Esempio n. 1
 def atest_bccw(self):
     fp = [
         vec3(-282.1204528808594, 127.64604187011719, 0.0),
         vec3(-334.1018981933594, 179.6274871826172, 0.0),
         vec3(-130.43038940429688, 179.62747192382812, 0.0),
         vec3(-130.43038940429688, 336.434326171875, 0.0),
         vec3(-36.91655731201172, 366.8188171386719, 0.0),
         vec3(-36.916534423828125, 461.72088623046875, 0.0),
         vec3(191.35768127441406, 461.841796875, 0.0),
         vec3(275.3216552734375, 373.85748291015625, 0.0),
         vec3(152.47915649414062, 204.779296875, 0.0),
         vec3(332.7578430175781, -43.35302734375, 0.0),
         vec3(454.96630859375, -3.6450958251953125, 0.0),
         vec3(456.61492919921875, -166.4105224609375, 0.0),
         vec3(316.5687561035156, -120.90676879882812, 0.0),
         vec3(201.97442626953125, -278.63232421875, 0.0),
         vec3(277.8673400878906, -383.0899963378906, 0.0),
         vec3(195.58241271972656, -472.19598388671875, 0.0),
         vec3(-10.369781494140625, -468.9277038574219, 0.0),
         vec3(-10.369804382324219, -395.02154541015625, 0.0),
         vec3(-78.82841491699219, -326.56292724609375, 0.0),
         vec3(-175.64352416992188, -326.56292724609375, 0.0),
         vec3(-244.10214233398438, -395.0215759277344, 0.0),
         vec3(-244.10214233398438, -414.89117431640625, 0.0),
         vec3(-465.6239929199219, -192.85736083984375, 0.0),
         vec3(-466.0299072265625, -122.715087890625, 0.0),
         vec3(-385.8233947753906, -122.71507263183594, 0.0),
         vec3(-282.1204528808594, -19.01211929321289, 0.0),
     o = pym.bccw(fp)
     self.assertTrue(o == False)
     o = pym.bccw(fp)
     self.assertTrue(o == True)
Esempio n. 2
 def atest_bccw(self):
     fp = [
         vec3(-282.1204528808594, 127.64604187011719, 0.0),
         vec3(-334.1018981933594, 179.6274871826172, 0.0),
         vec3(-130.43038940429688, 179.62747192382812, 0.0),
         vec3(-130.43038940429688, 336.434326171875, 0.0),
         vec3(-36.91655731201172, 366.8188171386719, 0.0),
         vec3(-36.916534423828125, 461.72088623046875, 0.0),
         vec3(191.35768127441406, 461.841796875, 0.0),
         vec3(275.3216552734375, 373.85748291015625, 0.0),
         vec3(152.47915649414062, 204.779296875, 0.0),
         vec3(332.7578430175781, -43.35302734375, 0.0),
         vec3(454.96630859375, -3.6450958251953125, 0.0),
         vec3(456.61492919921875, -166.4105224609375, 0.0), 
         vec3(316.5687561035156, -120.90676879882812, 0.0),
         vec3(201.97442626953125, -278.63232421875, 0.0), 
         vec3(277.8673400878906, -383.0899963378906, 0.0),
         vec3(195.58241271972656, -472.19598388671875, 0.0),
         vec3(-10.369781494140625, -468.9277038574219, 0.0),
         vec3(-10.369804382324219, -395.02154541015625, 0.0),
         vec3(-78.82841491699219, -326.56292724609375, 0.0),
         vec3(-175.64352416992188, -326.56292724609375, 0.0),
         vec3(-244.10214233398438, -395.0215759277344, 0.0),
         vec3(-244.10214233398438, -414.89117431640625, 0.0),
         vec3(-465.6239929199219, -192.85736083984375, 0.0),
         vec3(-466.0299072265625, -122.715087890625, 0.0),
         vec3(-385.8233947753906, -122.71507263183594, 0.0),
         vec3(-282.1204528808594, -19.01211929321289, 0.0),
     o = pym.bccw(fp)
     self.assertTrue(o == False)
     o = pym.bccw(fp)
     self.assertTrue(o == True)
Esempio n. 3
    def splitr(self, sup, line, connect=True):
        sv = self.vs[sup]
        bd = sv[2]['bound']
        bprjx = vec3(1, 0, 0).prjps(bd)
        bprjy = vec3(0, 1, 0).prjps(bd)
        bprjz = vec3(0, 0, 1).prjps(bd)
        lp = vec3(bprjx[0] + line[0].x * (bprjx[1] - bprjx[0]),
                  bprjy[0] + line[0].y * (bprjy[1] - bprjy[0]),
                  bprjz[0] + line[0].z * (bprjz[1] - bprjz[0]))
        sp1 = lp.cp().trn(line[1].cp().uscl(1000))
        sp2 = lp.cp().trn(line[1].cp().uscl(-1000))

