num', None) or \
       not (d.get('measure', None) or d.get('noun', None)):
        return None

    basic, unit = None, None
    for n in d['num']:
            basic = int(n)
    for m in d.get('measure', []) + d.get('noun', []):
        unit = t_d.get(ch_d.get(m, None)[0], None) or unit
    if basic and unit:
        return unit(basic)
    return None