class VideoFrame: def __init__(self, filepath): self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(filepath) self.fps = self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) self.size = (int(self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), int(self.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))) self.bwm = WaterMark(password_wm=1, password_img=1) def video2image_encode(self): succeed = self.cap.isOpened() frame_count = 0 while succeed: frame_count += 1 succeed, frame = if frame is not None: if frame_count % 17 == 0: self.bwm.read_img_frame(frame) self.bwm.read_wm('./watermark/qr_img_04.png') self.bwm.embed('../frame/%d.jpg' % frame_count) else: cv2.imwrite('../frame/%d.jpg' % frame_count, frame) self.cap.release() print('processed {} images'.format(frame_count)) def video2image_decode(self): succeed = self.cap.isOpened() frame_count = 0 while succeed: frame_count += 1 succeed, frame = if frame is not None: if frame_count % 17 == 0: self.bwm.read_img_frame(frame) self.bwm.extract( '../frame/%d.jpg' % frame_count, wm_shape=(155, 155), out_wm_name='../output/video_extracted_{}.jpg'.format( frame_count), ) self.cap.release() print('processed {} images'.format(frame_count)) def image2video(self, filepath): forrcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'mp4v') images = os.listdir('../frame') im ='../frame/' + images[0]) vw = cv2.VideoWriter(filepath, forrcc, self.fps, im.size) os.chdir('../frame') for image in range(len(images)): image_file = str(image + 1) + '.jpg' try: frame = cv2.imread(image_file) vw.write(frame) except Exception as exc: print(image_file, exc) vw.release() print(filepath, 'Synthetic success!')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from digital_watermark import WaterMark bwm1 = WaterMark(password_wm=1, password_img=1) # 读取原图 bwm1.read_img('pic/ori_img_2.png') # 读取水印 bwm1.read_wm(wm_content='digital_watermark/watermark/qr_img_04.png') # 打上盲水印 bwm1.embed('output/embedded_7.png') # %% 解水印 bwm1 = WaterMark(password_wm=1, password_img=1) # 注意需要设定水印的长宽wm_shape bwm1.extract(filename='output/embedded_7.png', wm_shape=(155, 155), out_wm_name='output/wm_extracted_6.png', )
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # embed string import numpy as np from digital_watermark import WaterMark import time bwm1 = WaterMark(password_img=1, password_wm=1) bwm1.read_img('pic/ori_img_1.jpg') wm = '@SP-Official' + '--' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime()) bwm1.read_wm(wm, mode='str') bwm1.embed('output/embedded.png') len_wm = len(bwm1.wm_bit) print('Put down the length of wm_bit {len_wm}'.format(len_wm=len_wm)) # %% 解水印 bwm1 = WaterMark(password_img=1, password_wm=1) wm_extract = bwm1.extract('output/embedded.png', wm_shape=len_wm, mode='str') print(wm_extract) assert wm == wm_extract, '提取水印和原水印不一致'
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 除了嵌入图片,也可以嵌入比特类数据 import numpy as np from digital_watermark import WaterMark bwm1 = WaterMark(password_img=1, password_wm=1) # 读取原图 bwm1.read_img('pic/ori_img.jpg') # 读取水印 wm = [True, False, True, True, True, False, True, True, False, True] bwm1.read_wm(wm, mode='bit') # 打上盲水印 bwm1.embed('output/watermark_img.png') # %% 解水印 # 注意设定水印的长宽wm_shape bwm1 = WaterMark(password_img=1, password_wm=1) wm_extract = bwm1.extract('output/watermark_img.png', wm_shape=10, mode='bit') print(wm_extract) assert np.all(wm == (wm_extract > 0.5)), '提取水印和原水印不一致'
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from digital_watermark import WaterMark bwm1 = WaterMark(password_wm=1, password_img=1) # 读取原图 bwm1.read_img('pic/ori_img_2.png') # 读取水印 bwm1.read_wm('pic/watermark_3.png') # 打上盲水印 bwm1.embed('output/embedded_4.png') # %% 解水印 bwm1 = WaterMark(password_wm=1, password_img=1) # 注意需要设定水印的长宽wm_shape bwm1.extract( filename='output/embedded_4.png', wm_shape=(100, 300), out_wm_name='output/wm_extracted_4.png', )