        l, r = pym.bsegsxy(bd, sp1, sp2)
        sv[2]['bound'] = tuple(l if pym.bccw(l) else l[::-1])
        newes = sv[1][:] + ([sup] if connect else [])
        new = self.defroom(r,
        # add edge for existing room
        for vx in sv[1]:
        if connect: sv[1].append(new)
        return new
Esempio n. 4
 def plotxy(self, fp=None, ax=None):
     if ax is None: ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(50)
     for rmv in self.vs:
         if rmv is None: continue
         if rmv[2]['level'] > 0: continue
         bcol = 'b' if rmv[2]['shaft'] else None
         rconbs = 0.5 if pym.bccw(rmv[2]['bound']) else -0.5
         rconb = pym.contract(rmv[2]['bound'], rconbs)
         ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(rconb, ax, lw=4, col=bcol)
         rc = vec3(0, 0, 0).com(rmv[2]['bound'])
         rs = str(rmv[0]) + ',' + str(rmv[1])
         ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(rc, dtl.plot_point_xy_annotate(rc, ax, rs))
         if rmv[1]:
             for re in rmv[1]:
                 if self.vs[re] is None: continue
                 rt = (rc, vec3(0, 0, 0).com(self.vs[re][2]['bound']))
                 ax = dtl.plot_edges_xy(rt, ax, col='g')
         for exit in rmv[2]['exits']:
             if exit is True:
                 exitp = rc
                 ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(
                     exitp, dtl.plot_point_xy_annotate(exitp, ax, 'exit'))
                 ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(
                     exit, dtl.plot_point_xy_annotate(exit, ax, 'exit'))
     if not fp is None:
         ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(fp, ax, lw=2, col='r')
     return ax
Esempio n. 5
 def vstitch(self, vb, v, a, l=10):
     #vb = [b.cp() for b in v[1]['b'][0]]
     if not pym.bccw(vb): vb.reverse()
     fnd = True
     while fnd:
         fnd = False
         for o, depth in a.enum():
             if o.ix == v.ix: continue
             #if ox == v.ix:continue
             ob = o.loop
             adjs = pym.badjbxy(vb, ob, 0.1)
             for adj in adjs:
                 vbx, obx = adj
                 vb1, vb2, ob1, ob2 = vb[vbx - 1], vb[vbx], ob[obx -
                                                               1], ob[obx]
                 ips = pym.sintsxyp(vb1, vb2, ob1, ob2, ieb=0, skew=0, ie=0)
                 if ips is None: continue
                 ip1, ip2 = ips
                 if not ip1 in vb or not ip2 in vb:
                     if ip1.onsxy(vb1, vb2, 0):
                         vb.insert(vbx, ip1)
                         fnd = True
                     if ip2.onsxy(vb1, vb2, 0):
                         vb.insert(vbx, ip2)
                         fnd = True
             if fnd: break
     vbx = 0
     while vbx < len(vb):
         vb1, vb2 = vb[vbx - 1], vb[vbx]
         if vb1.d(vb2) < l: vbx += 1
         else: vb.insert(vbx, vb1.mid(vb2))
     return vb
Esempio n. 6
 def plotxy(self,fp = None,ax = None):
     if ax is None:ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(50)
     for rmv in self.vs:
         if rmv is None:continue
         if rmv[2]['level'] > 0:continue
         bcol = 'b' if rmv[2]['shaft'] else None
         rconbs = 0.5 if pym.bccw(rmv[2]['bound']) else -0.5
         rconb = pym.contract(rmv[2]['bound'],rconbs)
         ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(rconb,ax,lw = 4,col = bcol)
         rc = vec3(0,0,0).com(rmv[2]['bound'])
         rs = str(rmv[0])+','+str(rmv[1])
         ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(rc,dtl.plot_point_xy_annotate(rc,ax,rs))
         if rmv[1]:
             for re in rmv[1]:
                 if self.vs[re] is None:continue
                 rt = (rc,vec3(0,0,0).com(self.vs[re][2]['bound']))
                 ax = dtl.plot_edges_xy(rt,ax,col = 'g')
         for exit in rmv[2]['exits']:
             if exit is True:
                 exitp = rc
                 ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(exitp,
                 ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(exit,
     if not fp is None:
         ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(fp,ax,lw = 2,col = 'r')
     return ax
Esempio n. 7
    def plotxy(self,ax = None,scale = 250):
        if ax is None:ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(scale)
        ax = pgr.planargraph.plotxy(self,ax)
        ekeys = []
        for vx in range(self.vcnt):
            v = self.vs[vx]
            if v is None:continue
            vb = v[1]['b']
            vrtls = '-'
            if 't' in v[1]:vrtls = '--' if 'developed' in v[1]['t'] else '-'
            conr = 1 if pym.bccw(vb[0]) else -1
            ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(pym.contract(vb[0],conr),
                ax,lw = 2,ls = vrtls,col = 'b')
            for ib in vb[1]:
                conr = 1 if pym.bccw(ib) else -1
                ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(pym.contract(ib,conr),ax,lw = 2,col = 'r')
            vbc = vec3(0,0,0).com(vb[0])
            rs = str(vx)+','+str(self.orings[vx])#+',\n'+str(v[1]['type'])
            ax = dtl.plot_point_xy_annotate(vbc,ax,rs)
            for ve in self.orings[vx]:
                ov = self.vs[ve]
                if ov is None:continue

                if not (vx,ve) in ekeys and not (ve,vx) in ekeys:
                    aws = pym.badjbxy(vb[0],ov[1]['b'][0],0)
                    for awx in range(len(aws)):
                        vwx,owx = aws[awx]
                        ex,ekws =[self.elook[ekeys[-1]]]
                        door = vb[0][vwx-1].lerp(vb[0][vwx],ekws['p'])
                        ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(door,ax,col = 'r')

                ovbc = vec3(0,0,0).com(self.vs[ve][1]['b'][0])
                ax = dtl.plot_edges_xy((vbc,ovbc),ax,lw = 3,col = 'c')

            #for ep in v[1]['exits']:
            #    ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(ep,ax,mk = 's',col = 'r')

        return ax
Esempio n. 8
 def raise_earth(topo, tips, e, mingrad=1.0, mindelz=-5.0, depth=0):
     if depth == 0:
         for j, tip in enumerate(tips):
             tips[j].loop = pym.bisectb(tips[j].loop)
     #if depth == 10:return
     print('... raising earth ... (depth: %d)' % depth)
     newtips = []
     for tip in tips:
         if tip is None: continue
         newloop = [p.cp().ztrn(mindelz) for p in tip.loop]
         newloop = pym.aggregate(
             pym.contract(newloop, abs(mindelz / mingrad)), 5)
         #uloops = [pym.smoothxyi(newloop,0.8,e,10,1)]
         #uloops = [pym.pinchb(u,10) for u in uloops if u]
         #uloops = [pym.pinchb(newloop,10)]
         uloops = pym.pinchb(newloop, 10)
         uloops = [u for u in uloops if u]
         for u in uloops:
             if not pym.bccw(u):
         if len(uloops) == 1:
             print('... 1 loop to raise ...')
             theloop = uloops[0]
             newtiparea = pym.bareaxy(theloop,True)
         elif uloops:
             print('... 2+ loops to raise ...')
             bareas = [pym.bareaxy(u,True) for u in uloops]
             theloop = uloops[bareas.index(max(bareas))]
             newtiparea = max(bareas)
             print('... no loops to raise ...')
             theloop = []
         for theloop in uloops:
             newtiparea = pym.bareaxy(theloop, True)
             newtip = None
             if theloop and newtiparea > 10:  #2*(e)**2:
                 newtip = topo.avert(tip, loop=theloop)
                 print('... abortive tip! ...')
             if newtip is None: continue
             else: newtips.append(newtip)
     if newtips:
         terrain.raise_earth(topo, newtips, e, mingrad, mindelz, depth + 1)
         print('... exhausted tip! ...')
Esempio n. 9
def pepper(t, tip, e=2):

    c = vec3(0, 0, 0).com(tip.loop)
    d = vec3(1, 0, 0).uscl(1000)
    s1, s2 = c.cp().trn(d.flp()), c.cp().trn(d.flp())
    ch = lambda b: pyg.chunk(
        b, e, random.random() + 0.2, edge=random.randint(0, 1))
    bs = [ch(tip.loop) for x in range(10)]
    bs = pym.bsuxy(bs, e)

    #ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(200)
    #for b in bs:
    #    dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b,ax,lw = 2)

    newtips = []
    for sb in bs:
        if not pym.bccw(sb): sb.reverse()

        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb, 2)
        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb, 2)
        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb, 2)
        #sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)

        #for x in range(3):b = pyg.ajagged(b,e)
        sb = pym.bisectb(sb)
        #sb = pym.smoothxy(sb,0.5,e)
        sb = pym.smoothxy(sb, 0.5, e)
        sb = pym.aggregate(sb, 4)
        #sb = pym.blimithmin(sb,2,50)

        for p in sb:
        newtips.append(, tip))

    ax = dtl.plot_axes(200)
    ax = dtl.plot_polygon(t.root.loop, ax, ls='--', lw=2, col='k')
    ax = dtl.plot_polygon(tip.loop, ax, lw=3, col='r')
    for b in bs:
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon(b, ax, lw=3, col='g')

    return newtips
Esempio n. 10
 def raise_earth(topo,tips,e,mingrad = 1.0,mindelz = -5.0,depth = 0):
     if depth == 0:
         for j,tip in enumerate(tips):
             tips[j].loop = pym.bisectb(tips[j].loop)
     #if depth == 10:return
     print('... raising earth ... (depth: %d)' % depth)
     newtips = []
     for tip in tips:
         if tip is None:continue
         newloop = [p.cp().ztrn(mindelz) for p in tip.loop]
         newloop = pym.aggregate(pym.contract(newloop,abs(mindelz/mingrad)),5)
         #uloops = [pym.smoothxyi(newloop,0.8,e,10,1)]
         #uloops = [pym.pinchb(u,10) for u in uloops if u]
         #uloops = [pym.pinchb(newloop,10)]
         uloops = pym.pinchb(newloop,10)
         uloops = [u for u in uloops if u]
         for u in uloops:
             if not pym.bccw(u):
         if len(uloops) == 1:
             print('... 1 loop to raise ...')
             theloop = uloops[0]
             newtiparea = pym.bareaxy(theloop,True)
         elif uloops:
             print('... 2+ loops to raise ...')
             bareas = [pym.bareaxy(u,True) for u in uloops]
             theloop = uloops[bareas.index(max(bareas))]
             newtiparea = max(bareas)
             print('... no loops to raise ...')
             theloop = []
         for theloop in uloops:
             newtiparea = pym.bareaxy(theloop,True)
             newtip = None
             if theloop and newtiparea > 10:#2*(e)**2:
                 newtip = topo.avert(tip,loop = theloop)
             else:print('... abortive tip! ...')
             if newtip is None:continue
     if newtips:
     else:print('... exhausted tip! ...')
Esempio n. 11
def pepper(t,tip,e = 2):

    c = vec3(0,0,0).com(tip.loop)
    d = vec3(1,0,0).uscl(1000)
    s1,s2 = c.cp().trn(d.flp()),c.cp().trn(d.flp())
    ch = lambda b : pyg.chunk(b,e,random.random()+0.2,edge = random.randint(0,1))
    bs = [ch(tip.loop) for x in range(10)]
    bs = pym.bsuxy(bs,e)

    #ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(200)
    #for b in bs:
    #    dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b,ax,lw = 2)

    newtips = []
    for sb in bs:
        if not pym.bccw(sb):sb.reverse()

        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)
        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)
        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)
        #sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)

        #for x in range(3):b = pyg.ajagged(b,e)
        sb = pym.bisectb(sb)
        #sb = pym.smoothxy(sb,0.5,e)
        sb = pym.smoothxy(sb,0.5,e)
        sb = pym.aggregate(sb,4)
        #sb = pym.blimithmin(sb,2,50)

        for p in sb:p.ztrn(2)

    ax = dtl.plot_axes(200)
    ax = dtl.plot_polygon(t.root.loop,ax,ls = '--',lw = 2,col = 'k')
    ax = dtl.plot_polygon(tip.loop,ax,lw = 3,col = 'r')
    for b in bs:
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon(b,ax,lw = 3,col = 'g')

    return newtips
Esempio n. 12
    def split(self,v,s,z,rad,epsilon):
        sp = vec3(0,0,0).com(v.loop)
        sd = vec3(0,1,0) if random.random() > 0.5 else vec3(1,0,0)
        s1 = sp.cp().trn(sd.cp().uscl( 10000))
        s2 = sp.cp().trn(sd.cp().uscl(-10000))
        loops = pym.bsegsxy(v.loop,s1,s2,0.1)

        lvs = []
        for el in loops:
            if not pym.bccw(el):el.reverse()
            el = pym.blimithmin(el,2,50)
            el = pym.aggregate(el,2)
            #el = pym.smoothxy(el,0.5,epsilon)
            nv = self.grow(v,z,rad,epsilon,el)

        ax = self.plot()
        for el in loops:
            ax = dtl.plot_polygon(el,ax,lw = 2,col = 'r')

        return lvs
Esempio n. 13
    def splitr(self,sup,line,connect = True):
        sv = self.vs[sup]
        bd = sv[2]['bound']
        bprjx = vec3(1,0,0).prjps(bd)
        bprjy = vec3(0,1,0).prjps(bd)
        bprjz = vec3(0,0,1).prjps(bd)
        lp = vec3(
        sp1 = lp.cp().trn(line[1].cp().uscl( 1000))
        sp2 = lp.cp().trn(line[1].cp().uscl(-1000))

        l,r = pym.bsegsxy(bd,sp1,sp2)
        sv[2]['bound'] = tuple(l if pym.bccw(l) else l[::-1])
        newes = sv[1][:]+([sup] if connect else [])
        new = self.defroom(r,newes,
            exits = sv[2]['exits'][:],level = sv[2]['level'],
            skirt = sv[2]['skirt'],crown = sv[2]['crown'])
        # add edge for existing room
        for vx in sv[1]:self.vs[vx][1].append(new)
        if connect:sv[1].append(new)
        return new